Automatically Link Referenced Tasks, Improved

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”

After running my LinkReferencedTasks Business Rule for a while, it has become apparent that there was a flaw in my approach. Whenever someone separates different task numbers with a special character, neither one gets picked up in the process. For example, if you enter something like REQ0010005/RITM0010009, the process that converts all special characters to an empty string ends up converting that to REQ0010005RITM0010009, which starts with REQ, but is not a valid Task number. A little Corrective Maintenance should solve that problem. Let’s convert this:

text = text.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
text = text.replace(/[^A-Z0-9 ]/g, '');

… to this:

text = text.replace(/[^A-Z0-9 ]/g, ' ');

Originally, I had converted all line feeds to spaces and then all characters that were not letters, numbers, or spaces to an empty string. Once I decided to change all characters that were not letters, numbers, or spaces to a space, I no longer needed the line above, as line feeds fall into that same category. That solved that problem.

However, while I was in there, I decided to do a little Perfective Maintenance as well. By changing all of the special characters to single spaces, I thought that I might end up with several spaces in a row, which would result in one or more empty strings in my array of words. To screen those out, I thought about discarding words with a length of zero, but then it occurred to me that short words of any kind will not be task numbers, so I settled on an arbitrary minimum length of 6 instead. Now the code that unduplicates the list of words looks like this:

var unduplicated = {};
for (var i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
	var thisWord = words[i];
	if (thisWord.length > 5) {
		unduplicated[thisWord] = thisWord;

This should reduce the clutter quite a bit and minimize the number of words that need to be checked to see if they start with one of the specified prefixes.

And finally, I added an Enhancement, which I had actually thought about earlier, but didn’t implement. This enhancement allows you to specify the relationship type instead of just accepting the hard-coded Investigates relationship that I had put in the original. For backward compatibility, I did not want to make that mandatory, so I kept that as a default for those implementations that did not want to specify their own. The new version of the Script Include now looks like this:

var TaskReferenceUtils = Class.create();
TaskReferenceUtils.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {

	linkReferencedTasks: function(taskGR, prefix, relationship) {
		if (!relationship) {
			relationship = 'd80dc65b0a25810200fe91a7c64e9cac';
		var text = taskGR.short_description + ' ' + taskGR.description;
		text = text.toUpperCase();
		text = text.replace(/[^A-Z0-9 ]/g, ' ');
		var words = text.split(' ');
		var unduplicated = {};
		for (var i=0; i<words.length; i++) {
			var thisWord = words[i];
			if (thisWord.length > 5) {
				unduplicated[thisWord] = thisWord;
		for (var word in unduplicated) {
			for (var x in prefix) {
				if (word.startsWith(prefix[x])) {
					this._findTask(word, taskGR.getUniqueValue(), relationship);

	_findTask: function(number, child) {
		var taskGR = new GlideRecord('task');
		if (taskGR.get('number', number)) {
			this._documentRelationship(taskGR.getUniqueValue(), child, relationship);

	_documentRelationship: function(parent, child, relationship) {
		var relGR = new GlideRecord('task_rel_task');
		relGR.addQuery('parent', parent);
		relGR.addQuery('child', child);
		if (! {
			relGR.parent = parent;
			relGR.child = child;
			relGR.type = relationship;

    type: 'TaskReferenceUtils'

So, a little fix here, a little improvement there, and a brand new feature over there, and suddenly we have a new version better than the last. Stuff’s getting better. Stuff’s getting better every day. Here’s the improved Update Set.