Formatted Script Search Results

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Albert Einstein

So, I came up with a way to search all of the places in which a chunk of code might be hiding, but to get the results, I have to run it as a background script and parse through the resulting JSON object. I need something a little more user-friendly than that, so I am going to build a Service Portal widget that takes a user entered search string, makes the call to the search script, and then formats the results a little nicer. Then I am going to add an item to the Tools menu that I created for my sn-record-picker tool that will bring up this new widget. This way, all I will have to do is click on the menu, enter my search terms, and hit the button to see the results.

The first thing that we will need to do is to lay out the page. Nothing exciting here: just an snh-form-field text element for capturing the input, a submit button, and a place to display the results, all wrapped up in an snh-panel. It’s a relatively small snippet of HTML, so I can reproduce the entire thing here:

<snh-panel class="panel panel-primary" rect="rect" title="'${Script Search}'">
  <form id="form1" name="form1" novalidate>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-12">
          snh-label="What are you searching for?"
          snh-help="Enter the text that you would like to find in a script somewhere in the system"
          snh-messages='{"required":"Please enter what you would like to find"}'/>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-12" style="text-align: center;">
        <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="!(form1.$valid)" ng-click="findIt()">${Search all scripts}</button>
  <div class="row" ng-show="">
    <div class="col-sm-12" ng-show="">
      <p>${No scripts were found to contain the text} <b>{{}}</b></p>
    <div class="col-sm-12" ng-show=">0">
      <table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
            <th style="text-align: center;">${Artifact}</th>
            <th style="text-align: center;">${Table Name}</th>
            <th style="text-align: center;">${Table}</th>
          <tr ng-repeat="item in">
            <td data-th="Record"><a href="{{item.table}}.do?sys_id={{item.sys_id}}" title="Open {{}}">{{}}</a></td>
            <td data-th="Table Name">{{item.tableName}}</td>
            <td data-th="Table">{{item.table}}</td>

There is an ng-click on the submit button that will call a function on the client-side script, so now is as good a time as any to build that out. Again, there really isn’t all that much code to see here:

function ScriptSearch($scope, $location) {
	var c = this;

	$scope.findIt = function() {

You may notice that we don’t actually search for the script at this point; we just branch to a new location. This is a little trick that I stole from my Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector, which also just takes user input and uses it to build a new URL, and then takes you to that URL where the search actually takes place. The reason for that is so that all of the user input is a part of the page URL, which means that if you drill down and follow any links on the page, when you come back, all of your original search criteria is still intact and the page comes back just the way that you left it. This works really slick in the Service Portal; it’s just really too bad that I didn’t have the same experience when I launched this widget inside of the main UI. But, we’ll deal with that later.

Right now, it’s time to tackle server-side script, and once again, you aren’t going to see much here in the way of actual lines of code:

(function() {
	data.searchFor = '';
	data.result = false;
	if ($sp.getParameter('search')) {
		data.searchFor = $sp.getParameter('search');
		data.result = new ScriptUtils().findInScript(data.searchFor);
		gs.setReturnURL('/$' + data.searchFor);

Basically, we start out by setting the default values for our two data properties, and then if there is a search parameter on the URL, we override those values with the search term and the results of running that search term through our script searcher. That last line was my attempt to preserve the URL so that when I clicked on an item to go look at it, my results would still be displayed when I returned. Unfortunately, that didn’t work, either. One day, I will figure out how to fix that, but for now, each time I leave the page, I have to search all over again to get my results back. Not the way that I want it to work, but at this point, I can live with it.

That’s about it for all of the various parts. Pretty simple stuff, really. Here’s what it looks like in action:

Script searcher in action

All in all, I like the way that it turned out, although it really annoys my sense of The Way Things Ought To Be when I click on one of those items and then come back and find that my search results are all gone. That’s just not right. One day I am going to fix that, but until that day comes, here is an Update Set for anyone who wants to play along at home, and maybe even take care of that little annoyance for me!

I know it’s in here somewhere …

“Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”
Benjamin Franklin

Every once in a while I am chasing some issue or tying to remember how I did something and I know the answer is in the system somewhere, but I’m just not sure where. Since I mainly deal with Javascript code, what I would really like is a way to search all of the places in which script might be stored looking for some term or phrase. And I mean all of the places, including places that might come up later in future versions. What I really want to do is dynamically look at all of the tables and find all of the columns that might store script and then search all of those columns in all of those tables. Fortunately, because of the way in which the Now Platform is constructed, you can easily do exactly that.

