Service Portal Form Fields

“Everything begins with an idea.”
Earl Nightingale

Even though I tend to prefer the Service Portal environment over the original ServiceNow UI, the one thing that you just can’t beat on the original side of the house is the built-in support for form fields. As soon as you create a Table in ServiceNow, a corresponding form is also created, built using a generic infrastructure that is driven off of the embedded data dictionary. Every field on the form is formatted in a consistent way using consistent components supporting consistent features. So far, I have not seen anything comparable to that in the Service Portal environment.

On a standard ServiceNow UI form, every field on the page will have the same set of standard elements based on the same basic template, customized to the specifications of the specific field as contained in the data dictionary. For example, here is the HTML from the Incident ID field on the Incident form:

   <div id="element.incident.number" class="form-group " style="">
      <div class="" data-type="label" choice="0" type="string" id="label.incident.number" nowrap="true"><label onclick="return labelClicked(this);" for="incident.number" dir="ltr" class=" col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-lg-4 control-label"><span id="status.incident.number" data-dynamic-title="" mandatory="false" oclass="" class=" label_description" aria-label=""></span><span title="" class="label-text" data-html="false" data-original-title="">Number</span></label></div>
      <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-9 col-md-6 col-lg-5 form-field input_controls">
         <div ng-non-bindable="" class="hidden"><input id="sys_original.incident.number" name="sys_original.incident.number" value="INC0010037" type="hidden"></div>
         <input id="incident.number" name="incident.number" aria-required="false" onchange="onChange('incident.number');" maxlength="40" value="INC0010037" style="; " autocomplete="off" ng-non-bindable="" class="form-control" spellcheck="false" type="text">
      <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-3 col-lg-2 form-field-addons"></div>

Looking through the code, you can spot a number of unique standard elements, each with its own specific purpose, and many with a standard ID:

  • element.incident.number
  • label.incident.number
  • status.incident.number
  • sys_original.incident.number
  • incident.number

So, in theory, it seems as if you could use the above block of HTML as a guide and set up some kind of AngularJS component to replicate that entire concept over on the Service Portal side of the house. Unfortunately, I’m not all that familiar with AngularJS, but it sounds like an interesting challenge. Who knows … maybe someone has already put this together. Surely someone smarter than I am has already thought of doing this, and maybe has already figured all of it out. Even if that’s true, it would still be fun to try on my own. You know what I always ask myself: how hard could it be?