Scripted Value Columns, Part IV

“Where you’re headed is more important than how fast you’re going.”
Stephen Covey

Last time, we modified the core SNH Data Table widget to process the new configuration properties for scripted value columns. Before we can try it out, though, we need to update one or more of the three wrapper widgets, since no one uses the core widget directly. Probably the simplest to take on would be the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget, the one that was added to process a configuration script directly. As we did with the editor and the core data table widget, we can scan the code for the aggarray and then copy any code needed as a starting point for our modifications. The only reference that appears in this widget is in the Server script, and only on a single line:

data.aggarray = data.tableData.aggarray;

We can replicate that line, and then modify the copy for our new array of scripted value columns.

data.svcarray = data.tableData.svcarray;
data.aggarray = data.tableData.aggarray;

And that’s the only thing that needs to be done to update this widget to support the new feature. Now we can build a page to try things out and see if it all works. Or better yet, maybe there is already a page out there that we can use for this quick test. Down at the bottom of the widget form there is a list of pages that already use this widget. Maybe we can tinker with one of those, just to give this a quick look.

Related list of portal pages that include the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget

The table_from_json page looks like a prime candidate. All we need to do is to pull it up in the Portal Page Designer, point the configuration script option to the script that we modified earlier, and then give the page a try.

First test of the new scripted value column using random numbers as values

So, there is the “test” column that we added, filled with random numbers from our new ScriptedValueExample Script Include. This test demonstrates that our modified wrapper widget successfully passed the data from our recently edited configuration script to the core data table widget, and the core data table widget successfully handled the new configuration option and obtained the value for the new column from the specified Script Include. Sweet! Now we need to come up with some real world examples of how this feature might be employed for specific purposes, and also update the remaining wrapper widgets to accommodate this new feature. That all sounds like a good topic for our next installment.

Refactoring the SNH Data Table Widget

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
William A Foster

After I posted the SNH Data Table widget collection out on Share, I realized that there were a couple more features that really needed to be in there before it could truly be considered complete, so I started working on adding one of those features, the ability to click on an aggregate column value and see the records represented by that number. While testing out those new additions to the code, I discovered that I was not being consistent in the way in which these various features were being implemented, and decided to take a step back and review the entire set of additional features as a group. I don’t like to see one feature implemented one way and another, similar feature implemented some other way. Just to review, the SNH version of the Data Table widget adds the following configurable features:

  • Reference Field Links – For any field with a type of reference, the value is rendered as a link which can branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Aggregate Columns – Aggregate columns are counts of related records, which can also now be rendered as a link which can branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Buttons and Icons – Buttons and icons can also be configured, and clicking on a button or icon will branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Bulk Actions – When one or more bulk actions are configured, checkboxes will be rendered at the beginning of each line, and a drop-down select list of actions will be rendered in the footer. Checking one or more rows of the table and selecting an action from the drop-down will branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.

Although each of these features were unique, and developed for a specific purpose over a period of time, they all share a number of characteristics in common, particularly the fact that selecting an item will broadcast a message alerting other widgets of the selection and/or branch out to a different page on the portal. It seemed to me that, even though each feature had its own way of approaching this, and even though they all seemed to work just the way that they were, they all really needed to approach things in a consistent manner. So I decided to go back and review the various implementations and see if I could come up with a way for all of them to be handled in the same manner.

For the reference field links, I had leveraged the existing go() function from the original widget. For the buttons and icons, I had built a new function, which I also did later for the aggregate columns, but using a different approach. For the bulk actions, I also had a separate function, but it is a little different than the other three, as it deals with multiple records and the others all deal with a single record. Still, all four had some very similar characteristics.

The original go() function did a $scope.emit(), and then code in the wrapper widgets listened for that event and did the actual branching to the new page. I don’t want to disturb that existing code, as I would like the enhanced widget to be drop-in compatible with the original, but I don’t really see the need to involve the wrapper widgets in any of the things that I was doing. I had already done that in a few places by copying what was already there, but now that I look at it a little more closely, I would like to rip all of that out and handle everything in the core widget alone.

The easiest way to make sure that everyone uses the same approach is for everyone to share the same code. So I came up with a universal function that would take care of the broadcasting and the navigation for all four use cases, which turned out like this:

function processClick(sys_id, eventName, config, item) {
	spNavStateManager.onRecordChange( {
		var parms = {};
		parms.table = config.table ||;
		parms.sys_id = sys_id;
		parms.record = item;
		parms.config = config;
		$scope.ignoreLocationChange = true;
		for (var x in {[x].selected = false;
		$rootScope.$broadcast(eventName, parms);
		if (config.page_id) {
			var s = {id: config.page_id, table: parms.table, sys_id: parms.sys_id, view: $};
			var newURL = $;

The function accepts four arguments, sys_id, eventName, config, and item. The sys_id is the sys_id of the record, either the related record or the record of the active row. The eventName is one of the following:

referenceClick: 'data_table.referenceClick',
aggregateClick: 'data_table.aggregateClick',
buttonClick: 'data_table.buttonClick',
bulkAction: 'data_table.bulkAction'

The config is the configuration object for the reference, aggregate, button, icon, or bulk action, and the item is either the record for the current row, the related record, or in the case of bulk actions, the list of selected records. The function extracts certain elements from the passed arguments, broadcasts the message, and then if there is a portal page specified, branches to that page with URL parameters extracted from the data passed. This will now occur in the same manner, using the same technique for all four of the added features.

