Scripted Value Columns, Part II

“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”
Frederick B. Wilcox

Last time, we introduced the concept of Scripted Value Columns, created a sample script for testing, and built the pop-up editor widget. Now we need to modify the Content Selector Configurator widget to accommodate the new configuration option. As usual, we can start with the HTML, and as we have done before, we can copy one of the existing sections and then alter it to meet our new list of properties for this type of column.

<div id="label.svcarray" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
  <label for="svcarray" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
    <span id="status.svcarray"></span>
    <span class="text-primary" title="Scripted Value Columns" data-original-title="Scripted Value Columns">${Scripted Value Columns}</span>
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Label}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Heading}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Script Include}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Edit}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Delete}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="svc in tbl[].svcarray" ng-hide="svc.removed">
      <td data-th="${Label}">{{svc.label}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Name}">{{}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Heading}">{{svc.heading}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Table}">{{svc.script}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Edit}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editScriptedValueColumn(svc)" alt="Click here to edit this Scripted Value Column" title="Click here to edit this Scripted Value Column" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
      <td data-th="${Delete}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteScriptedValueColumn(svc, tbl[].svcarray)" alt="Click here to delete this Scripted Value Column" title="Click here to delete this Scripted Value Column" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
  <button ng-click="editScriptedValueColumn('new', tbl[].svcarray, tbl);" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new Scripted Value Column">Add a new Scripted Value Column</button>

Basically, this is just another table of configuration properties with labels and action buttons. To support the buttons we can copy similar functions for the other types of configurable columns, but before we do that, let’s jump into the Server script and see what we need to do there. We have called our new array of column configurations svcarray, and we can search the scripts for one of the existing arrays such as aggarray and basically cut and paste the existing code to support the new addition.

The only mention of aggarray on the server side is in the code that rebuilds the script being edited from data collected by the editor. We can make a quick copy of that section and then modify it for our purpose.

script += "',\n				svcarray: [";
var lastSeparator = '';
for (var v=0; v<tableTable[].svcarray.length; v++) {
	var thisScriptedValue = tableTable[].svcarray[v];
	script += lastSeparator;
	script += "{\nname: '";
	script +=;
	script += "',\nlabel: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.label;
	script += "',\nheading: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.heading;
	script += "',\nscript: '";
	script += thisScriptedValue.script;
	script += "'\n				}";
	lastSeparator = ",";
script += "]";

While we are in the Server script, there is one more thing that we should do. Since this is a new configuration item, if you attempt to edit an existing item that was built using an earlier version, this array will not be present in the existing script that you will be editing. To make sure that we do not run into any null pointer issues with code expecting this array to exist, we should do a quick check when we load the script for editing and make sure that all of the configuration objects are present. There is already code in there to help initialize the data once the script has been loaded. Right now it looks like this:

var instantiator = new Instantiator(this);
var configScript = instantiator.getInstance(data.scriptInclude);
if (configScript != null) {
	data.config = configScript.getConfig($sp);
	for (var persp in data.config.table) {
		for (var tbl in data.config.table[persp]) {
			if (!data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName) {
				data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName = getItemName(data.config.table[persp][tbl].name);

We are looping through every table in every perspective already, so all that we need to do is loop through every state in every table and check all of the objects that will need to be there for things to work. That will make the above section of code now look like this:

var instantiator = new Instantiator(this);
var configScript = instantiator.getInstance(data.scriptInclude);
if (configScript != null) {
	data.config = configScript.getConfig($sp);
	for (var persp in data.config.table) {
		for (var tbl in data.config.table[persp]) {
			if (!data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName) {
				data.config.table[persp][tbl].displayName = getItemName(data.config.table[persp][tbl].name);
			for (var st in data.config.state) {
				var thisState = data.config.table[persp][tbl][data.config.state[st].name];
				if (!thisState) {
					thisState = {};
					data.config.table[persp][tbl][data.config.state[st].name] = thisState;
				thisState.svcarray = thisState.svcarray || [];
				thisState.aggarray = thisState.aggarray || [];
				thisState.btnarray = thisState.btnarray || [];
				thisState.refmap = thisState.refmap || {};
				thisState.actarray = thisState.actarray || [];

That takes care of the Server script. Now let’s do the same sort of searching on the Client script. The first thing that we find is actually a problem that was created when we added the aggregate columns. Whenever the user selects the Add a New Table button, we create an object to store the configuration for the new table. That code currently looks like this:

$scope.newTable = function(perspective) {
	var shared = {};{
		title: 'Table Selector',
		widget: 'table-selector',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		for (var st=0; st<; st++) {
			shared[[st].name] = {btnarray: [], refmap: {}, actarray: []};

For each state of the new table, we are creating empty objects for the buttons, the reference map, and the bulk actions. When we added the aggregate columns, we neglected to add an empty object for that new array, which may actually cause a problem with certain actions. So we need to add the new svcarray as well as the aggarray to make things right. That will make this code now look like this:

$scope.newTable = function(perspective) {
	var shared = {};{
		title: 'Table Selector',
		widget: 'table-selector',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		for (var st=0; st<; st++) {
			shared[[st].name] = {svcarray: [], aggarray: [], btnarray: [], refmap: {}, actarray: []};

The next thing that you fill find on the client side are the functions that handle the clicks for the Edit and Delete buttons. Copying those and modifying them for Scripted Value Columns gives us this new block of code:

$scope.editScriptedValueColumn = function(scripted_value, svcArray) {
	var shared = {script: {value: '', displayValue: ''}};
	if (scripted_value != 'new') {
		shared.label = scripted_value.label; =;
		shared.heading = scripted_value.heading;
		shared.script = {value: scripted_value.script, displayValue: scripted_value.script};
		title: 'Scripted Value Column Editor',
		widget: 'scripted-value-column-editor',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (scripted_value == 'new') {
			scripted_value = {};
		scripted_value.label = shared.label || ''; = || '';
		scripted_value.heading = shared.heading || '';
		scripted_value.script = shared.script.value || '';

$scope.deleteScriptedValueColumn = function(scripted_value, svcArray) {
	var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete Scripted Value Column</b>';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete the ' + scripted_value.label + ' Scripted Value Column?';
	spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {
			var a = -1;
			for (var b=0; b<svcArray.length; b++) {
				if (svcArray[b].name == {
					a = b;
			svcArray.splice(a, 1);

It looks like there is nothing else after that, so all we need to do at this point is to save the changes and give it a try. Let’s pull up one of our test configuration scripts in the editor and see what the new Scripted Value Columns section looks like.

