Scripted Value Columns, Part II

“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”
Frederick B. Wilcox

Last time, we introduced the concept of Scripted Value Columns, created a sample script for testing, and built the pop-up editor widget. Now we need to modify the Content Selector Configurator widget to accommodate the new configuration option. As usual, we can start with the HTML, and as we have done before, we can copy one of the existing sections and then alter it to meet our new list of properties for this type of column.

<div id="label.svcarray" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
  <label for="svcarray" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
    <span id="status.svcarray"></span>
    <span class="text-primary" title="Scripted Value Columns" data-original-title="Scripted Value Columns">${Scripted Value Columns}</span>
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Label}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Heading}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Script Include}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Edit}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Delete}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="svc in tbl[].svcarray" ng-hide="svc.removed">
      <td data-th="${Label}">{{svc.label}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Name}">{{}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Heading}">{{svc.heading}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Table}">{{svc.script}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Edit}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editScriptedValueColumn(svc)" alt="Click here to edit this Scripted Value Column" title="Click here to edit this Scripted Value Column" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
      <td data-th="${Delete}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteScriptedValueColumn(svc, tbl[].svcarray)" alt="Click here to delete this Scripted Value Column" title="Click here to delete this Scripted Value Column" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
  <button ng-click="editScriptedValueColumn('new', tbl[].svcarray, tbl);" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new Scripted Value Column">Add a new Scripted Value Column</button>

Basically, this is just another table of configuration properties with labels and action buttons. To support the buttons we can copy similar functions for the other types of configurable columns, but before we do that, let’s jump into the Server script and see what we need to do there. We have called our new array of column configurations svcarray, and we can search the scripts for one of the existing arrays such as aggarray and basically cut and paste the existing code to support the new addition.

The only mention of aggarray on the server side is in the code that rebuilds the script being edited from data collected by the editor. We can make a quick copy of that section and then modify it for our purpose.

script += "',\n				svcarray: [";
var lastSeparator = '';
for (var v=0; v<tableTable[].svcarray.length; v++) {
	var thisScriptedValue = tableTable[].svcarray[v];
	script += lastSeparator;
	script += "{\nname: '";
	script +=;
	script += "',\nlabel: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.label;
	script += "',\nheading: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.heading;
	script += "',\nscript: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.script;
	script += "'\n				}";
	lastSeparator = ",";
script += "]";

While we are in the Server script, there is one more thing that we should do. Since this is a new configuration item, if you attempt to edit an existing item that was built using an earlier version, this array will not be present in the existing script that you will be editing. To make sure that we do not run into any null pointer issues with code expecting this array to exist, we should do a quick check when we load the script for editing and make sure that all of the configuration objects are present. There is already code in there to help initialize the data once the script has been loaded. Right now it looks like this:

var instantiator = new Instantiator(this);
var configScript = instantiator.getInstance(data.scriptInclude);
if (configScript != null) {
	data.config = configScript.getConfig($sp);
	for (var persp in data.config.table) {
		for (var tbl in data.config.table[persp]) {
			if (!data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName) {
				data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName = getItemName(data.config.table[persp][tbl].name);

We are looping through every table in every perspective already, so all that we need to do is loop through every state in every table and check all of the objects that will need to be there for things to work. That will make the above section of code now look like this:

var instantiator = new Instantiator(this);
var configScript = instantiator.getInstance(data.scriptInclude);
if (configScript != null) {
	data.config = configScript.getConfig($sp);
	for (var persp in data.config.table) {
		for (var tbl in data.config.table[persp]) {
			if (!data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName) {
				data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName = getItemName(data.config.table[persp][tbl].name);
			for (var st in data.config.state) {
				var thisState = data.config.table[persp][tbl][data.config.state[st].name];
				if (!thisState) {
					thisState = {};
					data.config.table[persp][tbl][data.config.state[st].name] = thisState;
				thisState.svcarray = thisState.svcarray || [];
				thisState.aggarray = thisState.aggarray || [];
				thisState.btnarray = thisState.btnarray || [];
				thisState.refmap = thisState.refmap || {};
				thisState.actarray = thisState.actarray || [];

That takes care of the Server script. Now let’s do the same sort of searching on the Client script. The first thing that we find is actually a problem that was created when we added the aggregate columns. Whenever the user selects the Add a New Table button, we create an object to store the configuration for the new table. That code currently looks like this:

$scope.newTable = function(perspective) {
	var shared = {};{
		title: 'Table Selector',
		widget: 'table-selector',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		for (var st=0; st<; st++) {
			shared[[st].name] = {btnarray: [], refmap: {}, actarray: []};

For each state of the new table, we are creating empty objects for the buttons, the reference map, and the bulk actions. When we added the aggregate columns, we neglected to add an empty object for that new array, which may actually cause a problem with certain actions. So we need to add the new svcarray as well as the aggarray to make things right. That will make this code now look like this:

$scope.newTable = function(perspective) {
	var shared = {};{
		title: 'Table Selector',
		widget: 'table-selector',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		for (var st=0; st<; st++) {
			shared[[st].name] = {svcarray: [], aggarray: [], btnarray: [], refmap: {}, actarray: []};

The next thing that you fill find on the client side are the functions that handle the clicks for the Edit and Delete buttons. Copying those and modifying them for Scripted Value Columns gives us this new block of code:

$scope.editScriptedValueColumn = function(scripted_value, svcArray) {
	var shared = {script: {value: '', displayValue: ''}};
	if (scripted_value != 'new') {
		shared.label = scripted_value.label; =;
		shared.heading = scripted_value.heading;
		shared.script = {value: scripted_value.script, displayValue: scripted_value.script};
		title: 'Scripted Value Column Editor',
		widget: 'scripted-value-column-editor',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (scripted_value == 'new') {
			scripted_value = {};
		scripted_value.label = shared.label || ''; = || '';
		scripted_value.heading = shared.heading || '';
		scripted_value.script = shared.script.value || '';

$scope.deleteScriptedValueColumn = function(scripted_value, svcArray) {
	var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete Scripted Value Column</b>';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete the ' + scripted_value.label + ' Scripted Value Column?';
	spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {
			var a = -1;
			for (var b=0; b<svcArray.length; b++) {
				if (svcArray[b].name == {
					a = b;
			svcArray.splice(a, 1);

It looks like there is nothing else after that, so all we need to do at this point is to save the changes and give it a try. Let’s pull up one of our test configuration scripts in the editor and see what the new Scripted Value Columns section looks like.

