Collaboration Store, Part LXX

“Software bugs are like cockroaches; there are probably dozens hiding in difficult to reach places for every one you find and fix.”
Donald G. Firesmith

Last time, we went through the list of issues that have been reported so far, the biggest one being the fact that the REST API call to the Host instance is sending over the application logo image attachment instead of the Update Set XML file attachment. Since then, we have received some additional information in the form of the data logged to the REST API log file. Here is the entry of interest:

	“size_bytes”: “547670”,
	“file_name”: “logo”,
	“sys_mod_count”: “0”,
	“average_image_color”: “”,
	“image_width”: “”,
	“sys_updated_on”: “2022-08-02 16:55:55”,
	“sys_tags”: “”,
	“table_name”: “x_11556_col_store_member_application_version”,
	“sys_id”: “c227acc297855110b40ebde3f153aff3”,
	“image_height”: “”,
	“sys_updated_by”: “csworker1.dev69362”,
	“download_link”: “”,
	“content_type”: “image/jpeg”,
	“sys_created_on”: “2022-08-02 16:55:55”,
	“size_compressed”: “247152”,
	“compressed”: “true”,
	“state”: “pending”,
	“table_sys_id”: “b127a88297855110b40ebde3f153afa6”,
	“chunk_size_bytes”: “700000”,
	“hash”: “8b5a07a6c0edf042df4b3c24e729036562985b705427ba7e33768566de94e96f”,
	“sys_created_by”: “csworker1.dev69362”

If you look at the table_name property, you can see that it is attaching something to the version record, and if you look at the file_name and content_type properties, you can see that it isn’t the Update Set XML file that it is sending over. So let’s take a look at the shared code that sends over the Update Set XML file attachment and see if we can see where things may have gone wrong.

pushAttachment: function(attachmentGR, targetGR, remoteVerId) {
	var result = {};

	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	result.url = 'https://';
	result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
	result.url += '';
	result.url += remoteVerId;
	result.url += '&file_name=';
	result.url += attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
	result.method = 'POST';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result);

	return result;

By this point in the process, the GlideRecord for the attachment has already been obtained from the database, so the problem has to be upstream from here. This is a shared function called from many places, but our problem is related to the application publishing process, so let’s take a look at the ApplicationPublisher Script Include and see if we can find where this function is called.

processPhase7: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (attachmentGR.get(answer.attachmentId)) {
		var targetGR = this.getHostInstanceGR();
		var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
		var result = csu.pushAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, answer.hostVerId);
		if (result.error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + result.error_code + ' - ' + result.error_message);
		} else if (result.parse_error) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unparsable JSON string returned from Host instance: ' + result.body);
		} else if (result.status != 200 && result.status != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + result.status);
		} else {
			answer.hostVerId = result.obj.result.sys_id;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + answer.attachmentId);

	return answer;

Here we are fetching the attachment record based on the sys_id in the answer object property called attachmentId. There isn’t much opportunity for things to go tango uniform with this particular code, so I think we have to assume that somewhere upstream of this logic the value of answer.attachmentId got set to the sys_id of the logo attachment instead of the sys_id of the Update Set XML file attachment. So it looks like we need to do a quick search for answer.attachmentId and see where this property may have gotten corrupted.

Since the version record does not yet exist when the Update Set XML file is generated, it is initially attached to the stock application record. Then, once the version record has been created, the attachment is copied from the application record to the version record, and then the original attachment file is removed from the stock application record. All of that seems to work, since the Update Set XML file is, in fact, attached to the version record on the original source instance; however, somewhere along the line, the sys_id of that attachment record in the answer object ends up being the sys_id of the logo image attachment record. Let’s take a look at that code.

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var values = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);
	if (values.length > 0) {
		var ids = values[values.length - 1].split(',');
		if (ids[1]) {
			answer.attachmentId = ids[1];
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' + JSON.stringify(values));
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' +  JSON.stringify(values));

	return answer;

This has to be the source of the problem. The copy method the GlideSysAttachment object doesn’t allow you to select what to copy; it arbitrarily copies all attachments from one record to another and returns an array of sys_id pairs (before and after for each attachment). The code above assumed that the last pair contained the sys_id that we were looking for, but apparently, that is not always the case. It looks like we need to examine every sys_id pair in the array, select the one that contains the XML file, grab that sys_id, and then delete all of the other attachments from the version record. That would mean replacing this:

var ids = values[values.length - 1].split(',');
if (ids[1]) {
	answer.attachmentId = ids[1];

… with this:

var origId = answer.attachmentId;
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
	var ids = values[i].split(',');
	if (ids[0] == origId) {
		answer.attachmentId = ids[1];
	} else {

Basically, this code loops through all of the sys_id pairs, looks for the one where the first sys_id matches the original, grabs the second sys_id of that pair for the new answer.attachmentId value, and then deletes the original attachment record. When the first sys_id does not match, then it deletes the copied attachment from the version record, as we did not want to copy that one anyway. We will have to do a little testing to prove this out, but hopefully this will resolve this issue.

