Collaboration Store, Part LXXXII

“It’s really complex to make something simple.”
Jack Dorsey

Last time, we wrapped up an initial version of the storefront and released a new Update Set in the hopes that a few folks out there would pull it down and take it for a spin. While we wait patiently to hear back from anyone who might have been willing to download the new version and run it through its paces, let’s see if we can’t add a little more functionality to our shopping experience. The page that we laid out had a place for two widgets, but we only completed the primary display widget so far. The other, smaller portion of the screen was reserved for some kind of search/filter widget to help narrow down the results for installations where a large number of applications have been shared with the community. Adding that second widget to the page would give us something like this:

Storefront with new search/filter widget added

Rather than have the two widgets speak directly to one another, my thought was that we could use the same technique that was used with the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector bundled with the SNH Data Table Widgets. Instead of having one widget broadcast messages and the other widget listen for those messages, the Content Selector communicates with the Data Table widget via the URL. Whenever a selection is made, a URL is constructed from the selections, and then the Content Selector branches to that URL where both the Content Selector and the Data Table widget pull their control information from the shared URL query parameters. We can do exactly the same thing here for the same reasons.

For this initial attempt, I laid out a generic search box and a number of checkboxes for various states of applications on the local instance. To support that, we can use the following URL parameters: search, local, current, upgrade, and notins. In the widget, we can also use the same names for the variables used to store the information, and we can populate the variables from the URL. In fact, that turns out to be the entirety of the server-side code.

(function() { = $sp.getParameter('search') ? decodeURIComponent($sp.getParameter('search')) : '';
	data.local = $sp.getParameter('local') == 'true';
	data.current = $sp.getParameter('current') == 'true';
	data.upgrade = $sp.getParameter('upgrade') == 'true';
	data.notins = $sp.getParameter('notins') == 'true';

And here is the HTML that I put together to display the information.

<div class="panel">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <input ng-model="" name="search" id="search" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="&#x1F50D;"/>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <input ng-model="" name="local" id="local" type="checkbox"/>
      <label for="local">${Local}</label>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <input ng-model="" name="current" id="current" type="checkbox"/>
      <label for="current">${Current}</label>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <input ng-model="" name="upgrade" id="upgrade" type="checkbox"/>
      <label for="upgrade">${Upgrade Available}</label>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col">
      <input ng-model="" name="new" id="new" type="checkbox"/>
      <label for="notins">${Not Installed}</label>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col text-center">
      <button ng-click="search()" class="btn btn-primary" title="${Click to search the Collaboration Store}">${Search}</button>

To format things a little nicer, and to kick that little magnifying glass search icon over to the right, we also need to throw in some CSS.

.col {
  padding: .5vw;

label {
  margin-left: .5vw;

::placeholder {
  text-align: right;

There is one client-side function referenced in the HTML for the button click, and that’s pretty much all there is to the widget’s Client script.

api.controller = function($scope, $location) {
	var c = this;

	$ = function() {
		var search = '?id=' + $['id'];
		if ( {
			search += '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(;
		if ( {
			search += '&local=true';
		if ( {
			search += '&current=true';
		if ( {
			search += '&upgrade=true';
		if ( {
			search += '&notins=true';
		} = search;

The search() function builds up a URL query string based on the operator’s input and then updates the current location with the new query string, essentially branching to the new location. When the new page loads, both the search widget and the storefront widget can then pull their information from the current URL. We can test all of this out now by saving the new widget, pulling up our collaboration_store page in the Service Portal Designer, and then dragging our new widget onto the page in the space already reserved for that purpose.