New Scripted Value Columns section of the editor

Well, it appears on the screen, so that’s a good start. Now let’s hit that Add button and see if our pop-up editor works.

Pop-up Scripted Value Column editor

That looks good as well. Now let’s hit that Save button, which should return us to the main editor and our new scripted value column should show up on the list.

Scripted Value Columns section of the editor after adding a new entry

And there it is. Good deal. After saving the script and examining the resulting Script Include, everything looks good. So now we can create configurations for our new scripted value columns. Of course, the actual data table widgets have no idea what to do with this information, but we can start working on that in our next installment.

Scripted Value Columns in the SNH Data Table Widgets

“Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Every once in a while, I go out to the Developer’s Forum, just to see what other folks are talking about or struggling with. I rarely comment; I leave that to people smarter or faster than myself. But occasionally, the things that people ask about will trigger a thought or idea that sounds interesting enough to pursue. The other day there were a couple of posts related to the Data Table widget, something that I spent a little time playing around with over the years, and it got me to wondering if I could do a little something with my SNH Data Table Widgets to address some of those requirements. One individual was looking to add catalog item variables to a table and another was looking to add some data from the last comment or work note on an Incident. In both cases, the response was essentially that it cannot be done with the out-of-the-box data table widgets. I never did like hearing that as an answer.

It occurred to me that these and other similar columns just needed a little code to fish out the values that they wanted to have displayed on the table with the rest of the standard table fields. We are already doing something like that with the aggregate columns, so it didn’t seem that much of a stretch to clone some of that code and adapt it to handle these types of requirements. If we took the stock properties for aggregate columns and buttons & icons (label, name, and heading) and added one more for the name of a Script Include, as the data was loaded from the base table, we could pass the row data and the column configuration to a standard function in that Script Include to obtain the value for that column. You know what I always ask myself: How hard could it be?

So here is the plan: create a new configuration option called Scripted Value Columns, update the configuration file editor to maintain the properties for those columns, and then update the Data Table widgets to process them based on the configuration. When the data for the table is loading, we’ll get an instance of the Script Include specified in the configuration and then call the function on that instance to get the value for the column. Sounded simple enough to me, but let’s see if we can actually make it work.

To begin, let’s create an example Script Include that we can use for testing purposes. At this point, it doesn’t matter where or how we get the values. We can simply return random values for now; we just want something that returns something so that we can demonstrate the concept. Here is the ScriptedValueExample that I came up with for this purpose.

var ScriptedValueExample = Class.create();
ScriptedValueExample.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '';

	type: 'ScriptedValueExample'

The function that we will be calling from the core Data Table widget will be getScriptedValue. In the editor, our pick list of Script Includes can be limited to just those that contain the following text:

getScriptedValue: function(item, config)

This will mean that the function in your custom Script Include will need to have the exact same spacing and argument naming conventions in order for it to show up on the list, but if you clone the script from the example, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Now that we have our example script, we can jump over to the list of portal widgets and pull up one of the existing pop-up configuration editors and clone it to create our new Scripted Value Column Editor. For the HTML portion, we can keep the label, name, and heading fields, delete the rest, and then add our new script property.

  <form name="form1">
      placeholder="Choose a Script Include"
      default-query="'scriptLIKEgetScriptedValue: function(item, config)'"/>
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

The default-query attribute of the sn-record-picker will limit our list of Script Includes to just those that will work as scripted value providers. Other than that, this pop-up editor will be very similar to all of the others that we are using for the other types of configurable columns.

There is no Server script needed for this one, and the Client script is the same as the one from which we made our copy, so there are no changes needed there.

function ScriptedValueColumnEditor($scope, $timeout, spModal) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.spModal = spModal;

	$scope.cancel = function() {
		$timeout(function() {

	$ = function() {
		if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
			$timeout(function() {
		} else {

	$timeout(function() {
	}, 100);

So that takes care of that. Now we need to modify the main configuration editor to utilize this new pop-up widget. That sounds like a good project for our next installment.

Collaboration Store, Part LXVIII

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”
Brian Kernighan

Last time, we finished up with my rudimentary testing of the latest version of this project. I can still do a lot more testing on my own, but what I really need is for some person or group who is not me to try to give it all a go. In order for that to be an option, I need to create new Update Sets for the current version and post them out here so that other kind souls can download them and attempt to see if they can make it work and/or find out where all of the problems lie. I did not get much feedback the last time that I tried this, but today is a new day, so maybe there is somebody out there now who wouldn’t mind helping a guy out.

This is by no means a final version of this effort. There are still a number of things that I would like to do that have not been attempted as yet, and there are probably more that I have not yet even considered. But all of the major functions are there now, and I just did quite a bit of major refactoring, so now is a good time to roll out a new version and let folks take it out for a spin. Outside feedback is always helpful, and is always appreciated.

Before you install the Scoped Application Update Set, you need to install the latest version of the snh-form-field tag, which you can find here. Or better yet, you can do what I did and go out and grab the latest SNH Data Table Widgets, which includes everything that you need to support snh-form-fields. Either way, you will need to take care of that before you install these app artifacts in the following order:

When I installed the app on my new San Diego PDI, I got a handful of Preview errors about some missing Flow Designer components, but I just accepted all updates and went ahead and did the Commit, and everything seemed to be fine. It may just be that the app was built on Rome and the installation was done on San Diego, and there are some differences there, but I would be interested in hearing if anyone else had any similar issues with the install.

