Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part VIII

“Tinkering is something we need to know how to do in order to keep something like the space station running. I am a tinkerer by nature.”
Leroy Chiao

I know what you are thinking: Didn’t we wrap this series up last time with the release of the final Update Set? Well, technically you would be correct in that we finished building all of the parts and bundled them all up in an Update Set for those of you who like to play along at home, but … we really did not spend a whole lot of time on the purpose for all of this, so I thought it might be a good time to back up the truck just a tad and demo some of the features of the customized data table widget and the associated content selector widget. Mainly, I want to talk about the buttons and icons and how all of that works, but before we do that, let’s go all the way back and talk about the basic idea behind these customizations of some pretty cool stock products.

I really liked the stock Data Table widget that comes bundled with the Service Portal, but the one thing that annoyed me was that each row was one huge clickable link, which was a departure from the primary UI, where every column could potentially be a link if it contained a Reference field. So, I rewired it. Of course, once you start playing with something then you end up doing all kinds of other crazy things and before you know it, you have this whole subset of trinkets and doodads that only you know anything about. So, on occasion, I feel the need to stop talking about what I am building and how it is constructed, and spend a little time talking about how to use it and what it is good for. Hence, today’s discussion of buttons and icons on the customized Data Table widget.

Before we get started, though, I do need to confess that in all of the excitement around creating a way to edit the JSON configuration object for the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector, I completely forgot about one of the options for handling a button click: opening up a new portal page. When we first introduced the idea of having buttons and icons on the rows of the Data Table widget, we made allowances for adding a page_id property to the button definition, and if that property were valued, we would link to that page on a click; otherwise, we would broadcast the click details. We did not include the page_id property in either the Content Selector Configuration Editor widget or the Button/Icon Editor widget, so let’s correct that oversight right now. First, we will need to add that property to the HTML for the table of Buttons/Icons.

<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Label}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Heading}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Icon}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Icon Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Color}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Hint}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Page}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Edit}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Delete}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="btn in tbl[].btnarray" ng-hide="btn.removed">
      <td data-th="${Label}">{{btn.label}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Name}">{{}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Heading}">{{btn.heading}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Icon}" style="text-align: center;">
        <a ng-if="btn.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{btn.color || 'default'}}" title="{{btn.hint}}" data-original-title="{{btn.hint}}">
          <span class="icon icon-{{btn.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span class="sr-only">{{btn.hint}}</span>
       <td data-th="${Icon Name}">{{btn.icon}}</td>
       <td data-th="${Color}">{{btn.color}}</td>
       <td data-th="${Hint}">{{btn.hint}}</td>
       <td data-th="${Page}">{{btn.page_id}}</td>
       <td data-th="${Edit}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editButton(btn)" alt="Click here to edit this Button/Icon" title="Click here to edit this Button/Icon" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
       <td data-th="${Delete}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteButton(btn, tbl[].btnarray)" alt="Click here to delete this Button/Icon" title="Click here to delete this Button/Icon" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>

… and then we will need to pass it back and forth between the main widget and the pop-up Button/Icon Editor widget:

$scope.editButton = function(button, btnArray) {
	var shared = {page_id: {value: '', displayValue: ''}};
	if (button != 'new') {
		shared.label = button.label; =;
		shared.heading = button.heading;
		shared.icon = button.icon;
		shared.color = button.color;
		shared.hint = button.hint;
		shared.page_id = {value: button.page_id, displayValue: button.page_id};
		title: 'Button/Icon Editor',
		widget: 'button-icon-editor',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (button == 'new') {
			button = {};
		button.label = shared.label || ''; = || '';
		button.heading = shared.heading || '';
		button.icon = shared.icon || '';
		button.color = shared.color || '';
		button.hint = shared.hint || '';
		button.page_id = shared.page_id.value || '';

… and then, of course, we need to update the Button/Icon Editor itself by dragging in the page selector form field from the Reference Page Editor widget and adding it to the fields on the Button/Icon Editor form.

  <form name="form1">
      placeholder="Choose a Portal Page"
    <div id="element.example" class="form-group">
      <div id="label.example" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
        <label for="example" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
          <span id="status.example"></span>
          <span title="Example" data-original-title="Example">Example</span>
      <span class="input-group">
        <a ng-if="!c.widget.options.shared.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{c.widget.options.shared.color || 'default'}}" title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}" data-original-title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}">{{c.widget.options.shared.label}}</a>
        <a ng-if="c.widget.options.shared.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{c.widget.options.shared.color || 'default'}}" title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}" data-original-title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}">
          <span class="icon icon-{{c.widget.options.shared.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span class="sr-only">{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}</span>
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

That should take care of that little oversight. Now, let’s get back to showing off the various ways in which you can use buttons and icons on the customized Data Table widget.

To start out, let’s use the tool that we just made to create a brand new configuration for a sample page where we can demonstrate how the buttons and icons work. Let’s click on our new Menu Item to bring up the tool, click on the Create a new Content Selector Configuration button, enter the name of our new Script Include, and then click on the OK button.