Next time, we should have a new Update Set available with this, and a few other, minor corrections in it, and then we can do a little retesting and see if that resolves a few of these issues. As always, if anyone finds anything else that we need to address, please leave the details in the comments section below. All feedback is heartily welcomed!

Collaboration Store, Part LX

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
Henry Ford

Last time, I had to confess that the code that I put out didn’t actually work. At the time, I had tried several things to make it work, but none of those were successful. Since then, I have tried quite a few other things, but none of those were successful, either. Eventually, I had to actually read the documentation, which helps quite a bit, but for some reason, always seems to be my tactic of last resort. Anyway, as it turns out, I only had to make one small change to get the logo image to actually appear on the other side intact. This line from my original attempt:


… just had to be changed to this:


The setRequestBodyFromAttachment method of the sn_ws.RESTMessageV2 object accepts the sys_id of the attachment as an argument and does all of the heavy lifting of building the request body from the attachment file. Once I replaced the setRequestBody method with the setRequestBodyFromAttachment method, everything worked great. So that takes care of that little problem. Now, where were we?

Now that we have a working function to push over the images for both instances and applications, we need to go into the functions that push over the instances and applications and add a call to this function. Here is the common function created to push over an instance.

pushInstance: function(instanceGR, targetGR) {
	var result = {};

	var payload = {};
	payload.instance = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('instance'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('name');
	payload.description = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('description'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('email');
	payload.accepted = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('accepted'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('active'); = instanceGR.getDisplayValue('host');
	result.url = 'https://' + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance') + '';
	result.method = 'POST';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result, payload);

	return result;

As we did within the pushImageAttachment function, we can add an else to the if (result.error) condition and check to see if we need to send over the image. In this instance, not only do we need to make sure that the instance record was successfully sent over to the target instance, we also need to check if the instance record actually has a logo image. If it does, then we need to grab the image attachment record so that we can use it to make the call to the pushImageAttachment function.

result.error = response.haveError();
if (result.error) {
	result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
	result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
} else {
	if (instanceGR.getValue('logo')) {
		if (result.status == '201' && result.obj) {
			var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
			this.pushImageAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, 'x_11556_col_store_member_organization', result.obj.result.sys_id);

For an application record, things get a little more complicated, as that can be either an insert or an update. Since the application record might already exist on the target system, not only do we need to make sure that the application has a logo image on the source instance, but we also need to check to make sure that the image doesn’t already exist on the target instance. Here is the code that I came up with to add to the pushApplication function.

result.error = response.haveError();
if (result.error) {
	result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
	result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
} else {
	if (applicationGR.getValue('logo') > '') {
		if ((result.status == '200' || result.status == '201') && result.obj) {
			if (!result.obj.result.logo) {
				var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
				this.pushImageAttachment(attachmentGR, targetGR, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application', result.obj.result.sys_id);

With those changes, pushing an instance record will also push over the instance’s logo image and pushing an application record will also push over that application’s logo image. At least, that will happen if you are using the shared functions built for that purpose. We are not yet using those everywhere, though, so now might be a good time to fix that. We built those functions so that they could be called from various places as needed, but we never went back and refactored the code to actually do that in all places. That sounds like a good project for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LIX

“When something you make doesn’t work, it didn’t work, not you. You, you work. You keep trying.”
Zach Klein

Last time, we created a couple of new shared functions to send over a logo image and associate that image with its base record. Unfortunately, the function that sends over the image file doesn’t actually work. Yes, it creates an attachment record on the target system, and yes, that attachment gets linked to its base record, but the image itself does not come across correctly, and the resulting file is not a valid image file. Yes, I should have tested that before I stuck the code out there, but it all seemed as if it should work, so I just threw it out there without first giving it a try.