Dragging the new widget onto the existing page

With that completed, we can now try out the page and see that entering some data and clicking on the Search button actually does reload the page with a new URL. However, at this point the content of the primary page never changes because we have yet to add code to the main widget to pull in the URL parameters and then use that data to adjust the database query. That sounds like a good subject for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LXXVII

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.”
Bo Jackson

Last time, we started hacking up a copy of the Service Portal page sc_category, beginning with the HTML. Now we need to update the Server script to pull in our data so that we can bring up the widget and see how it looks. For the header portion, we need to pull in data about the store, which we can get from the instance record for the Host instance.

function fetchStoreDetails() {
	var instanceGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	if (instanceGR.get('instance', gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance'))) { = {}; = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('name'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('description'); = instanceGR.getValue('logo'); = instanceGR.getUniqueValue();

For the apps, we look to the application table. At this point, we just want to pull in all of the data, so we will save any filtering for later in the development process. Right now, we just want to see how our presentation is coming out.

function fetchItemDetails(items) {
	var appGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
	while ( {
		var item = {}; = appGR.getDisplayValue('name');
		item.short_description = appGR.getDisplayValue('description');
		item.picture = appGR.getValue('logo');
		item.version = appGR.getDisplayValue('current_version');
		item.provider = appGR.getDisplayValue('');
		item.providerLogo = appGR.provider.getRefRecord().getValue('logo');
		item.sys_id = appGR.getUniqueValue();
		item.hasPrice = false; = 'sc_cat_item';
		item.type = appGR.getValue('sys_class_name');
		item.order = 0;
		item.sys_class_name = appGR.getValue('sys_class_name');

Some of that is still left over from the original widget, but we’ll clean that up later. For now, we just want to get to the point where we can throw this widget on a page and bring it up and see what we have. A lot of the other code from the original can be tossed, but we will need to retain a few things related to the paging, which leaves us with this.

(function() {
	data.items = [];
	data.show_more = false;
	var itemsInPage = options.limit_item || 9;

	data.limit = itemsInPage;
	if (input && input.new_limit) {
		data.limit = input.new_limit;
	if (input && input.items) {
		data.items = input.items.slice();//Copy the input array

	if (input && input.startWindow) {
		data.endWindow = input.endWindow;
	} else {
		data.startWindow = 0;
		data.endWindow = 0;


	if (data.items.length > data.limit) {
		data.show_more = true;

	data.more_msg = gs.getMessage(" Showing {0} items", data.limit);

	function fetchStoreDetails() {
		var instanceGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
		if (instanceGR.get('instance', gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance'))) { = {}; = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('name'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('description'); = instanceGR.getValue('logo'); = instanceGR.getUniqueValue();

	function fetchItemDetails(items) {
		var appGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
		while ( {
			var item = {}; = appGR.getDisplayValue('name');
			item.short_description = appGR.getDisplayValue('description');
			item.picture = appGR.getValue('logo');
			item.version = appGR.getDisplayValue('current_version');
			item.provider = appGR.getDisplayValue('');
			item.providerLogo = appGR.provider.getRefRecord().getValue('logo');
			item.sys_id = appGR.getUniqueValue();
			item.hasPrice = false; = 'sc_cat_item';
			item.type = appGR.getValue('sys_class_name');
			item.order = 0;
			item.sys_class_name = appGR.getValue('sys_class_name');


That should be enough to make it work. Now let’s create a page for our widget, call it collaboration_store, and bring it up in the Service Portal Designer. To begin, let’s drag a 3/9 container onto the page.

Dragging a 3/9 container onto the new portal page

Once we have our container in place, let’s find our new widget and drag it into the 9 portion of the 3/9 container.

Dragging our new widget onto the page

Eventually, we will want to come up some kind of search/filter widget for the 3 section of the 3/9 container, but for now we will just leave that empty, save what we have, and pull up the page in the Service Portal to see how things are looking.

First look at our new store layout

Not bad! Of course, we still have a lot of work to do on the Client script to handle things like switching to the alternate view, clicking on a tile, or paging through lengthy results, but the look and feel seems to work so far. I think it might be good to put the logo of the store in the header, but other than that, I do not see any significant changes that I would like to make at this point. I think it actually looks pretty good.