Creating a new configuration object using the new tool

When our new empty configuration comes up in the tool, let’s define a single Perspective called Button Test, and a couple of different States, Active and Not Active. We want to keep things simple at this point, mainly so as not to distract from our primary purpose here, which is to show how the buttons and icons work. Once we have defined our Perspective and States, click on the Add new Table button and select the Incident table from the list.

Selecting the Incident table from the pop-up selection list

Select just a couple of fields, say Number and Short Description, and set the filter for the Active State to active=true. Then we can start adding Buttons and Icons using the Add new Button/Icon button.

Adding a new Button/Icon

Those of you paying close attention will notice that the image above was taken before we added the page_id property to the Button/Icon configuration. The newer version has a pick list of portal pages below the Hint and above the Example. You will want to define at least one Button/Icon with a page value. Keep adding different buttons and icons until you have a representative sample of different things and then we can see how it all renders out in actual use.

New configuration with several different buttons and icons

Once you have a few set up for testing, save the new configuration and take a look at the resulting script, which should look something like this:

var ButtonTestConfig = Class.create();
ButtonTestConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

	perspective: [{
		name: 'button_test',
		label: 'Button Test',
		roles: ''

	state: [{
		name: 'active',
		label: 'Active'
		name: 'not_active',
		label: 'Not Active'

	table: {
		button_test: [{
			name: 'incident',
			displayName: 'Incident',
			active: {
				filter: 'active=true',
				fields: 'number,short_description',
				btnarray: [{
					name: 'button1',
					label: 'Button #1',
					heading: '',
					icon: '',
					color: 'info',
					hint: 'This is Button #1',
					page_id: ''
					name: 'button2',
					label: 'Button #2',
					heading: 'Button #2',
					icon: '',
					color: 'warning',
					hint: 'This is Button #2',
					page_id: ''
					name: 'button3',
					label: 'Button #3',
					heading: 'B3',
					icon: '',
					color: '',
					hint: 'This is Button #3',
					page_id: 'ticket'
					name: 'icon1',
					label: 'Icon #1',
					heading: '-',
					icon: 'cross',
					color: 'danger',
					hint: 'Danger Will Robinson!',
					page_id: ''
					name: 'icon2',
					label: 'Icon #2',
					heading: 'I2',
					icon: 'download',
					color: 'success',
					hint: 'Click here to do something ...',
					page_id: ''
				refmap: {}
			not_active: {
				filter: 'active=false',
				fields: 'number,short_description',
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {}

	type: 'ButtonTestConfig'

Now that we have that all ready to rock and roll, we need to configure a new test page so that we can put it to use. From the list of Portal Pages, click on the New button and create a page called button_test and save it so that we can pull it up in the Page Designer.

Setting up the new page in the Page Designer

From the container list, drag over a 3/9 container and drag the Content Selector widget into the narrow portion and the SNH Data Table from URL Configuration widget into the wider portion. You shouldn’t have to edit the Data Table widget, but you will need to click on the pencil icon on the Content Selector widget so that you enter the name of your new configuration script.

Entering the name of the configuration script in the widget options

Once that has been completed, you should be able to pull up your new page in the Service Portal and see how it renders out. You can click on any of your buttons or icons at this point, and if you click on one with a page_id value, that page should come up with the record from that row. If you click on any of the other buttons or icons, through, nothing will happen, because we have not set up anything to react to the button clicks at this point. However, if everything is working as it should be, we are now ready to do just that.

When a button or icon is clicked on the customized Data Table widget, and there is no page_id value defined, all that happens is that the details are broadcast out. Some other widget on the page needs to be listening for that broadcast in order for something to happen. The secret, then, is to have some client-side code somewhere that looks something like this:

$rootScope.$on('', function(e, parms) {
	// do something 

For demonstration purposes we can build a simple test widget that will do just that, and in response to a click event, display all of the details of that event in an spModal alert. Let’s call this widget Button Click Handler Example, and give it the following client-side code:

function ButtonClickHandlerExample(spModal, $rootScope) {
	var c = this;

	$rootScope.$on('', function(e, parms) {

	function displayClickDetails(parms) {
		var html = '<div>'; 
		html += ' <div class="center"><h3>You clicked on the ' + + ' button</h3></div>\n';
		html += ' <table>\n';
		html += '  <tbody>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Table: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td>' + parms.table + '</td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Sys ID: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td>' + parms.sys_id + '</td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Button: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td><pre>' + JSON.stringify(parms.button, null, 4) + '</pre></td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '   <tr>\n';
		html += '    <td class="text-primary">Record: &nbsp;</td>\n';
		html += '    <td><pre>' + JSON.stringify(parms.record, null, 4) + '</pre></td>\n';
		html += '   </tr>\n';
		html += '  </tbody>\n';
		html += ' </table>\n';
		html += '</div>';

Now that we have our widget, we can pop back into the Page Designer and drag the widget anywhere on the screen. It has no displayable content, so it really doesn’t matter where you put it as long as it is present on the page somewhere. Once that’s done, we can pull up our page on the portal again and start clicking around again to see what we get.