I tried a few things to get it to go, but none of them did the trick. I went back to the getContent method instead of getContentBase64, but that didn’t work, so I tried getContentStream, but that didn’t do it, either. Then I tried adding a Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 header, but that didn’t help, no matter what method I used to snag the content. So, it’s back to the drawing board on that one to see if we can’t figure out how to get that working correctly.

In the meantime, I decided to start logging all of this REST API activity so that I would have some record of what’s been happening between the instances. I have long thought that there should be some form of activity log tracking all of the important things going on with the records, and I even built a table for that early on, but that table was never used. This time, though, I was looking for something specific to the REST API activity, which has a number of specific data points. So, I created a new table called REST API Log to start tracking every request and response.

New REST API Log table

Then I added the following function to create records in this new table.

logRESTCall: function (targetGR, result, payload) {
	var logGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_rest_api_log');
	logGR.instance = targetGR.getUniqueValue();
	logGR.url = result.url;
	logGR.method = result.method;
	if (payload) {
		logGR.request_body = JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t');
	logGR.response_code = result.status;
	if (result.obj) {
		logGR.response_body =  JSON.stringify(result.obj, null, '\t');
	} else {
		logGR.response_body =  result.body;
	logGR.error = result.error;
	logGR.error_code = result.error_code;
	logGR.error_message = result.error_message;
	logGR.parse_error = result.parse_error;

Then, at the end of each common REST API function, I added this line right before the final return statement:

this.logRESTCall(targetGR, result, payload);

Now, not every REST API call in the system uses these common functions, but my intent is to go back and correct that wherever appropriate, so eventually that should cover most of them, and then I can see what I need to do with the rest to get that activity logged as well. But it’s a start, anyway.

So now I have to get busy figuring out how to get my logo image over to another instance successfully. I’m sure that there is a way to do that; I just haven’t figured it out yet. Hopefully, we can explain how that is done next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LVIII

“Progress is not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.”
Khalil Gibran

Last time, we laid out all of the work that will need to be done to incorporate the new logo fields into the various processes of our application. Now we need to get busy doing that work. To begin, we can create a common function to move a logo image from one instance to another. We already have a common function to move an XML Update Set attachment from one instance to another, so let’s take a quick look at that guy and see if there is anything there that we can salvage for our new purpose.

pushAttachment: function(attachmentGR, targetGR, remoteVerId) {
	var result = {};

	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	result.url = 'https://';
	result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
	result.url += '';
	result.url += remoteVerId;
	result.url += '&file_name=';
	result.url += attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
	result.method = 'POST';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();

	return result;

Since we want our new function to work for both instance logo images and application logo images, we will want to pass in both the table name and the table sys_id to our new function. Since the table name is part of the end point URL, we will want to change this:

result.url = 'https://';
result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
result.url += '';
result.url += remoteVerId;
result.url += '&file_name=';
result.url += attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');

… to this:

result.url = 'https://';
result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
result.url += '';
result.url += tableName;
result.url += '&table_sys_id=';
result.url += tableSysId;
result.url += '&file_name=';
result.url += attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');

In addition to using the passed table name in the URL, we also prepend the string ZZ_YY to the value. This is a convention of the Now Platform to hide the attachment icon from the record for that image. When you manually add a logo image to a record and then go take a look at that image record in the sys_attachment table, you can see that the system has automatically prepended the ZZ_YY string to the table name. We want to our process to behave in the same manner, so we do that here as well.

The other difference between our logo image attachment and the XML Update Set attachment is that the XML content is in plain text and our image is stored in binary. Fortunately, the GlideSysAttachment object that we are using has a built-in way of handling that, so we just need to change this:


… to this:


Other than these two changes, we should be able to use the rest of the original function intact. That makes our new function now look like this:

pushImageAttachment: function(attachmentGR, targetGR, tableName, tableSysId) {
	var result = {};

	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	result.url = 'https://';
	result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
	result.url += '';
	result.url += tableName;
	result.url += '&table_sys_id=';
	result.url += tableSysId;
	result.url += '&file_name=';
	result.url += attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
	result.method = 'POST';
	var request = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', attachmentGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();

	return result;