Once you have everything installed, the next step is to go through the set-up process. The first thing that you will want to do is to create a Host instance. Once the Host has been established, the software can be installed on other instances and those instances can be set up as Client instances by identifying the new Host instance during the set-up process. Instructions for the Set-up process, the Application Publishing process, and the Application Installation process can be found here.

The best test will involve three or more instances, and the more the merrier. You can test the set-up process with a single instance, but until you have at least two instances involved, you can’t really test much of the purpose of the app, which is to share applications between instances. Three or more is obviously better, as that is the only way to test an application being shared by one Client and making its way to another Client via the Host. But any level of testing is useful, so please feel free to pull it all down, install it, and try what you can under any circumstances. All feedback from any experience is always welcome in the Comments. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Hopefully, we will get a little feedback this time and we can take a look at it next time out.

Refactoring the SNH Data Table Widget, Part IV

“Testing is an infinite process of comparing the invisible to the ambiguous in order to avoid the unthinkable happening to the anonymous.”
James Bach

Last time, we tested a number of the features of the refactored SNH Data Table collection, but there is still much to do before we can bundle this all up into a new Update Set and stuff it out on Share. Now that we know that the initial version that I put out there is missing a critical component, I’d like to wrap this up and replace it with the refactored version, so let’s get to it.

To test the bulk actions and other clicks that do not result in navigating to a new portal page, I took my original Button Click Handler Example widget, renamed it the Table Click Handler Example widget, and then reworked it to handle all four of the clickable features, reference links, aggregate columns, buttons and icons, and bulk actions. Here is the new Client script for the repurposed widget:

function (spModal, $rootScope) {
	var c = this;
	var eventNames = {
		referenceClick: 'data_table.referenceClick',
		aggregateClick: 'data_table.aggregateClick',
		buttonClick: 'data_table.buttonClick',
		bulkAction: 'data_table.bulkAction'

	$rootScope.$on(eventNames.referenceClick, function(e, parms) {
		displayClickDetails(eventNames.referenceClick, parms);

	$rootScope.$on(eventNames.aggregateClick, function(e, parms) {
		displayClickDetails(eventNames.aggregateClick, parms);

	$rootScope.$on(eventNames.buttonClick, function(e, parms) {
		displayClickDetails(eventNames.buttonClick, parms);

	$rootScope.$on(eventNames.bulkAction, function(e, parms) {
		displayClickDetails(eventNames.bulkAction, parms);

	function displayClickDetails(eventName, parms) {
		var html = '<div>'; 
		html += ' <table>\n';
		html += '  <tbody>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Event: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td>' + eventName + '</td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Table: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td>' + parms.table + '</td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Sys ID: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td>' + parms.sys_id + '</td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Config: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td><pre>' + JSON.stringify(parms.config, null, 4) + '</pre></td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Item(s): &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td><pre>' + JSON.stringify(parms.record, null, 4) + '</pre></td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '  </tbody>\n';
		html += ' </table>\n';
		html += '</div>';

This will allow me to test a number of things, all with the same companion widget, which should save a little bit of time. The original button_test page has a number of options in the configuration, so let’s pull that guy up and click around and see what we can find out.

Original button_test page

One thing that I noticed right away was that the master checkbox was not working. It seems that when I rebuilt the core SNH Data Table widget from the latest version of the stock Data Table widget, I neglected to paste back in the following added function:

$scope.masterCheckBoxClick = function() {
	for (var i in {[i].selected =;

Putting that back solved that problem, but then I also discovered that I needed to add spModal to the function arguments so that the error message would come up when you tried to select a bulk action from the drop-down without selecting any of the records in the table. Once I got all that out of the way, I got back to testing the buttons and icons.

Clicking on the Status Check icon

So now when I click on a button or icon, the alert pops up with all of the information that is passed with the broadcast message, which gives you an idea of what you have to work with in your companion widget to take whatever action that you would like to take based on that information. We should be able to do the same thing when selecting one or more rows and then choosing a bulk action.

Selecting a bulk action

Looks like that is working as well, so I think things are looking pretty good at this point. There is another old test page that we can pull called snh_data_table that has a companion widget for one of the icons.

snh_data_table test page

Once again, we will need to update the Client script in the click handler widget to adapt to our new approach to click handling.

function(spModal, $rootScope) {
	var c = this;
	var eventNames = {
		referenceClick: 'data_table.referenceClick',
		aggregateClick: 'data_table.aggregateClick',
		buttonClick: 'data_table.buttonClick',
		bulkAction: 'data_table.bulkAction'

	$rootScope.$on(eventNames.buttonClick, function(e, parms) {
		if ( == 'icon') {{widget: 'snh-user-profile', widgetInput: {sys_id: parms.sys_id}}).then(function() {

Since the button is configured to launch a new page and the icon is configured to pop up a modal dialog, we need to check to make sure that the button click is for the icon and not the button. Other than that, it is very similar to the other examples.

Clicking on the icon to bring up the modal dialog

So that works. Very nice. Obviously, there is a lot more that we could do here to check out every little thing, but I think that we have covered most of the high points, and given that the version that is out on Share right now contains a pretty significant flaw, I think I would like to roll the dice and toss this out there as is to resolve that issue. Hopefully, I will not miss any important artifacts this time! Here is the Update Set for those of you who would like to check it out. As always, please feel free to leave any feedback of any kind in the comments. Thanks!