To invoke this function, I created four new functions, one for each of the four features. These functions establish the arguments in accordance with the needs of each feature. Here are the four new functions:

$scope.referenceClick = function(field, item) {
	var config = {};
	config.table = item[field].table;
	config.page_id =[config.table] || 'form';
	var sys_id = item[field].value;
	processClick(sys_id, eventNames.referenceClick, config, item[field].record);

$scope.aggregateClick = function(aggregate, item) {
	var config = {};
	for (var a in {
		if ([a].name == aggregate) {
			config =[a];
	var sys_id = item.sys_id;
	if (config.source && item[config.source].value) {
		sys_id = item[config.source].value;
	processClick(sys_id, eventNames.aggregateClick, config, item);

$scope.buttonClick = function(button, item) {
	var config = {};
	for (var b in {
		if ([b].name == button) {
			config =[b];
	processClick(item.sys_id, eventNames.buttonClick, config, item);

$scope.bulkActionSelected = function() {
	if ( {
		var selected = [];
		for (var x in {
			if ([x].selected) {
		if (parms.selected.length > 0) {
			var config = {};
			for (var b in {
				if ([b].name == {
					config =[b];
			config.table =
			processClick('', eventNames.bulkAction, config, selected)
		} else {
			spModal.alert('You must select at least one row for this action');
	} = '';

In addition to wanting to consistently handle the various actions, I also wanted to run out and get the latest copy of the original Data Table widget to make sure that I had not missed any useful updates since I initially cloned the widget. At the same time, I wanted to start fresh with the latest copy and then surgically insert the enhancements, disturbing the original code as little as possible, and marking my additions with comments to clearly delineate the new code from the original. Here is how that turned out with the HTML template:

<div class="panel panel-{{options.color}} b" ng-class="{'data-table-high-contrast': accessibilityModeEnabled}">
    <div class="panel-heading form-inline" ng-hide="options.hide_header">
      <span class="dropdown m-r-xs">
        <button aria-label="{{data.title || data.table_plural}} ${Context Menu}" class="btn dropdown-toggle glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger" style="line-height: 1.4em" id="optionsMenu" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"></button>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="optionsMenu">
          <li ng-repeat="t in ::exportTypes">
            <a ng-if="!tinyUrlEnabled" ng-href="/{{data.table}}{{::t.value}}&sysparm_query={{data.exportQueryEncoded}}&sysparm_view={{data.view}}&sysparm_fields={{data.fields}}" target="_new" tabindex="-1">${Export as} {{::t.label}}</a>
            <a ng-if="tinyUrlEnabled" ng-href="/{{data.table}}{{::t.value}}&sysparm_tiny={{tinyUrl}}" target="_new" tabindex="-1">${Export as} {{::t.label}}</a>
      <h2 class="panel-title" style="display:inline"><i ng-if="options.glyph" class="fa fa-{{options.glyph}} m-r"></i>{{data.title || data.table_plural}}<span class="sr-only">${table} - ${page} {{data.p}}</span></h2>
      <button name="new" role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm m-l-xs" ng-click="newRecord()" ng-if="options.show_new && data.canCreate && !data.newButtonUnsupported" aria-label="${Create new record}">${New}</button>
      <div class="pull-right" ng-if="options.show_keywords">
		<form ng-if="data.hasTextIndex" ng-submit="setSearch(true)">
        <div class="input-group" role="presentation">
          <input type="text" name="datatable-search" ng-model="data.keywords" ng-model-options="{debounce:250}" class="form-control" placeholder="${Keyword Search}" aria-label="${Keyword Search}">
          <span class="input-group-btn">
            <button name="search" class="btn btn-default" type="submit" aria-label="${Search}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></button>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <!-- body -->
    <div class="panel-body">
      <div ng-if="options.show_breadcrumbs && (data.filter || data.enable_filter)" class="filter-breadcrumbs">
	    		<sp-widget widget="data.filterBreadcrumbs"></sp-widget>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
      <div class="alert alert-info" ng-if="!data.list.length && !data.num_pages && !data.invalid_table && !loadingData">
        ${No records in {{data.table_label}} <span ng-if="data.filter">using that filter</span>}
      <div class="alert alert-info" ng-if="loadingData">
          <fa name="spinner" spin="true"></fa> ${Loading data}...
      <table class="table table-striped table-responsive" ng-if="data.list.length">
        <caption class="sr-only">{{data.title || data.table_plural}}</caption>
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              <input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.master_checkbox" ng-click="masterCheckBoxClick();"/>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-repeat="field in data.fields_array track by $index" class="text-nowrap" ng-click="setOrderBy(field)"
             scope="col" role="columnheader" aria-sort="{{field == data.o ? (data.d == 'asc'? 'ascending': 'descending') : 'none'}}">
              <div class="th-title" title="${Sort by} {{field == data.o ? (data.d == 'asc' ?  '${Descending}': '${Ascending}') : '${Ascending}'}}" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="{{data.column_labels[field]}}">{{data.column_labels[field]}}</div>
              <i class="fa" ng-if="field == data.o" ng-class="{'asc': 'fa-chevron-up', 'desc': 'fa-chevron-down'}[data.d]"></i>
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-repeat="aggregate in data.aggarray" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              {{aggregate.heading || aggregate.label}}
            <th ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              {{button.heading || button.label}}
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
        <tr ng-repeat="item in data.list track by item.sys_id">
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
           <td ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              <input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected"/>
            <td role="{{$first ? 'rowheader' : 'cell'}}" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" ng-repeat="field in ::data.fields_array" data-field="{{::field}}" data-th="{{::data.column_labels[field]}}">
              <sn-avatar ng-if="item[field].value && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].table == 'sys_user'" primary="item[field].value" class="avatar-small" show-presence="true" enable-context-menu="false"></sn-avatar>
              <a ng-if="$first" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="go(item.targetTable, item)" aria-label="${Open record}: {{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
              <a ng-if="!$first && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].value" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="referenceClick(field, item)" aria-label="${Click for more on }{{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
              <span ng-if="!$first && item[field].type != 'reference'">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</span>
            <td ng-repeat="obj in item.aggValue" role="cell" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
              <a ng-if="" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="aggregateClick(, item)">{{obj.value}}</a>
              <span ng-if="!">{{obj.value}}</span>
            <td ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
              <a ng-if="!button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">{{button.label}}</a>
              <a ng-if="button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">
                <span class="icon icon-{{button.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="sr-only">{{button.hint}}</span>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
      <div ng-class="{'pruned-msg-filter-pad': (!options.show_breadcrumbs || !data.filter) && !data.list.length}" class="pruned-msg" ng-if="rowsWerePruned()">
        <span ng-if="rowsPruned == 1">${{{rowsPruned}} row removed by security constraints}</span>
        <span ng-if="rowsPruned > 1">${{{rowsPruned}} rows removed by security constraints}</span>
    <!-- footer -->
 <!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
    <div class="panel-footer" ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0 && data.row_count">
      <div class="btn-toolbar m-r pull-left">
        <select class="form-control" ng-model="data.bulk_action" ng-click="bulkActionSelected();">
          <option value="">${Actions on selected rows ...}</option>
          <option ng-repeat="opt in data.actarray" value="{{}}">{{opt.label}}</option>
      <span class="clearfix"></span>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
    <div class="panel-footer" ng-hide="options.hide_footer" ng-if="data.row_count" role="navigation" aria-label="${Pagination}">
      <div class="btn-toolbar m-r pull-left">
        <div class="btn-group">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="setPageNum(data.p - 1)" ng-class="{'disabled': data.p == 1}" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Previous page} {{data.p == 1 ? '${disabled}' : ''}}" tabindex="{{(data.p == 1) ? -1 : 0}}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a>
        <div ng-if="data.num_pages > 1 && data.num_pages < 20" class="btn-group">
          <a ng-repeat="i in getNumber(data.num_pages) track by $index" ng-click="setPageNum($index + 1)" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-class="{active: ($index + 1) == data.p}" type="button" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Page} {{$index + 1}}" ng-attr-aria-current="{{($index + 1) == data.p ? 'page' : undefined}}">{{$index + 1}}</a>
        <div class="btn-group">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="setPageNum(data.p + 1)" ng-class="{'disabled': data.p == data.num_pages}" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Next page} {{data.p == data.num_pages ? '${disabled}' : ''}}" tabindex="{{(data.p == data.num_pages) ? -1 : 0}}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>
      <div class="m-t-xs panel-title">${Rows {{data.window_start + 1}} - {{ mathMin(data.window_end,data.row_count) }} of {{data.row_count}}}</div>

      <span class="clearfix"></span>

All in all, I had to insert code in four different places, twice in the table header, once for the table rows, and once for the bulk action drop-down in the table footer. Everything else is just as it was in the original HTML template from the latest version of the widget. This I like much better than the way that I had it before, and each block of code that I inserted is clearly marked with a Start and an End comment. I took the same approach with the server script and the client script, attempting wherever possible to leave as much as the original work in place and marking those sections where I inserted additions.

Now that that is done, I need to go back into the wrapper widgets and basically do the same thing after I remove all of the code that is now being handled in the core widget. Once that is done, there is still one more thing that I would like to do before releasing another Update Set, but I need to finish up those wrapper widgets first before we jump into that.

Aggregate List Columns, Part XI

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”
Zig Ziglar

Last time, I completed the changes that I wanted to make to support the ability to click on an aggregate column value and see a list of the records represented by the value. I fully intended to test everything out this time and wrap this up; however, once I started testing things out, I began to realize that there were some inconsistencies in the approach taken for the aggregate columns compared to that taken with the buttons and icons. I don’t really like seeing that, so now I am contemplating scrapping the whole thing and starting over. I’m not fully there just yet, but I really don’t like have two different solutions to virtually the same objective.