That still does not complete the process, however. In addition to creating the attachment record linked to the base record, the logo field on the base record contains the sys_attachment record sys_id as the value. Once we create the sys_attachment record on the target system using the above function, we need to grab the resulting sys_id and update the logo field value on the base record. For that, we will need yet another function to make an additional REST API call to the target system to make that update. Since the new image field on both tables is named logo, we should again be able to create a single function that will work for both use cases. The payload that we will be sending just needs to contain the one value that we intend to update:

updateLogoField: function(attachmentId, targetGR, tableName, tableSysId) {
	var result = {};
	var payload = {};
	payload.logo = attachmentId;
	return result;

For the URL, we will need to use both the passed table name and the passed table sys_id.

result.url = 'https://';
result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
result.url += '';
result.url += tableName;
result.url += '/';
result.url += tableSysId;

… and the rest of the function is just our standard REST API call and result check:

updateLogoField: function(attachmentId, targetGR, tableName, tableSysId) {
	var result = {};
	var payload = {};
	payload.logo = attachmentId;
	result.url = 'https://';
	result.url += targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance');
	result.url += '';
	result.url += tableName;
	result.url += '/';
	result.url += tableSysId;
	result.method = 'PUT';
	request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
	request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + targetGR.getDisplayValue('instance'), targetGR.getDisplayValue('token'));
	request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	request.setRequestBody(JSON.stringify(payload, null, '\t'));
	response = request.execute();
	result.status = response.getStatusCode();
	result.body = response.getBody();
	if (result.body) {
		try {
			result.obj = JSON.parse(result.body);
		} catch (e) {
			result.parse_error = e.toString();
	result.error = response.haveError();
	if (result.error) {
		result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
		result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
	return result;

Now all we have to do is call this function from our pushImageAttachment function, but only if all went well and the attachment was successfully sent over. We already have the targetGR, tableName, and tableSysId arguments available, but we will need to extract the remote system’s attachmentId from the response body of our call to send over the attachment. We are already checking for an error condition here:

result.error = response.haveError();
if (result.error) {
	result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
	result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();

… so we should be able to just add an else condition to that if statement to make the call.

result.error = response.haveError();
if (result.error) {
	result.error_code = response.getErrorCode();
	result.error_message = response.getErrorMessage();
} else {
	if (result.status == '201' && result.obj) {
		this.updateLogoField(result.obj.result.sys_id, targetGR, tableName, tableSysId);

So now we have a common function that will send over the logo image for both instance records and application records, and then update the base record with attachment’s local sys_id. That’s a good start, but there is lots more to do, so we will keep plowing ahead next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part XXVIII

“The best way out is always through.”
Robert Frost

Now that we have completed the functions that send the application record and version record over to the Host instance, the last thing that we need to do is to send over the Update Set XML file attached to the version record. For sending over an attachment, we will need to use the attachment REST API instead of the standard table REST API. Since the contents of the file that we are sending over is plain text, we can use a little hackery to bypass the need to send over an actual file and just place the text content in the body of the request. But first, as usual, we need to grab the GlideRecord that we want to send before we do anything else.

var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var sysAttGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
if (sysAttGR.get(answer.attachmentId)) {
} else {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + answer.attachmentId);

Once we have obtained the record, we will need to grab the usual suspects from the System Properties and then construct the appropriate URL for the request.

var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
var url = 'https://';
url += host;
url += '';
url += answer.hostVerId;
url += '&file_name=';
url += sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');

Next, we will need to construct and configure our sn_ws.RESTMessageV2 object.

var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');

Two things to note on this one: 1) the Content-Type header sets the value of the content_type property of the target instance sys_attachment record, and 2) we use our old friend, the GlideSysAttachment utility to obtain the actual XML of the attachment in lieu of a real file (the file contents are not actually a part of the GlideRecord for the sys_attachment table, hence the need to utilize GlideSysAttachment).

Now all we need to do is to execute the request and check the response.

var response = request.execute();
if (response.haveError()) {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());

Unlike the application and version records, we have no need for any information from the returned JSON string, so there is no need to attempt to parse it and pull out any data. As long as there are no errors, we are good to go.

