I’ve been playing around with our little Incident Webhook subsystem to make sure that everything works, and to make sure that I had finally developed all of the pieces that I had intended to build. For the most part, I’m quite happy with what we have put together during this exercise, but like most end users who finally get their hands on something that they have ordered, now that I have a working model in my hands and have tried to use if for various things, I can envision a number of different enhancements that would make things even better. Still, what we have is pretty nice all on its own, although I did break down and make just a few minor adjustments.
One thing that I had thought about doing, but didn’t, was to skip the confirmation pop-up on the custom Webhook Registry page’s Cancel button when no changes had been made to the form. Going through that a few times was enough to motivate me to put that in there, and I like this version much better. While I was in there, I also built a goBack() function to house the code for returning to the previous page, and then called that function wherever it was appropriate. This didn’t really save that much in the way of code, since the current goBack() logic is only one line itself, but it consolidates the logic in a single place if I ever want to wire in support for something like my Dynamic Breadcrumbs. The entire client side code for the Webhook Registry widget now looks like this:
function WebhookRegistry($scope, $location, spModal) {
var c = this;
$scope.cancel = function() {
if ($scope.form1.$dirty) {
spModal.confirm('Abandond your changes and return to your Webhooks?').then(function(confirmed) {
if (confirmed) {
} else {
$scope.save = function() {
if ($scope.form1.$valid) {
c.server.update().then(function(response) {
} else {
function goBack() {
One other thing that I noticed when attempting to integrate with various other targets is that many sites are looking for a property named text as opposed to message. I ended up renaming my message field to text to be more compatible with this convention, but it would really be nice to be able to pick and chose what properties you would like to have in your payload, as well as being able to specify what you wanted them to be named. That’s on my wish list for a future version for sure.
Something that I meant to include in this version, but forgot to do, was to emulate the Test URLUI Action on the Webhook Registry widget so that Service Portal users could have that same capability on that portal page. That was definitely on my plan to include, but I just spaced it out when I was putting that all together. I definitely want to be sure to include that at some point in the near future. I would do it now, but I already built the Update Set and I’m just too lazy to go back and fix it now.
One other thing that is on my wish list for some future version is the ability to set this up for more than just the Incident table. I thought about just switching over to the Task table, which includes Incident as well as quite a few other things derived from Task, but the base Task table does not include the Incident’s Caller or the Request’s Requested for, so there would have to be some special considerations included to cover that. The Task table has Opened by, but that’s not really the same thing when you are dealing with folks calling in and dealing with an Agent entering their information. I thought about adding some additional complexity to cover that, but in the end I just put all of that on my One Day … list and left well enough alone.
Based on what I first set out to do, I think it all came out OK, though. Yes, there are quite a few more things that we could add to make it applicable to a broader domain, and there are a number of things that we could do to make it more flexible, user-friendly, and user-customizable, but it’s a decent start. Certainly good enough to warrant the release of an initial version, which you can download here. Since this is a scoped app, I did not bundle any of the dependencies in the Update Set, so if you want to try this out in your own instance as is, you will need to also grab the latest version of SNH Form Fields and SNH ServiceNow Events, which you can find here. All in all, I am happy with the way that it came out, but I am also looking forward to making it even better one day, after I have spent some time attempting to use it as it is today.
Update: There is a better (improved) version here.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” — Theodor Geisel
We still need to test the My Webhooks portal page that we built last time, but before we do that, I wanted to first build out the page referenced in a couple of links on that page so that we could test everything together. My initial thought for that page was to build out a brand new portal widget for that purpose using our old friends SNH Panel and SNH Form Fields. Before I did that, though, it occurred to me that it might be faster to just use the stock form portal page, passing in the name of the table, and potentially a sys_id for existing records. There were a number of things that I did not like about that idea, but I thought that I could overcome those with some UI Policies and some default values for a couple of table fields. I played around with that a bit and found another thing that I didn’t really like, which was that saving a record left you still on the form page and did not bring you back to the My Webhooks page, which I thought was rather annoying. It seemed as though I might be able to mitigate that by adding my Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs to the top of each page, but then I ran into another problem that I could not work around related to the Document ID field. At that point, I gave up and went back to my original plan, which is where I should have started in the first place.
So, here is the HTML for my new Webhook Registry portal widget:
There’s nothing too magical there; just a bunch of SNH Form Fields wrapped inside of an SNH Panel. To mirror the UI Policies on the ServiceNow side of things, I used ng-show attributes to hide unneeded fields, and when those fields where required, I used the exact same criteria for the snh-required attribute, which kept it from telling me to complete fields that I couldn’t even see. With just that alone, I could throw the widget onto a page and bring it up, just to see what it looked like.
The new Webhook Registry widget layout
Not too bad, all things considered. Of course, this is just the layout. We still have to put the code underneath this presentation layer. We will definitely need some server side code to read and update the database, but I like to do the easy things first, so let’s start on the client side and throw in the code for the Cancel button. That just takes you right back the My Webhooks page, so that should be pretty simple, although we should bake in a little confirmation pop-up, just to be sure that the operator really does want to abandon their work. We can do that with a plain Javascriptconfirm, but I like the spModal version much better.
$scope.cancel = function() {
spModal.confirm('Abandond your changes and return to your Webhooks?').then(function(confirmed) {
if (confirmed) {
Technically, I should have checked to make sure that something was at least altered before I popped up that confirmation, and if not, just whisked you straight away to the My Webhooks page without asking. I may actually do that at some point, but this works for now. Unlike the Cancel button, the Save button will require some server side code, but we can still code out the client side while we are here and then tackle that next. Here is the code for the Save button.
