“The first time you do a thing is always exciting.” — Agatha Christie
I’ve never used Share before, but after completing the work on the Aggregate List Columns and bundling that work up with all of the other related projects and artifacts, I decided that I would go ahead and post the whole thing out there. I have always hesitated to throw stuff from here out there, mainly because most of the things that you will find on this site are not very well documented, at least not from the user’s perspective. But, I have considered doing it anyway on a number of occasions. I was pretty close to sharing the My Delegates Widget until I discovered that someone else had already beat me to it. I also thought about tossing out a number of other items such as the Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs and the Service Portal Widget Help, but like quite a number of other things, those were just thoughts that never turned into any kind of action. This time, though, quite a number of things were all bundled together into a single Update Set, and I thought that maybe there just might be a thing or two buried in there somewhere that someone somewhere might find to be of value. We’ll see.
My other hesitation to posting this on Share was the fact that these are all Service Portal components, and ServiceNow has made it pretty clear that they would like to see folks abandon the Service Portal in favor of their latest approach to application development. While it may be true that the Service Portal is on the way out, it has been my experience that such transitions usually take some time to be fully realized, so there still may be an active Service Portal or two floating around out there for a while. Still, everyone always likes to jump on the new stuff, so the interest in Service Portal components is something that is bound to start dropping off over time. On the other hand, that actually serves as an argument for shoving it out there now, as waiting around would just mean even less relevance to the environment of the future.
Anyway, it’s done now. Share obviously has a much broader reach than this little blog, so it will be interesting to see if anyone happens to come across it out there with all of the other artifacts on the site. I did take a quick peek this morning, and it does look like a couple of brave souls have already hit the download button, but I don’t see any feedback posted as yet. That will probably take a little more time. Who knows; if it all works out, maybe one day I will throw something else out there. Only time will tell.
“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” — Steve Jobs
When we last parted, there was an open question on the table regarding the focus of this next installment. Implementing Basic Authentication and moving on to the My WebhooksService Portalwidget were two of the options, but no decision was made at the time as to which way we wanted to turn next. Now that we have finally made it here, the good news is that we don’t have to choose. Adding support for Basic Authentication turned out to be so simple that it looks like we are going to have time for both. Check it out:
if (whrGR.getValue('authentication') == 'basic') {
request.setBasicAuth(whrGR.getValue('user_name'), whrGR.getValue('password'));
That’s it. I just added those few lines of code to the postWebhook function of our Script Include and BAM! — now we support Basic Authentication. Pretty sweet!
So now we can devote the remainder of the post to our new My Webhooks widget. As I think I mentioned earlier, this should be a fairly easy clone of the existing My Delegates widget, so the first thing that I did was to make a copy of that guy to have something with which to start. Then I hacked up the HTML to adapt it to our current application.
With that out of the way, we now need to replace the code that gathers up the Delegates with code that will gather up the Webhooks. Seems simple enough …
function fetchList() {
var list = [];
var whrGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_simple_web_webhook_registry');
whrGR.addQuery('owner', data.userID);
while (whrGR.next()) {
var thisWebhook = {};
thisWebhook.sys_id = whrGR.getValue('sys_id');
thisWebhook.id = whrGR.getDisplayValue('number');
thisWebhook.table = whrGR.getDisplayValue('table');
thisWebhook.type = whrGR.getDisplayValue('type');
thisWebhook.active = whrGR.getValue('active');
if (thisWebhook.type == 'Single Item') {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('document_id');
} else if (thisWebhook.type == 'Assignment Group') {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('group');
} else {
thisWebhook.reference = whrGR.getDisplayValue('person');
return list;
There is still a lot of work to do, but I like to try things every so often before I get too far along, just to make sure that things are going OK, so let’s do that now. This widget could easily go on the existing User Profile page just like the My Delegates widget, but it could also go on a page of its own. Since we are just trying things on for size right now, let’s just create a simple Portal Page and put nothing on it but our new widget. Let’s call it my_webhooks, drop our widget right in the middle of it, and go check it out on the Service Portal.