Putting it all together, the entire function looks like this:

processPhase7: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var sysAttGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (sysAttGR.get(answer.attachmentId)) {
		var host = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');
		var token = gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.active_token');
		var url = 'https://';
		url += host;
		url += '';
		url += answer.hostVerId;
		url += '&file_name=';
		url += sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('file_name');
		var request  = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
		request.setBasicAuth(this.WORKER_ROOT + host, token);
		request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', sysAttGR.getDisplayValue('content_type'));
		request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		var response = request.execute();
		if (response.haveError()) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Error returned from Host instance: ' + response.getErrorCode() + ' - ' + response.getErrorMessage());
		} else if (response.getStatusCode() != 201) {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid HTTP Response Code returned from Host instance: ' + response.getStatusCode());
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid attachment record sys_id: ' + answer.attachmentId);

	return answer;

Unfortunately, when I took it out for a spin, it didn’t work. When I was nosing around to see what the source of the problem was, I figured out that the sys_id value that I was using for the attachment GlideRecord was not a string, but an array of comma-separated sys_id pairs, one for the original attachment and one for the copied attachment. This value came out of the fourth step, where we copied the attachment from the original scoped application record to the version record. Once I realized the actual format of the data returned from the GlideSysAttachment copy function, I did a little rewriting of the processPhase4 function to accommodate the actual structure of the returned data.

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var values = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);
	if (values[0]) {
		var ids = values[0].split(',');
		if (ids[1]) {
			answer.attachmentId = ids[1];
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' + values);
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unrecognizable response from attachment copy: ' + values);
	return answer;

While I was at it, I went ahead and did a little work on the processError function to add a few diagnostic breadcrumbs to the system log whenever there is an error. That function now looks like this:

processError: function(answer, message) {'ApplicationPublisher.processError: ' + message);'ApplicationPublisher.processError: ' + JSON.stringify(answer));
	answer.error = message;
	return answer;

Once I straightened all of that out, everything finally worked as intended. This is the last step in the process, so this essentially completes the code for publishing an application to the Collaboration Store. At this point, I should probably cut another Update Set so that the folks who would like to participate in the testing can take things out for a little test drive. I still need to address the issues with the set-up process uncovered by the last round of testing, so I think I will take that on next time out and then release a new Update Set for those of you who are willing to put things through their paces and report your results. As always, all feedback is very much appreciated.

Collaboration Store, Part XXV

“Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.”
Brian Kernighan

Last time, we realized that we had a little bit of rework to do, and it turns out that we actually have to do a couple of things: 1) insert the missing step (attaching the XML to the version record), and 2) modify the ending point if the instance is the Host instance (there is no need to send the records to the Host instance if you are the Host instance). The first part is easy enough; just insert one more DIV for our missing step and then renumber all of the ones that follow:

<div class="row" id="phase_4" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_4" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_4" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_4" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Attaching the Update Set XML to the Version record
<div class="row" id="phase_5" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_5" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_5" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_5" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Application record to the Host instance
<div class="row" id="phase_6" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_6" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_6" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_6" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Version record to the Host instance
<div class="row" id="phase_7" style="visibility:hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_7" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_7" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_7" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Update Set XML to the Host instance

And of course, we have to insert the missing step in our Script Include, which at this point is just another empty placeholder like all of the others. We’ll build out the details later as we come to that step.

For controlling the point at which we stop doing stuff, we will need to know if this instance is the Host instance or one of the Client instances. The easiest way to do that is to compare our scoped Host instance property with the stock instance_name property.

var isHost = gs.getProperty('instance_name') == gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');

Then we just need to modify our original conditional statement that only assumed 6 steps and looked like this:

if (answer.phase < 7) {

… to one that will do all 7 steps for a Client instance and only the first 4 steps for a Host instance.

if (answer.phase < 5 || (answer.phase < 8 && !answer.isHost)) {

With that out of the way, we can return to building out the missing steps in the Script Include, starting with the newly added fourth step, which is to attach the Update Set XML to the version record. As you may recall, we already created an attachment record when we generated the XML, so now all we need to do is to transfer that attachment to our new version record. For that, we can return to our old friend, the GlideSysAttachment. This time, instead of creating the attachment record, we will be copying the attachment from one record to another.

var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var newSysId = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);

Once we have copied the attachment from the Scoped Application record to the version record, we will want to delete the attachment record linked to the Scoped Application.


