@mentions in the Ticket Conversations Widget, Revisited

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”
Mark Twain

When I hacked up the Ticket Conversations Widget to add support for @mentions, I knew that a number of people had already asked ServiceNow to provide the same capability out of the box. I also knew, though, that these things take time, and not wanting to wait, I just charged ahead as I am often prone to do. However, I was happy to hear recently that the wait may not be all that much longer:


The state of idea Service Portal – @Mention Support has been marked as Available

Work for idea is complete and planned to be released in the next Family version

Log in to Idea Portal to view the idea.

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I am assuming that the “next Family version” is a reference to Quebec, although I have nothing on which to base that interpretation. It’s either that or Rome, so one way or another, it appears to be on the way. If and when it does arrive, I will gladly toss my version into the trash and use the real deal instead. I don’t mind building out things that I want that the product currently doesn’t provide, but as soon the product does provide it, my theory is that you fully embrace the out-of-the-box version and throw that steaming pile of home-grown customized nonsense right out the window. I actually look forward to that day.

But then again, that day is not today! Not yet, anyway.

2 thoughts on “@mentions in the Ticket Conversations Widget, Revisited”

    • You can’t really point directly to a portal widget all by itself; you first have to put the widget on a portal page. But once you do that, you can point to the page in a number of ways, including through some portal, such as /sp/?id= or by using the $sp.do reference, such as /$sp.do?id=.

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