We’ll need to start working on the Client script now, once again stripping out those things related to catalogs and categories, and making sure that the toggle functions still work for switching back and forth between the tiles layout and the table layout. Also, we will need to figure out what we want to do when the operator clicks on an app. We could bring up the details of the application in a modal pop-up, navigate to a detail page, or even go straight into launching an install. That will all end up in the Client script as well.

One thing that we will need to add to the view is the state of the app on the instance, whether it is up to date, needs to be upgraded to the latest version, or has never been installed. The state of the app may determine what happens when you click on the app, so we will need to figure all that out as well. So much to figure out, but still it is a pretty good start. Next time, we will just keep forging ahead unless we have some test results to address.

Scripted Value Columns, Part V

“Make incremental progress; change comes not by the yard, but by the inch.”
Rick Pitino

Last time, we had enough parts cobbled together to demonstrate that the concept actually works. Of course, all we had to show for it was some random numbers, but that told us that the specified script was being called for each row, which is what we were after. Now that we know that the basic structure is performing as desired, we can revisit the configurable Script Include component and see if we can come up with some actual use cases that might be of value to someone.

One of the questions that triggered this idea was related to comments and work notes on Incidents. Assuming that the main record in the table is an Incident, we can clone our example Script Include to create one dedicated to pulling data out of the latest comment or work note on an Incident. We can call this new Script Include ScriptedJournalValueProvider.

var ScriptedJournalValueProvider = Class.create();
ScriptedJournalValueProvider.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '';

	type: 'ScriptedJournalValueProvider'

We will want to delete the example code in the getScriptedValue function and come up with our own, but other than that, the basic structure remains the same. Assuming that we want our script to be able to handle a number of attributes of an Incident Journal entry, we can use the name of the column to determine which function will fetch us our value.

getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var column =;
	if (column == 'last_comment') {
		response = this.getLastComment(item, config);
	} else if (column == 'last_comment_by') {
		response = this.getLastCommentBy(item, config);
	} else if (column == 'last_comment_on') {
		response = this.getLastCommentOn(item, config);
	} else if (column == 'last_comment_type') {
		response = this.getLastCommentType(item, config);

	return response;

This way, we can point to this same script in multiple columns and the name of the column will determine which value from the last comment or work note gets returned.

Since all of the functions will need the data for the last entry, we should create a shared function that they all can leverage to obtain the record. As with many things on the ServiceNow platform, there are a number of ways to go about this, but for our demonstration purposes, we will read the sys_journal_field table looking for the last entry for the Incident in the current row.

getLastJournalEntry: function(sys_id) {
	var journalGR = new GlideRecord('sys_journal_field');
	journalGR.addQuery('name', 'incident');
	journalGR.addQuery('element_id', sys_id);
	return journalGR;

Now that we have a common way to obtain the GlideRecord for the latest entry, we can start building our functions that extract the requested data value. Here is the one for the comment text.

getLastComment: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var journalGR = this.getLastJournalEntry(item.sys_id);
	if (journalGR.isValidRecord()) {
		response = journalGR.getDisplayValue('value');

	return response;

The others will basically be copies of the above, modified to return different values based on their purpose. The whole thing, all put together, now looks like this.

var ScriptedJournalValueProvider = Class.create();
ScriptedJournalValueProvider.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var column =;
		if (column == 'last_comment') {
			response = this.getLastComment(item, config);
		} else if (column == 'last_comment_by') {
			response = this.getLastCommentBy(item, config);
		} else if (column == 'last_comment_on') {
			response = this.getLastCommentOn(item, config);
		} else if (column == 'last_comment_type') {
			response = this.getLastCommentType(item, config);

		return response;

	getLastComment: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var journalGR = this.getLastJournalEntry(item.sys_id);
		if (journalGR.isValidRecord()) {
			response = journalGR.getDisplayValue('value');

		return response;

	getLastCommentBy: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var journalGR = this.getLastJournalEntry(item.sys_id);
		if (journalGR.isValidRecord()) {
			response = journalGR.getDisplayValue('sys_created_by');

		return response;