Button click results

In addition to the details of the record on that row and the button that was clicked, you also get the name of the table and the sys_id of the record. Any of this data can be used to perform any number of potential actions, all of which are completely outside of the two reusable components, the customized Data Table and the configurable Content Selector. You shouldn’t have to modify either of those widgets to create custom functionality; just configure the Content Selector with an appropriate JSON config object, and then add any custom click handlers to your page for any button actions that you would like to configure. Here is an Update Set that includes the page_id corrections as well as the button test widget so that you can click around on your own and see how everything plays together. There is an even better version here.

Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part VII

“Always do more than is required of you.”
George S. Patton

Well, we have come a long way since we first set to out to build our little Content Selector Configuration Editor. We have built the primary widget and quite a few modal pop-up widgets and have pretty much built out everything that you would need to maintain the configuration. The only thing left at this point is to actually save the data now that it has been edited. Not too long ago, we built a tool that saved its data in a Script Include by rewriting the script and updating a Script Include record. We can use that same technique here by building the script from the user’s input, and then storing it in the script column of a new or updated Script Include record. The first order of business, then, would be to build the script, starting with the initial definition of the class and its prototype:

var script = "var ";
script += name;
script += " = Class.create();\n";
script += name;
script += ".prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {\n";
script += "	initialize: function() {\n";
script += "	},\n";
script += "\n";

Assuming the name of your script was MyTestConfig, that would generate the following starting lines for your Script Include:

var MyTestConfig = Class.create();
MyTestConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

Next, we need to build the Array of all of the defined Perspectives. This we can do via a simple loop through the Perspective data:

script += "	perspective: [";
var separator = '';
for (var p=0; p<input.config.perspective.length; p++) {
	var thisPerspective = input.config.perspective[p];
	script += separator;
	script += "{\n		name: '";
	script +=;
	script += "',\n		label: '";
	script += thisPerspective.label;
	script += "',\n		roles: '";
	script += thisPerspective.roles;
	script += "'\n	}";
	separator = ",";
script += "],\n\n";

Next, we will need to build the Array of all of the States, which will look very similar to what we just did for all of the Perspectives.

script += "	state: [";
separator = '';
for (var s=0; s<input.config.state.length; s++) {
	var thisState = input.config.state[s];
	script += separator;
	script += "{\n		name: '";
	script +=;
	script += "',\n		label: '";
	script += thisState.label;
	script += "'\n	}";
	separator = ",";
script += "],\n\n";

Now it is time for the Tables, which is where things get a little more complicated. Here we have to loop through every defined Perspective, and then loop through every Table defined for that Perspective, and then loop through every defined State, and then if there are Buttons/Icons and/or Reference Pages, we will need to loop through all of those as well.

script += "	table: {";
separator = '';
for (var tp=0; tp<input.config.perspective.length; tp++) {
	var tablePerspective = input.config.perspective[tp];
	script += separator;
	script += "\n		";
	script +=;
	script += ": [";
	var tableSeparator = '';
	for (var tt=0; tt<input.config.table[].length; tt++) {
		var tableTable = input.config.table[][tt];
		script += tableSeparator;
		script += "{\n			name: '";
		script +=;
		script += "',\n			displayName: '";
		script += tableTable.displayName;
		script += "'";
		for (var ts=0; ts<input.config.state.length; ts++) {
			var tableState = input.config.state[ts];
			script += ",\n			";
			script +=;
			script += ": {\n				filter: '";
			script += tableTable[].filter;
			script += "',\n				fields: '";
			script += tableTable[].fields;
			script += "',\n				btnarray: [";
			var lastSeparator = '';
			for (var b=0; b<tableTable[].btnarray.length; b++) {
				var thisButton = tableTable[].btnarray[b];
				script += lastSeparator;
				script += "{\n					name: '";
				script +=;
				script += "',\n					label: '";
				script += thisButton.label;
				script += "',\n					heading: '";
				script += thisButton.heading;
				script += "',\n					icon: '";
				script += thisButton.icon;
				script += "',\n					color: '";
				script += thisButton.color;
				script += "',\n					hint: '";
				script += thisButton.hint;
				script += "'\n				}";
				lastSeparator = ",";
			script += "],\n				refmap: {";
			lastSeparator = '';
			for (var key  in tableTable[].refmap) {
				script += lastSeparator;
				script += "\n					";
				script += key;
				script += ": '";
				script += tableTable[].refmap[key];
				script += "'";
				lastSeparator = ",";
			script += "\n				}\n			}";
		script += "\n		}";
		tableSeparator = ",";
	script += "]";
	separator = ",";
script += "\n	},\n\n";

And finally, we have to close out the script with the type property and all of the closing characters.

		script += "	type: '";
		script += name;
		script += "'\n});";

That completes the creation of the script from the user’s input. Now we have to save it. If this is an existing record, then all we need to do is fetch it and update the script column, but if this is a new record, then we have a little bit more work to do.

var scriptGR = new GlideRecord('sys_script_include');
if (data.newRecord) {
	scriptGR.initialize(); = name;
	scriptGR.api_name = 'global.' + name;
	scriptGR.description = name;
	scriptGR.access = 'public';
} else {
	scriptGR.get('name', name);
scriptGR.setValue('script', script);
data.sys_id = scriptGR.getUniqueValue();

The reason that we grab the sys_id there at the end after the record has been saved is so that we can take the user to the saved Script Include once the record has been inserted/updated. We do that on the client-side in the code that is launched by the Save button.