The sys_dictionary table holds all of the information on all of the columns in all of the tables, including the column type. There are several ServiceNow column types that might contain script, but fortunately for us, they all contain the word script in their names. That makes it relatively easy to search the dictionary for all of the script columns in all of the tables:

var table = {};
var columnGR = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
while ( {
	var tableName = columnGR.getDisplayValue('name');
	var fieldName = columnGR.getDisplayValue('element');
	if (tableName && fieldName && !tableName.startsWith('var__m_')) {
		if (!table[tableName]) {
			table[tableName] = [];

This script builds a map keyed by table name that contains an array of script columns for each table. Before I add a column to the map, I make sure that there is both a field name and a table name, and I also filter out all of the variable mapping tables, as those don’t contain any scripts and some of them actually cause problems when I attempt to use them. Once we have established our target map, it is simply a matter of stepping through it and querying each table for the presence of your search argument in any of those columns:

var found = [];
for (tableName in table) {
	var query = '';
	var separator = '';
	for (var i=0; i<table[tableName].length; i++) {
		query += separator;
		query += table[tableName][i];
		query += 'CONTAINS';
		query += string;
		separator = 'OR';
	var scriptGR = new GlideRecord(tableName);
	while ( {
		found.push({table: tableName,  tableName: scriptGR.getLabel(), sys_id: scriptGR.getUniqueValue(), name: scriptGR.getDisplayValue('name') || scriptGR.getDisplayValue() || scriptGR.getUniqueValue()});
return found;

This portion of the script builds an array of objects containing the table, table name, name, and sys_id of any records found during the search. I bundled the whole thing into a Script Include that I called ScriptUtils, and you can see the entire thing here:

var ScriptUtils = Class.create();
ScriptUtils.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	findInScript: function(string) {
		var table = {};
		var found = [];
		var columnGR = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
		while ( {
			var tableName = columnGR.getDisplayValue('name');
			var fieldName = columnGR.getDisplayValue('element');
			if (tableName && fieldName && !tableName.startsWith('var__m_')) {
				if (!table[tableName]) {
					table[tableName] = [];
		for (tableName in table) {
			var query = '';
			var separator = '';
			for (var i=0; i<table[tableName].length; i++) {
				query += separator;
				query += table[tableName][i];
				query += 'CONTAINS';
				query += string;
				separator = 'OR';
			var scriptGR = new GlideRecord(tableName);
			while ( {
				found.push({table: tableName,  tableName: scriptGR.getLabel(), sys_id: scriptGR.getUniqueValue(), name: scriptGR.getDisplayValue('name') || scriptGR.getDisplayValue() || scriptGR.getUniqueValue()});
		return found;

    type: 'ScriptUtils'

To test is out, we can can select Scripts – Background from the sidebar menu and enter something like this: ScriptUtils().findInScript('xxx'), null, 4));

After running the above script, I received the following output:

        "table": "discovery_proc_handler",
        "tableName": "Process Handler",
        "sys_id": "1f2473269733200010cb1bd74b297576",
        "name": "Java parameters"
        "table": "sys_script",
        "tableName": "Business Rule",
        "sys_id": "4532f571bf320100710071a7bf073929",
        "name": "Obfuscate password"
        "table": "sys_script_execution_history",
        "tableName": "Script Execution History",
        "sys_id": "807208e92ffb48d0ddadfe7cf699b696",
        "name": "Created 2020-03-26 05:55:27"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "326b53699f3010008f88ed93ee4bcc2b",
        "name": "ScrumSecurityManagerDefault"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "3f7d6f17537103003248cfa018dc347c",
        "name": "PwdResetPageInfo"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "57042a36932012001aa1f4b8b67ffb95",
        "name": "TourBuilderUtility"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "88c548dc37010100dcd48c00dfbe5d2e",
        "name": "SnmpIdentityInfoParser"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "8dbee16b530203003248cfa018dc349e",
        "name": "PwdResetPageInfo_V2"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "91a92c70733023008b516cb63cf6a79e",
        "name": "CommunityCacheUtilSNCJSC"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "a7ac57b7c710320003fa9c569b976312",
        "name": "MIDUserConnectivity"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "c54c989f37612100dcd48c00dfbe5df4",
        "name": "CiSchema"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "ee735ba66713220089ec9a6617415a75",
        "name": "CommunityForumImpl"
        "table": "sys_script_include",
        "tableName": "Script Include",
        "sys_id": "eee51271eb223100c46ac2eef106fed4",
        "name": "AddScriptedRESTVersionAjax"