To begin my testing, I built a simple modal pop-up widget and then edited the original AggregateTestConfig Script Include to contain an action property with a value of broadcast. That produced the desired clickable link on the aggregate column, but I noticed that there was no tool tip on mouse-over like there is with the buttons and icons. That, of course, is because I did not add the hint property to the aggregate column specification object like there is in the button/icon specification object. That seems like an easy fix, but the other thing that I did not like was that the column was still a link when the value was 0. Since there is nothing to see when the value is 0, it seems to me that that column shouldn’t be clickable unless there are records to view. That should also be an easy fix, so I set both of those concerns aside and moved on to testing the other option, linking to a new page.

Not wanting to disturb my earlier testing, I pulled up the AggregateTestConfig2 Script Include to use the second test page for this effort. You may recall that the second test page is a list of sys_user_grmember table records, not sys_user table records. To make this work for counting up the related records, we added the optional source property to the aggregate column specification object, but the code that I added to support the clickable links did not reference that property. That needed to be addressed as well, but I still wanted to do some testing, so I decided to swap over to the AggregateTestConfig3 Script Include to use the third existing test page instead of the second. That allowed me to complete my testing, and everything seemed to work as it should, but in digging around in the code, I found a couple of things that really disturbed my sense of The Way Things Ought To Be.

For one, to provide a link for buttons and icons, we use the property page_id. To accomplish the same thing for aggregate columns, the property name is action. The first is simply the ID of an existing Portal Page, selected from an sn-record-picker of Portal Pages. The second is a URL query string that includes the ID of the desired Portal Page as well as any other parameters that you might want to include in your URL. Both achieve the desired objective, but again, I do not like to see two different approaches to the same issue in the same component. It does work, but I don’t like it.

The other thing that I discovered is that the code that I added to handle the link to the new page was in the core SHN Data Table widget, while the similar code for the buttons and icons was located in the various wrapper widgets. I am sure that I copied all of that from the original click handler for the entire row, but I am not sure why it is in the wrapper widgets, where it has to be replicated in each and every one, instead of in the core widget, where it would seem to belong. Maybe there was a reason for that when the stock items were first constructed, but I do not know what that reason might have been.

In the midst of all of that, I came across this conversation, which included a link to this article. While I happen to share the article author’s concerns about cloning stock widgets, and he does make a number of valid points in his reply to the original poster, some modifications that you would like to make are so extensive that it makes little sense to attempt to retain whatever might be left of the original artifact. Still, his approach of embedding the original widget underneath your enhancements, which is essentially what the wrapper widgets do with the core data table widget, is an intriguing idea. I still have to study the sample to see how that might be adapted to what I have been trying to do, but I think it might be worth a closer look.

All of things these piled on top of one another make me think that maybe I want to back up the truck and take another shot at this from a different perspective. I definitely want to be able to click on a non-zero aggregate column and see a list of the records represented there, either in a modal pop-up on a new page, but maybe the way that I jumped into this was just a little too hasty. I think I have to do a little more digging around before I fully commit to what I have started here. Maybe this could be done a little better than I have it now. Or maybe not. Hopefully, I can figure all of that out relatively soon and we can still wrap this up and put it behind us.

Aggregate List Columns, Part IV

“Everything can be improved.”
Clarence W. Barron

Last time, I promised that we would get into providing aggregate column support to the remaining data table wrapper widgets and the Content Selector Configuration Editor, but before we do that, there is one little extra feature that I would like insert. As you may recall, when I set up the filter for the initial test page, I hard-coded the list of sys_ids for the members of the Hardware group. It would have been much easier to use the sys_user_grmember table and set the filter to, but the problem with that would be that the sys_id of the row would then be the sys_id of the sys_user_grmember record, and not the sys_id of the sys_user record. The reason that that is a problem is because there are no Incidents assigned to sys_user_grmember records, so the aggregate column values would all be 0.

There is, however, a way to make that work. We just need to add one more property to our aggregate column configuration object. If we add an optional source property, then we can allow developers to configure an alternate source for the sys_id rather than just relying on the sys_id of the primary record of the row. It could be optional, as we could always default to the sys_id of the row if you did not specify an alternate source, but if you did enter a value, then the contents of that field would be the sys_id that we would use in place of the standard behavior. Using that approach, we could develop a configuration that could look like this:

name: 'sys_user_grmember',
displayName: 'User',
all: {
	filter: '',
	fields: 'group,user,user.title,,user.department,user.location',
	aggarray: [{
		label: 'Incidents',
		name: 'incidents',
		heading: 'Incidents',
		table: 'incident',
		field: 'assigned_to',
		filter: 'active=true',
		source: 'user'
	btnarray: [],
	refmap: {},
	actarray: []

Of course, in order to do that, we would have to add some additional logic inside the for loop that puts together the data to be sent to the getAggregateValue function, but the changes should not be that significant. I simply created a new variable called sysId, set it initially to the sys_id of the record, then checked to see if there was a source defined, and if so, overrode the initial value with the value found in the source field of the current record.

for (var j=0; j<data.aggarray.length; j++) {
	var config = data.aggarray[j];
	var sysId = record.sys_id;
	if (config.source) {
		sysId = gr.getValue(config.source);
	record.aggValue.push(getAggregateValue(sysId, config));

That’s all there is to that. Now we just need to put together a test case to see if it will actually work. Rather than muck up my original test page, I decided to clone the page and the configuration script so that I could run tests both with and without a source defined. I called my copy of the configuration script AggregateTestConfig2, and it turned out like this:

var AggregateTestConfig2 = Class.create();
AggregateTestConfig2.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

	perspective: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'All',
		roles: ''

	state: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'All',

	table: {
		all: [{
			name: 'sys_user_grmember',
			displayName: 'User',
			all: {
				filter: '',
				fields: 'group,user,user.title,,user.department,user.location',
				aggarray: [{
					label: 'Incidents',
					name: 'incidents',
					heading: 'Incidents',
					table: 'incident',
					field: 'assigned_to',
					filter: 'active=true',
					source: 'user'
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []

	type: 'AggregateTestConfig2'

Now all we have to do is pull up the new test page and see how it looks.