$ = function() {
	var missingData = false;
	if ( == 0) {
		missingData = true;
	} else if ( == 0) {
		missingData = true;
	} else {
		for (var p in {
			if ([[p].name].length == 0) {
				missingData = true;
	if ($scope.form1.$valid && !missingData) { = 'save';
		c.server.update().then(function(response) {
			window.location.href = '/' + response.sys_id;
	} else {
		spModal.alert('You must correct all form validation errors before saving');

This assumes that we are doing all of this in the main UI and not on some Portal Page, and to facilitate that, we add a menu item to the Tools menu so that we can launch this widget from within the primary UI.

Content Selector Configurator menu item definition

That’s about it for all of the parts and pieces necessary to make this initial version work. Certainly there are a number of things that we could do to make it a little better here and there, but overall I think it is a pretty good start. We should play around with it a bit and try building out a few different configurations, but for those of you who like to play along at home, here is an Update Set with what should be everything that you need to make this work.

Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part VI

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”
Harry Truman

At the end of our last installment in this series we had coded all of the client-side functions to add and remove Buttons/Icons and Reference Pages, but still needed to create the modal widgets needed to edit the values for those. The Button/Icon editor is the more complex of the two, plus it’s the first one that we encounter on the page, so let’s start with that one, and as usual, let’s start with the HTML.

  <form name="form1">
    <div id="element.example" class="form-group">
      <div id="label.example" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
        <label for="example" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
          <span id="status.example"></span>
          <span title="Example" data-original-title="Example">Example</span>
      <span class="input-group">
        <a ng-if="!c.widget.options.shared.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{c.widget.options.shared.color || 'default'}}" title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}" data-original-title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}">{{c.widget.options.shared.label}}</a>
        <a ng-if="c.widget.options.shared.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{c.widget.options.shared.color || 'default'}}" title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}" data-original-title="{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}">
          <span class="icon icon-{{c.widget.options.shared.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span class="sr-only">{{c.widget.options.shared.hint}}</span>
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

Pretty standard stuff. There are just a few more fields here than with some of the other things that we have been editing in a pop-up window, and one of them happens to be the new icon field type. Also, there is an “Example” field to show you what the Button/Icon will look like based on the values that you have entered. Here’s how it looks in action:

Button/Icon Editor

Other than the additional fields, it’s pretty much the same as the others, and the client-side code is virtually identical to what we have used in the past, with the one exception of having to assign spModal to the $scope so that it can be available to the Icon Picker.

function ButtonIconEditor($scope, $timeout, spModal) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.spModal = spModal;

	$scope.selectIcon = function() {{
			title: 'Select Icon',
			widget: 'icon-picker',
			buttons: [
				{label: '${Cancel}', cancel: true}
			size: 'sm',
		}).then(function(response) {
			c.widget.options.shared.icon = response.selected;

	$scope.cancel = function() {
		$timeout(function() {

	$ = function() {
		if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
			$timeout(function() {
		} else {

	$timeout(function() {
	}, 100);

As with our other pop-up editor widgets, there is no server-side code, so that’s the entire widget. The Reference Page editor is even simpler.

  <form name="form1">
      placeholder="Choose a Table"
      placeholder="Choose a Portal Page"
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

Here, we just have two sn-record-pickers, one for the reference table and the other for the portal page that you want to bring up whenever someone clicks on a reference value from that table. And once again, the client-side code looks very familiar.

function ReferencePageEditor($scope, $timeout) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.cancel = function() {
		$timeout(function() {

	$ = function() {
		if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
			$timeout(function() {
		} else {

	$timeout(function() {
	}, 100);

That takes care of everything that we discussed last time, but last time we neglected to make allowances for a couple of very import features: the ability to add a new Table and the ability to remove a Table. Since each Perspective has its own list of Tables, we will need to add a New Table button at the bottom of the list for each Perspective. To remove a Table, we can just add a Delete icon next to the Table name for that purpose. That will change the basic HTML structure to now look like this:

  <h4 class="text-primary">${Tables}</h4>
<uib-tabset active="active">
  <uib-tab ng-repeat="persp in track by" heading="{{persp.label}}">
    <div ng-repeat="tbl in[] track by" style="padding-left: 25px;">
      <h4 style="color: darkblue">
        <img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteTable(," alt="Click here to permanently delete table {{}} from this Perspective" title="Click here to permanently delete table {{}} from this Perspective" style="cursor: pointer;"/>
      <uib-tabset active="active">
        <uib-tab ng-repeat="state in track by" heading="{{state.label}}">
          <div style="padding-left: 25px;">
<!-----  all of the specific properties are defined here  ----->
    <div style="width: 100%;">
      <button ng-click="newTable(" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new table to the {{persp.label}} perspective">Add a new Table</button>

And of course, we will need functions to handle both the Table Add and Table Remove processes. For the Add, let’s use a pop-up Table selector that will allow you to select a Table from a list. For the Delete, we can adapt one of the other Delete functions that we have already written.