New Scripted Value Columns section of the editor

Well, it appears on the screen, so that’s a good start. Now let’s hit that Add button and see if our pop-up editor works.

Pop-up Scripted Value Column editor

That looks good as well. Now let’s hit that Save button, which should return us to the main editor and our new scripted value column should show up on the list.

Scripted Value Columns section of the editor after adding a new entry

And there it is. Good deal. After saving the script and examining the resulting Script Include, everything looks good. So now we can create configurations for our new scripted value columns. Of course, the actual data table widgets have no idea what to do with this information, but we can start working on that in our next installment.

Scripted Value Columns in the SNH Data Table Widgets

“Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Every once in a while, I go out to the Developer’s Forum, just to see what other folks are talking about or struggling with. I rarely comment; I leave that to people smarter or faster than myself. But occasionally, the things that people ask about will trigger a thought or idea that sounds interesting enough to pursue. The other day there were a couple of posts related to the Data Table widget, something that I spent a little time playing around with over the years, and it got me to wondering if I could do a little something with my SNH Data Table Widgets to address some of those requirements. One individual was looking to add catalog item variables to a table and another was looking to add some data from the last comment or work note on an Incident. In both cases, the response was essentially that it cannot be done with the out-of-the-box data table widgets. I never did like hearing that as an answer.

It occurred to me that these and other similar columns just needed a little code to fish out the values that they wanted to have displayed on the table with the rest of the standard table fields. We are already doing something like that with the aggregate columns, so it didn’t seem that much of a stretch to clone some of that code and adapt it to handle these types of requirements. If we took the stock properties for aggregate columns and buttons & icons (label, name, and heading) and added one more for the name of a Script Include, as the data was loaded from the base table, we could pass the row data and the column configuration to a standard function in that Script Include to obtain the value for that column. You know what I always ask myself: How hard could it be?

So here is the plan: create a new configuration option called Scripted Value Columns, update the configuration file editor to maintain the properties for those columns, and then update the Data Table widgets to process them based on the configuration. When the data for the table is loading, we’ll get an instance of the Script Include specified in the configuration and then call the function on that instance to get the value for the column. Sounded simple enough to me, but let’s see if we can actually make it work.

To begin, let’s create an example Script Include that we can use for testing purposes. At this point, it doesn’t matter where or how we get the values. We can simply return random values for now; we just want something that returns something so that we can demonstrate the concept. Here is the ScriptedValueExample that I came up with for this purpose.

var ScriptedValueExample = Class.create();
ScriptedValueExample.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '';

	type: 'ScriptedValueExample'

The function that we will be calling from the core Data Table widget will be getScriptedValue. In the editor, our pick list of Script Includes can be limited to just those that contain the following text:

getScriptedValue: function(item, config)

This will mean that the function in your custom Script Include will need to have the exact same spacing and argument naming conventions in order for it to show up on the list, but if you clone the script from the example, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Now that we have our example script, we can jump over to the list of portal widgets and pull up one of the existing pop-up configuration editors and clone it to create our new Scripted Value Column Editor. For the HTML portion, we can keep the label, name, and heading fields, delete the rest, and then add our new script property.

  <form name="form1">
      placeholder="Choose a Script Include"
      default-query="'scriptLIKEgetScriptedValue: function(item, config)'"/>
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

The default-query attribute of the sn-record-picker will limit our list of Script Includes to just those that will work as scripted value providers. Other than that, this pop-up editor will be very similar to all of the others that we are using for the other types of configurable columns.

There is no Server script needed for this one, and the Client script is the same as the one from which we made our copy, so there are no changes needed there.

function ScriptedValueColumnEditor($scope, $timeout, spModal) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.spModal = spModal;

	$scope.cancel = function() {
		$timeout(function() {

	$ = function() {
		if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
			$timeout(function() {
		} else {

	$timeout(function() {
	}, 100);

So that takes care of that. Now we need to modify the main configuration editor to utilize this new pop-up widget. That sounds like a good project for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LXVIII

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
Brian Kernighan

Last time, we finished up with my rudimentary testing of the latest version of this project. I can still do a lot more testing on my own, but what I really need is for some person or group who is not me to try to give it all a go. In order for that to be an option, I need to create new Update Sets for the current version and post them out here so that other kind souls can download them and attempt to see if they can make it work and/or find out where all of the problems lie. I did not get much feedback the last time that I tried this, but today is a new day, so maybe there is somebody out there now who wouldn’t mind helping a guy out.

This is by no means a final version of this effort. There are still a number of things that I would like to do that have not been attempted as yet, and there are probably more that I have not yet even considered. But all of the major functions are there now, and I just did quite a bit of major refactoring, so now is a good time to roll out a new version and let folks take it out for a spin. Outside feedback is always helpful, and is always appreciated.

Before you install the Scoped Application Update Set, you need to install the latest version of the snh-form-field tag, which you can find here. Or better yet, you can do what I did and go out and grab the latest SNH Data Table Widgets, which includes everything that you need to support snh-form-fields. Either way, you will need to take care of that before you install these app artifacts in the following order:

When I installed the app on my new San Diego PDI, I got a handful of Preview errors about some missing Flow Designer components, but I just accepted all updates and went ahead and did the Commit, and everything seemed to be fine. It may just be that the app was built on Rome and the installation was done on San Diego, and there are some differences there, but I would be interested in hearing if anyone else had any similar issues with the install.

Once you have everything installed, the next step is to go through the set-up process. The first thing that you will want to do is to create a Host instance. Once the Host has been established, the software can be installed on other instances and those instances can be set up as Client instances by identifying the new Host instance during the set-up process. Instructions for the Set-up process, the Application Publishing process, and the Application Installation process can be found here.