SNH Data Table Widgets on Share, Corrected

“An essential part of being a humble programmer is realizing that whenever there’s a problem with the code you’ve written, it’s always your fault.”
Jeff Atwood

Well, it turns out that I missed a critical widget when I built my first Update Set to be posted out on Share the other day. The Table Selector widget is used in the Content Selector Configuration Editor to select a new table whenever you wanted to add a table to the configuration. Without that widget included in the Update Set, a blank modal pop-up comes up when you click on the Add a New Table button, which is obviously not helpful. I have added the widget to a corrected Update Set that I need to get out on the Share site, but I thought that I would post it here first to see if there was anything else that I needed to fix before I do that. Thanks for the feedback, by the way … it is always much appreciated.

By the way, I built the Update Set using the Add to Update Set Utility, which is an awesome tool that I cannot recommend highly enough. The only problem with that, of course, is that you have to remember to include all of your artifacts when you create an Update Set and start adding in all of the various parts and pieces for your project. If you are not careful, you can leave out an important piece, which I did, and that’s on me. Hopefully, this is the only one, but there is no guarantee …

Refactoring the SNH Data Table Widget, Part III

“More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known.”
Boris Beizer

Now that we have refactored the various SNH Data Table widgets and added the missing support for clickable aggregate columns and conditional buttons and icons, it’s time to run everything through its paces and make sure that it all works. To begin, let’s just see if the stuff that was working is still working now that we have made all of these changes to the artifacts and added these new features. A good place to start would be with the User Directory, as that little project utilizes a number of different components that were affected by the changes.

Primary User Directory page

Well, that seems to work, still. Changing perspectives and selecting different states all seem to function as they should as well, as does paging through the data and sorting on the various columns. So far so good. This tests out the SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget as well as the underlying core SNH Data Table widget. In the User Directory, the Department column and the Location column reference links are mapped to two other pages that were built using the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget, and clicking on the value in one of those columns should test out both the reference link handling and that other wrapper widget.

Department Roster page

So far, so good. Clicking on a Location value should test out the reference link handling from this wrapper widget, and also bring up yet another page using the second of the three wrapper widgets.

Location Roster page

Once again, everything seems to be behaving as it should using the two wrapper widgets tested so far. The third wrapper widget, the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget, is not used in the User Directory, but we have other test scenarios set up for that one. Before we move on, though we can go ahead and test one more thing while we are working with the User Directory: conditional icons. In the User Admin perspective, there is an icon defined to edit the user’s data. We can add a quick condition to that icon configuration and see how that works out. Just for testing purposes, let’s try the following expression:

item.department.display_value == 'Sales'

If that works, the edit icon should only appear for users who are assigned to the Sales department.

User Directory User Admin perspective with conditional icon

Well, that seems to work as well. Good deal. While we are here, we might as well click on the icon and see if the button click handling works as well as the reference link handling that we tested earlier.

User Profile edit page

And it would seem that it does. That’s about all that we can squeeze out of the User Directory, but we still have a lot more to test, including the third wrapper widget and the other new feature, the clickable aggregate columns. Plus, we still have to do regression testing for bulk actions and clicks that result in a modal pop-up box instead of branching to a new portal page. That’s a lot to get through, so let’s keep plowing ahead.

Our third aggregate column test page was built on the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget, so let’s pull that guy up and see how things look.

Aggregate Column test page #3

Well, that all seems to work, and the Network group has two Incidents, so we just need another page to which we can link to display those Incidents. That’s easy enough to do with yet another aggregate column test page using the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition widget, a table name of Incident and a filter of active=true^assignment_group={{sys_id}}.

Aggregate Column test page #5

So all of three of the wrapper widgets seem to work, which by default tests out the core widget, and direct links from reference columns, buttons, and aggregate columns all navigate to the appropriate pages. That just leaves bulk actions and modal pop-ups to be tested, both of which will require companion widgets to listen for the associated broadcast messages. For that, we will have to hunt down or create some companion widgets for testing purposes, which might get a little involved, so let’s jump into that next time out.

Conditional Buttons and Icons on the SNH Data Table Widget

“Become a beacon of enhancement, and then, when the night is gray, all of the boats will move towards you, bringing their bountiful riches.”
James Altucher

After I posted the SNH Data Table widget collection out on Share, there were a couple of things that I felt were missing in the version that I put out there. One of those was the ability to click on an aggregate column and pull up a list of the records represented by that value. I took care of that one here, but after having second thoughts, the version that I ended up with is not quite like the one described in that installment of the series. Still, after a litter refactoring, I got it working in a way that finally seemed to be acceptable. But there is still one more thing that I would like to add before I release another version of the collection: the ability to control the presence of a button or icon on the row based on some condition.

Right now, if you configure a button or icon, that button or icon appears on every row of the table. That’s a nice feature that the stock Data Table widget does not include, but it would be even nicer if you could control whether or not the button appeared based on some condition. My thought was that I could add yet one more property to the button/icon configuration object called condition that could be used to control the presence of the action item on the row. I wasn’t exactly sure how to make that happen, but as usual, I thought that I would tackle the easiest portion first, which would be to modify the Content Selector Configurator widget to include that additional property. We just went through that exercise when adding the action property to the aggregate column configuration object (which was later replaced with the hint and page_id properties during refactoring), so the exercise is virtually the same.