The last thing that we will need to do will be to update the attachment sys_id in our transfer object so that we will have the ID of the right attachment later on when we go to send it over to the Host.

answer.attachmentId = newSysId;

That makes this a relatively simple step in terms of code. The whole thing looks like this:

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var newSysId = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);
	answer.attachmentId = newSysId;

	return answer;

If the instance doing the publishing is a Host instance, this would actually be the end of the process, as far as publishing is concerned. We will still have to notify all of the other instances of the new version, but that’s an entirely separate process that we will deal with at some point in the future. But for our new Publish to Collaboration Store action, this is all that needs to be done if you are the Host. For all of the other instances, the application, version, and attachment records will all have to be sent over to the Host as a part of this process. We’ll get started on those steps of the process next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part XXIII

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
Pablo Picasso

Last time, we completed the work on the UI Page for our modal pop-up and tested it out with a stubbed-out version of our server-side Script Include. Now we need to go back into our Script Include and put in the actual code that will do all of the work of publishing an app to the Host instance. In our stubbed-out version, our processPhase function simply returned the value ‘success’ for every call. We need to add a little structure to that function so that each phase can have an exclusive function of its own to contain all of the logic for that particular phase. We can do that by examining the phase variable, and then we can create separate functions for each phase. At this point, we can even stub those out as we did the original, just to allow us to build and test one function at at time. Here is the modified portion of the script:

processPhase: function(phase, mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	var answer = '';

	if (phase == 1) {
		answer = this.processPhase1(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else if (phase == 2) {
		answer = this.processPhase2(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else if (phase == 3) {
		answer = this.processPhase3(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else if (phase == 4) {
		answer = this.processPhase4(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else if (phase == 5) {
		answer = this.processPhase5(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else if (phase == 6) {
		answer = this.processPhase6(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId);
	} else {
		gs.addErrorMessage('Invalid phase error; invalid phase: ' + phase);
		answer = 'Invalid phase error; invalid phase: ' + phase;

	return answer;

processPhase1: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

processPhase2: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

processPhase3: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

processPhase4: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

processPhase5: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

processPhase6: function(mbrAppId, appSysId, updSetId, origAppId) {
	return 'success';

At this point, we can even run our test again, just to be sure that we did not break anything, and it still should step through all of the tasks and reveal the Done button at the end. So far, so good. Now we can tackle each step one at a time, and work our way through the various processes until we complete them all. We might as well take them all in order, so let’s start out with the processPhase1 function.

The purpose of this first step will be to turn the Update Set into XML. The first thing that we will need to do is to use the passed Update Set sys_id to get the GlideRecord for the Update Set, which we will need to pass to our global function that does all of the heavy lifting. Once we successfully produce the XML, we will have to do something with it temporarily, since we do not yet have the version record to which it will eventually be attached. The simplest thing to do would be to attach it to some record that we do have, and then transfer the attachment once we create the version record. This should work, but it would be nice to send back the sys_id of the new attachment record, just to make things easier in the future step. If we want to do that, though, we will have to change our strategy for the response from a simple string to a JSON string that can have multiple values. That’s not that much of a change, and it sounds like something that will be useful to have in this process, so let’s just go ahead and do that now.

If we create an object that contains all of the values that we have been passing around, that will actually simplify the function calls, as there will only be the one object to pass as an argument. This will change our onload function to this:

function onLoad() {
	var answer = {};
	answer.phase = 1;
	answer.mbrAppId = gel('mbr_app_id').value;
	answer.appSysId = gel('app_sys_id').value;
	answer.updSetId = gel('upd_set_id').value;
	answer.origAppId = gel('mbr_app_id').value;

It will also change our processPhase function to accept the object as the lone argument, and to both send and receive a stringified version of the object with the GlideAjax call.

function processPhase(answer) {
	var ga = new GlideAjax('ApplicationPublisher');
	ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'processPhaseClient');
	ga.addParam('sysparm_json', JSON.stringify(answer));
	ga.getXMLAnswer(function (jsonString) {
		hideElement('loading_' + answer.phase);
		answer = JSON.parse(jsonString);
		if (answer.error) {
			showElement('error_' + answer.phase);
		} else {
			showElement('success_' + answer.phase);
			if (answer.phase < 7) {
				showElement('phase_' + answer.phase);
			} else {