The best test will involve three or more instances, and the more the merrier. You can test the set-up process with a single instance, but until you have at least two instances involved, you can’t really test much of the purpose of the app, which is to share applications between instances. Three or more is obviously better, as that is the only way to test an application being shared by one Client and making its way to another Client via the Host. But any level of testing is useful, so please feel free to pull it all down, install it, and try what you can under any circumstances. All feedback from any experience is always welcome in the Comments. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Hopefully, we will get a little feedback this time and we can take a look at it next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXVII

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
Henry Ford

Last time, we were trying to test everything out and then we ran into what appeared to be a problem with the application form. I say appeared to be a problem, because as it turned out, it wasn’t a problem at all. I wanted to install the application on the Host that was just published by the Client, but I did not see the Install button on the screen. But after further review, I realized that the Install button doesn’t belong on the application screen. We don’t install applications; we install specific versions of applications. The Install button does not belong on the application form; it belongs on the version form, and there it is, right where it belongs.

Application Version form with the Install button

So everything is as it should be after all, which is good, because now we can hit that Install button and see what happens.

Completion of the application installation process

There are actually quite a few different screens that you go through during the application installation process, but this is the last thing that you see before you are returned to the application version form.

Application version form after successful installation

Two things you should notice back on the application version form is that the Installed checkbox is now checked and the Install button is no longer present. Going back to the main application form, we should be able to see some changes there as well.

Application form after installation

The changes here are the Application and Version fields being populated, which come from the newly installed application. We can pop up the installed application from here using the little info icon to the right of the Application field and selecting Open Record.

Simple Webhook application installed on the Host instance after being shared by the Client

We can also get to this record from the My Company Applications menu item, which brings up this screen.

My Company Applications

Here we can see both the Collaboration Store app and the shared Simple Webhook app, both including their logo images.

So it looks as if the Set-up process the Application Publishing process and the Application Installation process all seem to working. Of course, a lot more testing needs to be done, primarily by folks who are not authors of the application, but in order for anyone to do that I will need to put together another Update Set and post it out here with some helpful instructions so that any willing testers can actually make a go of it. That sounds like a good subject for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LXVI

“Discovering the unexpected is more important than confirming the known.”
George E. P. Box

Last time, we wrapped up all of the modifications necessary to add the new logging feature to all of the remaining REST API calls in the application. Now we just need to run everything through its paces to make sure that it all still works before we release another Update Set to those folks willing to test this thing out. For the purposes of this initial testing, I went ahead and requested a brand new PDI from the ServiceNow Developer Site. Then I installed the latest version of the SNH Data Table Widgets, mainly because it includes the snh-form-field package, which is a requirement of this app as well. Then I installed the Collaboration Store app, and then the Collaboration Store Globals. Once everything was installed, I ran the set-up process to create a new Host instance.

Collaboration Store Set-up process

After entering all of the details on the initial screen, the next step was to enter the email verification code sent to the email address entered on the form.

Email Verification step

Once the email address was verified, the set-up process completed and sent out the final notification to the operator.

Set-up Completion

With that out of the way, I could now return to the primary development instance and clean out all of the tables to get a fresh start, then register the instance as a Client of the new Host, which basically just repeats the steps above. Once that was done, I could attempt to publish an application, which should push that application, including its logo image, over to the new Host instance. As before, I selected the Simple Webhook application for this test.

Simple Webhook application

I scrolled to the bottom of the page and selected the Publish to Collaboration Store Related Link. That launched the application publishing process, the progress of which could be monitored on the resulting pop-up dialog box.

Application publishing process

So far, so good. Now we need to bounce back over to the new Host instance and make sure that everything arrived intact.

Simple Webhook application on the Host instance

And there it is, complete with its logo image. Excellent. The next thing to do will be to attempt to install the shared application on the Host instance. That’s a fairly straightforward process as well, but if you look closely at the image above, you will see that there is no Install button. That’s a problem. Time to stop testing a do a little debugging. Well, that’s why we test these things. I’ll see if I can figure out what’s up with that and report on the solution next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXV

“There is no such thing as completion. These are only stages in an endless progression. There are no final outcomes or decisions, since nothing ever stays the same.”
Frederick Lenz

Last time, we finished adding the logging process to the remaining REST API calls in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include. Now we need to do the same thing for all of the remaining REST API calls in the InstanceSyncUtils Script Include. Here is the first one as it stands right now.

syncInstances: function(targetGR, instanceList) {
	var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.CSU.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '');
	var response = request.execute();
	if (response.haveError()) {
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Error returned from attempt to fetch instance list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
	} else if (response.getStatusCode() == '200') {
		var jsonString = response.getBody();
		var jsonObject = {};
		try {
			jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
		} catch (e) {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + jsonString);
		if (Array.isArray(jsonObject.result)) {
			for (var i=0; i<instanceList.length; i++) {
				var thisInstance = instanceList[i];
				var remoteSysId = '';
				for (var j=0; j<jsonObject.result.length && remoteSysId == ''; j++) {
					if (jsonObject.result[j].instance == thisInstance) {
						remoteSysId = jsonObject.result[j].sys_id;
				if (remoteSysId == '') {
					remoteSysId = this.sendInstance(targetGR, thisInstance);
				this.syncApplications(targetGR, thisInstance, remoteSysId);
		} else {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + response.getBody());
	} else {
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + response.getStatusCode());

Up to this point, we have always called the logging routine just before we returned the result object. In the above function, however, we call other functions that also make their own REST API calls, so it would be preferable to log this call before calling any other function that might make a call of its own. Because of this, not only will we need to restructure the code to build the result object that the logging function is expecting, we will also need to make the call to the logging function prior to making the call to the other functions in the instance sync process. To begin, we will build the result object in the normal manner by populating the url and method properties, and then using those values to populate the sn_ws.RESTMessageV2 object.

var result = {};
result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '';
result.method = 'GET';
var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');

Once the sn_ws.RESTMessageV2 is fully populated, we can then obtain the response object by executing the call and then continue populating the result object with the values returned in the response.