$scope.deleteTable = function(perspective, tableName) {
	var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete Table</b>';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Deleting the ';
	confirmMsg += tableName;
	confirmMsg += ' Table will also delete all information for that Table in every State in this Perspective.';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete this Table?';
	spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {
			var a = -1;
			for (var b=0; b<[perspective].length; b++) {
				if ([perspective][b].name == tableName) {
					a = b;
			}[perspective].splice(a, 1);

The function to pop open the modal Table Selector widget is quite familiar as well.

$scope.newTable = function(perspective) {
	var shared = {};{
		title: 'Table Selector',
		widget: 'table-selector',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {[perspective].push(shared);

… and the widget itself we can clone from the Reference Page widget, which already had a Table picker defined.

  <form name="form1">
      snh-help="Choose a Table to be added to this Perspective"
      placeholder="Choose a Table"

Since all we want them to do is to select a table, we can use an snh-change to call the function and send back the selection.

function TableSelector($scope, $timeout) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.tableSelected = function() {
		if ( > '') {
			c.server.update().then(function(response) { = response.table.value;
				c.widget.options.shared.displayName = response.table.displayValue;
				$timeout(function() {

On server side, we just make sure that we have both a table name and a display name.

(function() {
	data.table = {};

	if (input && input.table && input.table.value) {
		data.table = input.table;
		if (!data.table.displayValue) {
			data.table.displayValue = getItemName(data.table.value);

	function getItemName(key) {
		var ciGR = new GlideRecord(key);
		return ciGR.getLabel();

That pretty much wraps up all of the editing functions. We still need to throw in some code to save all of the changes, but that might get pretty involved, so let’s say we save that for our next installment.

Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part V

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.”
Thomas Sowell

At the end of our last installment in this series, we had the HTML for the Tables section, but none of the underlying code to make it all work. Now it’s time to create that code by building all of the client-side functions needed to support all of the ng-click attributes sprinkled throughout the HTML. The first one that you come to in this section is the editButton function that passes the button object as an argument. This should pop open a modal editor just like we did with the Perspectives and the States, so this function could be loosely modeled after those other two. Something like this should do the trick:

$scope.editButton = function(button, btnArray) {
	var shared = {};
	if (button != 'new') {
		shared.label = button.label; =;
		shared.heading = button.heading;
		shared.icon = button.icon;
		shared.color = button.color;
		shared.hint = button.hint;
		title: 'Button/Icon Editor',
		widget: 'button-icon-editor',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (button == 'new') {
			button = {};
		button.label = shared.label; =;
		button.heading = shared.heading;
		button.icon = shared.icon;
		button.color = shared.color;
		button.hint = shared.hint;

We had to add a second argument to the function in this case, but only when creating a new Button/Icon. For an existing object, it is already in place in the object tree, but in the case of a new Button/Icon that we create from a new blank object, we need to know where to put it so that it lives with all of its siblings. Other than that one little wrinkle, the rest is pretty much the same as we have built before. The deleteButton function is also a little different in that we do not have a specified index, so we have to spin through the list to determine the index. Once we have that, though, all we need to do is remove the Button/Icon from the list, as there are no other dependent objects that have to be removed, unlike the Perspectives and the States.

$scope.deleteButton = function(button, btnArray) {
	var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete Button/Icon</b>';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete the ' + button.label + ' Button/Icon?';
	spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {
			var a = -1;
			for (var b=0; b<btnArray.length; b++) {
				if (btnArray[b].name == {
					a = b;
			btnArray.splice(a, 1);

That takes care of the Buttons/Icons … now we have to do essentially the same thing for the Reference Pages. Once again, we have a few little wrinkles that make things not quite exactly the same. For one thing, the Button/Icon data is stored in an Array, but the Reference Page data is stored in a Map. Also, both of the properties for a Reference Page (Table and Portal Page) have values that come from a ServiceNow database table, so the pop-up editor can use an sn-record-picker for both fields. That means their values will be stored in objects, not strings, so again, not an exact copy of the other functions. Still, it looks pretty close to all of its cousins:

$scope.editRefMap = function(table, refMap) {
	var shared = {table: {}, page: {}};
	if (table != 'new') {
		shared.table.value = table;
		shared.table.displayValue = table; = refMap[table]; = refMap[table];
		title: 'Reference Page Editor',
		widget: 'reference-page-editor',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (table != 'new') {
			if (shared.table.value != table) {
				delete refMap[table];
		refMap[shared.table.value] =;

… and because of those differences, the deleteRefMap function turns out to be the most simplest of all:

$scope.deleteRefMap = function(table, refMap) {
		var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete Reference Page</b>';
		confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete the ' + table + ' table reference page mapping?';
		spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
			if (confirmed) {
				delete refMap[table];

So now we are done with all of the client-side functions, but our work is still not finished. Both of the edit functions pop open modal editor widgets, so we are going to need to build those. We already have a couple of different models created for the Perspective and State editors, so it won’t be as if we have to start out with a blank canvas. Still, there is a certain amount of work involved, so that sounds like a good place to start out in our next installment.

Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part IV

“Everyone’s time is limited. What matters most is to focus on what matters most.”
Roy Bennett

Now that we have built out all of the easy parts of our new Content Selector Configuration Editor, it’s time to dive into the more complex of the three major sections, the Tables section. In the Tables section, there are configuration properties for every State of every Table in every Perspective, which is a lot of data to put on the page all at once. To help organize this data in a more manageable format, my intent is to leverage the Tabs directives from UI Bootstrap, which are already available on the ServiceNow platform. Immediately under the Tables section header, I would like to see a tab for each Perspective, so that you could focus on one Perspective at a time by selecting that specific tab. Within the tab for each Perspective, I want to have a list of Tables, and then for each Table, another set of nested tabs, one for each State. The contents of the State tab, then, would be all of the properties for that State of that Table in that Perspective, which would include such things as the list of Fields, the query Filter, and any configured Buttons, Icons, or Reference page mappings. At the highest level, it should looks something like this:

Typical Table section layout

It’s still relatively complicated, but the tabs help cut down on the clutter, as you are only looking at one specific Perspective/State at any given time. And it is relatively easy to implement, thanks to the UI Bootstrap components. Here is the basic HTML configuration of the Tables section:

  <h4 class="text-primary">${Tables}</h4>
<uib-tabset active="active">
  <uib-tab ng-repeat="persp in" heading="{{persp.label}}">
    <div ng-repeat="tbl in[]" style="padding-left: 25px;">
      <h4 style="color: darkblue">{{tbl.displayName}} ({{}})</h4>
      <uib-tabset active="active">
        <uib-tab ng-repeat="state in" heading="{{state.label}}">
          <div style="padding-left: 25px;">

<!-----  all of the specific properties are defined here  ----->


Basically it is a DIV within a Tab within a Tabset, which is all tucked into a repeating DIV within a Tab within a Tabset. The innermost DIV will then contain all of the properties for the specific State of the specific Table of the specific Perspective selected. Those properties include the following:


This is a comma-separated list of the fields to be displayed on a row. To collect this data, I have just provided a single text input element. I would really like to pick these fields from a list, but an sn-record-picker would only select primary fields, and would not give you the option of selecting dot-walked fields from other tables. I could build my own Field Selector widget that supported dot-walking, or maybe there is already one out there that I could borrow, but that seemed like a separate project, so I resisted the temptation to go down that road and just used a single text input element for now. This will work.


This is just your typical GlideRecord encoded query, and again, I thought about having some kind of query builder UI here that was based on the associated table, but there are plenty of places to go on the platform to build a query, so in the end I decided to take the lazy way out and just define a simple text input element here for now.


In my enhanced version of the Data Table widget, you can define Buttons and Icons to appear on the row with the table data, and the JSON configuration object has a place for an Array of these definitions. For input, we can display these in a simple table, much like we did for the Perspectives and the States, with a pop-up editor to make any changes.

Reference Pages

In the stock Data Table widget, the entire line is a link to the details of the record on that row. In my enhanced version, the first column takes you to that record, but any other columns where the data type is Reference will link you to that Reference record. The standard page for that is the generic form page, but you can override that by specifying your own page for any given table. As I did with the Buttons and Icons, I built a simple table for those, with an associated pop-up editor.

Here, then, is the HTML for a single State tab within a specific table.

