Periodic Review, Part X

“A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smoothest road.”
Thomas Carlyle

Last time, we brought our process far enough along to send out some empty notices, and now we need to create the content for those notices that will inform the recipient of the actions required of them. Before we jump into that, though, we still need to add a little bit more code to our Script Include to wrap the process and update the execution record with the results. At the end of our sendNotices function, let’s add the following code:

// finalize the execution
var itemLabel = 'item';
if (executionGR.total_items > 1) {
	itemLabel = 'items';
var noticeLabel = 'notice was';
if (noticeCt > 1) {
	noticeLabel = 'notices were';
executionGR.total_notices = noticeCt;
executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Complete';
executionGR.completion_code = 0;
executionGR.description = noticeCt + ' ' + noticeLabel + ' generated and sent out covering a total of ' + executionGR.total_items + ' ' + itemLabel + '.';

This will update the state of the execution and provide some statistics and a description of the execution. We also need to do one more thing to link the notice records to their corresponding email records, but before we can do that, we have to give the event time to fire and the process time to react to the event firing. We can use a gs.sleep command to do that, but since this is a scoped application, we will have to use a little workaround to get things to work.

// update the references to the sent email
var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();

Once we know that the notice has been sent out, we can use the sys_watermark table to locate the information that we need to link the notice record to the associated email record.

// update the references to the sent email
var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();
noticeGR.addQuery('review_execution', executionGR.getUniqueValue());
while ( {
	var watermark = noticeGR.getValue('email_watermark');
	if (watermark) {
		var watermarkGR = new GlideRecord('sys_watermark');
		if (watermarkGR.get('number', watermark.substring(4))) {
			noticeGR.setValue('email', watermarkGR.getValue('email'));

That should wrap up the process for sending out the requests to review the artifacts. At this point our entire Script Include now looks like this:

var PeriodicReviewUtils = Class.create();
PeriodicReviewUtils.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {

	dailyProcess: function() {
		var toRun = [];
		var configurationGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_configuration');
		var today = new GlideDate();
		configurationGR.addQuery('next_scheduled_date', today);
		while ( {
			var execution = {};
			execution.configuration = configurationGR.getUniqueValue();
			execution.table = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('table');
			execution.filter = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('filter');
		if (toRun.length > 0) {'PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: Running ' + toRun.length + ' execution(s) today.');
			for (var i in toRun) {
				var thisRun = toRun[i];
				this.processExecution(thisRun.configuration, thisRun.table, thisRun.filter);
			}'PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: ' + toRun.length + ' execution(s) completed.');
		} else {'PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: Nothing scheduled to run today.');

	processExecution: function(configuration, table, filter) {'PeriodicReviewUtils.processExecution: ' + configuration + '; ' + table + '; ' + filter);

		// fetch system properties
		var systemFallbackAddress = gs.getProperty('x_11556_periodic_r.fallback_email_address');
		var systemEmailDomain = gs.getProperty('x_11556_periodic_r.email_domain');

		// create execution record
		var executionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_execution');
		executionGR.configuration = configuration;
		executionGR.run_date = new GlideDate();
		executionGR.run_start = new GlideDateTime();
		executionGR.state = 'Running';
		executionGR.short_description = executionGR.getDisplayValue('run_date') + ' review notices';
		executionGR.total_items = 0;
		executionGR.total_notices = 0;
		executionGR.completion_code = 0;
		var configurationGR = executionGR.configuration.getRefRecord();
		var fallbackRecipient = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('fallback_recipient');

		// create temporary notice record
		var noticeGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice');
		noticeGR.review_execution = executionGR.getUniqueValue();
		noticeGR.recipient = configurationGR.fallback_recipient;
		noticeGR.short_description = 'Temporary notice record';
		var tempNotice = noticeGR.getUniqueValue();

