“There are three qualities that make someone a true professional. These are the ability to work unsupervised, the ability to certify the completion of a job or task and, finally, the ability to behave with integrity at all times.”
— Subroto Bagchi
Last time, we wrapped up the changes for the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget, and fixed a little issue with the core SNH Data Table widget in the process. Today, we need to do the same for the remaining wrapper widget, SNH Data Table from URL Definition. As with the previous widget, there isn’t that much code here that needs to be addressed, but I did come across these lines in the widget’s Server script:
copyParameters(data, ['p', 'o', 'd', 'filter', 'buttons', 'refpage', 'bulkactions']);
copyParameters(data, ['relationship_id', 'apply_to', 'apply_to_sys_id']);
It looks like I need to add the aggregates parameter to the list, so I threw that in and collapsed everything into a single line.
copyParameters(data, ['p', 'o', 'd', 'filter', 'aggregates', 'buttons', 'refpage',
'bulkactions', 'relationship_id', 'apply_to', 'apply_to_sys_id']);
That was the only thing that I could find, so the next thing that I did was to clone the original test page once again and swap out the table widget for the one that I wanted to test. The problem with testing this one, though, is that all of the options that drive the process are URL parameters, and I did not want to type or paste in that huge URL every time I wanted to test. To eliminate that, I added an HTML widget above the table with a link that would contain the URL needed for testing. This way, all I needed to do to perform a test would be to click on that link.
Now I need to build a test URL using the same parameters that we used for the previous widget testing. Here is the list:
table: sys_user_group
filter: typeCONTAINS1cb8ab9bff500200158bffffffffff62
fields: name,manager
order_by: name
maximum_entries: 7
aggregates: [{ "label": "Members", "name": "members", "heading": "Members", "table": "sys_user_grmember", "field": "group", "filter": "user.active=true" },{ "label": "Incidents", "name": "incidents", "heading": "Incidents", "table": "incident", "field": "assignment_group", "filter": "active=true" },{ "label": "Catalog Tasks", "name": "sc_tasks", "heading": "Catalog Tasks", "table": "sc_task", "field": "assignment_group", "filter": "active=true" }]
refpage: {"sys_user": "user_profile"}
Using all of that to create a URL for the test page results in this lengthy string:
Once I constructed the URL, I added the following HTML to the HTML widget that I inserted on the page:
<div class="text-center" style="padding: 15px;">
<a href="/sp?id=aggregate_test_4&table=sys_user_group&filter=typeCONTAINS1cb8ab9bff500200158bffffffffff62&fields=name,manager&order_by=name&maximum_entries=7&aggregates=[{"label":"Members","name":"members","heading":"Members","table":"sys_user_grmember","field":"group","filter":"user.active%3Dtrue"},{"label":"Incidents","name":"incidents","heading":"Incidents","table":"incident","field":"assignment_group","filter":"active%3Dtrue"},{"label":"CatalogTasks","name":"sc_tasks","heading":"CatalogTasks","table":"sc_task","field":"assignment_group","filter":"active%3Dtrue"}]&refpage={"sys_user":"user_profile"}">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Click to Test</button>
Now, all I needed to do was to bring up the Service Portal and pull up the page.

OK, that’s not all I needed to do. I also needed to click on the button to invoke that long URL with all of the parameters included.

There, that’s better. So, it looks like everything seems to be in working order. That takes care of the last of the wrapper widgets. We still need to update the configuration file editor to support the new aggregate columns, which should be relatively straightforward, so maybe we can jump right into that next time out, wrap this whole thing up, and put out a new Update Set.