I actually like this much better, but now we are going to have to modify our Script Include to expect the JSON string coming in and also to send a JSON string back. The modified Script Include now looks like this:

var ApplicationPublisher = Class.create();
ApplicationPublisher.prototype = Object.extendsObject(global.AbstractAjaxProcessor, {

	processPhaseClient: function() {
		var jsonString = this.getParameter('sysparm_json');
		var answer = {};
		try {
			answer = JSON.parse(jsonString);
			answer = this.processPhase(answer);
		} catch (e) {
			answer = this.processError({}, 'Unparsable JSON string parameter: ' + jsonString);
		return JSON.stringify(answer);

	processPhase: function(answer) {
		if (answer.phase == 1) {
			answer = this.processPhase1(answer);
		} else if (answer.phase == 2) {
			answer = this.processPhase2(answer);
		} else if (answer.phase == 3) {
			answer = this.processPhase3(answer);
		} else if (answer.phase == 4) {
			answer = this.processPhase4(answer);
		} else if (answer.phase == 5) {
			answer = this.processPhase5(answer);
		} else if (answer.phase == 6) {
			answer = this.processPhase6(answer);
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid phase error; invalid phase: ' + phase);

		return answer;

	processPhase1: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processPhase2: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processPhase3: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processPhase4: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processPhase5: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processPhase6: function(answer) {
		return answer;

	processError: function(answer, message) {
		answer.error = message;
		return answer;

	type: 'ApplicationPublisher'

I also went ahead and added a processError function to script to consolidate all of the code related to reporting an issue with any of the processes. Again, I think this is much better than the original, as it both simplifies the code and opens possibilities that did not exist with the original design. Before we get back to coding out that initial phase, we should run another test, just to make sure things are still working as they should.

Rerunning the concept test after modifying the UI Page and the Script Include

Well, at lease we did not break anything. Now let’s get back to work on that processPhase1 function. First, we need to fetch the GlideRecord for the Update Set.

var updateSetGR = new GlideRecord('sys_update_set');
if (updateSetGR.get(answer.updSetId)) {
} else {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Update Set sys_id: ' + answer.updSetId);

There is no reason to expect that we would not retrieve the Update Set GlideRecord at this point, but just in case, we check for that anyway and report an error if something is amiss. With the GlideRecord in hand, we can now call on our global utility to turn the Update Set into XML.

var csgu = new global.CollaborationStoreGlobalUtils();
var xml = csgu.updateSetToXML(updateSetGR);

Our global utility does not report any kind of error, but we should probably examine the XML returned, just to make sure that we have a valid XML file. We should be able to do that by checking the first line for the standard XML header.

if (xml.startsWith('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')) {
} else {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid XML file returned from subroutine');

Now that we have the XML, we need to stuff it somewhere until we need it in a future step. We should be able to go ahead and create the attachment record at this point, and then we can just move the attachment to its proper place once we reach that point. To do that, we can take advantage of the GlideSysAttachment API. One of the things that we will need in order to do that is a name for our new XML file, which we should be able to generate from some details in the original application record, so we will have to go fetch that guy first, and then build the file name from there.

var sysAppGR = new GlideRecord('sys_app');
if (sysAppGR.get(answer.appSysId)) {
	var fileName = sysAppGR.getDisplayValue('name');
	fileName = fileName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
	fileName += '_v' + sysAppGR.getDisplayValue('version') + '.xml';
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
} else {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);

Once again, there is no reason to expect that we would not retrieve the application GlideRecord at this point, but just in case, we check for that as well, and report any errors. Once we have the record, we build the file name from the app name and the app version. Now we have everything that we need to create the attachment.

answer.attachmentId = gsa.write(sysAppGR, fileName, 'application/xml', xml);
if (!answer.attachmentId) {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unable to create XML file attachment');

Now we have generated our XML and stuffed it into an attachment record for later use. All together, the entire function now looks like this:

processPhase1: function(answer) {
	var updateSetGR = new GlideRecord('sys_update_set');
	if (updateSetGR.get(answer.updSetId)) {
		var csgu = new global.CollaborationStoreGlobalUtils();
		var xml = csgu.updateSetToXML(updateSetGR);
		if (xml.startsWith('&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')) {
			var sysAppGR = new GlideRecord('sys_app');
			if (sysAppGR.get(answer.appSysId)) {
				var fileName = sysAppGR.getDisplayValue('name');
				fileName = fileName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
				fileName += '_v' + sysAppGR.getDisplayValue('version') + '.xml';
				var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
				answer.attachmentId = gsa.write(sysAppGR, fileName, 'application/xml', xml);
				if (!answer.attachmentId) {
					answer = this.processError(answer, 'Unable to create XML file attachment');
			} else {
				answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid XML file returned from subroutine');
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Update Set sys_id: ' + answer.updSetId);

	return answer;

Well, that was a bit of work, but hopefully the remaining steps will all be a little easier. Next time out, we can start on the second step, which will be to create or update the Collaboration Store application record.