Test page #2 with alternate sys_id source feature

So now you can define an alternate source for the sys_id that drives the aggregate, or you can choose not to and have the original functionality remain intact. Sweet! I like it. We still don’t have a way to click on the aggregate and pull up a list of the records represented there, but that’s something that we can always add in a future version. For now, we still have work to do involving the remainder of the core data table widget wrappers and the configuration file editor. I know that I said this last time, but this time for sure, we will jump right into that next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part XXXVI

“The definition of flexibility is being constantly open to the fact that you might be on the wrong track.”
Brian Tracy

Although it is long past time to start some serious work on the third major component of this little(?) project, the application installation process, I have been rather hesitant to officially kick that off. Last time, we addressed the last of the reported defects in the first two processes, the initial set-up and the application publishing process. Now, it would seem, would be the time to jump into wrestling with that last remaining primary function and put that to bed before turning our attentions to the list of secondary features that will complete the initial release of the full product. At least, that would appear to be the next logical step.

The reason for my reluctance, however, is that I have taken a cursory look at the various approaches available to accomplish my goal, and quite frankly, I don’t really like any of them. When we converted our Update Set to XML, we were able to fish out enough parts and pieces from the stock product to cobble together a reasonable solution with a minimal amount of questionable hackery. To go in the other direction, to convert the XML back to an Update Set, the only stock component that appears to provide this functionality is bound tightly with the process of uploading a local file from the user’s file system. The / page, or more specifically, the / process to which the form on that page is posted, handles both the importing of the XML file and the conversion of that file to an Update Set. There is no way to extract the process that turns the XML into an Update Set, since everything is encapsulated into that one all-encompassing process. For our purposes, we do not have a local file on the user’s machine to upload; our file is an attachment already present on the server, so invoking this process, which seems the only way to go, involves much more than we really need.

To invoke the one and only process that I have found (so far!) to make this conversion, then, we will have to post a multi-part form to / that includes our XML data along with all of the other fields, headers, and cookies expected by the server-side form processor. On the server side, we should be able to accomplish this with an outbound REST message, or on the client side, we should be able to do this by somehow sending our XML instead of a local file when submitting the form. Each approach has its own merits, but they also each have their own issues, and no matter which way you go, it’s a rather complicated mess.

The Server Side Approach

Posting a multi-part form on the server side is actually relatively simple as far as the form data goes. We can construct a valid body for a standard multipart/form-data POST using our XML data and related information and then send it out using an outbound REST message. That’s the easy part. We just need to add an appropriate Content-Type header, including some random boundary value:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=somerandomvalue

Then we can build up the body by including all of the hidden fields on the form, and then add our XML in a file segment that would look something like this:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachFile"; filename="app_name_v1.0.xml"
Content-Type: application/xml

&lt;... insert XML data here ...>


In addition to the XML file component, you would also need to send all of the other expected form field values, some of which are preloaded on the form when it is delivered. To obtain those values, you would have to first issue an HTTP GET request of the / page and pick those values out of the resulting HTML. This can be accomplished with a little regex magic and the Javascript string .match() method. Here is a simple function to which you can pass the HTML and a pattern to return the value found in the HTML based on the pattern:

function extractValue(html, pattern) {
	var response = '';
	var result = html.match(pattern);
	if (result.length > 1) {
		response = result[1];
	return response;

For example, one of the form fields found on the / page is sysparm_ck. The INPUT element for this hidden field looks like this:

<input name="sysparm_ck" id="sysparm_ck" type="hidden" value="68fa4eee2fa401104425fcecf699b646939f52c6787c23fff22b124fcf58f713235b7478"></input>

To snag the value of that field, you would just pass the HTML for the page and the following pattern to our extractValue function:

id="sysparm_ck" type="hidden" value="(*.?)"

Once you have obtained the value, you can use it to build another “part” in the multi-part form body:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sysparm_ck"



All of that is pretty easy to do, and would work great except for one thing: this POST would only be accepted as part of an authenticated session, and cannot just be sent in on its own. Theoretically, we could create an authenticated session by doing a GET of the / page and then a POST of some authoritative user’s credentials, but that would mean knowing and sending the username and password of a powerful user, which is a dangerous thing with which to start getting involved. For that reason, and that reason alone, this does not seem to be a good way to go.