	getLastCommentOn: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var journalGR = this.getLastJournalEntry(item.sys_id);
		if (journalGR.isValidRecord()) {
			response = journalGR.getDisplayValue('sys_created_on');

		return response;

	getLastCommentType: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var journalGR = this.getLastJournalEntry(item.sys_id);
		if (journalGR.isValidRecord()) {
			response = journalGR.getDisplayValue('element');

		return response;

	getLastJournalEntry: function(sys_id) {
		var journalGR = new GlideRecord('sys_journal_field');
		journalGR.addQuery('name', 'incident');
		journalGR.addQuery('element_id', sys_id);
		return journalGR;

	type: 'ScriptedJournalValueProvider'

Now that we have a Script Include to utilize, we need to put together a new page so that we can configure it to make use of it so that we can test it out. Let’s make a quick copy of the page that we were using for testing last time and call it scripted_value_test. Also, let’s make a quick copy of the test configuration script that we were using earlier and call it ScriptedValueConfig.

var ScriptedValueConfig = Class.create();
ScriptedValueConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

	perspective: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'all',
		roles: ''

	state: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'All'

	table: {
		all: [{
			name: 'incident',
			displayName: 'Incident',
			all: {
				filter: 'caller_idDYNAMIC90d1921e5f510100a9ad2572f2b477fe^active=true',
				fields: 'number,opened_by,opened_at,short_description',
				svcarray: [{
					name: 'last_comment_on',
					label: 'Last Comment',
					heading: 'Last Comment',
					script: 'global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider'
					name: 'last_comment_by',
					label: 'Last Comment By',
					heading: 'Last Comment By',
					script: 'global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider'
				aggarray: [],
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {
					sys_user: 'user_profile'
				actarray: []

	type: 'ScriptedValueConfig'

Now let’s pull up our new page in the Service Portal Designer and point the table widget to our new configuration script.

Configuring the new test page to use the new test configuration script

Once we save that, we can pop over to the Service Portal and pull up our new page to try it out.

First test of our first real world utilization of this feature

Beautiful! Our new scripted value provider Script Include was called by the core SNH Data Table widget and it returned the requested values, which were then displayed on the list with all of the other standard table columns. That wasn’t so hard, now was it?

Of course, we still have a couple more wrapper widgets to modify (and test!), and I would like to produce another example, maybe something to do with catalog item variables, but I think we are close. One thing I see that I never noticed before, though, is that the added columns don’t quite line up with the original columns. Maybe it is a CSS thing, or maybe it is something a little more diabolical, but I want to take a look at that and see what is going on there. All of the data in the columns should be displayed consistently; I don’t like it when things don’t all line up correctly. I need to figure out what is going on there and see what I can do about it.

Anyway, we still have a little more work to do before we can wrap this all up into a new Update Set and post a new version out on Share, but we will keep plugging along in our next installment.

Scripted Value Columns, Part IV

“Where you’re headed is more important than how fast you’re going.”
Stephen Covey

Last time, we modified the core SNH Data Table widget to process the new configuration properties for scripted value columns. Before we can try it out, though, we need to update one or more of the three wrapper widgets, since no one uses the core widget directly. Probably the simplest to take on would be the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget, the one that was added to process a configuration script directly. As we did with the editor and the core data table widget, we can scan the code for the aggarray and then copy any code needed as a starting point for our modifications. The only reference that appears in this widget is in the Server script, and only on a single line:

data.aggarray = data.tableData.aggarray;

We can replicate that line, and then modify the copy for our new array of scripted value columns.

data.svcarray = data.tableData.svcarray;
data.aggarray = data.tableData.aggarray;

And that’s the only thing that needs to be done to update this widget to support the new feature. Now we can build a page to try things out and see if it all works. Or better yet, maybe there is already a page out there that we can use for this quick test. Down at the bottom of the widget form there is a list of pages that already use this widget. Maybe we can tinker with one of those, just to give this a quick look.

