“A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smoothest road.”
— Thomas Carlyle
Last time, we brought our process far enough along to send out some empty notices, and now we need to create the content for those notices that will inform the recipient of the actions required of them. Before we jump into that, though, we still need to add a little bit more code to our Script Include to wrap the process and update the execution record with the results. At the end of our sendNotices function, let’s add the following code:
// finalize the execution
var itemLabel = 'item';
if (executionGR.total_items > 1) {
itemLabel = 'items';
var noticeLabel = 'notice was';
if (noticeCt > 1) {
noticeLabel = 'notices were';
executionGR.total_notices = noticeCt;
executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Complete';
executionGR.completion_code = 0;
executionGR.description = noticeCt + ' ' + noticeLabel + ' generated and sent out covering a total of ' + executionGR.total_items + ' ' + itemLabel + '.';
This will update the state of the execution and provide some statistics and a description of the execution. We also need to do one more thing to link the notice records to their corresponding email records, but before we can do that, we have to give the event time to fire and the process time to react to the event firing. We can use a gs.sleep command to do that, but since this is a scoped application, we will have to use a little workaround to get things to work.
// update the references to the sent email
var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();
Once we know that the notice has been sent out, we can use the sys_watermark table to locate the information that we need to link the notice record to the associated email record.
// update the references to the sent email
var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();
noticeGR.addQuery('review_execution', executionGR.getUniqueValue());
while (noticeGR.next()) {
var watermark = noticeGR.getValue('email_watermark');
if (watermark) {
var watermarkGR = new GlideRecord('sys_watermark');
if (watermarkGR.get('number', watermark.substring(4))) {
noticeGR.setValue('email', watermarkGR.getValue('email'));
That should wrap up the process for sending out the requests to review the artifacts. At this point our entire Script Include now looks like this:
var PeriodicReviewUtils = Class.create();
PeriodicReviewUtils.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
dailyProcess: function() {
var toRun = [];
var configurationGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_configuration');
var today = new GlideDate();
configurationGR.addQuery('next_scheduled_date', today);
while (configurationGR.next()) {
var execution = {};
execution.configuration = configurationGR.getUniqueValue();
execution.table = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('table');
execution.filter = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('filter');
if (toRun.length > 0) {
gs.info('PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: Running ' + toRun.length + ' execution(s) today.');
for (var i in toRun) {
var thisRun = toRun[i];
this.processExecution(thisRun.configuration, thisRun.table, thisRun.filter);
gs.info('PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: ' + toRun.length + ' execution(s) completed.');
} else {
gs.info('PeriodicReviewUtils.dailyProcess: Nothing scheduled to run today.');
processExecution: function(configuration, table, filter) {
gs.info('PeriodicReviewUtils.processExecution: ' + configuration + '; ' + table + '; ' + filter);
// fetch system properties
var systemFallbackAddress = gs.getProperty('x_11556_periodic_r.fallback_email_address');
var systemEmailDomain = gs.getProperty('x_11556_periodic_r.email_domain');
// create execution record
var executionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_execution');
executionGR.configuration = configuration;
executionGR.run_date = new GlideDate();
executionGR.run_start = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Running';
executionGR.short_description = executionGR.getDisplayValue('run_date') + ' review notices';
executionGR.total_items = 0;
executionGR.total_notices = 0;
executionGR.completion_code = 0;
var configurationGR = executionGR.configuration.getRefRecord();
var fallbackRecipient = configurationGR.getDisplayValue('fallback_recipient');
// create temporary notice record
var noticeGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice');
noticeGR.review_execution = executionGR.getUniqueValue();
noticeGR.recipient = configurationGR.fallback_recipient;
noticeGR.short_description = 'Temporary notice record';
var tempNotice = noticeGR.getUniqueValue();
// create notice item records from source table data
var noticeItemGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice_item');
var itemCt = 0;
var sourceGR = new GlideRecord(table);
if (sourceGR.isValid()) {
if (filter) {
while (sourceGR.next()) {
noticeItemGR.review_notice = tempNotice;
noticeItemGR.id = sourceGR.getUniqueValue();