Now, there are obviously better ways to format and display that information, but that would be an entire project on its own, so we’ll just save that exercise for another time.

Yet Even More Service Portal Form Fields

“The wise person feels the pain of one arrow. The unwise feels the pain of two.”
— Kate Carne, Seven Secrets Of Mindfulness

While working on my sn-record-picker wizard, I discovered that I never set up checkbox as a field type in my snh-form-field directive, so I had to go back and add that in. I also ended up making a few other improvements, both before and after I released the code, so it’s time to post a new version. The checkbox issue also inspired me to include a couple of other field types, so I’ve tossed those in as well. The two additional field types that I added were modeled after the radio and inlineradio types, but by replacing the radio buttons with checkboxes, the user has the option of selecting more than one of the available choices. I call these new types multibox and inlinemultibox.

Example multibox field type

I started out by just copying the function that built the radio types and then giving it a new name. Then I went up to the section where the function was called and added another conditional to invoke this new function based on the value of the snh-type attribute.

if (type == 'multibox' || type == 'inlinemultibox') {
	htmlText += buildMultiboxTypes(attrs, name, model, required, type, option);
} else if (type == 'radio' || type == 'inlineradio') {
	htmlText += buildRadioTypes(attrs, name, model, required, type, option);
} else if (type == 'select') {

I also had to add the new types to the list of supported types, which now looks like this:

var SUPPORTED_TYPE = ['checkbox', 'choicelist', 'date', 'datetime-local',
 'email', 'feedback', 'inlinemultibox', 'inlineradio', 'mention', 'month',
 'multibox', 'number', 'password', 'radio', 'rating', 'reference', 'select',
 'tel', 'text', 'textarea', 'time', 'url', 'week'];

Once that was all taken care of, I set out to tackle hacking up the copied radio types function to make it work for checkboxes. Since the whole point of the exercise was to allow you to select more than one item, I couldn’t use the same ng-model for every option like I did with the radio buttons. Each option had to be bound to a unique variable, and then I still needed a place to store all of the options selected. I decided to take a page out the sn-record-picker playbook and create a single object to which you could bind to all of this information. It ended up looking very similar the one used for the sn-record-picker.

$scope.multiboxField = {
    value: ''
    option: {}
    name: 'examplemultibox'

The value string will be in the same format as an sn-record-picker when you add the attribute multiple=”true”: a comma-separated list of selected values. To make that work in this context, I had to add an additional hidden field bound to the value property, and then bind the individual checkboxes to a property of the option object using the value of the option as the property name. To keep the value element up to date, I invoke a new function to recalculate the value every time one of the checkboxes is altered.

scope.setMultiboxValue = function(model, elem) {
	if (!model.option) {
		model.option = {};
	var selected = [];
	for (var key in model.option) {
		if (model.option[key]) {
	model.value = selected.join(',');
	elem.snhTouched = true;

More on that last line, later. For now, let’s get back to the function that builds the template for the multibox types. As I said earlier, I started out by just copying the function that built the radio types and then giving it a new name (buildMultiboxTypes). Now I had to hack it up to support checkboxes instead of radio buttons. The finished version came out like this:

function buildMultiboxTypes(attrs, name, model, required, type, option, fullName) {
	var htmlText = "      <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n";
	htmlText += "      <input ng-model=\"" + model + ".value\" id=\"" + name + "\" name=\"" + name + "\" type=\"text\" ng-show=\"false\"" + passThroughAttributes(attrs) + (required?' required':'') + "/>\n";
	for (var i=0; i<option.length; i++) {
		var thisOption = option[i];
		if (type == 'multibox') {
			htmlText += "      <div>\n  ";
		htmlText += "        <input ng-model=\"" + model + ".option['" + thisOption.value + "']\" id=\"" + name + thisOption.value + "\" name=\"" + name + thisOption.value + "\" type=\"checkbox\" ng-change=\"setMultiboxValue(" + model + ", " + fullName + ")\"/> " + thisOption.label + "\n";
		if (type == 'multibox') {
			htmlText += "      </div>\n";

	return htmlText;