var response = request.execute();
result.status = response.getStatusCode();
result.body = response.getBody();
if (result.body) {
	try {
		result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
	} catch (e) {
		result.parse_error = e.toString();
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.body);
result.error = response.haveError();
if (result.error) {
	result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
	result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Error returned from attempt to fetch instance list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
} else if (result.status != '200') {
	gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.status);

Now that the result object is fully populated, we can go ahead and make the call to the logging function before calling the other functions involved in the instance sync process.

this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);
if (!result.error && result.status == '200' && result.obj) {
	if (Array.isArray(result.obj.result)) {
		for (var i=0; i<instanceList.length; i++) {
			var thisInstance = instanceList[i];
			var remoteSysId = '';
			for (var j=0; j<result.obj.result.length && remoteSysId == ''; j++) {
				if (result.obj.result[j].instance == thisInstance) {
					remoteSysId = result.obj.result[j].sys_id;
			if (remoteSysId == '') {
				remoteSysId = this.sendInstance(targetGR, thisInstance);
			this.syncApplications(targetGR, thisInstance, remoteSysId);
	} else {
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.body);

Putting it all together, the entire new function now looks like this.

syncInstances: function(targetGR, instanceList) {
	var result = {};
	result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '';
	result.method = 'GET';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.body);
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Error returned from attempt to fetch instance list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
	} else if (result.status != '200') {
		gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.status);
	this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);
	if (!result.error && result.status == '200' && result.obj) {
		if (Array.isArray(result.obj.result)) {
			for (var i=0; i<instanceList.length; i++) {
				var thisInstance = instanceList[i];
				var remoteSysId = '';
				for (var j=0; j<result.obj.result.length && remoteSysId == ''; j++) {
					if (result.obj.result[j].instance == thisInstance) {
						remoteSysId = result.obj.result[j].sys_id;
				if (remoteSysId == '') {
					remoteSysId = this.sendInstance(targetGR, thisInstance);
				this.syncApplications(targetGR, thisInstance, remoteSysId);
		} else {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncInstance - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch instance list: ' + result.body);

That takes care of the syncInstances function. Now we need to do the same with the syncApplications function, which currently look like this.

syncApplications: function(targetGR, thisInstance, remoteSysId) {
	var applicationList = [];
	var applicationGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
	applicationGR.addQuery('provider.instance', thisInstance);
	while ( {
	if (applicationList.length > 0) {
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.CSU.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
		request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
		request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + remoteSysId);
		var response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Error returned from attempt to fetch application list: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() == '200') {
			var jsonString = response.getBody();
			var jsonObject = {};
			try {
				jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
			} catch (e) {
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch application list: ' + jsonString);
			if (Array.isArray(jsonObject.result)) {
				for (var i=0; i<applicationList.length; i++) {
					var thisApplication = applicationList[i];
					var remoteAppId = '';
					for (var j=0; j<jsonObject.result.length && remoteAppId == ''; j++) {
						if (jsonObject.result[j].name == thisApplication) {
							remoteAppId = jsonObject.result[j].sys_id;
					if (remoteAppId == '') {
						remoteAppId = this.sendApplication(targetGR, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteSysId);
					this.syncVersions(targetGR, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteAppId);
			} else {
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch application list: ' + response.getBody());
		} else {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch application list: ' + response.getStatusCode());
	} else {'InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - No applications to sync for instance ' + thisInstance);

Using the same restructuring approach, we can convert the function to this.

syncApplications: function(targetGR, thisInstance, remoteSysId) {
	var applicationList = [];
	var applicationGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
	applicationGR.addQuery('provider.instance', thisInstance);
	while ( {
	if (applicationList.length > 0) {
		var result = {};
		result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + remoteSysId;
		result.method = 'GET';
		var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		var response = request.execute();
		result.status = response.getStatusCode();
		result.body = response.getBody();
		if (result.body) {
			try {
				result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
			} catch (e) {
				result.parse_error = e.toString();
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch application list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.body);
		result.error = response.haveError();
		if (result.error) {
			result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
			result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Error returned from attempt to fetch application list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.status != '200') {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch application list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.status);
		this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);
		if (!result.error && result.status == '200' && result.obj) {
			if (Array.isArray(result.obj.result)) {
				for (var i=0; i<applicationList.length; i++) {
					var thisApplication = applicationList[i];
					var remoteAppId = '';
					for (var j=0; j<result.obj.result.length && remoteAppId == ''; j++) {
						if (result.obj.result[j].name == thisApplication) {
							remoteAppId = result.obj.result[j].sys_id;
					if (remoteAppId == '') {
						remoteAppId = this.sendApplication(targetGR, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteSysId);
					this.syncVersions(targetGR, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteAppId);
			} else {
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch application list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.body);
	} else {'InstanceSyncUtils.syncApplications - No applications to sync for instance ' + thisInstance);

We can repeat this same refactoring exercise for the two other similar functions, syncVersions and syncAttachments, which now look like this.

