@mentions in the Service Portal, Revisited

“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?”
John Wooden

After adding a mention type to my Service Portal form field tag, I broke my original ment.io example. I actually used that example in building the code to support the mentions type, but I did have to make a few changes in order to get everything to work, and now that I have done that, my original example doesn’t work anymore. I thought about just abandoning it since I got the form field version working, but then I thought that there were some other possible use cases where I wouldn’t want to be using an snh-form-field, so I decided that I had better dig around and see what was what.

The form field tag version did make things quite a bit simpler. Compare the initial version:

  snh-label="${Original ment.io Example}"
  snh-help="While entering your text, type @username anywhere in the message. As you type, an auto-suggest list appears with names and pictures of users that match your entries. For example, if you type @t, the auto-suggest list shows the pictures and names of all users with names that start with T. Click the user you want to add and that user's name is inserted into the @mention in the body of your text."
  mentio-select="selectAtMention('textarea', item)"

… with the snh-form-field version, and you can see right away that there is a significant difference in size alone:

  snh-label="${snh-form-field ment.io Example}"/>

Just for comparison, I decided to put both on the page (and make them both work!), and then add another using the new feedback field type, and yet another using just a plain, old, ordinary textarea.

new @mentions example page with various versions

The errors on the original weren’t that significant. Mainly I just wanted to put out a new version of the Update Set so that you could see all of the various approaches working on the same page side by side (… well, on top of each other, if you really want to get specific). If you are really curious as to what exactly needed to be changed, you can always compare the old to the new.