The Client Side Approach

On the client side, you are already involved in an authenticated session, so that’s not any kind of an issue at all. What you do not have is the XML, so to do anything on the client side, we will first need to create some kind of GlideAjax service that will deliver the XML over to the client. Once we have the XML that we would like to upload in place of the normal local file, we will have to perform some kind of magic trick to update the form on the page with our data in the place of a file from the local computer. To do that, we will have to either create our own copy of the / page or add a global script that will only run on that page, and only if there is some kind of URL parameter indicating that this is one of our processes and not just a normal user-initiated upload. We did this once before with a global script that only ran on the email client, so I know that I can run a conditional script on a stock page if I do not create a page of my own, but the trick will be getting the XML data to be sent back to the server with the rest of the input form.

After nosing around a bit for available options, it appears that you might be able to leverage the DataTransfer object to build a fake file, link it to the form, and then submit the form using something like this:

function uploadXML(xml, fileName) {
	var fileList = new DataTransfer();
	fileList.items.add(new File(xml, fileName));
	document.getElementById('attachFile').files = fileList.files;

Of course, there will be a lot more to it than that, as you will need to get a handle on the Update Set created and then try to Preview and Commit it programmatically as well, but this looks like a possibility. Still, you have to move the entire Update Set XML all the way down to the client just to push it all the way back up to the server again, which seems like quite a waste. Plus, with any client-side functionality, there is always the browser compatibility issues that would all need to be tested and resolved. Maybe this would work, but I still don’t like it. It seems like quite a bit of complexity and more than a few opportunities for things to go South. I’m still holding out hope that there is a better way.

Now what?

So … given that I don’t like any of the choices that I have come up with so far, I have decided to set that particular task aside for now in the hopes that a better alternative will come to me before I invest too much effort into a solution with which I am not all that thrilled. There is no shortage of things to do here, so my plan is to just focus on other issues and then circle back to this particular effort when a better idea reveals itself, or I run out of other things to do. Technically, once you have obtained the XML for a particular version from the Host, you can still manually install it by downloading the attachment yourself and importing like any other XML Update Set. That’s not really how I intend all of this to function, but it does work, so it should be OK to set this aside for a time.

Next time, then, instead of forging ahead with this third major component as I had originally planned, I will pick something else out of the pile and we will dig into that instead.

Collaboration Store

“Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.”
Howard Aiken

So I have had this idea percolating in the back of my brain for a while, but other than a few false starts, I haven’t ever done much with it. I have considered a number of different approaches, and have gone back and forth on the best way to tackle one thing or another, but other than mulling things over inside of my head, I have never really attempted to build anything out. I still don’t have a full understanding of how I am going to accomplish certain things, but that’s never really stopped me before from just plowing ahead with what I know and figuring the rest out along the way. Like most things, the most important thing of all is to just get started, and the rest will all work itself out over time. As they used to say in the old Nike commercial: Just Do It!

It’s a pretty simple idea, really. I want to build something like the ServiceNow Store or the developer’s Share site, only for a limited consortium of instances. It might be a collection of PDIs or an industry group or maybe just a couple of independent instances in the same organization, but the idea is to have a way to share stuff amongst a private group that are not otherwise connected in the way that one customer’s multiple instances are connected via their own internal store. I’ve gone back and forth on whether it would be better to do this peer to peer, with no central host, or to designate one of the instances as the master and have all of the others communicating through that one and not directly with each other. There are issues and benefits with each approach, and I really like the idea of having no single instance in charge, but after mulling over all of the various challenges, I think having a host instance would be the easiest approach, so I am going to make my first attempt using that strategy.

At this point, I don’t have all of the details worked out, but I have a rough idea of what I would like to accomplish. The first order of business would seem to be to get the instances talking to one another, which I plan to do using the built-in REST capabilities of the Now Platform. Some of the transactions will have to be built using the Scripted REST API, but hopefully most of them will just use the standard, out-of-the-box capability. My plan is to create a Scoped Application with a set-up process where you will either elect to set up a Host Instance, or provide the instance name of the Host Instance to which you would like to connect. The I am the Host option would be the simplest to code; the other would require communication with the specified host and getting your instance registered with the Host Instance. Also, any time a new instance was registered with the group, all of the other instances should be notified of the new member of group. Things now start to get a little complicated here, and this is just the initial set-up! As I said, I don’t have all of the details worked out just yet, but I do have the basic idea, so I just need to get started and see how things start to come out.

To keep track of the instances in the collective, I will need to set up a table that will contain all of the details for each instance. It shouldn’t be too much data; maybe just the instance name, a display name, a description, and some control data like an active flag or an activation date of some kind. Also, if I want keep track of activities related to each member instance, I might also want an activity log table as well. I like the idea of having that information, but I may save that feature for a later time once I get all of this other stuff worked out the way that it needs to be.

There are a bunch of other considerations such as Roles, ACLs, and web-only service accounts to make all of this work, but again, that’s all in the details. Things should definitely be secured, and I will definitely want to do that, but my usual experience with Security is trying to get around it. It will be interesting to spend a little time on the other side of the fence. But that is not my first priority. Initially, I just want to get something to work. Once we cross that bridge, then I will circle back and make sure that everything is locked down in the way that it should be. I can only deal with one thing at a time, so to kick this thing off, I am just going to try to build out the initial set-up process. That’s complex enough all by itself. And it will probably take a little time, just to get that tuned up the way that I want it to work.

So, that’s the idea, anyway, and today was just about throwing the idea out there for all to see. Next time out, I will start putting the pieces together to see if we can’t turn the idea into a real, functioning scoped application.