noticeItemGR.short_description = sourceGR.getDisplayValue(configurationGR.short_description_column);
noticeItemGR.description = sourceGR.getDisplayValue(configurationGR.description_column);
noticeItemGR.recipient = sourceGR.getValue(configurationGR.recipient_column);
var recipientGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
var notes = '';
if (recipientGR.isValid()) {
if (recipientGR.getValue('active')) {
var email = recipientGR.getDisplayValue('email');
if (email) {
if (systemEmailDomain && !email.endsWith(systemEmailDomain)) {
notes = 'Recipient email address is not an authoized email address; reverting to fallback recipient';
} else {
notes = 'Specified recipient has no email address; reverting to fallback recipient';
} else {
notes = 'Specified recipient is not active; reverting to fallback recipient';
} else {
notes = 'Recipient column empty on source record; reverting to fallback recipient';
if (notes) {
noticeItemGR.notes = notes;
noticeItemGR.recipient = fallbackRecipient;
if (itemCt > 0) {
executionGR.total_items = itemCt;
this.sendNotices(configurationGR, executionGR, noticeGR, noticeItemGR, tempNotice);
} else {
// finalize the execution
executionGR.total_items = 0;
executionGR.total_notices = 0;
executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Complete';
executionGR.completion_code = 0;
executionGR.description = 'No items matched the filter criteria during this run, so no notices were sent out.';
// delete the temporary notice
} else {
// finalize the execution
executionGR.total_items = 0;
executionGR.total_notices = 0;
executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Failed';
executionGR.completion_code = 1;
executionGR.description = 'The specified source table in the configuration record is not valid; execution cannot proceed; aborting execution.';
// set the next run date
configurationGR.setValue('next_scheduled_date', this.calculateNextRunDate(configurationGR));
sendNotices: function(configurationGR, executionGR, noticeGR, noticeItemGR, tempNotice) {
gs.info('PeriodicReviewUtils.sendNotices: ' + configurationGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + executionGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + noticeGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + noticeItemGR.getUniqueValue() + '; ' + tempNotice);
var noticeCt = 0;
var noticeItemGA = new GlideAggregate('x_11556_periodic_r_review_notice_item');
noticeItemGA.addQuery('review_notice', tempNotice);
while (noticeItemGA.next()) {
var recipient = noticeItemGA.getValue('recipient');
noticeGR.review_execution = executionGR.getUniqueValue();
noticeGR.recipient = recipient;
noticeGR.short_description = executionGR.getDisplayValue('run_date') + ' review notice for ' + configurationGR.getDisplayValue('short_description');
noticeItemGR.addQuery('recipient', recipient);
noticeItemGR.addQuery('review_notice', tempNotice);
while (noticeItemGR.next()) {
noticeItemGR.review_notice = noticeGR.getUniqueValue();
// now you need to send out the notice, passing in the notice record for variables
gs.eventQueue('x_11556_periodic_r.ReviewNotice', noticeGR, noticeGR.recipient, noticeGR.getUniqueValue());
// finalize the execution
var itemLabel = 'item';
if (executionGR.total_items > 1) {
itemLabel = 'items';
var noticeLabel = 'notice was';
if (noticeCt > 1) {
noticeLabel = 'notices were';
executionGR.total_notices = noticeCt;
executionGR.run_end = new GlideDateTime();
executionGR.state = 'Complete';
executionGR.completion_code = 0;
executionGR.description = noticeCt + ' ' + noticeLabel + ' generated and sent out covering a total of ' + executionGR.total_items + ' ' + itemLabel + '.';
// update the references to the sent email
var sleeper = new global.Sleeper();
noticeGR.addQuery('review_execution', executionGR.getUniqueValue());
while (noticeGR.next()) {
var watermark = noticeGR.getValue('email_watermark');
if (watermark) {
var watermarkGR = new GlideRecord('sys_watermark');
if (watermarkGR.get('number', watermark.substring(4))) {
noticeGR.setValue('email', watermarkGR.getValue('email'));
calculateNextRunDate: function(configurationGR) {
var runDate = new Date();
var frequency = configurationGR.getValue('frequency');
var days = 0;
var months = 0;
if (frequency == 'daily') {
days = 1;
} else if (frequency == 'weekly') {
days = 7;
} else if (frequency == 'biweekly') {
days = 14;
} else if (frequency == 'monthly') {
months = 1;
} else if (frequency == 'bimonthly') {
months = 2;
} else if (frequency == 'quarterly') {
months = 3;
} else if (frequency == 'semiannually') {
months = 6;
} else if (frequency == 'annually') {
months = 12;
} else if (frequency == 'biannually') {
months = 24;
if (days > 0) {
runDate.setDate(runDate.getDate() + days);
} else {
runDate.setMonth(runDate.getMonth() + months);
return JSON.stringify(runDate).substring(1, 11);
type: 'PeriodicReviewUtils'
We still have to build the content for the notices, and a way for the notice recipients to communicate their responses back to the system so that the appropriate action can be taken, so let’s jump into all of that next time out.