Other than the hidden field for the value and the call to update the value whenever any of the boxes are checked, it turned out to be quite similar to its radio-type cousin. When I first put it all together, it all seemed to work, but I couldn’t get my error messages to display under the options. As it turns out, the error messages only display if the form has been submitted or the element in question has been $touched. Since the value element is hidden from view and only updated via script, it gets changed, but never $touched. I tried many, many ways to set that value, but I just couldn’t do it. But I won’t be denied; I ended up creating my own attribute (snhTouched), and set it to true whenever any of the boxes were altered. Then, to drive the appearance of the error messages off of that attribute, I had to add a little magic to this standard line of the template:

htmlText += "      <div id=\"message." + name + "\" ng-show=\"(" + fullName + ".$touched || " + fullName + ".snhTouched || " + fullName + ".$dirty || " + form + ".$submitted) && " + fullName + ".$invalid\" class=\"snh-error\">{{" + fullName + ".validationErrors}}</div>\n";

I think that’s about it for the changes related to the new multibox types. One other thing that I ended up doing, which I have been hesitant to do, is bring back the snh-form attribute. I never liked having to specify the form, and I thought that I had found a way around that, but it seems that even that method does not work 100% of the time. In fact, it can crash the whole thing with a null pointer exception in certain circumstances. So, I finally broke down and brought back the snf-form attribute as an optional fallback if all else fails. The new logic will take the form name if you provide it, and if not, it will attempt to find the form name on its own, and if that fails for whatever reason, then it will default to ‘form1’.

var form = attrs.snhForm;
if (!form) {
	try {
		form = element.parents("form").toArray()[0].name;
	} catch(e) {
if (!form) {
	form = 'form1';

There were a few other little minor tweaks and improvement, but nothing really worthy of mentioning here. One thing that I thought about, but did not do, was to build in any kind of support for a minimum number of checkboxes checked. You can make it required, which means that you have select at least one item, but there isn’t any way right now to say that you must select at least two or you can’t check more than four. I may try to tackle that one day, but I’m going to let that go for now. Here is an Update Set for anyone who wants to play around on their own.

sn-record-picker Helper, Part II

“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my ax.”
Abraham Lincoln

Now that we have all of the form fields and controls laid out on the page, the next order of business is to build the function that will use the form input to create the desired sn-record-picker. We have already specified an ng-submit function on the form, so all we have to do at this point is to actually create that function in the client-side script. This function is actually pretty vanilla stuff, and just takes the data entered on the screen and stitches it all together to form the resulting sn-record-picker tag.

$scope.createPicker = function() {
	var picker = '<sn-record-picker\n    table="' + "'";
	picker += + "'";
	picker += '"\n    field="';
	picker +=;
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    default-query="' + "'";
		picker += + "'";
	picker += '"\n    display-field="' + "'";
	picker += + "'";
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    display-fields="' + "'";
		picker += + "'";
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    search-fields="' + "'";
		picker += + "'";
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    value-field="' + "'";
		picker += + "'";
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    multiple="true"';
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    page-size="';
		picker +=;
	if ( {
		picker += '"\n    placeholder="';
		picker +=;
	} = picker + '">\n</sn-record-picker>'; = true;
	return false;

One of the last few things that happens in that script is to set to true. I set that variable up to control whether or not the rendered tag should appear on the screen. Altering any of the fields on the screen sets it to false, which hides the text box containing the generated code until you click on the button again. To make that work, I just added an ng-show to the enclosing DIV:

<div class="col-sm-12" ng-show="">
    snh-label="Your sn-record-picker:"
  <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="copyToClipboard();">Copy to clipboard</a></p>

The other thing that you will notice inside of that DIV is the Copy to clipboard link. That one uses a standard onclick rather than an ng-click, because that’s a DOM operation, which is outside the scope of the AngularJS controller. The referenced script, along with another DOM script that I use to set the height of that textarea, are placed in a script tag with the HTML.

function fixTextareaHeight() {
	var elem = document.getElementById('generated'); = (elem.scrollHeight + 10)  + 'px';
function copyToClipboard() {
	var elem = document.getElementById('generated');;
	elem.setSelectionRange(0, 99999)
	alert("The following code was copied to the clipboard:\n\n" + elem.value);

Clicking on that Copy to clipboard link copies the code to the clipboard and also throws up an alert message to let you know what was copied.

