Aggregate List Columns, Part V

“The trouble you’re expecting never happens; it’s always something that sneaks up the other way.”
George R. Stewart

Last time, we took a little side trip on our journey to add this new functionality to the SNH Data Table Widget collection, but now we need to get back on track and finish up modifying the other wrapper widgets that still need to have some changes. Let’s start with the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition, which does not rely on an outside configuration object. When you configure this widget, you use the Edit feature of the Service Portal Page Designer. The edit dialog box that comes up can be customized for a widget using the Option schema field on the widget form, which already contains a number of customizations for the existing version of the widget. Here is how that looks right now:

[{"hint":"If enabled, show the list filter in the breadcrumbs of the data table",
"label":"Enable Filter",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specification for row-level buttons and action icons",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the page id for any reference column links",
"label":"Reference Pages",

In the current version, there is a string field for entering a JSON specification object for both Buttons/Icons and Reference Pages, so we will want to add one more just like that for our new aggregate columns. We can clean up the labels for all three while we are at it, just to make things a little clearer, so now it looks like this:

[{"hint":"If enabled, show the list filter in the breadcrumbs of the data table",
"label":"Enable Filter",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for aggregate data columns",
"label":"Aggregate Column Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for row-level buttons and action icons",
"label":"Button/Icon Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the page id for any reference column links",
"label":"Reference Page Specifications (JSON)",

Looking over the rest of the code, it doesn’t look as if there is anything else that needs to be done, so the next thing that we need to do is to set up a test so that we can try it out. Once again, we can clone the original test page and then make our modifications to the cloned page. The first thing that we will need to do is to swap out the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget with our modified SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget. Once we do that, we can click on the Edit pencil in the Page Designer and fill out the modified form.

Top half of the Page Designer widget option editor

For this test, I decided to use the Group table instead of the User table, and for our little test, I decided to limit the list to just ITIL groups. The type field can be more than one type, though, so I had to use a CONTAINS filter rather than an = filter, and the values are sys_ids, not names, so I had to look up the sys_id for the ITIL type. I just added a couple of fields, Name and Manager, and then ordered the list by Name. That pretty much took care of the top half of the widget option editor, so then I scrolled down to the bottom half, where our customizations appear.

Bottom half of the Page Designer widget option editor

Here I left the default color, selected an appropriate glyph icon for a group, and left the Link to this page and Enable Filter fields intentionally blank. In the Aggregate Column Specifications field, I entered a JSON String defining three different aggregate columns:

 "label": "Members",
 "name": "members",
 "heading": "Members",
 "table": "sys_user_grmember",
 "field": "group",
 "filter": ""
 "label": "Incidents",
 "name": "incidents",
 "heading": "Incidents",
 "table": "incident",
 "field": "assignment_group",
 "filter": "active=true"
 "label": "Catalog Tasks",
 "name": "sc_tasks",
 "heading": "Catalog Tasks",
 "table": "sc_task",
 "field": "assignment_group",
 "filter": "active=true"

I did not define any buttons or icons, but I did set up a reference configuration to send the links on the managers to the User Profile page. All that was left to do at that point was to Save the options, jump out to the Service Portal, and give this baby a try.

First test of the new widget modifications

Now that’s disturbing. There is no data in any of the aggregate columns. I hate it when that happens! Now what? Well, I always try to keep this in mind whenever these things suddenly crop up.

After quite a few trials and tribulations, I finally tracked down the source of the problem. The ng-repeat for the aggregate columns is actually nested underneath another ng-repeat for the rows in the table. Apparently, ng-repeat has some issues with arrays of primitives or strings, and prefers to deal with objects. Why that did not present itself when I was working with an array length of 1 earlier, and only now caused a problem with an array length of 3 is still a mystery to me. Fortunately, I never need to know or understand the why; I just need to know what to do about it. The solution was to convert my integer value to an object containing an integer value. So, in the core SNH Data Table widget, I changed this:

return value;

… to this:

return {value: value};

Of course, that meant that I also had to change the HTML accordingly, so I changed this:

<td ng-repeat="aggValue in item.aggValue" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">

… to this:

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.aggValue" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">

Now let’s have another look at that new test page.

Second test of the new widget modifications

That’s better! OK, so that takes care of wrapper widget #2. Now we just need to handle the third wrapper widget, SNH Data Table from URL Definition. That sounds like a good project for our next installment.