As we did with the new aggregate column configuration property, we can start with the main widget and add the following to the list of column headings for the buttons and icons section of the table specification:

<th style="text-align: center;">${Condition}</th>

And then in the repeating rows of that table, we can insert this line:

<td data-th="${Condition}">{{btn.condition}}<

On the client side, we can add the following line to the new record section of the editButton() function:

shared.condition = button.condition;

… and this line to the section that saves the edits in that same function:

button.condition = shared.condition || '';

Finally, on the server side, in the Save() function that rebuilds the script, let’s add these lines in the button/icon specification section:

script += "',\n                 condition: '";
script += thisButton.condition;

That will handle things in most cases, but since this particular property is a Javascript expression, we need to account for the fact that the value might contain single quotes, and surrounding a value containing single quotes with single quotes will result in a syntax error in our Script Include. We should at least check for that, and if single quotes are present in the value, we should escape them. Instead of the script fragment above, which has been working for us in all other cases, let’s expand that a little bit to accommodate our concerns to something like this:

script += "',\n					condition: '";
if (thisButton.condition) {
	var condition = thisButton.condition;
	if (condition.indexOf("'") != -1) {
		condition = condition.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
	script += condition;

That takes care of the main widget, but we also need to add a new input field to the pop-up editor before this will actually work, so we need to add this line to the HTML of the Button/Icon Editor widget:

<snh-form-field snh-model="c.widget.options.shared.condition" snh-name="condition"/>

That updates the editor to now include a new button/icon specification property called condition. Of course, that doesn’t actually add any functionality to the Data Table widgets just yet, but at least now we can add a value to that property through the editor, which is a start. Now let’s take a look at the actual SNH Data Table widget and see what we need to do in order to leverage that new property.

Once again, the easiest place to start is with the HTML. Here is the current section of the HTML that deals with buttons and icons:

<td ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
  <a ng-if="!button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">{{button.label}}</a>
  <a ng-if="button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">
    <span class="icon icon-{{button.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <span class="sr-only">{{button.hint}}</span>

In the current version, there are two mutually exclusive anchor tags controlled by ng-if attributes that look to see whether or not an icon image was specified. We should be able to logically and our new condition to the existing conditions without disturbing the rest of the existing structure. The easiest way to do that at this point would simply be to call a function that dealt with the condition and have it return true or false based on the contents of our new condition property. We will have to build that function, but for now, we can just assume that it exists and modify the above to now look like this:

<td ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
  <a ng-if="!button.icon && buttonCondition(button.condition, item)" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">{{button.label}}</a>
  <a ng-if="button.icon && buttonCondition(button.condition, item)" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">
    <span class="icon icon-{{button.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <span class="sr-only">{{button.hint}}</span>

That should take care of the HTML. Now we need to come up with a function that will do what we want to do, which is to return true if we want the button/icon to appear and false if we do not. We can start out with something like this:

$scope.buttonCondition = function(expression, item) {
	var response = true;
	if (expression) {
		// check to see if the condition is true or false
	return response;

This defaults the response to true, and if there is no condition specified, then the response will be true. If there is a condition, then we need to see if that condition is true for this item. Basically, we want to run the code that is stored in the property value. For that, we can use $scope.$eval. This AngularJS function will run the expression and return the result, which will then become our response. That will make our function look like this:

$scope.buttonCondition = function(expression, item) {
	var response = true;
	if (expression) {
		response = $scope.$eval(expression, this);
	return response;

And that should be that! Now all we need to do is test all of this out, plus do a whole lot of regression testing for all of the refactoring, and then we can finally put out a new Update Set. That is definitely quite a bit of work in an of itself, so let’s save all of that for a future installment.

Refactoring the SNH Data Table Widget, Part II

“An intuitive definition is that a safe refactoring is one that doesn’t break a program. Because a refactoring is intended to restructure a program without changing its behavior, a program should perform the same way after a refactoring as it does before.”
Martin Fowler

Last time, we began the work of cleaning up the SNH Data Table widgets by consolidating all of the added action functions and bringing in the latest version of the original widget. To complete the work, we need to do the same for the remaining wrapper widgets in the collection, two of which were cloned from existing stock components, with the third being a new addition having no original source (although it was actually cloned from the modified version of one of the other two). As usual, we will start with the easy one first, the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition, cloned from the stock Data Table from Instance Definition widget.

The biggest change here was the addition of four new options to allow the entry of JSON strings for configuring each of the four new features:

[{"hint":"If enabled, show the list filter in the breadcrumbs of the data table",
"label":"Enable Filter",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for aggregate data columns",
"label":"Aggregate Column Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for row-level buttons and action icons",
"label":"Button/Icon Specifications (JSON)",
{"hint":"A JSON object containing the page id for any reference column links",
"label":"Reference Page Specifications (JSON)",

Other than that, the only other modification to the code required was in the Server script where we needed to point to the SNH core widget instead of the stock core widget:

// Start: SNH Data Table enhancements
	data.dataTableWidget = $sp.getWidget('snh-data-table', options);
// End: SNH Data Table enhancements

Aside from that single line, the remainder of the widget, including the entire Client script, remains the same as the latest version of the original widget. Next, we need to take a look at the SNH Data Table from URL Definition, which was cloned from the stock Data Table from URL Definition widget. As with the previous widget, the Client script from the latest version of the source widget remains the same. However, the Server script needs a little more modification than just the ID of the embedded core widget.

// Start: SNH Data Table enhancements
	data.fields = $sp.getParameter('fields') || $sp.getListColumns(data.table, data.view);
	copyParameters(data, ['aggregates', 'buttons', 'refpage', 'bulkactions']);
	data.show_new = options.show_new == true || options.show_new == "true";
	data.show_breadcrumbs = options.show_breadcrumbs == true || options.show_breadcrumbs == "true";
	data.window_size = $sp.getParameter('maximum_entries');
	data.btns = data.buttons;
	data.dataTableWidget = $sp.getWidget('snh-data-table', data);
// End: SNH Data Table enhancements

I left the original code intact, even in areas where the new code reset the values established differently in the original code, mainly because that didn’t really hurt anything and I was trying to retain the original as closely as possible to the way that it was for future comparisons.

That leaves the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration, which does not have a stock version, although I did clone it originally from the modified SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget. Since there were no changes needed in the Client script of the other two widgets cloned from stock widgets, I went ahead and just copied the latest version of the Client script from the stock Data Table from URL Definition widget and pasted it into he Client script of the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget. The rest was mostly custom code anyway, so I just left that alone.

