Even More Fun with JDBC Data Sources

“When in doubt, use brute force.”
— Butler Lampson, Hints for Computer System Design

After hacking up a JDBC type Data Source to pass in a dynamic SQL parameter and then modifying that hack to provide simultaneous update protection, we still have a couple of unresolved issues related to this approach. For one, since we are watching the table and not the scheduled import job, a Record Not Found result and a Something Bad Happened to the Job and it Never Ran result end up looking exactly the same (no new record ever shows up in the table). It would be nice to be able to distinguish one from the other, particularly if you wanted to log an Event in the case of the latter (but not the former!). Another somewhat related issue involves the age of the imported data. Once you retrieve a record from an outside database, there needs to be some criteria for how long you hang on to it and continue to use it before you go back to the outside database and fetch a fresh copy. There are a number of ways to deal with that, which we can review, but first let’s take a look at the Not Found issue.

We already implemented a post-import script in our last modification, and that’s a great place to insert some code to verify that the job ran. After all, the entire purpose of the script is to run when the job is over, so that’s the perfect spot to check to see if you found a record or not. But if we did not find a record, what do we do about it? One approach would be to add a column to the table called Record Found with a type of True/False and a default value of True. Then, in your post-import script, you can grab the key value from the SQL (before you reset it for others to use!), and use it to read the table to see if you found a record. If you didn’t find a record, the you can then create a record using the key value and setting the Record Found column to False. This way, your process that is spinning endlessly waiting for a record to appear will see the record and get out of the waiting loop, and you will just have to check the Record Found column to see if a record was returned or not. Converting that narrative to code might produce something like this:

var ds = import_set.data_source.getRefRecord();
var sql = ds.getValue('sql_statement');
var parts = sql.split("'");
var keyValue = parts[1];
sql = sql.substring(0, sql.indexOf("'")) + "'AVAILABLE'";
ds.setValue('sql_statement', sql);
var gr new GlideRecord('your_table_name');
gr.addQuery('id', keyValue);
if (!gr.next()) {
    gr.setValue('id', keyValue);
    gr.setValue('record_found', false);

This code actually combines the simultaneous update protection code from our last outing with the new code needed to handle the Record Not Found condition. To complete the solution, of course, the process that reads in this record from the database table will need to check the Record Found column to ensure that there was an actual record returned, and if not, take the appropriate action.

As to the question of how long an externally fetched record is valid before reaching back out to the external database and fetching a fresh one, that really depends on the specific use case. If your specific implementation requires up-to-the-minute information, then the simplest solution is to just delete the imported record as soon as you grab the data. That will ensure that the initial query will always come up empty, and you will always launch a new Scheduled Import job to get a fresh copy. If, on the other hand, the data is not that volatile, and will last throughout the day, you could always set up a nightly process to clean out the table overnight. Under this strategy, the first person interested in a specific record would pull it from the external database, and everyone else who comes along afterwards would just use the imported copy and not have to pay the penalty of the wait time for the completion of the Scheduled Import.

Yet another approach might be to timestamp all of the records at the time of import, and then compare the timestamp value at read to a specified duration from the current date/time. If the record is too old, then trigger a fetch from the external database. Under this scenario, you wouldn’t necessarily have to ever delete the data in the ServiceNow table, as things would be driven by the timestamp, not the presence of a record. You may still want to schedule some kind of periodic record deletion anyway, though, just to keep from hanging on to records that you may never look at again once they are expired.

Up to this point, we have been talking about leveraging the Scheduled Import capability of ServiceNow to fetch single records, or limited sets of records, on demand based on a single key. The data always flows in one direction: from your internal database into ServiceNow. But what if you have a need to write to an internal database on demand from ServiceNow? Well, that’s an interesting question, but one we will have to address at a later date when we have a little more time …