Fun with Webhooks, Part IX

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Theodor Geisel

We still need to test the My Webhooks portal page that we built last time, but before we do that, I wanted to first build out the page referenced in a couple of links on that page so that we could test everything together. My initial thought for that page was to build out a brand new portal widget for that purpose using our old friends SNH Panel and SNH Form Fields. Before I did that, though, it occurred to me that it might be faster to just use the stock form portal page, passing in the name of the table, and potentially a sys_id for existing records. There were a number of things that I did not like about that idea, but I thought that I could overcome those with some UI Policies and some default values for a couple of table fields. I played around with that a bit and found another thing that I didn’t really like, which was that saving a record left you still on the form page and did not bring you back to the My Webhooks page, which I thought was rather annoying. It seemed as though I might be able to mitigate that by adding my Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs to the top of each page, but then I ran into another problem that I could not work around related to the Document ID field. At that point, I gave up and went back to my original plan, which is where I should have started in the first place.

So, here is the HTML for my new Webhook Registry portal widget:

<snh-panel class="panel panel-primary" title="'${Webhook Registry}'">
  <form id="form1" name="form1" novalidate>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
          snh-choices='[{"label":"Single Item","value":"single"},{"label":"Caller / Requester","value":"requester"},{"label":"Assignment Group","value":"group"},{"label":"Assignee","value":"assignee"}]'/>
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-12">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
          snh-required="'assignee' ||'requester'"
          ng-show="'assignee' ||'requester'"/>
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">

  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to abandon this update and return to your webhooks">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your input">Save</button>

There’s nothing too magical there; just a bunch of SNH Form Fields wrapped inside of an SNH Panel. To mirror the UI Policies on the ServiceNow side of things, I used ng-show attributes to hide unneeded fields, and when those fields where required, I used the exact same criteria for the snh-required attribute, which kept it from telling me to complete fields that I couldn’t even see. With just that alone, I could throw the widget onto a page and bring it up, just to see what it looked like.

The new Webhook Registry widget layout

Not too bad, all things considered. Of course, this is just the layout. We still have to put the code underneath this presentation layer. We will definitely need some server side code to read and update the database, but I like to do the easy things first, so let’s start on the client side and throw in the code for the Cancel button. That just takes you right back the My Webhooks page, so that should be pretty simple, although we should bake in a little confirmation pop-up, just to be sure that the operator really does want to abandon their work. We can do that with a plain Javascript confirm, but I like the spModal version much better.

$scope.cancel = function() {
	spModal.confirm('Abandond your changes and return to your Webhooks?').then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {

Technically, I should have checked to make sure that something was at least altered before I popped up that confirmation, and if not, just whisked you straight away to the My Webhooks page without asking. I may actually do that at some point, but this works for now. Unlike the Cancel button, the Save button will require some server side code, but we can still code out the client side while we are here and then tackle that next. Here is the code for the Save button.

$ = function() {
	if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
		c.server.update().then(function(response) {
	} else {

Here we check to make sure that there are no validation errors on the form before invoking the server side code, and then we return to the My Webhooks page once the server process has completed. If there are validation errors, then we set the form status to submitted to reveal all of the field errors to the user. SNH Form Fields hide validation errors until you touch the field or the form has been submitted, so setting the form to submitted here reveals any validation errors present for fields that have not yet been touched.

On the server side, we essentially have two events to handle: 1) widget initialization and 2) handling a Save action. The Save action involves input from the client side, so we know that if there is input present, we are doing a Save; otherwise, we are initializing the widget. At initialization, we need to look for a sys_id parameter in the URL, which tells us that we are updating an existing record. If there isn’t one, then we are adding a new record. For existing records, we need to go get the data and for new records, we need to initialize certain fields. Here is all that code:

data.sysId = $sp.getParameter("sys_id");
if (data.sysId) {
	data.number = whrGR.getDisplayValue('number');
	data.type = whrGR.getValue('type');
	data.url = whrGR.getValue('url');
	data.document_id = {value: whrGR.getValue('document_id'), displayValue: whrGR.getDisplayValue('document_id')}; = {value: whrGR.getValue('group'), displayValue: whrGR.getDisplayValue('group')};
	data.person = {value: whrGR.getValue('person'), displayValue: whrGR.getDisplayValue('person')};
	data.owner = whrGR.getDisplayValue('owner'); = whrGR.getValue('active')=='1'?true:false;
	data.authentication =  whrGR.getValue('authentication');
	data.username = whrGR.getValue('username');
	data.password = whrGR.getValue('password');
} else {
	data.owner = gs.getUserDisplayName(); = true;
	data.document_id = {}; = {};
	data.person = {};

Similarly, when we do a Save, we need to know whether we are doing an update or an insert, which we can again tell by the presence of a sys_id. If we are updating, we need to go out and get the current record, and then in all cases, we need to move the data from the screen to the record and then save it. Here is all of that code:

if (input.sysId) {
whrGR.type = input.type;
whrGR.url = input.url;
whrGR.document_id = input.document_id.value; =;
whrGR.person = input.person.value;
whrGR.authentication = input.authentication;
whrGR.username = input.username;
whrGR.password = input.password;
if (input.sysId) {
} else {

That’s pretty much it for the widget. Just to make sure that it works, we can pull up an existing record and see what shows up on the screen.