syncVersions: function(targetGR, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteAppId) {
	var versionList = [];
	var versionIdList = [];
	var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
	versionGR.addQuery('', thisApplication);
	versionGR.addQuery('member_application.provider.instance', thisInstance);
	while ( {
	if (versionList.length > 0) {
		result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + remoteAppId;
		result.method = 'GET';
		var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		var response = request.execute();
		result.status = response.getStatusCode();
		result.body = response.getBody();
		if (result.body) {
			try {
				result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
			} catch (e) {
				result.parse_error = e.toString();
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncVersions - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch version list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.body);
		result.error = response.haveError();
		if (result.error) {
			result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
			result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncVersions - Error returned from attempt to fetch version list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.status != '200') {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncVersions - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch version list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.status);
		this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);
		if (!result.error && result.status == '200' && result.obj) {
			if (Array.isArray(result.obj.result)) {
				for (var i=0; i<versionList.length; i++) {
					var thisVersion = versionList[i];
					var thisVersionId = versionIdList[i];
					var remoteVerId = '';
					for (var j=0; j<result.obj.result.length && remoteVerId == ''; j++) {
						if (result.obj.result[j].version == thisVersion) {
							remoteVerId = result.obj.result[j].sys_id;
					if (remoteVerId == '') {
						remoteVerId = this.sendVersion(targetGR, thisVersion, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteAppId);
					this.syncAttachments(targetGR, thisVersionId, thisVersion, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteVerId);
			} else {
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncVersions - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch version list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.body);
	} else {'InstanceSyncUtils.syncVersions - No versions to sync for application ' + thisApplication + ' on instance ' + thisInstance);
syncAttachments: function(targetGR, thisVersionId, thisVersion, thisApplication, thisInstance, remoteVerId) {
	var attachmentList = [];
	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	attachmentGR.addQuery('table_name', 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
	attachmentGR.addQuery('table_sys_id', thisVersionId);
	attachmentGR.addQuery('content_type', 'CONTAINS', 'xml');
	while ( {
	if (attachmentList.length > 0) {
		var result = {};
		result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + remoteVerId + '%5Econtent_typeCONTAINSxml';
		result.method = 'GET';
		var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		var response = request.execute();
		result.status = response.getStatusCode();
		result.body = response.getBody();
		if (result.body) {
			try {
				result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
			} catch (e) {
				result.parse_error = e.toString();
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncAttachments - Unparsable JSON string returned from attempt to fetch attachment list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.body);
		result.error = response.haveError();
		if (result.error) {
			result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
			result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncAttachments - Error returned from attempt to fetch attachment list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.status != '200') {
			gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncAttachments - Invalid HTTP response code returned from attempt to fetch attachment list from instance ' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + ': ' + result.status);
		this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);
		if (!result.error && result.status == '200' && result.obj) {
			if (Array.isArray(result.obj.result)) {
				if (result.obj.result.length == 0) {
					this.sendAttachment(targetGR, attachmentList[0], remoteVerId, thisVersion, thisApplication);
			} else {
				gs.error('InstanceSyncUtils.syncAttachments - Invalid response body returned from attempt to fetch attachment list: ' + result.body);
	} else {'InstanceSyncUtils.syncAttachments - No attachments to sync for version ' + thisVersionId + ' of application ' + thisApplication + ' on instance ' + thisInstance);

That should take care of all of the REST API calls in all of the Script Includes in the application. Now every call will be recorded in the new table and linked to the instance to which the call was made. With the completion of the work on the images and the logging, it is about time to create yet another Update Set and turn it over to the testers for some serious regression testing. Before we do that, though, it would probably be a good idea to try all of this out ourselves and make sure that it all works. Let’s jump right into that next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXIV

“Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treatment.”
Kent Beck

Last time, we wrapped up the last of the refactoring for all of the features that push artifacts from one instance to another. Although that covers the majority of the REST API calls, there are still a few remaining functions that make REST API calls of their own, and we want to have those calls logged just like all of the others in the shared functions. The first of those is the getStoreInfo function in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include.

getStoreInfo: function(host) {
	var result = {};

	var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.responseCode = response.getStatusCode();
	if (response.haveError()) {
		result.error = response.getErrorMessage();
		result.errorCode = response.getErrorCode();
		result.body = response.getBody();
	} else if (result.responseCode == '200') {
		result.storeInfo = JSON.parse(response.getBody());
		if (result.storeInfo.result.status == 'success') { =;
			var csgu = new global.CollaborationStoreGlobalUtils();
		} else {
			result.error = 'This instance is not a Host instance';
	} else {
		result.error = 'Invalid HTTP Response Code: ' + result.responseCode;
		result.body = response.getBody();

	return result;

It shouldn’t be too difficult to rework the code a little bit to adopt the standard result object that the logging function is expecting. The main problem with this particular function is timing: we need to pass the GlideRecord of the target instance to the logging function, but we are calling the getStoreInfo function so that we can get the data needed to create the GlideRecord for the Host instance. At the moment that we are making the call, the GlideRecord for the Host instance does not yet exist. Since we do not yet have a Host instance GlideRecord to pass, we will have to pass null, but we will also have to modify the logging function to handle that possibility. Here is the refactored getStoreInfo function:

getStoreInfo: function(host) {
	var result = {};

	result.url = 'https://' + host + '';
	result.method = 'GET';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	} else if (result.obj) {
		if (result.obj.result.status == 'success') { =;
			var csgu = new global.CollaborationStoreGlobalUtils();
		} else {
			result.error = true;
			result.error_code = '99';
			result.error_message = 'This instance is not a Host instance';
	this.logRESTCall(null, result);

	return result;

To avoid a null pointer exception in the logging function, we need to add a check for the target instance GlideRecord before we attempt to snag its sys_id.

logRESTCall: function (targetGR, result, payload) {
	var logGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_rest_api_log');
	if (targetGR) {
		logGR.instance = targetGR.getUniqueValue();

Finally, to correct the log records once the Host instance record has been created in the set-up process, we can call this simple function:

function fixLogRecords(targetGR) {
	var logGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_rest_api_log');
	logGR.addQuery('instance', null);
	while ( {
		logGR.instance = targetGR.getUniqueValue();

Basically, it just looks for any log records that do not have a target instance value and updates them with the new Host instance record’s sys_id. That should take care of that.

