“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.”
— Calvin Coolidge
Some time ago, I built a little Service Portal widget designed to allow a User to select various sets of records to be display in the Data Table widget on a portal page. I called this widget the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector because I designed it to be driven by an external JSON configuration object that could be specified as a widget option. Of course, I ended up just hard-coding the first one during my development and had to go back in later and fix it so that you could actually do that, but now that all works — you just have to build a new JSON configuration object if you want to use the widget on a different page for another purpose. That JSON object is a little complicated, though, so it occurred to me that it would be even better if there was some kind of input screen with some validation that would help you put one of those together. I did that not too long ago for the sn-record-picker, which seems to have worked out fairly well, so I was imagining something very similar, but maybe a little more complex.
There are three main sections to the Content Selector: 1) Perspectives, 2) States, and 3) Tables. My configuration wizard, then, would need a simple section where you could set up your Perspectives, another simple section where you could set up your States, and then a more complicated section where you could set up the Tables for every State of every Perspective. That third section sounds a little overwhelming at first glance, but like most complicated issues, if we break it down into its component parts and focus on one thing at time, we should be able to work through it.
The sn-record-picker Helper was just another portal widget, so that seemed like a decent approach to this endeavor as well. I called it the Content Selector Configurator, and placed it alone on a page of the same name for testing. To begin the process, we need to select an existing applicable Script Include, or enter a name if you want to create a brand new one. We can use an sn-record-picker for selecting an existing one, or to make things even easier, an snh-form-field of type reference, which is just a wrapper around the sn-record-picker that includes all of the labels and validation stuff. To limit the selection to just those Script Includes that are relevant to this process, we can filter on the field that contains the actual script looking for the code that extends the base class. The full snh-form-field element looks like this:
snh-label="Content Selector Configuration"
snh-help="Select the Content Selector Configuration that you would like to edit."
placeholder="Choose a Content Selector Configuration"
… and renders out like this:

When the selection is made, the snh-change attribute will invoke the scriptSelected() client-side function, so we will need to code that out as well to handle the choice that was made. All of the work necessary to handle the selection will actually occur on the server side, so the client side function just has to kick things over there.
$scope.scriptSelected = function() {
Over on the server side, things are a little more complicated. We need to use the name of the script to get an instance of the script, and for that, we can use our old friend, the Instantiator. Once we have an instance of the script, we can call the getConfig() function to get a copy of the current configuration object. but before we do that, we have to make sure that we have an input object and we don’t already have a config object. All together, the code looks like this:
if (input) {
if (!data.config && input.script && input.script.value) {
data.scriptInclude = input.script.value;
if (data.scriptInclude.startsWith('global.')) {
data.scriptInclude = data.scriptInclude.split('.')[1];
var instantiator = new Instantiator();
var configScript = instantiator.getInstance(data.scriptInclude);
data.config = configScript.getConfig($sp);
Now that we have all of that out of the way, we can work on the actual wizard itself. I wrapped all of the HTML related to selecting a config script in one DIV and then made another, currently empty DIV for the wizard. I used complementary ng-show attributes to hide the wizard until the script was selected, and then hide the selection components once the choice was made. The whole thing now looks like this:
<snh-panel title="'${Content Selector Configuration Editor}'" class="panel-primary">
<form id="form1" name="form1" ng-submit="save();" novalidate>
<div class="row" ng-show="!c.data.script.value">
<div class="col-sm-12">
snh-label="Content Selector Configuration"
snh-help="Select the Content Selector Configuration that you would like to edit."
placeholder="Choose a Content Selector Configuration"
<div class="row" ng-show="c.data.script.value">
(the wizard lives here)
I still have to add in the ability to create a new script from scratch, but I think I will deal with that later as I am anxious to jump into the wizard itself. I’ll circle back and toss that in before we wrap things up, but right now I just want to get on to fun stuff. That’s an entirely different process, though, so this seems like a good place to stop for now. We’ll jump straight into the wizard next time out.