		// create notice item records from source table data
		var noticeItemGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice_item');
		var itemCt = 0;
		var sourceGR = new GlideRecord(table);
		if (sourceGR.isValid()) {
			if (filter) {
			while ( {
				noticeItemGR.review_notice = tempNotice; = sourceGR.getUniqueValue();
				noticeItemGR.short_description =  sourceGR.getDisplayValue(configurationGR.short_description_column);
				noticeItemGR.description = sourceGR.getDisplayValue(configurationGR.description_column);
				noticeItemGR.recipient = sourceGR.getValue(configurationGR.recipient_column);
				var recipientGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
				var notes = '';
				if (recipientGR.isValid()) {
					if (recipientGR.getValue('active')) {
						var email = recipientGR.getDisplayValue('email');
						if (email) {
							if (systemEmailDomain && !email.endsWith(systemEmailDomain)) {
								notes = 'Recipient email address is not an authoized email address; reverting to fallback recipient';
						} else {
							notes = 'Specified recipient has no email address; reverting to fallback recipient';
					} else {
						notes = 'Specified recipient is not active; reverting to fallback recipient';
				} else {
					notes = 'Recipient column empty on source record; reverting to fallback recipient';
				if (notes) {
					noticeItemGR.notes = notes;
					noticeItemGR.recipient = fallbackRecipient;
			if (itemCt > 0) {
				executionGR.total_items = itemCt;
				this.sendNotices(configurationGR, executionGR, noticeGR, noticeItemGR, tempNotice);
			} else {

				// finalize the execution
				executionGR.total_items = 0;
				executionGR.total_notices = 0;
				executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
				executionGR.state = 'Complete';
				executionGR.completion_code = 0;
				executionGR.description = 'No items matched the filter criteria during this run, so no notices were sent out.';

			// delete the temporary notice
		} else {

			// finalize the execution
			executionGR.total_items = 0;
			executionGR.total_notices = 0;
			executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
			executionGR.state = 'Failed';
			executionGR.completion_code = 1;
			executionGR.description = 'The specified source table in the configuration record is not valid; execution cannot proceed; aborting execution.';

		// set the next run date
		configurationGR.setValue('next_scheduled_date', this.calculateNextRunDate(configurationGR));

	sendNotices: function(configurationGR, executionGR, noticeGR, noticeItemGR, tempNotice) {'PeriodicReviewUtils.sendNotices: ' + configurationGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + executionGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + noticeGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + noticeItemGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + tempNotice);
		var noticeCt = 0;

		var noticeItemGA = new GlideAggregate('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice_item');
		noticeItemGA.addQuery('review_notice', tempNotice);
		while ( {
			var recipient = noticeItemGA.getValue('recipient');
			noticeGR.review_execution = executionGR.getUniqueValue();
			noticeGR.recipient = recipient;
			noticeGR.short_description = executionGR.getDisplayValue('run_date') + ' review notice for ' + configurationGR.getDisplayValue('short_description');
			noticeItemGR.addQuery('recipient', recipient);
			noticeItemGR.addQuery('review_notice', tempNotice);
			while ( {
				noticeItemGR.review_notice = noticeGR.getUniqueValue();
			// now you need to send out the notice, passing in the notice record for variables
			gs.eventQueue('x_11556_periodic_r.ReviewNotice', noticeGR, noticeGR.recipient, noticeGR.getUniqueValue());

		// finalize the execution
		var itemLabel = 'item';
		if (executionGR.total_items > 1) {
			itemLabel = 'items';
		var noticeLabel = 'notice was';
		if (noticeCt > 1) {
			noticeLabel = 'notices were';
		executionGR.total_notices = noticeCt;
		executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
		executionGR.state = 'Complete';
		executionGR.completion_code = 0;
		executionGR.description = noticeCt + ' ' + noticeLabel + ' generated and sent out covering a total of ' + executionGR.total_items + ' ' + itemLabel + '.';