Alert message after copying the code to the clipboard

The next thing on my list was to actually place the code on the page so that you could see it working. I tried a number of things to get that to work, including ng-bind, ng-bind-html, ng-bind-html-compile, and sc-bind-html-compile, but I could never get any of that to work, so I ultimately gave up on trying to use the actual generated code, and did the next best thing, which was to just set up a picker of my own using the selected options.

        <div class="col-sm-12" ng-show="">
            snh-label="Live Example"

This approach allowed me to add a modal pop-up that showed the value of the item selected.

Modal pop-up indicating option selected

The code to make that happen is in the client-side controller:

$scope.optionSelected = function() {{
		title: 'Selected Option',
		message: '<p>You selected  "<b>' + + '</b>"</p>',
		buttons: [
			{label: 'Close', primary: true}
		size: 'sm'

One other thing that I should mention is that the snh-form-field directive that I used in this example is not same as the last version that I had published. To support the multiple=true/false option, I needed a checkbox, and for some reason, I never included that in the list of many, many field types that included in that directive. I also had to tweak a few other things here and there, so it’s no longer the same. I should really release that separately in a future installment, but for now, I will just bundle it with everything else so that this will all work as intended.

I wrapped the whole thing in an snh-panel, just to provide the means to add some documentation on the sn-record-picker tag. I had visions of gathering up all of the documentation that I could find and assembling it all into a comprehensive help screen document, but that never happened. Still, the possibility is there with the integrated help infrastructure.

Pop-up widget help screen

I also added a sidebar menu item so that I could easily get to it within the main UI. It may be a Service Portal Widget under the hood, but it doesn’t really belong on the Service Portal. It’s a development tool, so I added the menu item so that it could live with all of the other development tools in the primary UI. If you want to take it for a spin yourself, here is an Update Set.

Update: There is a better (corrected) version here.

sn-record-picker Helper

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
Les Brown

One of the cool little doodads packaged with ServiceNow is the sn-record-picker. On the Service Portal side of the house, the sn-record-picker gives you a type-ahead search of any ServiceNow table with a considerable number of flexible features. I use it quite a lot, but not often enough to intuitively recall every configuration option available. Although this is a widely used facet of the Service Portal platform, the documentation for this component is relatively sparse, which is uncharacteristic for ServiceNow. A number of individuals have attempted to provide their own version of the needed documentation, and I have even considered doing that myself, but that only solves half of my problem. The other thing that I can never remember is the names of tables and fields, which you need to know whenever you set up an sn-record-picker. What I would really like is some kind of on-line wizard that stepped me through all of the necessary parts and pieces needed to build the sn-record-picker that I need at the time, and it would be even better if had the ability to go ahead and build it so that I could see it live once I completed all of the steps needed to construct it. I looked around for such a tool and couldn’t find one, so I decided to build it myself.

Here’s the idea: create a Service Portal widget that has input fields for all of the configuration options along with some kind of Build It button that would both create the sn-record-picker code based on the user input, and put the code live on the page so that you could see it in action. It seemed like it would be quite useful when it was finished, and fairly simple to put together. After all, how hard could it be?

The first thing that you need for an sn-record-picker is a Table. Since we are building a widget, the easiest way to select a Table from a list would be to use an sn-record-picker. So, it would seem appropriate that the first field on our new sn-record-picker tool would, in fact, be an sn-record-picker. Technically, I will be using an snh-form-field in practice, but under the hood, there is still an sn-record-picker doing all of the heavy lifting.

