Collaboration Store, Part XXIV

“It is a myth that we can get systems ‘right the first time.’ Instead, we should implement only today’s stories, then refactor and expand the system to implement new stories tomorrow. This is the essence of iterative and incremental agility. Test-driven development, refactoring, and the clean code they produce make this work at the code level.”
Robert Cecil Martin (Uncle Bob)

In our last installment, we restructured the way in which the client-side code interacted with the server-side Script Include and then we went ahead and built out that first step. Now we just need to keep marching down through the list of steps until we have tackled them all. The next step in the list is to either update the existing member application record, or in the case of a first-time publication, create a brand new member application record. To build that record, we will need to grab the data from the original sys_app record, we should grab that guy right off of the bat.

processPhase2: function(answer) {
	var sysAppGR = new GlideRecord('sys_app');
	if (sysAppGR.get(answer.appSysId)) {
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);

	return answer;

As we did before, we throw in a simple check, just to make sure that we were actually able to fetch the record. The next thing that we will need to do is to see if this is a new record or not, and if so, create that initial entry.

var mbrAppGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
if (answer.mbrAppId == 'new') {
	mbrAppGR.setValue('application', answer.appSysId);
	answer.mbrAppId = mbrAppGR.getUniqueValue();

With a new record created if needed, the rest of the update logic can work for both new and existing records, since we just converted the new record to an existing record by inserting the bare minimum data to kick things off.

if (mbrAppGR.get(answer.mbrAppId)) {
	mbrAppGR.setValue('name', sysAppGR.getValue('name'));
	mbrAppGR.setValue('description', sysAppGR.getValue('short_description'));
	mbrAppGR.setValue('current_version', sysAppGR.getValue('version'));
	mbrAppGR.setValue('active', true);
} else {
	answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Member Application sys_id: ' + answer.mbrAppId);

That’s all there is to that. Putting it all together, the entire processPhase2 function looks like this:

processPhase2: function(answer) {
	var sysAppGR = new GlideRecord('sys_app');
	if (sysAppGR.get(answer.appSysId)) {
		var mbrAppGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application');
		if (answer.mbrAppId == 'new') {
			mbrAppGR.setValue('application', answer.appSysId);
			answer.mbrAppId = mbrAppGR.getUniqueValue();
		if (mbrAppGR.get(answer.mbrAppId)) {
			mbrAppGR.setValue('name', sysAppGR.getValue('name'));
			mbrAppGR.setValue('description', sysAppGR.getValue('short_description'));
			mbrAppGR.setValue('current_version', sysAppGR.getValue('version'));
			mbrAppGR.setValue('active', true);
		} else {
			answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Member Application sys_id: ' + answer.mbrAppId);
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);

	return answer;

That one was pretty easy compared to what we went through last time, so let’s go ahead and do another. The next step, which is to create the application version record, is even easier, as every version record is an insert, so we don’t have to check for new or existing.

processPhase3: function(answer) {
	var sysAppGR = new GlideRecord('sys_app');
	if (sysAppGR.get(answer.appSysId)) {
		var versionGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_application_version');
		versionGR.setValue('member_application', answer.mbrAppId);
		versionGR.setValue('version', sysAppGR.getValue('version'));
		versionGR.setValue('installed', true);
		answer.versionId = versionGR.getUniqueValue();
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Invalid Application sys_id: ' + answer.appSysId);

	return answer;

The next thing that we need to do is attach the XML to the version record now that it exists. This is actually something that was not on our original list of things to do, so before we jump into that, we are going to need to correct that oversight. That’s a little bit of rework to code that we have already had to rework a few times already, but that’s the way these things go sometimes. I’m not really feeling all that excited about reworking that one more time right at the moment, though, so let’s say we jump right into that next time out.