That takes care of the three wrapper widgets, so now everything has been brought up the latest versions and the code for handling the four added features has all be consolidated into the core widget using a common function. That cleaned things up quite nicely, but I’m still not quite ready to spin up a new Update Set just yet. There is one more thing that I think needs to addressed before we do that.

Refactoring the SNH Data Table Widget

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
William A Foster

After I posted the SNH Data Table widget collection out on Share, I realized that there were a couple more features that really needed to be in there before it could truly be considered complete, so I started working on adding one of those features, the ability to click on an aggregate column value and see the records represented by that number. While testing out those new additions to the code, I discovered that I was not being consistent in the way in which these various features were being implemented, and decided to take a step back and review the entire set of additional features as a group. I don’t like to see one feature implemented one way and another, similar feature implemented some other way. Just to review, the SNH version of the Data Table widget adds the following configurable features:

  • Reference Field Links – For any field with a type of reference, the value is rendered as a link which can branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Aggregate Columns – Aggregate columns are counts of related records, which can also now be rendered as a link which can branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Buttons and Icons – Buttons and icons can also be configured, and clicking on a button or icon will branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.
  • Bulk Actions – When one or more bulk actions are configured, checkboxes will be rendered at the beginning of each line, and a drop-down select list of actions will be rendered in the footer. Checking one or more rows of the table and selecting an action from the drop-down will branch to another Portal Page or broadcast the details to a companion widget sharing the page.

Although each of these features were unique, and developed for a specific purpose over a period of time, they all share a number of characteristics in common, particularly the fact that selecting an item will broadcast a message alerting other widgets of the selection and/or branch out to a different page on the portal. It seemed to me that, even though each feature had its own way of approaching this, and even though they all seemed to work just the way that they were, they all really needed to approach things in a consistent manner. So I decided to go back and review the various implementations and see if I could come up with a way for all of them to be handled in the same manner.

For the reference field links, I had leveraged the existing go() function from the original widget. For the buttons and icons, I had built a new function, which I also did later for the aggregate columns, but using a different approach. For the bulk actions, I also had a separate function, but it is a little different than the other three, as it deals with multiple records and the others all deal with a single record. Still, all four had some very similar characteristics.

The original go() function did a $scope.emit(), and then code in the wrapper widgets listened for that event and did the actual branching to the new page. I don’t want to disturb that existing code, as I would like the enhanced widget to be drop-in compatible with the original, but I don’t really see the need to involve the wrapper widgets in any of the things that I was doing. I had already done that in a few places by copying what was already there, but now that I look at it a little more closely, I would like to rip all of that out and handle everything in the core widget alone.

The easiest way to make sure that everyone uses the same approach is for everyone to share the same code. So I came up with a universal function that would take care of the broadcasting and the navigation for all four use cases, which turned out like this:

function processClick(sys_id, eventName, config, item) {
	spNavStateManager.onRecordChange( {
		var parms = {};
		parms.table = config.table ||;
		parms.sys_id = sys_id;
		parms.record = item;
		parms.config = config;
		$scope.ignoreLocationChange = true;
		for (var x in {[x].selected = false;
		$rootScope.$broadcast(eventName, parms);
		if (config.page_id) {
			var s = {id: config.page_id, table: parms.table, sys_id: parms.sys_id, view: $};
			var newURL = $;

The function accepts four arguments, sys_id, eventName, config, and item. The sys_id is the sys_id of the record, either the related record or the record of the active row. The eventName is one of the following:

referenceClick: 'data_table.referenceClick',
aggregateClick: 'data_table.aggregateClick',
buttonClick: 'data_table.buttonClick',
bulkAction: 'data_table.bulkAction'

The config is the configuration object for the reference, aggregate, button, icon, or bulk action, and the item is either the record for the current row, the related record, or in the case of bulk actions, the list of selected records. The function extracts certain elements from the passed arguments, broadcasts the message, and then if there is a portal page specified, branches to that page with URL parameters extracted from the data passed. This will now occur in the same manner, using the same technique for all four of the added features.

To invoke this function, I created four new functions, one for each of the four features. These functions establish the arguments in accordance with the needs of each feature. Here are the four new functions:

$scope.referenceClick = function(field, item) {
	var config = {};
	config.table = item[field].table;
	config.page_id =[config.table] || 'form';
	var sys_id = item[field].value;
	processClick(sys_id, eventNames.referenceClick, config, item[field].record);

$scope.aggregateClick = function(aggregate, item) {
	var config = {};
	for (var a in {
		if ([a].name == aggregate) {
			config =[a];
	var sys_id = item.sys_id;
	if (config.source && item[config.source].value) {
		sys_id = item[config.source].value;
	processClick(sys_id, eventNames.aggregateClick, config, item);

$scope.buttonClick = function(button, item) {
	var config = {};
	for (var b in {
		if ([b].name == button) {
			config =[b];
	processClick(item.sys_id, eventNames.buttonClick, config, item);

$scope.bulkActionSelected = function() {
	if ( {
		var selected = [];
		for (var x in {
			if ([x].selected) {
		if (parms.selected.length > 0) {
			var config = {};
			for (var b in {
				if ([b].name == {
					config =[b];
			config.table =
			processClick('', eventNames.bulkAction, config, selected)
		} else {
			spModal.alert('You must select at least one row for this action');
	} = '';

In addition to wanting to consistently handle the various actions, I also wanted to run out and get the latest copy of the original Data Table widget to make sure that I had not missed any useful updates since I initially cloned the widget. At the same time, I wanted to start fresh with the latest copy and then surgically insert the enhancements, disturbing the original code as little as possible, and marking my additions with comments to clearly delineate the new code from the original. Here is how that turned out with the HTML template:

<div class="panel panel-{{options.color}} b" ng-class="{'data-table-high-contrast': accessibilityModeEnabled}">
    <div class="panel-heading form-inline" ng-hide="options.hide_header">
      <span class="dropdown m-r-xs">
        <button aria-label="{{data.title || data.table_plural}} ${Context Menu}" class="btn dropdown-toggle glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger" style="line-height: 1.4em" id="optionsMenu" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"></button>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="optionsMenu">
          <li ng-repeat="t in ::exportTypes">
            <a ng-if="!tinyUrlEnabled" ng-href="/{{data.table}}{{::t.value}}&sysparm_query={{data.exportQueryEncoded}}&sysparm_view={{data.view}}&sysparm_fields={{data.fields}}" target="_new" tabindex="-1">${Export as} {{::t.label}}</a>
            <a ng-if="tinyUrlEnabled" ng-href="/{{data.table}}{{::t.value}}&sysparm_tiny={{tinyUrl}}" target="_new" tabindex="-1">${Export as} {{::t.label}}</a>
      <h2 class="panel-title" style="display:inline"><i ng-if="options.glyph" class="fa fa-{{options.glyph}} m-r"></i>{{data.title || data.table_plural}}<span class="sr-only">${table} - ${page} {{data.p}}</span></h2>
      <button name="new" role="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm m-l-xs" ng-click="newRecord()" ng-if="options.show_new && data.canCreate && !data.newButtonUnsupported" aria-label="${Create new record}">${New}</button>
      <div class="pull-right" ng-if="options.show_keywords">
		<form ng-if="data.hasTextIndex" ng-submit="setSearch(true)">
        <div class="input-group" role="presentation">
          <input type="text" name="datatable-search" ng-model="data.keywords" ng-model-options="{debounce:250}" class="form-control" placeholder="${Keyword Search}" aria-label="${Keyword Search}">
          <span class="input-group-btn">
            <button name="search" class="btn btn-default" type="submit" aria-label="${Search}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></button>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <!-- body -->
    <div class="panel-body">
      <div ng-if="options.show_breadcrumbs && (data.filter || data.enable_filter)" class="filter-breadcrumbs">
	    		<sp-widget widget="data.filterBreadcrumbs"></sp-widget>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
      <div class="alert alert-info" ng-if="!data.list.length && !data.num_pages && !data.invalid_table && !loadingData">
        ${No records in {{data.table_label}} <span ng-if="data.filter">using that filter</span>}
      <div class="alert alert-info" ng-if="loadingData">
          <fa name="spinner" spin="true"></fa> ${Loading data}...
      <table class="table table-striped table-responsive" ng-if="data.list.length">
        <caption class="sr-only">{{data.title || data.table_plural}}</caption>
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              <input type="checkbox" ng-model="data.master_checkbox" ng-click="masterCheckBoxClick();"/>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-repeat="field in data.fields_array track by $index" class="text-nowrap" ng-click="setOrderBy(field)"
             scope="col" role="columnheader" aria-sort="{{field == data.o ? (data.d == 'asc'? 'ascending': 'descending') : 'none'}}">
              <div class="th-title" title="${Sort by} {{field == data.o ? (data.d == 'asc' ?  '${Descending}': '${Ascending}') : '${Ascending}'}}" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="{{data.column_labels[field]}}">{{data.column_labels[field]}}</div>
              <i class="fa" ng-if="field == data.o" ng-class="{'asc': 'fa-chevron-up', 'desc': 'fa-chevron-down'}[data.d]"></i>
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
            <th ng-repeat="aggregate in data.aggarray" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              {{aggregate.heading || aggregate.label}}
            <th ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              {{button.heading || button.label}}
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
        <tr ng-repeat="item in data.list track by item.sys_id">
<!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
           <td ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" tabindex="0">
              <input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.selected"/>
            <td role="{{$first ? 'rowheader' : 'cell'}}" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" ng-repeat="field in ::data.fields_array" data-field="{{::field}}" data-th="{{::data.column_labels[field]}}">
              <sn-avatar ng-if="item[field].value && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].table == 'sys_user'" primary="item[field].value" class="avatar-small" show-presence="true" enable-context-menu="false"></sn-avatar>
              <a ng-if="$first" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="go(item.targetTable, item)" aria-label="${Open record}: {{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
              <a ng-if="!$first && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].value" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="referenceClick(field, item)" aria-label="${Click for more on }{{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
              <span ng-if="!$first && item[field].type != 'reference'">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</span>
            <td ng-repeat="obj in item.aggValue" role="cell" class="text-right" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
              <a ng-if="" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="aggregateClick(, item)">{{obj.value}}</a>
              <span ng-if="!">{{obj.value}}</span>
            <td ng-repeat="button in data.btnarray" role="cell" class="text-nowrap center" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
              <a ng-if="!button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">{{button.label}}</a>
              <a ng-if="button.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{button.color || 'default'}}" ng-click="buttonClick(, item)" title="{{button.hint}}" data-original-title="{{button.hint}}">
                <span class="icon icon-{{button.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                <span class="sr-only">{{button.hint}}</span>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
      <div ng-class="{'pruned-msg-filter-pad': (!options.show_breadcrumbs || !data.filter) && !data.list.length}" class="pruned-msg" ng-if="rowsWerePruned()">
        <span ng-if="rowsPruned == 1">${{{rowsPruned}} row removed by security constraints}</span>
        <span ng-if="rowsPruned > 1">${{{rowsPruned}} rows removed by security constraints}</span>
    <!-- footer -->
 <!-- Start: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
    <div class="panel-footer" ng-if="data.actarray.length > 0 && data.row_count">
      <div class="btn-toolbar m-r pull-left">
        <select class="form-control" ng-model="data.bulk_action" ng-click="bulkActionSelected();">
          <option value="">${Actions on selected rows ...}</option>
          <option ng-repeat="opt in data.actarray" value="{{}}">{{opt.label}}</option>
      <span class="clearfix"></span>
<!-- End: SNH Data Table enhancements -->
    <div class="panel-footer" ng-hide="options.hide_footer" ng-if="data.row_count" role="navigation" aria-label="${Pagination}">
      <div class="btn-toolbar m-r pull-left">
        <div class="btn-group">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="setPageNum(data.p - 1)" ng-class="{'disabled': data.p == 1}" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Previous page} {{data.p == 1 ? '${disabled}' : ''}}" tabindex="{{(data.p == 1) ? -1 : 0}}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a>
        <div ng-if="data.num_pages > 1 && data.num_pages < 20" class="btn-group">
          <a ng-repeat="i in getNumber(data.num_pages) track by $index" ng-click="setPageNum($index + 1)" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-class="{active: ($index + 1) == data.p}" type="button" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Page} {{$index + 1}}" ng-attr-aria-current="{{($index + 1) == data.p ? 'page' : undefined}}">{{$index + 1}}</a>
        <div class="btn-group">
          <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="setPageNum(data.p + 1)" ng-class="{'disabled': data.p == data.num_pages}" class="btn btn-default" aria-label="${Next page} {{data.p == data.num_pages ? '${disabled}' : ''}}" tabindex="{{(data.p == data.num_pages) ? -1 : 0}}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>
      <div class="m-t-xs panel-title">${Rows {{data.window_start + 1}} - {{ mathMin(data.window_end,data.row_count) }} of {{data.row_count}}}</div>

