Fun with Highcharts, Part V

“It’s always something.”
Roseanne Roseannadanna

I decided to enhance my workload chart by adding the ability click on a bar or point on the backlog line and bring up a list of all of the tasks represented by that data on the chart. Highcharts makes that super simple to do, so I went out and grabbed some example code off of the Interwebs and added this to my workload chart template:

plotOptions: {
        series: {
            cursor: 'pointer',
            point: {
                events: {
                    click: function () {
                        alert('Category: ' + this.category + ', value: ' + this.y);

That was enough to prove that everything worked, after which I was going to modify the click function to navigate to a Data Table page with the appropriate filter to list out all of the tasks represented by the data point selected. Unfortunately, when I fired it up to test it out, nothing happened when I clicked on a bar or a point along the line. The cursor did change to a pointer, so that part was definitely working, but no alerts popped up no matter where I clicked. I hate it when that happens!

It took me a little while to figure this out, but after a little bit of digging around I finally reached the heart of the issue: I built the chart object on the server side, and when it was transferred to the client side where it was to be used, it was converted to a JSON string somewhere along the lines in the background Ajax process, and that conversion removed the function (JSON only preserves data; any functions are lost in translation). While it was nice to finally understand the root of the problem, the implication was that my whole way of going about this was pretty much invalidated. I can’t build a chart object on the server side and then pass it to the client side and retain any functions that might be a part of the object. The chart object will need be generated on the client side where it will be used. That means a total redesign of the entire concept.

Well, I guess that guy Charles Lauller knew what he was talking about. Time to start over with a blank sheet of paper