		// update the references to the sent email
		var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();
		noticeGR.addQuery('review_execution', executionGR.getUniqueValue());
		while ( {
			var watermark = noticeGR.getValue('email_watermark');
			if (watermark) {
				var watermarkGR = new GlideRecord('sys_watermark');
				if (watermarkGR.get('number', watermark.substring(4))) {
					noticeGR.setValue('email', watermarkGR.getValue('email'));

	calculateNextRunDate: function(configurationGR) {
        var runDate = new Date();
        var frequency = configurationGR.getValue('frequency');
        var days = 0;
        var months = 0;
        if (frequency == 'daily') {
            days = 1;
        } else if (frequency == 'weekly') {
            days = 7;
        } else if (frequency == 'biweekly') {
            days = 14;
        } else if (frequency == 'monthly') {
            months = 1;
        } else if (frequency == 'bimonthly') {
            months = 2;
        } else if (frequency == 'quarterly') {
            months = 3;
        } else if (frequency == 'semiannually') {
            months = 6;
        } else if (frequency == 'annually') {
            months = 12;
        } else if (frequency == 'biannually') {
            months = 24;
        if (days > 0) {
            runDate.setDate(runDate.getDate() + days);
        } else {
            runDate.setMonth(runDate.getMonth() + months);
        return JSON.stringify(runDate).substring(1, 11);

    type: 'PeriodicReviewUtils'

We still have to build the content for the notices, and a way for the notice recipients to communicate their responses back to the system so that the appropriate action can be taken, so let’s jump into all of that next time out.

Fun with Outbound REST Events, Part II

“The Hacker Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better, and that nothing is ever complete.”
Mark Zuckerberg

In the first installment of this series, I just laid out my intentions, and didn’t really produce anything of value. With that out of the way, it’s now time to roll up our sleeves and actually get to work. The first component on our itemized list of artifacts to construct is the Outbound REST Message, so we might as well start there. To begin, pull up the list of Outbound REST Messages and then click on the New button to bring up the form. There are only a couple of required fields, the name and end point, but we will also add the optional description and expand the availability to all scopes on the platform.

New Outbound REST Message

Submitting the form will also generate a default GET HTTP method, which is really all that we will need for our purpose. There are other ways to invoke the address service, including an HTTP POST, but the GET will work, so that is all that we will really need to define. Click on the method to pull up the form so that we can add all of our details.

The HTTP GET method for our new Outbound REST Message

I changed the name of the method to simply get, mainly because we have to call the method by name, and I don’t like to type any more than I have to. The only other thing that we need is the end point. There are a couple of different ways that you can do this, including leaving out the end point all together and inheriting the end point from the main REST Message record, but then you have to define all of the URL parameters individually under the HTTP Request tab. It seems easier to me to just cut and paste the entire URL, query parameters and all, right in the end point field and leave it at that. But, the other way works just as well; your mileage may vary.

I use REST Message Variables for all of the query parameter values, which we can then substitute at execution time. I only do that for the ones that change; last episode we decided that we would always set the match parameter to invalid, so there is no need for a variable for that, as it will always be the same. But for the rest, we will want to use variables for the values, so here is the URL that I ended up with:${authid}&street=${address}&city=${city}&state=${state}&zipcode=${zip}&match=invalid

Once we save everything, we can test it out right here on the form, but before we do that, we need to provide a test value to all of the variables that we put in the URL. HTTP Method variables are a Related List, which you will find down at the bottom of the form. We can use the New button on that list to add values for all of our variables. For testing purposes, we can just use the same values that we used when we were using the test tool provided by the provider.

Test values for our HTTP GET Method

If you are paying close attention, you will have noticed that the auth-id value that I used is the same as the one provided in the provider’s test tool. That only works for requests that come from that tool. If you try that from anywhere else, you will get 401 HTTP Response Code. To actually use the service, you have to register to obtain your own ID. There is no cost for up to 250 requests per month, but you still have to register. However, even a 401 response is a valid indication that we have reached the service and the service responded, so let’s click that Test button and see what happens.