      <span class="clearfix"></span>

All in all, I had to insert code in four different places, twice in the table header, once for the table rows, and once for the bulk action drop-down in the table footer. Everything else is just as it was in the original HTML template from the latest version of the widget. This I like much better than the way that I had it before, and each block of code that I inserted is clearly marked with a Start and an End comment. I took the same approach with the server script and the client script, attempting wherever possible to leave as much as the original work in place and marking those sections where I inserted additions.

Now that that is done, I need to go back into the wrapper widgets and basically do the same thing after I remove all of the code that is now being handled in the core widget. Once that is done, there is still one more thing that I would like to do before releasing another Update Set, but I need to finish up those wrapper widgets first before we jump into that.

Aggregate List Columns, Part XI

“When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.”
Zig Ziglar

Last time, I completed the changes that I wanted to make to support the ability to click on an aggregate column value and see a list of the records represented by the value. I fully intended to test everything out this time and wrap this up; however, once I started testing things out, I began to realize that there were some inconsistencies in the approach taken for the aggregate columns compared to that taken with the buttons and icons. I don’t really like seeing that, so now I am contemplating scrapping the whole thing and starting over. I’m not fully there just yet, but I really don’t like have two different solutions to virtually the same objective.

To begin my testing, I built a simple modal pop-up widget and then edited the original AggregateTestConfig Script Include to contain an action property with a value of broadcast. That produced the desired clickable link on the aggregate column, but I noticed that there was no tool tip on mouse-over like there is with the buttons and icons. That, of course, is because I did not add the hint property to the aggregate column specification object like there is in the button/icon specification object. That seems like an easy fix, but the other thing that I did not like was that the column was still a link when the value was 0. Since there is nothing to see when the value is 0, it seems to me that that column shouldn’t be clickable unless there are records to view. That should also be an easy fix, so I set both of those concerns aside and moved on to testing the other option, linking to a new page.

Not wanting to disturb my earlier testing, I pulled up the AggregateTestConfig2 Script Include to use the second test page for this effort. You may recall that the second test page is a list of sys_user_grmember table records, not sys_user table records. To make this work for counting up the related records, we added the optional source property to the aggregate column specification object, but the code that I added to support the clickable links did not reference that property. That needed to be addressed as well, but I still wanted to do some testing, so I decided to swap over to the AggregateTestConfig3 Script Include to use the third existing test page instead of the second. That allowed me to complete my testing, and everything seemed to work as it should, but in digging around in the code, I found a couple of things that really disturbed my sense of The Way Things Ought To Be.

For one, to provide a link for buttons and icons, we use the property page_id. To accomplish the same thing for aggregate columns, the property name is action. The first is simply the ID of an existing Portal Page, selected from an sn-record-picker of Portal Pages. The second is a URL query string that includes the ID of the desired Portal Page as well as any other parameters that you might want to include in your URL. Both achieve the desired objective, but again, I do not like to see two different approaches to the same issue in the same component. It does work, but I don’t like it.

The other thing that I discovered is that the code that I added to handle the link to the new page was in the core SHN Data Table widget, while the similar code for the buttons and icons was located in the various wrapper widgets. I am sure that I copied all of that from the original click handler for the entire row, but I am not sure why it is in the wrapper widgets, where it has to be replicated in each and every one, instead of in the core widget, where it would seem to belong. Maybe there was a reason for that when the stock items were first constructed, but I do not know what that reason might have been.

In the midst of all of that, I came across this conversation, which included a link to this article. While I happen to share the article author’s concerns about cloning stock widgets, and he does make a number of valid points in his reply to the original poster, some modifications that you would like to make are so extensive that it makes little sense to attempt to retain whatever might be left of the original artifact. Still, his approach of embedding the original widget underneath your enhancements, which is essentially what the wrapper widgets do with the core data table widget, is an intriguing idea. I still have to study the sample to see how that might be adapted to what I have been trying to do, but I think it might be worth a closer look.

All of things these piled on top of one another make me think that maybe I want to back up the truck and take another shot at this from a different perspective. I definitely want to be able to click on a non-zero aggregate column and see a list of the records represented there, either in a modal pop-up on a new page, but maybe the way that I jumped into this was just a little too hasty. I think I have to do a little more digging around before I fully commit to what I have started here. Maybe this could be done a little better than I have it now. Or maybe not. Hopefully, I can figure all of that out relatively soon and we can still wrap this up and put it behind us.