Related list of portal pages that include the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget

The table_from_json page looks like a prime candidate. All we need to do is to pull it up in the Portal Page Designer, point the configuration script option to the script that we modified earlier, and then give the page a try.

First test of the new scripted value column using random numbers as values

So, there is the “test” column that we added, filled with random numbers from our new ScriptedValueExample Script Include. This test demonstrates that our modified wrapper widget successfully passed the data from our recently edited configuration script to the core data table widget, and the core data table widget successfully handled the new configuration option and obtained the value for the new column from the specified Script Include. Sweet! Now we need to come up with some real world examples of how this feature might be employed for specific purposes, and also update the remaining wrapper widgets to accommodate this new feature. That all sounds like a good topic for our next installment.

Aggregate List Columns, Part V

“The trouble you’re expecting never happens; it’s always something that sneaks up the other way.”
George R. Stewart

Last time, we took a little side trip on our journey to add this new functionality to the SNH Data Table Widget collection, but now we need to get back on track and finish up modifying the other wrapper widgets that still need to have some changes. Let’s start with the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition, which does not rely on an outside configuration object. When you configure this widget, you use the Edit feature of the Service Portal Page Designer. The edit dialog box that comes up can be customized for a widget using the Option schema field on the widget form, which already contains a number of customizations for the existing version of the widget. Here is how that looks right now:

[{"hint":"If enabled, show the list filter in the breadcrumbs of the data table",
"label":"Enable Filter",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specification for row-level buttons and action icons",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the page id for any reference column links",
"label":"Reference Pages",

In the current version, there is a string field for entering a JSON specification object for both Buttons/Icons and Reference Pages, so we will want to add one more just like that for our new aggregate columns. We can clean up the labels for all three while we are at it, just to make things a little clearer, so now it looks like this:

[{"hint":"If enabled, show the list filter in the breadcrumbs of the data table",
"label":"Enable Filter",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for aggregate data columns",
"label":"Aggregate Column Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for row-level buttons and action icons",
"label":"Button/Icon Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the page id for any reference column links",
"label":"Reference Page Specifications (JSON)",

Looking over the rest of the code, it doesn’t look as if there is anything else that needs to be done, so the next thing that we need to do is to set up a test so that we can try it out. Once again, we can clone the original test page and then make our modifications to the cloned page. The first thing that we will need to do is to swap out the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget with our modified SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget. Once we do that, we can click on the Edit pencil in the Page Designer and fill out the modified form.

Top half of the Page Designer widget option editor

For this test, I decided to use the Group table instead of the User table, and for our little test, I decided to limit the list to just ITIL groups. The type field can be more than one type, though, so I had to use a CONTAINS filter rather than an = filter, and the values are sys_ids, not names, so I had to look up the sys_id for the ITIL type. I just added a couple of fields, Name and Manager, and then ordered the list by Name. That pretty much took care of the top half of the widget option editor, so then I scrolled down to the bottom half, where our customizations appear.

Bottom half of the Page Designer widget option editor

Here I left the default color, selected an appropriate glyph icon for a group, and left the Link to this page and Enable Filter fields intentionally blank. In the Aggregate Column Specifications field, I entered a JSON String defining three different aggregate columns:

 "label": "Members",
 "name": "members",
 "heading": "Members",
 "table": "sys_user_grmember",
 "field": "group",
 "filter": ""
 "label": "Incidents",
 "name": "incidents",
 "heading": "Incidents",
 "table": "incident",
 "field": "assignment_group",
 "filter": "active=true"
 "label": "Catalog Tasks",
 "name": "sc_tasks",
 "heading": "Catalog Tasks",
 "table": "sc_task",
 "field": "assignment_group",
 "filter": "active=true"

I did not define any buttons or icons, but I did set up a reference configuration to send the links on the managers to the User Profile page. All that was left to do at that point was to Save the options, jump out to the Service Portal, and give this baby a try.

First test of the new widget modifications

Now that’s disturbing. There is no data in any of the aggregate columns. I hate it when that happens! Now what? Well, I always try to keep this in mind whenever these things suddenly crop up.

