Collaboration Store, Part LIII

“But ‘almost done’ is not done!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Well, we’re almost there! Last time, we wrapped up the code to handle any possible Preview issues, so now it is time to finally see if we can issue a Commit and actually get the version of the application installed. As we did with the Preview process, we can hunt down the UI Action that handles the Commit and see if we can steal much, if not all, of the code. Here is what I found:

var commitInProgress = false;

function commitRemoteUpdateSet(control) {
	if (commitInProgress)
	// get remoteUpdateSetId from g_form if invoked on remote update set page
	var rusId = typeof g_form != 'undefined' && g_form != null ? g_form.getUniqueValue() : null;
	var ajaxHelper = new GlideAjax('com.glide.update.UpdateSetCommitAjaxProcessor');
	ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_type', 'validateCommitRemoteUpdateSet');
	ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_remote_updateset_sys_id', rusId);

function getValidateCommitUpdateSetResponse(answer) {
	try {
		if (answer == null) {
			console.log('validateCommitRemoteUpdateSet answer was null');
		console.log('validateCommitRemoteUpdateSet answer was ' + answer);
		var returnedInfo = answer.split(';');
		var sysId = returnedInfo[0];
		var encodedQuery = returnedInfo[1];
		var delObjList = returnedInfo[2];

		if (delObjList !== "NONE") {
			console.log('showing data loss confirm dialog');
			showDataLossConfirmDialog(sysId, delObjList, encodedQuery);
		else {
			console.log('skipping data loss confirm dialog');
	} catch (err) {


function runTheCommit(sysId) {
	console.log('running commit on ' + sysId);
	commitInProgress = true;
	var ajaxHelper = new GlideAjax('com.glide.update.UpdateSetCommitAjaxProcessor');
	ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_type', 'commitRemoteUpdateSet');
	ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_remote_updateset_sys_id', sysId);

var dataLossConfirmDialog;
function destroyDialog() {

function showDataLossConfirmDialog(sysId, delObjList, encodedQuery) {
	var dialogClass = typeof GlideModal != 'undefined' ? GlideModal : GlideDialogWindow;
    var dlg = new dialogClass('update_set_data_loss_commit_confirm');
	dataLossConfirmDialog = dlg;
    dlg.setTitle('Confirm Data Loss');
    if(delObjList == null) {
    } else {
    dlg.setPreference('sysparm_sys_id', sysId);
	dlg.setPreference('sysparm_encodedQuery', encodedQuery);
    dlg.setPreference('sysparm_del_obj_list', delObjList);
	console.log('rendering data loss confirm dialog');

function getCommitRemoteUpdateSetResponse(answer) {
	try {
		if (answer == null)
		var map = new GwtMessage().getMessages(["Close", "Cancel", "Are you sure you want to cancel this update set?", "Update Set Commit", "Go to Subscription Management"]);
		var returnedIds = answer.split(',');
		var workerId = returnedIds[0];
		var sysId = returnedIds[1];
		var shouldRefreshNav = returnedIds[2];
		var shouldRefreshApps = returnedIds[3];
		var dialogClass = window.GlideModal ? GlideModal : GlideDialogWindow;
		var dd = new dialogClass("hierarchical_progress_viewer", false, "40em", "10.5em");
		dd.setTitle(map["Update Set Commit"]);
		dd.setPreference('sysparm_renderer_execution_id', workerId);
		dd.setPreference('sysparm_renderer_expanded_levels', '0'); // collapsed root node by default
		dd.setPreference('sysparm_renderer_hide_drill_down', true);
		dd.setPreference('sysparm_button_subscription', map["Go to Subscription Management"]);
		dd.setPreference('sysparm_button_close', map["Close"]);

		dd.on("bodyrendered", function(trackerObj) {
			var buttonsPanel = $("buttonsPanel");
			var table = new Element("table", {cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0, width : "100%"});
			buttonsCell = table.appendChild(new Element("tr")).appendChild(new Element("td"));
			buttonsCell.align = "right";
			var closeBtn = $("sysparm_button_close");
			if (closeBtn)

			var cancelBtn = new Element("button"); = "sysparm_button_cancel";
			cancelBtn.type = "button";
			cancelBtn.innerHTML = map["Cancel"];
			cancelBtn.onclick = function() {
				var response = confirm(map["Are you sure you want to cancel this update set?"]);
				if (response != true)
				var ajaxHelper = new GlideAjax('UpdateSetCommitAjax');
				ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_type', 'cancelRemoteUpdateSet');
				ajaxHelper.addParam('sysparm_worker_id', workerId);
		dd.on("executionComplete", function(trackerObj) {
			var subBtn = $("sysparm_button_subscription");
			var tableCount = Number(trackerObj.result.custom_table_count)
			if (tableCount > 0) {
				  if (subBtn) {
					  subBtn.onclick = function() {;
			} else {
			var closeBtn = $("sysparm_button_close");
			if (closeBtn) {
				closeBtn.onclick = function() {
			var cancelBtn = $("sysparm_button_cancel");
			if (cancelBtn)
		dd.on("beforeclose", function() {
			if (shouldRefreshNav)
			var top = getTopWindow();
			if (shouldRefreshApps && typeof top.g_application_picker != 'undefined')
			reloadWindow(window); //reload current form after closing the progress viewer dialog
	} catch (err) {


function getCancelRemoteUpdateSetResponse(answer) {
	if (answer == null)
	// Nothing really to do here.

Once again, I cannot claim to understand every single thing that is going on here, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t snag the code and see if I can make it work. As with the Preview logic, there is code in there to grab the sys_id of the Remote Update Set from the form. Since our process does not run on that form, that isn’t going to work, but we have already determined the sys_id when we were doing the Preview, so we can rip that line out and use the value that we have already established. Since we are going to need that in more than one function, and there are other global variables present in this script, I decided to make that a global variable as well and not pass it in to each function as an argument. I ended up with the following list of variables and then modified our onLoad function accordingly.

var dataLossConfirmDialog;
var attachmentId = '';
var updateSetId = '';
var commitInProgress = false;

function onLoad() {
	attachmentId = document.getElementById('attachment_id').value;
	updateSetId = document.getElementById('remote_update_set_id').value;
	if (updateSetId) {

I pasted in the rest of the Commit code from the UI Action down at the bottom of the Client script of our UI Page and then deleted those global variables that were embedded amongst the various functions. Then I updated our earlier commitUpdateSet function to update the status message with the results of our earlier review of the Preview results and then launch the Commit.

function commitUpdateSet(answer) {
	var result = JSON.parse(answer);
	var message = '';
	if (result.accepted > 0) {
		if (result.accepted > 1) {
			message += result.accepted + ' Flagged Updates Accepted; ';
		} else {
			message += 'One Flagged Update Accepted; ';
	if (result.skipped > 0) {
		if (result.skipped > 1) {
			message += result.skipped + ' Flagged Updates Skipped; ';
		} else {
			message += 'One Flagged Update Skipped; ';
	message += 'Committing Update Set ...';
	document.getElementById('status_text').innerHTML = message;

The last thing to do, then, is to modify what happens after the Commit, which in our case will be the updating of the Collaboration Store records to reflect the installation of this version. Once again, we do not want to wait for the operator to hit the Close button, so we can take the same approach that we took with the Preview code and modify the dd.on(“executionComplete” function to be simply this:

dd.on("executionComplete", function(trackerObj) {

Of course, we will have to build an updateStoreData function, which should update the version and application records and then return the operator back to the version record form where all of this started, but that’s a job that we will have to take on in our next installment.