“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
— Henry Ford
Last time, we were trying to test everything out and then we ran into what appeared to be a problem with the application form. I say appeared to be a problem, because as it turned out, it wasn’t a problem at all. I wanted to install the application on the Host that was just published by the Client, but I did not see the Install button on the screen. But after further review, I realized that the Install button doesn’t belong on the application screen. We don’t install applications; we install specific versions of applications. The Install button does not belong on the application form; it belongs on the version form, and there it is, right where it belongs.

So everything is as it should be after all, which is good, because now we can hit that Install button and see what happens.

There are actually quite a few different screens that you go through during the application installation process, but this is the last thing that you see before you are returned to the application version form.

Two things you should notice back on the application version form is that the Installed checkbox is now checked and the Install button is no longer present. Going back to the main application form, we should be able to see some changes there as well.

The changes here are the Application and Version fields being populated, which come from the newly installed application. We can pop up the installed application from here using the little info icon to the right of the Application field and selecting Open Record.

We can also get to this record from the My Company Applications menu item, which brings up this screen.

Here we can see both the Collaboration Store app and the shared Simple Webhook app, both including their logo images.
So it looks as if the Set-up process the Application Publishing process and the Application Installation process all seem to working. Of course, a lot more testing needs to be done, primarily by folks who are not authors of the application, but in order for anyone to do that I will need to put together another Update Set and post it out here with some helpful instructions so that any willing testers can actually make a go of it. That sounds like a good subject for our next installment.