First test run (failure)

Well, that didn’t turn out so good. Instead of getting the expected 401, we received an HTTP status value of 0. That basically means that it didn’t even try, so let’s take a closer look at that error message:

Error executing REST request: Invalid uri ' SW 154th Ave&city=Davie&state=FL&zipcode=33331&match=invalid': I

The complaint is Invalid URL, which is undoubtedly related to the embedded spaces in the street parameter, which are not allowed. Apparently, the test tool does not encode the test values for the variables. This, in my opinion, is a shortcoming of the tool, but it can be easily remedied; I will just replace all of the embedded spaces with %20 and give it another go.

Second test run (success)

There’s that 401 that we were looking for! OK, we have now created our Outbound REST Message, configured our HTTP GET Method, set up values for all of our Method Variables, and successfully tested everything that we have built. We can run another test with our real authentication credentials, just to get a real, valid response, but we have done enough to demonstrate that this configuration actually does reach out and interact with our intended target. That’s good enough for now.

Speaking of your real authentication ID, that’s basically your password to the service, and not really something that you want to have floating around in test scripts or any other components in the system for that matter. The best way to stuff that into a corner somewhere is to create a System Property that can contain the value. This will keep the value out of everything else except for the System Properties table. The easiest way to do that is to go over to the Filter navigator and type (or you can do what the documentation suggests and type sys_properties.list and then click on the New button). This will bring up the System Property form, where you can define your new property. We’ll call ours

System property to hold the auth-id for the service

With that out of the way, we can now use a built-in GlideSystem function to obtain the auth-id in our scripts without having to have the actual value embedded in the script itself. Here is a simple example:

var authId = gs.getProperty('');

This should give us everything that we need to start in on our Script Include, but that’s a fairly large undertaking, so this seems like a good place to wind things up for now. We’ll start right off with the Script Include next time out.

Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs

“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
George Herbert

I’ve had this idea for a while to attempt a different approach to Service Portal breadcrumbs, and I finally quit tinkering with my Data Table clones and Configurable Content Selector long enough to actually throw something together. My issue with the out-of-the-box breadcrumb widget is that you have to tell it what the breadcrumbs are on every page rather than the system keeping track of where you are and how you got there. It seemed to me that it would not only be easier to set up, but it would also be more accurate, since there are often times more than one path to get to a specific page.

To keep track of the current page stack for the breadcrumbs, I decided to leverage the existing User Preferences infrastructure. User Preferences are accessible in the Service Portal via built-in GlideSystem functions, and provide a convenient means to keep track of a user’s path through the various screens in the portal. To fetch a User Preference, you use the gs.getPreference(key) method, and to update a User Preference, the script is gs.getUser().setPreference(key, value).

To begin, I pulled up the existing breadcrumb widget and created a clone that I called SNH Breadcrumbs. I did not want to change the way the breadcrumbs were displayed, so I left the HTML portion of the widget intact. I did not want to set the value of the breadcrumbs via widget option anymore, though, so I removed the option. Then I modified the server-side script to create a label for the current page and pull the current breadcrumbs out of the User Preferences. I also provided the means to update the breadcrumbs when an update was invoked on the client side. The complete server-side script now looks like this:

(function() {
	if (input) {
		if (input.breadcrumbs) {
			gs.getUser().setPreference('snhbc', JSON.stringify(input.breadcrumbs));
	} else {
		data.table = $sp.getParameter('table');
		data.sys_id = $sp.getParameter('sys_id');
		if (data.table) {
			var rec = new GlideRecord(data.table);
			if (data.sys_id) {
				rec.get(data.sys_id); = rec.getDisplayValue('number');
				if (! { = rec.getDisplayValue('name');
				if (! { = rec.getDisplayValue('short_description');
				if (! { = rec.getLabel();
			} else { = rec.getPlural();
		data.breadcrumbs = [];
		var snhbc = gs.getPreference('snhbc');
		if (snhbc) {
			data.breadcrumbs = JSON.parse(snhbc);

