Generic Feedback Widget, Part IV

“For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.'”
John Greenleaf Whittier

Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. In fact, I was pretty proud of my Generic Feedback Widget once I had it pretty much all put together. I even felt so good about it that I went ahead and put out an Update Set. Then I started playing around with it while using other User accounts that did not have the admin role, and I realized that something was seriously wrong. In fact, nothing really worked at all. If you are not an admin or an existing member of a conversation, not only can you not enter any new feedback; you can’t even see the existing feedback that is already there. That’s not right!

It took be a little digging around to finally lay my hands on the source of the problem, but I found it. There is read ACL on the live_group_profile table that includes the following script:

var gr = new GlideRecord('live_group_member');
gr.addQuery('member', GlideappLiveProfile().getID());
gr.addQuery('group', current.sys_id);
gr.addQuery('state', 'admin').addOrCondition('state', 'active');
answer =;

The impact of that ACL is that you cannot read a record from the live_group_profile table unless you are an existing member of that group. Without access to the group profile, you cannot obtain the sys_id of the group to use in the query of the live_feed_message table to see all of the messages. And you cannot put yourself in the group if you can’t get the ID of the group to include on the live_group_member record you would need to create in order to make yourself a member. The bottom line to all of that is that, if you are not an admin (which overrides this ACL), you cannot see any messages related to the subject of the page and you cannot create any. That pretty much kills the entire basis of what I was trying to do.

The question now, is what, if anything, can be done about it. Obviously, I could simply deactivate that ACL and the problem would be solved, but that would also open up all kinds of other problems that that ACL was designed to avoid, so that’s not really a viable option. I could give up on my desire to leverage these existing tables and functions and just set up all new tables for this process with their own ACLs, but that seems like quite a bit more work than I normally care to undertake. Still, it seems as though there has got to be a way to leverage what I have already built without breaking things that are already in the product and not signing up for a major project. I need to figure out a way for non group members to read the group record without effectively killing that ACL for other purposes, or I am going to have to start all over with custom tables of my own design.

This should be interesting …