<div id="label.btnarray" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
  <label for="btnarray" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
    <span id="status.btnarray"></span>
    <span title="Buttons/Icons" data-original-title="Buttons/Icons">${Buttons/Icons}</span>
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Label}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Heading}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Icon}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Icon Name}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Color}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Hint}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Edit}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Delete}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="btn in tbl[].btnarray" ng-hide="btn.removed">
      <td data-th="${Label}">{{btn.label}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Name}">{{}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Heading}">{{btn.heading}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Icon}" style="text-align: center;">
        <a ng-if="btn.icon" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="btn-ref btn btn-{{btn.color || 'default'}}" title="{{btn.hint}}" data-original-title="{{btn.hint}}">
          <span class="icon icon-{{btn.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></span>
          <span class="sr-only">{{btn.hint}}</span>
      <td data-th="${Icon Name}">{{btn.icon}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Color}">{{btn.color}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Hint}">{{btn.hint}}</td>
      <td data-th="${Edit}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editButton(btn)" alt="Click here to edit this Button/Icon" title="Click here to edit this Button/Icon" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
      <td data-th="${Delete}" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteButton(btn, tbl[].btnarray)" alt="Click here to delete this Button/Icon" title="Click here to delete this Button/Icon" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
  <button ng-click="editButton('new', tbl[].btnarray, tbl);" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new Button/Icon">Add a new Button/Icon</button>
<div id="label.refmap" class="snh-label" nowrap="true">
  <label for="refmap" class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 control-label">
    <span id="status.refmap"></span>
    <span title="Reference Pages" data-original-title="Reference Pages">${Reference Pages}</span>
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Reference Table}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Target Page}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Edit}</th>
      <th style="text-align: center;">${Delete}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in tbl[].refmap">
      <td data-th="Reference Table">{{key}}</td>
      <td data-th="Target Page">{{value}}</td>
      <td data-th="Edit" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editRefMap(key, tbl[].refmap)" alt="Click here to edit this Reference Page" title="Click here to edit this Reference Page" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
      <td data-th="Delete" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteRefMap(key, tbl[].refmap)" alt="Click here to delete this Reference Page" title="Click here to delete this Reference Page" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
  <button ng-click="editRefMap('new', tbl[].refmap);" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new Reference Page">Add a new Reference Page</button>

Of course, that’s just the HTML. There are several ng-click functions referenced here that will need to be coded out, along with a number of pop-up editor widgets. And of course, we will need some code to save the whole mess once you get everything configured the way that you would like. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves just yet, though. Here we just put one foot in front of the other, taking things on one at a time and focusing on the task at hand. The next task will be some client-side functions to handle all of these newly specified ng-clicks. That sounds like a good place to start, next time out.

Content Selector Configuration Editor, Part III

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
H. L. Mencken

Now that we have completed all of the coding on the main widget, it is time to build the new Perspective Editor widget that we will launch in the modal dialog. This will be a simple form with three input fields for the three properties of a Perspective: Label, Name, and Roles. The first two will be simple text fields, but we can select the Roles from a list, so for that we can leverage our old friend, the sn-record-picker. Once again, we can start out with the HTML, just to see how things look.

  <form name="form1">
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

Basically, this is just three standard snh-form-field elements, the first two being of type text and the last one being of type reference, which is just a wrapper around the sn-record-picker. There are a couple of things to note here: 1) when I tried to use the word name for the name of the name field, it crashed the widget, so I called it persp instead, and 2) I ended up adding a couple of buttons to the layout, even though the spModal already provides buttons for you (more on that later). I’m not sure why using the word name crashed the widget, but I have a sinking feeling that there is some kind of bug in the snh-form-field code. I didn’t really feel like digging into that right at the moment, though, and changing the name fixed the problem, so I’m good for now. Here’s how it looks when it gets launched:

Perspective Editor layout

Now, about those buttons: if you don’t override the defaults, an spModal pop-up will have two standard buttons, Cancel and OK. I wanted to use those buttons, but I also wanted to validate the form, and I’m not smart enough to know how to insert form validation underneath the OK button so that it won’t just go right back to the main page and close the pop-up. I tried a few things, but nothing worked, so I ended up adding my own buttons, hiding the originals, but still clicking on them programmatically to obtain their original function. It’s pretty much a convoluted hack, but it gets the job done, so I’ll take it. Here is the client-side code that makes all of that work:

function PerspectiveEditor($scope, $timeout) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.cancel = function() {
		$timeout(function() {

	$ = function() {
		if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
			$timeout(function() {
		} else {

	$timeout(function() {
	}, 100);

That’s it. There is no server-side code on this one and no link code, so that’s the entire widget. That completes everything for the Perspectives section, and now that it all checks out, we can pretty much just copy it all to create the States section. Let’s start with the HTML:

  <h4 class="text-primary">${States}</h4>
  <table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
        <th style="text-align: center;">Label</th>
        <th style="text-align: center;">Name</th>
        <th style="text-align: center;">Edit</th>
        <th style="text-align: center;">Delete</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="item in" ng-hide="item.removed">
        <td data-th="Name">{{item.label}}</td>
        <td data-th="Label">{{}}</td>
        <td data-th="Edit" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/edittsk_tsk.gif" ng-click="editState($index)" alt="Click here to edit the details of this State" title="Click here to edit the details of this State" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
        <td data-th="Delete" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="deleteState($index)" alt="Click here to permanently delete this State" title="Click here to permanently delete this State" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: right;">
  <button ng-click="editState('new')" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to add a new State">Add a new State</button>

This is just a line by line copy of the Perspectives section with the Roles column removed and the names changed. Let’s see how it looks.