Webhook Registry widget with existing record

Once I pulled the record up, I switched the Authentication to Basic and then hit the Save button, just to see if the form validation was working. So far, so good, but there is obviously a lot more testing to do, including the integration with the My Webhooks page. Still, things are looking pretty good at this point.

I’m not quite ready to put out an Update Set at the moment, as there is still quite a bit of testing that I would like to do first. Hopefully, though, I won’t find anything too major and I can drop the whole package next time out.

sn-record-picker Helper, Corrected

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but habit.”

The other day I was using my sn-record-picker Helper to create a picker that allowed multiple selections and I discovered that there were a couple of undetected errors in there that needed to be cleaned up. I rarely have an occasion to use the multiple=”true” option, so I never noticed the issues before. The first one was relatively simple: there was an extra trailing quote in the generated code for the multiple attribute. That was easy enough to fix. The other one was a little more complicated. The live example of the configured picker was never set up to handle multiple selections. That seemed like it would be a relatively easy fix, but it turned out to be a little more complicated than I realized.

My first thought was to just add the multiple attribute to the tag, and set the value to the value of the checkbox on the form, thinking that it would resolve to true or false and take care of the problem.

  snh-label="Live Example"

Unfortunately, that didn’t work. It didn’t really do anything bad, it just did not render out as a multiple selection picker, even when I checked the box. I thought maybe that it needed to be interpreted/resolved, so I surrounded the variable with double curly braces.


Things really went South at that point. The whole thing crashed with the following error:

invalid key at column 2 of the expression [{{}}] starting at [{}}].

So, I tried a number of other, different things, none of which seemed to do the trick. Apparently, you have to hard-code the value of that attribute to true or it just won’t work. So much for making it dynamic. So, in the end, I had to create two versions of the element, one for single and another nearly identical one for multiple, and then show or hide them based on the value of the variable.

  snh-label="Live Example"
  snh-label="Live Example"

Not the most elegant solution, but it does work, so there’s that. One thing that did not work on the multiple version was the modal pop-up on change. That works pretty slick on the single selection version, but on the multiple, the change event never fires. I played around with that for a while looking for a solution, but I finally gave up and just removed that attribute from the multiple version, since it didn’t actually do anything. On the multiple version, everything that you have selected is already displayed right there in front of you, so I figured that we weren’t losing all that much by my not finding a ready solution to the problem.

So that’s it: two little fixes. It’s not all that much, but it does correct a couple of annoying little problems, so here’s a fresh Update Set with the corrections in place.

Update: There is a better (corrected further) version here.

Formatted Script Search Results, Corrected

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never.”
Winston Churchill

For the most part, I really liked the way my formatted search result widget came out; however, the fact that I lost my results after following the links on the page was something that I just couldn’t accept. In my rush to get that out, I released a version with that obvious flaw, but I couldn’t just let that be the end of it; there had to be a way to make it remember its way back home without losing track of what was there before. There just had to be.

I tried a lot of things. They say that when you lose something, you always find it in the last place that you look. I always wondered why that was considered such profound wisdom, since it seemed quite obvious to me that once you found it, you would stop looking. Of course you always find it in the last place that you looked. When I finally came across a way to get the results that I wanted, I stopped looking. There may be a better way to achieve the same ends, but once I was able to link out to a page and come back to my original results, I was done. I’m not all that proud of the code, but it works, so I’m good.

The problem turned out to be this statement, which takes you to the next URL, which includes the search string parameter:


This uses the AngularJS $location service, which is quite powerful, but apparently not quite powerful enough to leave a trail that you could follow back home again. I tried a number of variations to get things to work, but in the end I abandoned this whole approach and just went full old school. I replaced my ng-click with an onclick, and in my onclick function, I replaced that nice, simple one line of code with several others:

function findIt() {
	var url = window.location.pathname +;
	if (url.indexOf('&search=') != -1) {
		url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('&search='));
	url += '&search=' + document.getElementById('searchFor').value;
	window.location.href = url;

Now I will be the first one to admit that this is quite a bit more code than that one simple line that I had before. First, I had to glue together the path and the search string to construct a relative URL, then I had to check to see if a search parameter was already present, and if so, clip it off of the end, then add my new search parameter to the search string, and then finally, set the current location to the newly constructed URL. Aesthetically, I prefer the original much, much better, but this older, brute force method has the advantage of actually working the way that I want, so it gets to be the winner.

I still kept my ng-click, but that was just to toggle on a new loading DIV to let the user know that their input was accepted and now we are working on getting them their results. That simple HTML addition turned out like this:

<div class="row" ng-show="">
  <div class="col-sm-12">
      <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
      ${Wait for it ...}

One other thing that I tinkered with in this iteration was the encoded query string in the Script Include. There is a particular table (sn_templated_snip_note_template) that kept throwing an error message related to security, so I decided to just filter that one out by name to keep that from happening. The new encoded query string now looks like this:


There might be a few other clean-up odds and ends included that I can’t quite recall right at the moment, but the major change was to finally get it to come back home again after drilling down into one the listed scripts. If you installed the previous version of this Update Set, I would definitely recommend that you replace it with this one.