Generic Feedback Widget, Part V

“If at first you don’t succeed, you are running about average.”
M.H. Alderson

I looked at several different ways to solve my problem with the Generic Feedback Widget, but I couldn’t come up with anything that didn’t involve inactivating or altering the ACL that was at the heart of the issue.Finally, I settled on a plan that would at least involve minimally invasive alterations to the ACL. The plan was pretty simple: create an obscure User Preference and set it to true just before accessing the live_group_profile record, and then delete the preference as soon as the record was obtained. The alteration to the ACL, then, would be to check for that preference before applying the ACL. The updated version of the ACL script now looked like this:

if (gs.getPreference('') == 'true') {
	answer = true;
} else {
	var gr = new GlideRecord('live_group_member');
	gr.addQuery('member', GlideappLiveProfile().getID());
	gr.addQuery('group', current.sys_id);
	gr.addQuery('state', 'admin').addOrCondition('state', 'active');
	answer =;

The first thing that we do is check for the preference, and if it’s there, then we bypass the original code; otherwise, things proceed as they always have. I don’t really like tinkering with stock components if I can avoid it, mainly because of the subsequent issues with patches and upgrades potentially skipping an upgrade of anything that you have touched. Still, this one seemed to be unavoidable if I wanted to salvage the original intent and still do what I wanted to do.

The next thing that I needed to do was to set the preference just before attempting the read operation, and then removing it as soon as I was done. That code turned out to look like this:

gs.getUser().setPreference('', 'true');
grp = new GlideRecord('live_group_profile');
grp.addQuery('table', table);
grp.addQuery('document', sys_id);
if ( {
	groupId = grp.getValue('sys_id');
gs.getUser().setPreference('', null);

I ended up pulling that out of the widget and putting it into its own Script Include, mainly to tuck the specialized code away and out of sight. Anyway, it all sounded like a great plan and all I needed to do now was to test it out, so I did. And it failed. So much for my great plan.

It took a little digging, but I finally figured out that the ACL was not the only thing keeping people from outside the group from reading the group profile record. There are also a number of Business Rules that do pretty much the same thing. I spent a little time combing through all of those looking for ways to hack around them, and then finally decided that, for my purposes anyway, I really didn’t to be running any Business Rules at all. So I added one more line to my read script to turn off all of the Business Rules.

gs.getUser().setPreference('', 'true');
grp = new GlideRecord('live_group_profile');
grp.addQuery('table', table);
grp.addQuery('document', sys_id);
if ( {
	groupId = grp.getValue('sys_id');
gs.getUser().setPreference('', null);

That did it. Now, people who are not in the group can still read the group profile record, which is good, because you need the sys_id of that record to read all of the messages in the group, which is what we are using as feedback. The only thing that I have accommodated at this point is situations where a group profile record does not exist at all, and I have to create one.

But that’s an entirely different adventure