Service Portal Form Fields, Part VII

“Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.”
Dale Earnhardt

After tinkering around with various uses and locations for the Retina Icons that I came across the other day, I finally settled on decorating three of my form field types with action buttons:

Form Fields with related Action Buttons

For the email form field type, the button sends an email, for the tel form field type, the button calls the number, and for the url form field type, the button opens up a new browser and navigates the the URL. To make the magic happen, I added yet another static variable listing out the types for which I created support for actions.

var SPECIAL_TYPE = ['email', 'tel', 'url'];

Then I created a function to format the types listed in that array. The code is essentially the same for all three types, with the differences only being in the icon, the link, and the associated help text or title. I considered creating a JSON object instead of a simple array, and including the three unique values for each type, but to be completely honest, I really didn’t think of doing that until after I had already done it the other way and I was too lazy to go back and refactor everything. So for now, the array drives the decision to utilize the function, and the function contains a bunch of hard-coded if statements to sort out what is unique to each type.

One thing that I did not want to do was have the action buttons out there when there was no value in the field or when the value was not valid. To only show the buttons when there was something there that would actually work with the button code, I added an ng-show to the outer element preventing it from displaying unless the conditions were right.

Action Buttons removed when data is missing or invalid

Aside from the cool Retina Icons and hiding the buttons when not wanted, there isn’t too much else noteworthy about the code. It does work, which is always a good thing, but one day I can see myself going back in here and doing a little optimization here and there. But this is what the initial version looks like today:

function buildSpecialTypes(attrs, name, model, required, fullName) {
	var title = '';
	var href = '';
	var icon = '';
	if (type == 'email') {
		title = 'Send an email to {{' + model + '}}';
		href = 'mailto:{{' + model + '}}';
		icon = 'mail';
	if (type == 'tel') {
		title = 'Call {{' + model + '}}';
		href = 'tel:{{' + model + '}}';
		icon = 'phone';
	if (type == 'url') {
		title = 'Open {{' + model + '}} in a new browser window';
		href = '{{' + model + '}}" target="_blank';
		icon = 'pop-out';
	var htmlText = "      <span class=\"input-group\" style=\"width: 100%;\">\n";
	htmlText += "       <input class=\"snh-form-control\" ng-model=\"" + model + "\" id=\"" + name + "\" name=\"" + name + "\" type=\"" + type + "\"" + passThroughAttributes(attrs) + (required?' required':'') + "/>\n";
	htmlText += "       <span class=\"input-group-btn\" ng-show=\"" + fullName + ".$valid && " + model + " > ''\">\n";
	htmlText += "        <a href=\"" + href + "\" class=\"btn-ref btn btn-default\" role=\"button\" title=\"" + title + "\" tabindex=\"-1\" data-original-title=\"" + title + "\">\n";
	htmlText += "         <span class=\"icon icon-" + icon + "\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span>\n";
	htmlText += "         <span class=\"sr-only\">" + title + "</span>\n";
	htmlText += "        </a>\n";
	htmlText += "       </span>\n";
	htmlText += "      </span>\n";
	return htmlText;

I still have my issues to deal with, but thanks to my pervasive skills at creative avoidance, we can put that off to a later installment, which will also be a good time to release an improved version of the Update Set for all of this.

Retina Icons

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Leonardo da Vinci

I was thinking about doing something with the form-field-addons that are a standard part of a ServiceNow UI form, and so I started looking at some of the ones that are currently in use on some of the existing forms. That led me down a path of looking into the source for the various icons used, which eventually led me to this:

According to this blog entry, you just add /styles/retina_icons/retina_icons.html to your existing instance URL and you can see them all. So I did:

Full list of Retina Icons

Pretty cool … that gets the little wheels turning just a bit …