After quite a few trials and tribulations, I finally tracked down the source of the problem. The ng-repeat for the aggregate columns is actually nested underneath another ng-repeat for the rows in the table. Apparently, ng-repeat has some issues with arrays of primitives or strings, and prefers to deal with objects. Why that did not present itself when I was working with an array length of 1 earlier, and only now caused a problem with an array length of 3 is still a mystery to me. Fortunately, I never need to know or understand the why; I just need to know what to do about it. The solution was to convert my integer value to an object containing an integer value. So, in the core SNH Data Table widget, I changed this:

return value;

… to this:

return {value: value};

Of course, that meant that I also had to change the HTML accordingly, so I changed this:

<td ng-repeat="aggValue in item.aggValue" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">

… to this:

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.aggValue" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">

Now let’s have another look at that new test page.

Second test of the new widget modifications

That’s better! OK, so that takes care of wrapper widget #2. Now we just need to handle the third wrapper widget, SNH Data Table from URL Definition. That sounds like a good project for our next installment.

Service Portal User Directory

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

I have been playing around a lot lately with my hacked up Service Portal Data Table widget, but just about everything that I have done has been centered around some kind of Task. I have been wanting to do something a little different, so I decided that I would use my breadcrumbs widget, my content selector, and my custom data table to create a User Directory portal page. I started out by creating a new page called user_directory and opening it up in the Portal Designer.

First I dragged a 12-wide container over into the top of the page and then dragged the breadcrumbs widget into that. Then I dragged over a 3/9 container and put the content selector into the narrow portion and the data table into the wider portion. That gave me my basic layout.

user_directory page basic layout

Since this was going to be a list of Users on the portal, I decided that the page to which we will link should be the user_profile portal page, so I updated the table options to link to that page, and to add a user icon as the glyph.

Updating the data table widget options

We also need to update the content selector widget options, but it is going to ask for a configuration script, which we have not built just yet, so let’s do that now. For this, we can use the new Content Selector Configuration Editor to create a new configuration script called UserDirectoryConfig.

Creating a new configuration script using the Content Selector Configuration Editor

For this initial version of the directory, we will have two Perspectives: 1) a general public perspective for all authenticated users, and 2) a user administration perspective for those with the authority to update user records. We will also define 3 States: 1) active users, 2) inactive users, and 3) all users. For each Perspective, we will define a single Table, the User (sys_user) table.

Updating the new configuration script using the Content Selector Configuration Editor

For all of the public states, we will specify the following field list:


Since I do not want regular users looking at inactive users, I used the following filter for both the Active state and the All state:


For the Inactive state, which I wanted to always come up empty, I used this:


For the admin states, we will drop the manager and add the user_name, and for the All state, we will also add the active flag:


And of course the filters for the admin states are all pretty self explanatory, so there’s no need to waste any space on those here. One little extra thing that I did want to add to all of the admin states, though, was an Edit button. Clicking on the user_name will get you to the user_profile page, but if you want to edit the user information, you need to go the form page, so I added a button for that purpose to all three of the admin states.

Administrative Edit button

After completing the configuration, saving the form produced the following configuration script:

var UserDirectoryConfig = Class.create();
UserDirectoryConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

	perspective: [{
		name: 'everyone',
		label: 'Public',
		roles: ''
		name: 'admin',
		label: 'User Admin',
		roles: 'user_admin,admin'

	state: [{
		name: 'active',
		label: 'Active'
		name: 'inactive',
		label: 'Inactive'
		name: 'all',
		label: 'All'