<snh-panel title="'${sn-record-picker Tool}'" class="panel-primary">
  <form id="form1" name="form1" ng-submit="createPicker();" novalidate>
    <div class="row">
       <div class="col-sm-12">
          snh-help="Select the ServiceNow database table that will contain the options from which the user will select their choice or choices."
          placeholder="Choose a Table"

I had to look up the name of the ServiceNow table of tables, because I couldn’t remember what it was (sys_db_object), but that may just be because I never knew what it was in the first place. I also had to look up the column names for all of the fields that I needed. I should be able to avoid all of that effort once all of this comes together and I can use my new tool, which of course, is whole point of this exercise. Configuring the table selector is enough to get things started, though, and I don’t like to do too much without giving things a whirl, so let’s throw this widget onto a portal page and hit the Try It! button.

sn-record-picker tool with table selector

Once you have the table selected, you can start selecting from the fields defined for that table. Once again, this is an excellent use for an sn-record-picker, but for the table fields we will need to filter the choices based on the table selected. To do that, we need to build an encoded query for a filter. On the client-side script, we can create a function to do just that:

$scope.buildFieldFilter = function() { = 'elementISNOTEMPTY^name=' +;

Now that we have our filter defined, we can reference it in the next picker that we will need, the Primary Display field:

  snh-label="Primary Display Field"
  snh-help="Select the primary display field."
  placeholder="Choose a Field"

The default-query attribute of the Display Field sn-record-picker is set to, which is the variable that contains the value that is recalculated every time a new selection is made on the Table sn-record-picker. Whenever you select a different table, the filter is updated and then the list of available options for the Display Field selector changes to just those fields found on the selected table. This technique will be utilized for the Primary Display Field, the Additional Display Fields, the Search Field, and the Value Field.

In addition to the basic table and field attributes, there are also a number of other attributes that need to be included in the tool as well. I’m not even sure that I know all of the possible attributes that might be available, but my thought is that I will add all of the ones that I know about and then toss the others in when I learn about them. It turns out that there a quite a few, though, and after putting them all in with their associated help information, it made my page long and narrow, and put the button and results way, way down at the bottom of the page. I didn’t really like that, so I decided to split the page into two columns, and to hide any optional parameters unless needed. That format turned out to be much better that what I had originally; I like it much better.

Picker tool split into two columns

To temporarily hide the optional fields, I added an anchor tag with an ng-click above the form field, and gave both the anchor tag and the form field ng-show attributes based on the same boolean variable so that either one or the other would appear on the page.

<div class="col-sm-12" ng-show=" > ''">
  <p><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click=" = true;" ng-show="!">Add an optional query filter</a></p>
    snh-help="To limit the records retrieved from the table, enter an optional Encoded Query"
    placeholder="Enter a valid Encoded Query"

Now that I have configured all of the form fields for all of the attributes, the next thing to do will be to build the code that turns the user’s input into an actual sn-record-picker, and then makes it available for copy/paste operations, and hopefully, to try out right there on the wizard form. That’s actually quite a bit, so I think I will save all of that for a future installment.

User Rating Scorecard, Part IV

“You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”
Steven Wright

Well, I had a few grand ideas for my User Rating Scorecard, but not all ideas are created equal. Some are quite a bit easier to turn into reality than others. Not that any of them were bad ideas — some just turned out to be a little more trouble than they were worth when I sat down and tried to turn the idea into code. I had visions of using Retina Icons and custom images for the rating symbol, but the code that I stole for handling the fractional rating values relied on the content property of the ::before pseudo-element. The value of the content property can only be text; icons, images, or any other HTML is not valid in that context and won’t get resolved. Basically, what I had in mind just wasn’t going to work.

That left me two choices: 1) redesign the HTML and CSS for the graphic to use something other than the content property, or 2) live with the restrictions and try to do what I wanted using unicode characters. I played around with choice #1 for quite a while, but I could never really come up with anything that gave me all of the flexibility that I wanted and still functioned correctly. So, I finally decided to see what was behind door #2. There are a lot of unicode characters. In fact, there are considerably more of those than there are Retina Icons, but not being able to use an image of your own choosing was still quite a bit more limiting than what I was imagining. Sill, it was better than just hard-coded starts, so I started hacking up the code to see if I could make it all work.