The page label is based on the URL parameters table and sys_id. If both are present, I go ahead and grab the record and attempt to obtain a label from the data. If only the table parameter is present, then I assume that we are talking about multiple records, so I grab the Plural label for the table itself. If there is no table parameter, then I let the client-side script handle the label for the page. On the client side, I build a breadcrumb entry for the current page, and then loop through the existing breadcrumbs to see if this page is already in the list. If it is, then that’s where we will stop; otherwise, we will just tack the new current page entry on to the end of the existing stack of pages. Here is the complete client-side script:

function($scope, $rootScope, $location, spUtil) {
	var c = this;
	c.expanded = !spUtil.isMobile();
	c.expand = function() {
		c.expanded = true;
	c.breadcrumbs = [];
	var thisPage = {url: $location.url(), id: $['id'], label: || document.title};
	if ( != $rootScope.portal.homepage_dv) {
		var pageFound = false;
		for (var i=0;i< && !pageFound; i++) {
			if ([i].id == {
				pageFound = true;
			} else {
		if (!pageFound) {
	} = c.breadcrumbs;

That’s really all there is to it. Here’s one example of how it looks in practice:

Dynamic breadcrumbs example

In the example above, the URL for the page contains a table parameter, but no sys_id parameter. This generates a page label from the table’s getPlural() method. If we select a different perspective, which uses a different table, we will still be on the same page, but the page label will reflect the current table in use for that perspective.

Breadcrumbs example using a different perspective/table

Now, if you click on one of the items in the table, you will see that the breadcrumb list grows, and this time the URL has both a table and a sys_id parameter, but the record in question (sysapproval_approver) has no number, name, or short_description fields, so the label is defaulted to the generic label for the record.

Approval record breadcrumb example

Clicking on the Approvals breadcrumb will take you back to the original screen, removing the single Approval record from the breadcrumb array.

Using the breadcrumb to return to the initial screen

Now, if you click on the Change record instead of the Approval record, the Change record actually does have a number field, so the label for that page is the actual number of the record.

Breadcrumbs example with numbered record

And finally, if you click on the Opened by column, which is configured to take you to the User Profile page, there is no number, but there is a name, so that becomes the label.

Breadcrumbs example from the Opened by column

The reason that you can find the record to fetch the name in the above example is because the Data Table widget arbitrarily passes both the table and sys_id parameters to the User Profile page, even though table is not needed (the table sys_user is assumed by the User Profile page — you don’t have to pass it). When you pull down the User menu and select Profile, no table name is passed in the URL, so the label defaults to the name of the page.

Breadcrumbs example from the User Profile selection

One thing to keep in mind is that the trail will only build as you pass through pages that contain the widget. Any pages that you pass through that do not contain the widget will not get added to the running list of pages, as there will be no code running that pushes the page onto the stack. Other than that, it seems to work in most other cases. If you want to try it out for yourself, here’s an Update Set that contains the custom widget.

Update: There is a better (working!) version here.

But wait … there’s more!

“Waiting is one of the great arts.”
Margery Allingham

Every once in a while, I will run into a situation where my code needs to wait for some other asynchronous process to complete. You don’t really want to go anywhere, and you don’t want to do anything. You just want to wait. On the client side, this is easily accomplished with a simple setTimeout. This is usually done with a basic recursive loop that repeats until the conditions are right to proceed.

function waitForSomething() {
	if (something) {
	} else {
		setTimeout(waitForSomething, 500);

Unfortunately, on the server side, where this need usually arises, the setTimeout function is not available. However, there is a widely known, but poorly documented, GlideSystem function called sleep that you can use in the global scope to provide virtually the same purpose.

function waitForSomething() {
	if (something) {
	} else {

Don’t try this in a scoped application, though, because you will just get a nasty message about how gs.sleep() is reserved for the global scope only. Fortunately, like a lot of things in ServiceNow, if you know the secret, you can get around such restrictions. In this case, all you really need is a Script Include that IS in the global scope, and then you can call that script from your scoped application and it will work just fine. Here is a simple example of just such as script:

var Sleeper = Class.create();
Sleeper.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {

	sleep: function(ms) {

    type: 'Sleeper'

Once you have your global-scoped Script Include set up, you can now call it from a scoped app and it will actually work.

function waitForSomething() {
	if (something) {
	} else {
		new global.Sleeper().sleep(500);