	table: {
		everyone: [{
			name: 'sys_user',
			displayName: 'User',
			active: {
				filter: 'active=true',
				fields: 'name,title,department,location,manager',
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []
			inactive: {
				filter: 'active=true^active=false',
				fields: 'name,title,department,location,manager',
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []
			all: {
				filter: 'active=true',
				fields: 'name,title,department,location,manager',
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []
		admin: [{
			name: 'sys_user',
			displayName: 'User',
			active: {
				filter: 'active=true',
				fields: 'user_name,name,title,department,location',
				btnarray: [{
					name: 'edit',
					label: 'Edit',
					heading: 'Edit',
					icon: 'edit',
					color: '',
					hint: '',
					page_id: 'form'
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []
			inactive: {
				filter: 'active=false',
				fields: 'user_name,name,title,department,location',
				btnarray: [{
					name: 'edit',
					label: 'Edit',
					heading: 'Edit',
					icon: 'edit',
					color: '',
					hint: '',
					page_id: 'form'
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []
			all: {
				filter: 'true',
				fields: 'user_name,name,title,department,location,active',
				btnarray: [{
					name: 'edit',
					label: 'Edit',
					heading: 'Edit',
					icon: 'edit',
					color: '',
					hint: '',
					page_id: 'form'
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []

	type: 'UserDirectoryConfig'

Now we can go back into the Page Designer and edit the content selector widget options to specify our new configuration script.

Editing the content selector widget options in the Page Designer

Now all that is left to do is to go out to the Service Portal and give it a go. Let’s see how it comes out.

First look at the new User Directory portal page

I like it! I clicked around and tried a few things. Overall, I think it came out pretty good, but I did come across one flaw already: clicking on someone’s department or location will take you to the user_profile page and get you a nasty error message because there is no user on file with the sys_id of a department or location. That’s not good. That also brings up an interesting point: I don’t really want to send regular users to the form page for departments or locations, either. I need to find a more appropriate destination for those links. I guess I won’t be wrapping this all up in a bow today after all. I’ll have to give this one some thought, so this looks like an issue that we will have to take up next time out.

Customizing the Data Table Widget, Again

“Work never killed anyone. It’s worry that does the damage. And the worry would disappear if we’d just settle down and do the work.”
Earl Nightingale

It’s been a while since I first set out to build a custom version of the stock Data Table widget, but since that time, I have used my hacked up version for a number of different projects, including sharing pages with my companion widget, the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector. Now that I have a way to edit the configuration scripts for the content selector, that has become my primary method for setting up the parameters for a data table. The content selector, though, was designed to give the end user the ability to select different Perspectives, different States, and different Tables. That’s a nice feature, but there are times when I just want to display a table of data without any options to look at any other data. I thought about setting up an option to make the content selector hidden for those instances, but then it occurred to me that the better approach was to cut out the middleman entirely and create a version of the Data Table widget that read the configuration script directly. This way, I wouldn’t have to put the content selector on the page at all.

So I cloned my SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget to create a new SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget. Then I opened up my Content Selector widget and started stealing parts and pieces of that guy and pasting them into my new Data Table widget, starting with the widget option for the name of the configuration script:

      "hint":"Mandatory configuration script that is an extension of ContentSelectorConfig",
     "label":"Configuration Script",

I also threw in three new options so that you could override the default Perspective, Table, and State values.

   "hint":"Optional override of the default Perspective",
   "hint":"Optional override of the default Table",
   "hint":"Optional override of the default State",

In the HTML section, I copied in the two warning messages and pasted them in with minimal modifications:

<div ng-hide="options && options.configuration_script">
  <div class="alert alert-danger">
    ${You must specify a configuration script using the widget option editor}
<div ng-show="options && options.configuration_script && !data.config.defaults">
  <div class="alert alert-danger">
    {{options.configuration_script}} ${is not a valid Script Include}

On the server side, I deleted the first several lines of code that dealt with grabbing the table and view from the URL and making sure that something was there, and replaced it with some code that I pretty much lifted intact from the content selector widget. Here is the code that I removed:

deleteOptions(['table','field_list','filter','order_by', 'order_direction','order','maximum_entries']);
if (input) {
	data.table = input.table;
	data.view = input.view;
} else {
	data.table = $sp.getParameter('table') || $sp.getParameter('t');
	data.view = $sp.getParameter('view');

if (!data.table) {
	data.invalid_table = true;
	data.table_label = "";