There is yet another REST API call made before the Host record is created and that one is in the registerWithHost function. Here is the current version:

registerWithHost: function(mbrGR) {
	var result = {};

	var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
	var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
	var payload = {};
	payload.sys_id = mbrGR.getUniqueValue(); = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('name');
	payload.instance = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('instance'); = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('email');
	payload.description = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('description');
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.responseCode = response.getStatusCode();
	result.bodyText = response.getBody();
	try {
		result.body = JSON.parse(response.getBody());
	} catch(e) {
	if (response.getErrorCode()) {
		result.error = response.getErrorMessage();
		result.errorCode = response.getErrorCode();
	} else if (result.responseCode != '202') {
		result.error = 'Invalid HTTP Response Code: ' + result.status;
	} else {
		mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();

	return result;

Once again, we will need to rework this a little bit to adopt the standard result object that the logging function is expecting, and will have to pass null for the target instance GlideRecord, as that record has still not been created at this point in the process.

registerWithHost: function(mbrGR) {
	var result = {};

	var payload = {};
	payload.sys_id = mbrGR.getUniqueValue(); = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('name');
	payload.instance = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('instance'); = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('email');
	payload.description = mbrGR.getDisplayValue('description');
	var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
	result.url = 'https://' + host + '';
	result.method = 'POST';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token'));
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	} else if (result.status != '202') {
		result.error = true;
		result.error_code = result.status;
		result.error_message = 'Invalid HTTP Response Code: ' + result.status;
	} else {
		mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
	this.logRESTCall(null, result);

	return result;

That should take care of all of the REST API calls in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include. There were never any REST API calls in the ApplicationInstaller Script Include, and we just removed all of the REST API calls in the ApplicationPublishers Script Include, but there are still some remaining in the InstanceSyncUtils, so we will need to take a look at those. That looks like a little bit of an effort, though, so let’s save that for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LXIII

“One of my most productive days was throwing away 1,000 lines of code.”
Ken Thompson

Last time, we wrapped up the code to refactor the application publishing process. Now we need to do the same thing with the application distribution process, the process that runs on the Host instance to share recently published application versions to all of the other Client instances in the community. Currently, this involves three separate functions, publishNewVersion, publishVersionRecord, and publishVersionAttachment.

publishNewVersion: function(newVersion, targetInstance, attachmentId) {
	var targetGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	if (targetGR.get('instance', targetInstance)) {
		var token = targetGR.getDisplayValue('token');
		var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
		if (versionGR.get(newVersion)) {
			var canContinue = true;
			var targetAppId = '';
			var mbrAppGR = versionGR.member_application.getRefRecord();
			var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
			request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetInstance, token);
			request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
			request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetInstance + '' + mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('provider.instance') + '%5Ename%3D' + encodeURIComponent(mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('name')));
			var response = request.execute();
			if (response.haveError()) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
				canContinue = false;
			} else if (response.getStatusCode() == '200') {
				var jsonString = response.getBody();
				var jsonObject = {};
				try {
					jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
				} catch (e) {
					gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + jsonString);
					canContinue = false;
				if (canContinue) {
					var payload = {}; = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('name');
					payload.scope = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('scope');
					payload.description = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('description');
					payload.current_version = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('current_version'); = 'true';
					request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
					request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetInstance, token);
					request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
					if (jsonObject.result && jsonObject.result.length > 0) {
						targetAppId = jsonObject.result[0].sys_id;
						request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetInstance + '' + targetAppId);
					} else {
						request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetInstance + '');
						payload.provider = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('provider.instance');
					request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
					response = request.execute();
					if (response.haveError()) {
						gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
						canContinue = false;
					} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 200 && response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
						gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getStatusCode());
						canContinue = false;
					} else {
						jsonString = response.getBody();
						jsonObject = {};
						try {
							jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
						} catch (e) {
							gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + jsonString);
							canContinue = false;
						if (canContinue) {
							targetAppId = jsonObject.result.sys_id;
			} else {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getStatusCode());
			if (canContinue) {
				this.publishVersionRecord(targetInstance, token, versionGR, targetAppId, attachmentId);
		} else {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Version record not found: ' + newVersion);
	} else {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Target instance record not found: ' + targetInstance);

publishVersionRecord: function(targetInstance, token, versionGR, targetAppId, attachmentId) {
	var canContinue = true;
	var payload = {};
	payload.member_application = targetAppId;
	payload.version = versionGR.getDisplayValue('version');
	payload.built_on = versionGR.getDisplayValue('built_on');
	var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetInstance, token);
	request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	request.setEndpoint('https://' + targetInstance + '');
	request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
	response = request.execute();
	if (response.haveError()) {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionRecord: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		canContinue = false;
	} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionRecord: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getStatusCode());
		canContinue = false;
	} else {
		jsonString = response.getBody();
		jsonObject = {};
		try {
			jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
		} catch (e) {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionRecord: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + jsonString);
			canContinue = false;
		if (canContinue) {
			targetVerId = jsonObject.result.sys_id;
			this.publishVersionAttachment(targetInstance, token, targetVerId, attachmentId);

publishVersionAttachment: function(targetInstance, token, targetVerId, attachmentId) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var sysAttGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (sysAttGR.get(attachmentId)) {
		var url = 'https://';
		url += targetInstance;
		url += '';
		url += targetVerId;
		url += '&file_name=';
		url += sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetInstance, token);
		request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionAttachment: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionAttachment: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + response.getStatusCode());
	} else {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishVersionAttachment: Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + attachmentId);

The corresponding shared functions are pushApplication, pushVersion, and pushAttachment in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include. The pushApplication takes the application GlideRecord, the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the application providing instance on the target instance as arguments. The current function already has code to fetch the target instance GlideRecord and the version GlideRecord, and from the version GlideRecord, we can obtain the application GlideRecord. We also built a function earlier that fetched the sys_id of an instance record on the target instance, but that function assumed that you were looking for the local instance on the target instance. In this case, we are looking for the instance that provided the application, so if we want to leverage that function, we will have to alter it to accept the instance name as one of the arguments. Here is the start of the function as it stands right now.

getRemoteInstanceSysId: function(targetGR) {
	var sysId = '';

	var result = {};
	result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + gs.getProperty('instance_name');

To add the ability to pass in the instance name, we can change that to this:

getRemoteInstanceSysId: function(targetGR, instanceName) {
	var sysId = '';

	var result = {};
	result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + instanceName;

