More Fun with Highcharts

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
Winston Churchill

Those of us who develop software for a living always like to blame the customer for the inevitable scope creep that works its way into an assignment or project. The real truth of the matter, though, is that a lot of that comes right from the developers themselves. Often, just when you think you are about to wrap something up and call it complete, you get that nagging you-know-it-would-be-even-better-if-we-added-this feeling that just won’t go away.

It was my intention to make my previous installment on the Highcharts Workload Chart my last and final offering on the subject. Wait … this sounds way too familiar. OK, fine … I have a bad habit of continuing to tinker with stuff long after it should have been put to bed. But, I did learn something new this time, so I think it was worth the return trip. All I really wanted to do was to add a couple more relevant charts to my workload status page:

Work Distribution and Aging Charts

I already had the Generic Chart widget in hand, so I just needed to drop it on the page a couple more times and run a few more queries to fetch the relevant data. How hard could it be? Well, experience gives us the answer to that question! As usual, things didn’t go quite as smoothly as I had anticipated. It turns out that the Generic Chart widget contains a fatal flaw that only allows it to be used once per page. In the HTML for the widget, I hard-coded the ID of the DIV that will contain the chart, which you have to pass to Highcharts so that the chart will be rendered in that specific DIV. Well, when you put more than one Generic Chart widget on a page, they all want to render their charts in the first instance of a DIV with that ID. That’s not going to work!

The fix wasn’t too bad, but it did require a fix. The revised HTML now looks like this:

<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-body form-horizontal">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
      <div id="{{data.container}}" style="height: 400px;"></div>

To populate the new data.container variable, I set up yet another widget option, and then set up a default value for the option so that you would only need to mess with this if you were working on a multi-chart page. That, and the addition of the code to populate the two other charts, one a Pie Chart and one a Bar Chart, were really the only other additions. If you want to take a look at the whole thing in action, here is the most recent Update Set.