… and here is what I replaced it with:

data.config = {};
data.user = {sys_id: gs.getUserID(), name: gs.getUserName()};
if (options) {
	if (options.configuration_script) {
		var instantiator = new Instantiator(this);
		var configurator = instantiator.getInstance(options.configuration_script);
		if (configurator != null) {
			data.config = configurator.getConfig($sp);
			data.config.authorizedPerspective = getAuthorizedPerspectives();
			establishDefaults(options.perspective, options.table, options.state);

if (data.config.defaults && data.config.defaults.perspective && data.config.defaults.table && data.config.defaults.state) {
	var tableList = data.config.table[data.config.defaults.perspective];
	var tbl = -1;
	for (var i in tableList) {
		if (tableList[i].name == data.config.defaults.table) {
			tbl = i;
	data.tableData = tableList[tbl][data.config.defaults.state];
	data.table = data.config.defaults.table;
} else {
	data.invalid_table = true;
	data.table_label = "";

I also grabbed a couple of the functions that were called from there and pasted those in down at the bottom:

function getAuthorizedPerspectives() {
	var authorizedPerspective = [];
	for (var i in data.config.perspective) {
		var p = data.config.perspective[i];
		if (p.roles) {
			var role = p.roles.split(',');
			var authorized = false;
			for (var ii in role) {
				if (gs.hasRole(role[ii])) {
					authorized = true;
			if (authorized) {
		} else {
	return authorizedPerspective;

function establishDefaults(perspective, table, state) {
	data.config.defaults = {};
	var p = data.config.authorizedPerspective[0].name;
	if (perspective) {
		if (data.config.table[perspective]) {
			p = perspective;
	if (p) {
		data.config.defaults.perspective = p;
		for (var t in data.config.table[p]) {
			if (!data.config.defaults.table) {
				data.config.defaults.table = data.config.table[p][t].name;
		if (table) {
			for (var t1 in data.config.table[p]) {
			if (data.config.table[p][t1].name == table) {
					data.config.defaults.table = table;
		data.config.defaults.state = data.config.state[0].name;
		if (state) {
			for (var s in data.config.state) {
				if (data.config.state[s].name == state) {
					data.config.defaults.state  = state;

I also reworked the area labeled widget parameters to get the data from the configuration instead of the URL. That area now looks like this:

// widget parameters
data.table_label = gr.getLabel();
data.filter = data.tableData.filter;
data.fields = data.tableData.fields;
data.btnarray = data.tableData.btnarray;
data.refmap = data.tableData.refmap;
data.actarray = data.tableData.actarray;
copyParameters(data, ['p', 'o', 'd', 'relationship_id', 'apply_to', 'apply_to_sys_id']);
data.filterACLs = true;
data.show_keywords  = true;
data.fromJSON = true;
data.headerTitle = (options.use_instance_title == "true") ? options.title : gr.getPlural();
data.enable_filter = options.enable_filter;
data.show_new = options.show_new;
data.show_breadcrumbs = options.show_breadcrumbs;
data.table_name = data.table;
data.dataTableWidget = $sp.getWidget('snh-data-table', data);

No modifications were needed on the client side, so now I just needed to create a new test page, drag the widget onto the page and then use the little pencil icon to configure the widget. I called my new page table_from_json and pulled it up in the Page Designer to drag in this new widget. Using the widget option editor, I entered the name of the Script Include that we have been playing around with lately and left all of the other options that I added blank for this first test.

SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget option editor

With that saved, all that was left to do was to go out to the Service Portal and bring up the page.

SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget on the new test page

Not bad! I played around with it for a while, trying out different options using the widget option editor in the Page Designer, and everything seems like it all works OK. I’m sure that I’ve hidden some kind of error deep in there somewhere that will come out one day, but so far, I have not stumbled across it in any of my feeble testing. For those of you who like to play along at home, here is an Update Set that I am hoping contains all of the needed parts.