Then we just have to go back into the code and find where this function is called and add the appropriate instance name to the argument list. With that little modification out of the way, we should be able to gather up all of the required arguments to call the pushApplication function. That will make our replacement code look like this:

publishNewVersion: function(newVersion, targetInstance, attachmentId) {
	var targetGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	if (targetGR.get('instance', targetInstance)) {
		var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
		if (versionGR.get(newVersion)) {
			var applicationGR = versionGR.member_application.getRefRecord();
			var remoteSysId = this.getRemoteInstanceSysId(targetGR, applicationGR.getDisplayValue('provider.instance'));
			var result = this.pushApplication(applicationGR, targetGR, remoteSysId);
			if (result.error) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
			} else if (result.parse_error) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
			} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);
			} else {
				var remoteAppId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
		} else {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Version record not found: ' + newVersion);
	} else {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Target instance record not found: ' + targetInstance);

If all goes well, we will be able to obtain the sys_id of the transferred application record on the target system from the result object, which is the only other piece of data that we need in order to call the pushVersion function. In fact, we can make that call on the very next line and check the results right there.

var remoteAppId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
result = this.pushVersion(versionGR, targetGR, remoteAppId);
if (result.error) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
} else if (result.parse_error) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);
} else {
	var remoteVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;

And again, if all goes well, we will be able to obtain the sys_id of the transferred version record on the target system from the result object, which is the other piece of data that we need in order to call the pushAttachment function. And once again, we can make that call on the very next line and check the results right there.

var remoteVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
result = this.pushAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, remoteVerId);
if (result.error) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
} else if (result.parse_error) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
	gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);

So putting it all together in this way, we can replace the original three functions with a single function that makes three calls to our shared functions. Once again, we have simplified things quite a bit and at the same time added functionality with the inclusion of the logo images and the REST API call logging. Here is the whole thing all put together:

publishNewVersion: function(newVersion, targetInstance, attachmentId) {
	var targetGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	if (targetGR.get('instance', targetInstance)) {
		var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
		if (versionGR.get(newVersion)) {
			var applicationGR = versionGR.member_application.getRefRecord();
			var remoteSysId = this.getRemoteInstanceSysId(targetGR, applicationGR.getDisplayValue('provider.instance'));
			var result = this.pushApplication(applicationGR, targetGR, remoteSysId);
			if (result.error) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
			} else if (result.parse_error) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
			} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
				gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);
			} else {
				var remoteAppId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
				result = this.pushVersion(versionGR, targetGR, remoteAppId);
				if (result.error) {
					gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
				} else if (result.parse_error) {
					gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
				} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
					gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);
				} else {
					var remoteVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
					result = this.pushAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, remoteVerId);
					if (result.error) {
						gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Error returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
					} else if (result.parse_error) {
						gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Unparsable JSON string returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.body);
					} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
						gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Target instance ' + targetInstance + ': ' + result.status);
		} else {
			gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Version record not found: ' + newVersion);
	} else {
		gs.error('CollaborationStoreUtils.publishNewVersion: Target instance record not found: ' + targetInstance);

That should cover the application distribution process, which should complete the list of features that should be relying on the shared functions. The only thing left at this point would be to hunt down all of the other REST API calls and throw in a call to the new shared logging function. Maybe we will take a look at that next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXII

“Now I’m a pretty lazy person and am prepared to work quite hard in order to avoid work.”
Martin Fowler

Last time, we modified the processPhase5 function in the ApplicationPublisher Script Include to use the shared functions for making REST API calls instead of its own code. Now we need to continue with that work and do the same for the processPhase6 and processPhase7 functions. Here is the current script for the processPhase6 function.

processPhase6: function(answer) {
	var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
	if (versionGR.get(answer.versionId)) {
		var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
		var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
		var payload = {};
		payload.member_application = answer.hostAppId;
		payload.version = versionGR.getDisplayValue('version');
		payload.built_on = versionGR.getDisplayValue('built_on');
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
		request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
		request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '');
		request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
		response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());
		} else {
			jsonString = response.getBody();
			jsonObject = {};
			try {
				jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
			} catch (e) {
				answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + jsonString);
			if (!answer.error) {
				answer.hostVerId = jsonObject.result.sys_id;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid version record sys_id: ' + answer.versionId);

	return answer;

The corresponding shared function is pushVersion, which takes as arguments the version GlideRecord, the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the application record on the target system. We are already fetching the version GlideRecord, we can use the function that we built last time to go get the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the application record on the target system was stored in the shared answer object in phase 5, so we should have everything that we need to invoke the appropriate shared function and check the results.

processPhase6: function(answer) {
	var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
	if (versionGR.get(answer.versionId)) {
		var targetGR = this.getHostInstanceGR();
		var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
		var result = csu.pushVersion(versionGR, targetGR, answer.hostAppId);
		if (result.error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.parse_error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + result.body);
		} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + result.status);
		} else {
			answer.hostVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid version record sys_id: ' + answer.versionId);

	return answer;

That should take care of the processPhase6 function. Now, let’s take a look at that processPhase7 function.

processPhase7: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var sysAttGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (sysAttGR.get(answer.attachmentId)) {
		var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
		var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
		var url = 'https://';
		url += host;
		url += '';
		url += answer.hostVerId;
		url += '&file_name=';
		url += sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
		request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + answer.attachmentId);

	return answer;

The corresponding shared function is pushAttachment, which takes as arguments the attachment GlideRecord, the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the version record on the target system. Once again, we are already fetching the attachment GlideRecord, we can use the function that we built last time to go get the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the version record on the target system was stored in the shared answer object in phase 6, so once again we should have everything that we need to invoke the appropriate shared function and check the results.

processPhase7: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (attachmentGR.get(answer.attachmentId)) {
		var targetGR = this.getHostInstanceGR();
		var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
		var result = csu.pushAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, answer.hostVerId);
		if (result.error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.parse_error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + result.body);
		} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + result.status);
		} else {
			answer.hostVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + answer.attachmentId);

	return answer;

So that wraps up all of the refactoring for the application publishing process. All that is left to do now is to do the same thing for the application distribution process, where the Host instance sends out the artifacts for new application versions to all of the other Client instances in the community. We’ll jump right into that next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXI

“I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition.”
Larry Page

Last time, we wrapped up all of the code in the shared functions to include the logo images whenever an instance or application is transferred from one instance to another. Now we need to take a look at those places where the shared functions are not currently being used and replace the code in those existing functions with calls to the shared functions. This will not only consolidate the code and ensure that the logo images will be included, but since we also added a logging feature to the shared functions, it will also ensure that the REST API activity gets recorded.

