Content Selector Configuration Editor, Corrected

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
Benjamin Franklin

It just seems to be the natural order of things that just when I think I finally wrapped something up and tied a big bow on it, I stumble across yet another fly in the ointment. The other day I was building yet another configuration script using my Content Selector Configuration Editor, but when I tried to use it, I ran into a problem. Since I happened to be working in a Scoped Application, the generated script failed to locate the base class, since that class in the global scope. The problem was this generated line of script:

ScopedAppConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {

For a Scoped Application, that line should really be this:

ScopedAppConfig.prototype = Object.extendsObject(global.ContentSelectorConfig, {

It seemed simple enough to fix, but first I had to figure out how to tell if I was in a Scoped App or not. After searching around for a bit, I finally came across this little useful tidbit:

var currentScope = gs.getCurrentApplicationScope();

Once I had a way of figuring out what scope I was in, it was easy enough to change this line:

script += ".prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {\n";

… to this:

script += ".prototype = Object.extendsObject(";
if (gs.getCurrentApplicationScope() != 'global') {
	script += "global.";			
script += "ContentSelectorConfig, {\n";

Once I made the change, I pulled my Scoped Application script up in the Content Selector Configuration Editor, saved it, and tried it again. This time, it worked, which was great. Unfortunately, later on when I went to pull it up in the editor again to make some additional changes, it wasn’t on the drop-down list. It didn’t take long to figure out that the problem was the database table search filter specified in the pick list form field definition:

  snh-label="Content Selector Configuration"
  snh-help="Select the Content Selector Configuration that you would like to edit."
  placeholder="Choose a Content Selector Configuration"

The current filter picks up all of the scripts tht contain “Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig”, but not those that contained “Object.extendsObject(global.ContentSelectorConfig”. I needed to tweak the filter just a bit to pick up both. I ended up with the following filter value:


… and that took care of that little issue. I’m sure that this will not be the last time that I run into a little issue with this particular product, but for now, here is yet another version stuffed into yet another Update Set. Hopefully, that will be it for the needed corrections for at least a little while!