States section added to widget

It looks good, and it has been pretty easy so far. The client-side functions should also be quite similar, although removing and altering States in the Table section of the JSON object will be a little more involved, as a State object appears in every Table in every Perspective. We’ll have to throw in a couple of nested loops to deal with every one of those when things change. Other than that, though, everything else should be a wholesale copy of the same code used in the Perspective section. Here are the new client-side functions:

$scope.editState = function(i) {
	var shared = {};
	if (i != 'new') {
		shared.label =[i].label; =[i].name;
		title: 'State Editor',
		widget: 'e4bdae0d2f3b60104425fcecf699b649',
		shared: shared
	}).then(function() {
		if (i == 'new') {
			for (var x1 in {
				var p1 =[x1].name;
				for (var y1 in[p1]) {
					var table1 =[p1][y1];
					table1[] = {btnarray: [], refmap: {}};
			i =;{});
		} else {
			if ( !=[i].name) {
				for (var x2 in {
					var p2 =[x2].name;
					for (var y2 in[p2]) {
						var table2 =[p2][y2];
						table2[] = table2[[i].name];
						table2[[i].name] = null;
		}[i].name =;[i].label = shared.label;

$scope.deleteState = function(i) {
	var confirmMsg = '<b>Delete State</b>';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Deleting the ';
	confirmMsg +=[i].label;
	confirmMsg += ' State will also delete all information for that State in every Table in every Perspective.';
	confirmMsg += '<br/>Are you sure you want to delete this State?';
	spModal.confirm(confirmMsg).then(function(confirmed) {
		if (confirmed) {
			for (var x3 in {
				var p3 =[x3].name;
				for (var y3 in[p3]) {
					var table3 =[p3][y3];
					table3[[i].name] = null;
			}, 1);

Other than the loops through the Perspectives and Tables and the missing Roles, it’s pretty much the exact same code that we had for the previous section. Now all we need to do is clone the Perspective Editor to create the State Editor, and this section should be completed as well. Dropping the Roles and changing the names leaves the HTML for the State Editor looking like this:

  <form name="form1">
  <div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: right;">
    <button ng-click="cancel()" class="btn btn-default ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel this edit">Cancel</button>
    <button ng-click="save()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>

There is virtually no change at all to the client-side code, and there isn’t any server-side code, so we’re done. That was easy! Here is what it looks like in action:

The new State Editor modal dialog

So now we have completed two of our three sections, which makes it sound like we are two-thirds of the way there, but the next section is quite a bit more complicated than the first two. Tackling that guy sounds like a good place to start next time out.

Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector, Corrected

“No great thing is created suddenly.”

While playing around with my new Content Selector Configuration Editor, I ran into a few errors in my Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector when working in the Portal Page Designer. The problem that I ran into was that errors in widget prevented the widget from appearing in the container, which then prevented you from accessing the widget controls that let you edit the widget options or delete the widget. I had run into something similar before with my Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs, so I pretty much knew what was going on — I just needed to hunt down the specific error. In this particular case, it turned out to me more than one error, and fixing the first one still did not solve the problem completely.

The problem occurs when first dragging the widget onto a page. Before you have an opportunity to edit the widget options and specify a configuration script,the widget tries to run without a configuration script and then it crashes because it has no configuration script. Here is the offending code:

if (! {
	if ( {
	} else { = '';

The problem is that second line that wants to grab the default table value from the defaults object in the configuration. Since we haven’t had a chance to specify a configuration script just yet, there is no defaults object in the configuration, and attempting to access the table property of that nonexistent object will earn you a NullPointerException. That’s not good! Before checking for the table property, we need to first check to see if the defaults object exists. This modification should do the trick:

if (! {
	if ( && {
	} else {

That keeps the widget from crashing, but there is still no content displayed on the screen in the Page Designer, so I decided to add a little something to the top of the HTML that would only show if there was no configuration script specified. That code looks like this:

<div ng-hide="options && options.configuration_script">
  <div class="alert alert-danger">
    ${You must specify a configuration script using the widget option editor}

Now when you drag a brand new copy of the widget onto the canvas in the Page Designer, you get this:

Content Selector widget with no configuration script specified

That takes care of an empty configuration script name, but what if you enter a name for script that isn’t a valid Script Include? Well, that crashes the widget code as well, so we will need to fix that, too. This time, the issue is on the server side, where we were assuming that we would always get an instance of whatever script was specified. As you can see from the following code snippet, we don’t even bother to check to see if something was returned from the Instantiator:

var configurator = instantiator.getInstance(options.configuration_script);
data.config = configurator.getConfig($sp);
data.config.authorizedPerspective = getAuthorizedPerspectives();

That’s another easy fix, though. We just need to check to make sure that it is there before we attempt to use it.

var configurator = instantiator.getInstance(options.configuration_script);
if (configurator != null) {
	data.config = configurator.getConfig($sp);
	data.config.authorizedPerspective = getAuthorizedPerspectives();

Here is another instance where it would be good to let the developer know that something is amiss, so I added yet anothe DIV to the top of the HTML:

<div ng-show="options && options.configuration_script && !data.config.defaults">
  <div class="alert alert-danger">
    {{options.configuration_script}} ${is not a valid Script Include}

Here’s how that looks in action:

Error message when a invalid Script Include is specified

That should resolve all of the errors that I have discovered so far. Here is the corrected Update Set, which should replace all of the broken parts in the last one and get things working again.