Our ApplicationPublisher Script Include contains individual functions for the 7 independent phases of the application publishing process. The first four are all internal, but the last three move the artifacts from the Client instance to the the Host, so we will want to rework each one of those. Before we do that, though, we will want to snag the image from the sys_app record and attach it to our application record, which is something that we can do in Phase 2, once the application record is available. We can insert a line into this code:

mbrAppGR.setValue('name', sysAppGR.getValue('name'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('scope', sysAppGR.getValue('scope'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('description', sysAppGR.getValue('short_description'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('current_version', sysAppGR.getValue('version'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('active', true);

… and make it look like this:

mbrAppGR.setValue('name', sysAppGR.getValue('name'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('scope', sysAppGR.getValue('scope'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('description', sysAppGR.getValue('short_description'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('current_version', sysAppGR.getValue('version'));
mbrAppGR.setValue('active', true);
if (sysAppGR.getValue('logo') && !mbrAppGR.getValue('logo')) {
	mbrAppGR.setValue('logo', this.copyLogoImage(answer));

Of course, now that we have done that, we will need to build a new copyLogoImage function. We already have a function that copies an attachment (Phase 4), and we can steal most of the code from that guy.

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var values = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);
	if (values.length > 0) {
		var ids = values[values.length - 1].split(',');
		if (ids[1]) {
			answer.attachmentId = ids[1];
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' + values);
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' + values);

	return answer;

We want to return the attachment sys_id and not the answer object, and we need to swap out the table names, but other than that, it looks pretty similar:

copyLogoImage: function(answer) {
	var logoId = '';

	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var values = gsa.copy('ZZ_YYsys_app', answer.appSysId, 'ZZ_YYx_11556_col_store_member_application', answer.mbrAppId);
	if (values.length > 0) {
		var ids = values[values.length - 1].split(',');
		if (ids[1]) {
			logoId = ids[1];
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from logo attachment copy: ' + values);
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from logo attachment copy: ' + values);

	return logoId;

That will get the logo image from the Scoped Application attached to our application record during the application publishing process. Now we need to take a look at those functions that send the local artifacts over to the Host instance and see if we can alter them to use the newly modified shared function. The first of such functions is processPhase5, and it moves over the application record.

processPhase5: function(answer) {
	var mbrAppGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
	if (mbrAppGR.get(answer.mbrAppId)) {
		var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
		var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
		var thisInstance = gs.getProperty('instance_name');
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
		request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
		request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '' + thisInstance + '%5Ename%3D' + encodeURIComponent(mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('name')));
		var response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() == '200') {
			var jsonString = response.getBody();
			var jsonObject = {};
			try {
				jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
			} catch (e) {
				answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + jsonString);
			if (!answer.error) {
				var payload = {}; = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('name');
				payload.scope = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('scope');
				payload.description = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('description');
				payload.current_version = mbrAppGR.getDisplayValue('current_version'); = 'true';
				request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
				request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
				request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
				if (jsonObject.result && jsonObject.result.length > 0) {
					answer.hostAppId = jsonObject.result[0].sys_id;
					request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '' + answer.hostAppId);
				} else {
					request.setEndpoint('https://' + host + '');
					payload.provider = thisInstance;
				request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
				response = request.execute();
				if (response.haveError()) {
					answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
				} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 200 && response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
					answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());
				} else {
					jsonString = response.getBody();
					jsonObject = {};
					try {
						jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
					} catch (e) {
						answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + jsonString);
					if (!answer.error) {
						answer.hostAppId = jsonObject.result.sys_id;
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Member Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);

	return answer;

The corresponding shared function is pushApplication in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include, which takes the application GlideRecord, the target instance GlideRecord, and the sys_id of the local instance on the target instance as arguments. We already have the application GlideRecord, but will need to fetch the GlideRecord for the Host instance and grab the sys_id of local instance on the Host instance before we can make the call. Assuming that we can create a couple of functions to gather up the information that we need, we can reduce the new processPhase5 function to this:

processPhase5: function(answer) {
	var applicationGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
	if (applicationGR.get(answer.mbrAppId)) {
		var targetGR = this.getHostInstanceGR();
		var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
		answer.hostInstanceId = csu.getRemoteInstanceSysId(targetGR);
		var result = csu.pushApplication(applicationGR, targetGR, answer.hostInstanceId);
		if (result.error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + result.error_code() + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.parse_error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + result.body);
		} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + result.status);
		} else {
			answer.hostAppId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Member Application sys_id: ' + answer.mbrAppId);

	return answer;

That simplifies the code quite a bit, and yet we will be doing more work, as we will be moving over the logo image and also logging all the REST API calls. Much better. Of course we still need to build out those function to gather up the required arguments, but those should both be fairly straightforward. To fetch the Host instance GlideRecord, I kept the function in the ApplicationPublisher Script Include, but I put the other one in the main CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include, as that involves another REST API call to the Host instance, and I want to keep all of the functions that do that together in the same place. Here is the getHostInstanceGR function in the ApplicationPublisher Script Include:

getHostInstanceGR: function() {
	var instanceGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	instanceGR.get('instance', gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance'));
	return instanceGR;

And here is the getRemoteInstanceSysId function in the CollaborationStoreUtils Script Include:

getRemoteInstanceSysId: function(targetGR) {
	var sysId = '';

	var result = {};
	result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '' + gs.getProperty('instance_name');
	result.method = 'GET';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	} else if (result.obj && result.obj.result && result.obj.result.length > 0) {
		sysId = result.obj.result[0].sys_id;
	this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);

	return sysId;

So that takes care of the first of the three functions that need to modified to use the shared REST API functions. Now we just need to do the same thing for the other two, processPhase6 and processPhase7. That should be a little simpler now that we have done the first one, but it’s still a bit of work, so let’s save all of that for our next installment.