Here we check to make sure that there are no validation errors on the form before invoking the server side code, and then we return to the My Webhooks page once the server process has completed. If there are validation errors, then we set the form status to submitted to reveal all of the field errors to the user. SNH Form Fields hide validation errors until you touch the field or the form has been submitted, so setting the form to submitted here reveals any validation errors present for fields that have not yet been touched.
On the server side, we essentially have two events to handle: 1) widget initialization and 2) handling a Save action. The Save action involves input from the client side, so we know that if there is input present, we are doing a Save; otherwise, we are initializing the widget. At initialization, we need to look for a sys_id parameter in the URL, which tells us that we are updating an existing record. If there isn’t one, then we are adding a new record. For existing records, we need to go get the data and for new records, we need to initialize certain fields. Here is all that code:
Similarly, when we do a Save, we need to know whether we are doing an update or an insert, which we can again tell by the presence of a sys_id. If we are updating, we need to go out and get the current record, and then in all cases, we need to move the data from the screen to the record and then save it. Here is all of that code:
That’s pretty much it for the widget. Just to make sure that it works, we can pull up an existing record and see what shows up on the screen.
Webhook Registry widget with existing record
Once I pulled the record up, I switched the Authentication to Basic and then hit the Save button, just to see if the form validation was working. So far, so good, but there is obviously a lot more testing to do, including the integration with the My Webhooks page. Still, things are looking pretty good at this point.
I’m not quite ready to put out an Update Set at the moment, as there is still quite a bit of testing that I would like to do first. Hopefully, though, I won’t find anything too major and I can drop the whole package next time out.
“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” — Steve Jobs
When we last parted, there was an open question on the table regarding the focus of this next installment. Implementing Basic Authentication and moving on to the My WebhooksService Portalwidget were two of the options, but no decision was made at the time as to which way we wanted to turn next. Now that we have finally made it here, the good news is that we don’t have to choose. Adding support for Basic Authentication turned out to be so simple that it looks like we are going to have time for both. Check it out:
if (whrGR.getValue('authentication') == 'basic') {
request.setBasicAuth(whrGR.getValue('user_name'), whrGR.getValue('password'));
That’s it. I just added those few lines of code to the postWebhook function of our Script Include and BAM! — now we support Basic Authentication. Pretty sweet!
So now we can devote the remainder of the post to our new My Webhooks widget. As I think I mentioned earlier, this should be a fairly easy clone of the existing My Delegates widget, so the first thing that I did was to make a copy of that guy to have something with which to start. Then I hacked up the HTML to adapt it to our current application.
With that out of the way, we now need to replace the code that gathers up the Delegates with code that will gather up the Webhooks. Seems simple enough …
function fetchList() {
var list = [];
var whrGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_simple_web_webhook_registry');
whrGR.addQuery('owner', data.userID);
while (whrGR.next()) {
var thisWebhook = {};
thisWebhook.sys_id = whrGR.getValue('sys_id');
thisWebhook.id = whrGR.getDisplayValue('number');
thisWebhook.table = whrGR.getDisplayValue('table');
thisWebhook.type = whrGR.getDisplayValue('type');
thisWebhook.active = whrGR.getValue('active');
if (thisWebhook.type == 'Single Item') {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('document_id');
} else if (thisWebhook.type == 'Assignment Group') {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('group');
} else {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('person');
return list;
There is still a lot of work to do, but I like to try things every so often before I get too far along, just to make sure that things are going OK, so let’s do that now. This widget could easily go on the existing User Profile page just like the My Delegates widget, but it could also go on a page of its own. Since we are just trying things on for size right now, let’s just create a simple Portal Page and put nothing on it but our new widget. Let’s call it my_webhooks, drop our widget right in the middle of it, and go check it out on the Service Portal.
Initial My Webhooks widget
Well, that’s not too bad. We don’t really need the Save and Cancel buttons in this instance, but we do need a way to create a new Webhook, so maybe we can replace those with a single Add Webhook button. The links don’t go anywhere just yet and the delete icons don’t do anything, but as far as the layout goes, it looks pretty good. I think it’s a good start so far. Let’s swap out the buttons and then we can wrap things up with the client-side code.
The left-over code in the button area from the My Delegates widget looks like this:
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
<button ng-click="saveDelegates()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>
<button ng-click="returnToProfile()" class="btn ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel your changes">Cancel</button>
Let’s replace it with this:
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
<button ng-click="newWebhook()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to create a new Webhook">Add New</button>
Now we just need to overhaul the code on the client side to handle both the adding and deleting of our webhooks. The code to support the Add New button should be pretty straightforward; we just need to link to the same (currently nonexistent!) page that we link to from the main table, just without any sys_id to indicate that this is a new record request. This should handle that nicely:
As for the delete operation, we will have to bounce over to the server side to handle that one, but first we should confirm that was really the intent of the operator with a little confirmation pop-up. We could use the stock Javascript confirm feature here, but I like the look of the spModal version better, so let’s go with that.
We’ll need some server side code to handle the actual deletion of the record, but that should be simple enough.
if (input) {
data.listItems = input.listItems;
if (input.toBeRemoved) {
function deleteWebhook(i) {
var whrGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_simple_web_webhook_registry');
if (whrGR.get(data.listItems[i].sys_id)) {
We still need to test everything, but before we do that, we should go ahead and build the webhook_registry page that we have been pointing at so that we can fully test those links as well. That sounds like a good project for our next installment, so I think we will wrap things up right here for now and then start off next time with our new page followed by some end to end testing.