In my original version, the 5 stars were just an integral part of the rating CSS file:

.snh-rating::before {
    content: '★★★★★';
    background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--star-background) var(--percent), var(--star-color) var(--percent));
    -webkit-background-clip: text;
    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

To make that more flexible, I just need to replace the hard-coded stars with a CSS variable:

.snh-rating::before {
    content: var(--char-content);
    background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--star-background) var(--percent), var(--star-color) var(--percent));
    -webkit-background-clip: text;
    -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

This would allow me to accept a new attribute as the unicode character to use and then set the value of that CSS variable to a string of those characters. My original Angular Provider had the template defined as a string, but to accommodate all of my various options, I had to convert that to a function. The first order of business in the function was to initialize all of the default values.

var max = 5;
var symbol = 'star';
var plural = 'stars';
var charCode = '★';
var charColor = '#FFCC00';
var subject = 'item';
var color = ['#F44336','#FF9800','#00BCD4','#2196F3','#4CAF50'];

Without overriding any of these defaults, the new version would produce the same results as the old version. But the whole point of this version was to provide the capability to override these values, so that was the code that had to be added next:

if (attrs.snhMax && parseInt(attrs.snhMax) > 0) {
	max = parseInt(attrs.snhMax);
if (attrs.snhSymbol) {
	symbol = attrs.snhSymbol;
	if (attrs.snhPlural) {
		plural = attrs.snhPlural;
	} else {
		plural = symbol + 's';
if (attrs.snhChar) {
	charCode = attrs.snhChar;
var content = '';
if (attrs.snhChars) {
	content = attrs.snhChars;
} else {
	for (var i=0; i<max; i++) {
		content += charCode;
if (attrs.snhCharColor) {
	charColor = attrs.snhCharColor;
if (attrs.snhSubject) {
	subject = attrs.snhSubject;
if (attrs.snhBarColors) {
	color = JSON.parse(attrs.snhBarColors);

The above code is pretty straightforward; if there are attributes present that override the defaults, then the default value is overwritten by the value of the attribute. Once that work has been done, all that is left is to build the template based on the variable values.

var htmlText = '';
htmlText += '<div>\n';
htmlText += '  <div ng-hide="votes > 0">\n';
htmlText += '    This item has not yet been rated.\n';
htmlText += '  </div>\n';
htmlText += '  <div ng-show="votes > 0">\n';
htmlText += '    <div class="snh-rating" style="--rating: {{average}}; --char-content: \'' + content + '\'; --char-color: ' + charColor + ';">';
htmlText += '</div>\n';
htmlText += '    <div style="clear: both;"></div>\n';
htmlText += '    {{average}} average based on {{votes}} reviews.\n';
htmlText += '    <a href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click=" = 1;" ng-hide=" == 1">Show breakdown</a>\n';
htmlText += '    <div ng-show=" == 1" style="background-color: #ffffff; max-width: 500px; padding: 15px;">\n';
for (var x=max; x>0; x--) {
	var i = x - 1;
	htmlText += '      <div class="snh-rating-row">\n';
	htmlText += '        <div class="snh-rating-side">\n';
	htmlText += '          <div>' + x + ' ' + (x>1?plural:symbol) + '</div>\n';
	htmlText += '        </div>\n';
	htmlText += '        <div class="snh-rating-middle">\n';
	htmlText += '          <div class="snh-rating-bar-container">\n';
	htmlText += '            <div style="--bar-length: {{bar[' + i + ']}};--bar-color: ' + color[i] + ';" class="snh-rating-bar"></div>\n';
	htmlText += '          </div>\n';
	htmlText += '        </div>\n';
	htmlText += '        <div class="snh-rating-side snh-rating-right">\n';
	htmlText += '          <div>{{values[' + i + ']}}</div>\n';
	htmlText += '        </div>\n';
	htmlText += '      </div>\n';
htmlText += '      <div style="text-align: center;">\n';
htmlText += '        <a href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click=" = 0;">Hide breakdown</a>\n';
htmlText += '      </div>\n';
htmlText += '    </div>\n';
htmlText += '  </div>\n';
htmlText += '</div>\n';

Now, all we have to do is try it out. Let’s configure a few of thee options to override the defaults and then see how it all comes out. Here is one sample configuration that uses 7 hearts instead of the default 5 stars:


… and here’s how it looks once everything is rendered:

Rating widget output with default values overridden

So, it’s not every single thing that I had imagined, but it is much more flexible than the original. Like most things, it could still be even better, but for now, I’m ready to call it good enough. If you want to play around with it on your own, here is an Update Set.