“On your darkest days do not try to see the end of the tunnel by looking far ahead. Focus only on where you are right now. Then carefully take one step at a time, by placing just one foot in front of the other. Before you know it, you will turn that corner.”
— Anthon St. Maarten
Last time, we threw together the beginnings of a configuration script for Service Account dashboard using the Content Selector Configuration Editor. Now that we have a viable script, we need to create Service Portal Page that will utilize that configuration. To begin, we will pull up the list of Portal Pages and click on the New button to create a new page.

We will call our new page Service Account Dashboard and give it an ID of service_account_dashboard. Once we submit the form we can pull it back up and use the link down at the bottom of the form to bring it up in Service Portal Designer. Onto the blank canvas we will drag a 12-wide container, and beneath that one, we will drag in a 3/9 container. Into the upper 12-wide container, we will drag in the Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs widget, and into the 3 portion of the 3/9 container, we will drag in the Content Selector widget. In the 9 portion of the 3/9 container, we will pull in the SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget. Now that we have placed all of the widgets, we will need to edit them, starting with the Content Selector.

Here is where we enter the full name of the configuration script that we created last time. Since this is a Scoped application, we need to include the scope with the name so that it can be successfully located. That’s all there is to configuring that widget, as most of the configuration information is contained in the referenced script. Configuring the Data Table widget is a little more involved.

Here we give it a title of Service Accounts and select an appropriate Glyph image. We check the Use Instance Title checkbox to get our title to show up, and we leave all of the rest of them unchecked. Once we save that and save the page, we should be ready to try it out, which we can do easily enough with the View page in new tab button up in the upper right-hand corner.

So far, so good. The default selection is active Service Accounts from the requester’s perspective, and you can see all of the account records from our failed and successful test submissions. I went ahead and retired one of them so that we could test the Retired state. Let’s click on the Retired button and see how that comes out.

That looks good as well. Now let’s try the Pending state, which should come up empty for the Service Account table, as pending requests have not gotten far enough along in the process to have created the record in that table yet.

Well, that’s not right! But you knew things were going too well at this point and it was about time for something to go horribly wrong. This is just a problem with our Filter, though, and should be easily remedied. We used the filter 1=0, which obviously did not work, so let’s try using an actual field from the table and do something like this in our config file:
filter: 'number=0',
Before we add that to all of the pending configurations, let’s pull up the dashboard again and see how that looks.

That’s better. Of course, to actually see the pending Service Accounts, we will need to add another table to our configuration. We can go back into the Content Selector Configuration Editor to do that, and then go back to the dashboard and check it out. That sounds like a good exercise for our next installment.