Collaboration Store, Part XXV

“Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.”
Brian Kernighan

Last time, we realized that we had a little bit of rework to do, and it turns out that we actually have to do a couple of things: 1) insert the missing step (attaching the XML to the version record), and 2) modify the ending point if the instance is the Host instance (there is no need to send the records to the Host instance if you are the Host instance). The first part is easy enough; just insert one more DIV for our missing step and then renumber all of the ones that follow:

<div class="row" id="phase_4" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_4" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_4" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_4" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Attaching the Update Set XML to the Version record
<div class="row" id="phase_5" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_5" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_5" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_5" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Application record to the Host instance
<div class="row" id="phase_6" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_6" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_6" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_6" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Version record to the Host instance
<div class="row" id="phase_7" style="visibility:hidden; display: none;">
	<image id="loading_7" src="/images/loading_anim4.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;"/>
	<image id="success_7" src="/images/check32.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<image id="error_7" src="/images/delete_row.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; visibility: hidden; display: none;"/>
	<span style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight:bold;">
		Sending the Update Set XML to the Host instance

And of course, we have to insert the missing step in our Script Include, which at this point is just another empty placeholder like all of the others. We’ll build out the details later as we come to that step.

For controlling the point at which we stop doing stuff, we will need to know if this instance is the Host instance or one of the Client instances. The easiest way to do that is to compare our scoped Host instance property with the stock instance_name property.

var isHost = gs.getProperty('instance_name') == gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance');

Then we just need to modify our original conditional statement that only assumed 6 steps and looked like this:

if (answer.phase < 7) {

… to one that will do all 7 steps for a Client instance and only the first 4 steps for a Host instance.

if (answer.phase < 5 || (answer.phase < 8 && !answer.isHost)) {

With that out of the way, we can return to building out the missing steps in the Script Include, starting with the newly added fourth step, which is to attach the Update Set XML to the version record. As you may recall, we already created an attachment record when we generated the XML, so now all we need to do is to transfer that attachment to our new version record. For that, we can return to our old friend, the GlideSysAttachment. This time, instead of creating the attachment record, we will be copying the attachment from one record to another.

var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var newSysId = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);

Once we have copied the attachment from the Scoped Application record to the version record, we will want to delete the attachment record linked to the Scoped Application.


The last thing that we will need to do will be to update the attachment sys_id in our transfer object so that we will have the ID of the right attachment later on when we go to send it over to the Host.

answer.attachmentId = newSysId;

That makes this a relatively simple step in terms of code. The whole thing looks like this:

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var newSysId = gsa.copy('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId);
	answer.attachmentId = newSysId;

	return answer;

If the instance doing the publishing is a Host instance, this would actually be the end of the process, as far as publishing is concerned. We will still have to notify all of the other instances of the new version, but that’s an entirely separate process that we will deal with at some point in the future. But for our new Publish to Collaboration Store action, this is all that needs to be done if you are the Host. For all of the other instances, the application, version, and attachment records will all have to be sent over to the Host as a part of this process. We’ll get started on those steps of the process next time out.