Initial My Webhooks widget
Well, that’s not too bad. We don’t really need the Save and Cancel buttons in this instance, but we do need a way to create a new Webhook, so maybe we can replace those with a single Add Webhook button. The links don’t go anywhere just yet and the delete icons don’t do anything, but as far as the layout goes, it looks pretty good. I think it’s a good start so far. Let’s swap out the buttons and then we can wrap things up with the client-side code.
The left-over code in the button area from the My Delegates widget looks like this:
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
<button ng-click="saveDelegates()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>
<button ng-click="returnToProfile()" class="btn ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel your changes">Cancel</button>
Let’s replace it with this:
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
<button ng-click="newWebhook()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to create a new Webhook">Add New</button>
Now we just need to overhaul the code on the client side to handle both the adding and deleting of our webhooks. The code to support the Add New button should be pretty straightforward; we just need to link to the same (currently nonexistent!) page that we link to from the main table, just without any sys_id to indicate that this is a new record request. This should handle that nicely:
As for the delete operation, we will have to bounce over to the server side to handle that one, but first we should confirm that was really the intent of the operator with a little confirmation pop-up. We could use the stock Javascript confirm feature here, but I like the look of the spModal version better, so let’s go with that.
We’ll need some server side code to handle the actual deletion of the record, but that should be simple enough.
if (input) {
data.listItems = input.listItems;
if (input.toBeRemoved) {
function deleteWebhook(i) {
var whrGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_simple_web_webhook_registry');
if (whrGR.get(data.listItems[i].sys_id)) {
We still need to test everything, but before we do that, we should go ahead and build the webhook_registry page that we have been pointing at so that we can fully test those links as well. That sounds like a good project for our next installment, so I think we will wrap things up right here for now and then start off next time with our new page followed by some end to end testing.
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” — Albert Einstein
Last time, we came to a fork in the road, not knowing whether it would be better to jump into the My WebhooksService Portalwidget, or to start working out the details of the process that actually POSTs the Webhooks. At this point, I am thinking that the My Webhooks widget will end up being a fairly simple clone of my old My Delegates widget, so that may not be all that interesting. POSTing the Webhooks, on the other hand, does sound like it might be rather challenging, so let’s start there.
When I first considered attempting this, my main question was whether it would be better to handle this operation in a Business Rule or by building something out in the Flow Designer. After doing a little experimenting with each, I later came to realize that the best alternative involved a little bit of both. In a Business Rule, you have access to both the current and previous values of every field in the record; that information is not available in the Flow Designer. In fact, it’s not available in a Business Rule, either, if you attempt to run it async. But if you don’t run it async, then you are holding everything up on the browser while you wait for everything to get posted. That’s not very good, either. What I ultimately decided to do was to start out with a Business Rule running before the update, gather up all of the needed current and previous values, and then pass them to a Subflow, which runs async in the background.
My first attempt was to just pass the current and previous objects straight into my Subflow, but that failed miserably. Apparently, when you pass a GlideRecord into a Subflow, you are just passing a reference, not the entire record, and then when the Subflow starts up, it uses that reference to fetch the data from the database. That’s not the data that I wanted, though. I want the data as it was before the database was updated. I had to take a different route with that part of it, but the basic rule remained the same.
Business Rule to POST webhooks
The rule is attached to the Incident table, runs on both Insert and Update, and is triggered whenever there is a change to any of the following fields: State, Assignment Group, Assigned to, Work notes, or Additional comments.
To get around my GlideRecord issue, I wound up creating two objects, one for current and one for previous, which I populated with data that I pulled out of the original GlideRecords. When I passed those two objects to my Subflow, everything was there so that I could do what I wanted to do. Populating the objects turned out to be quite a bit of code, so rather than put that all in my Business Rule, I created a function in my Script Include called buildSubflowInputs and I passed it current and previous as arguments. That simplified the Business Rule script quite a bit.
(function executeRule(current, previous) {
var wru = new WebhookRegistryUtils();
sn_fd.FlowAPI.startSubflow('Webhook_Poster', wru.buildSubflowInputs(current, previous));
})(current, previous);
In the Script Include, things got a lot more complicated. Since I was going to be turning both the current and previous GlideRecords into objects, I thought it would be helpful to create a function that did that, which I could call once for each. That function would pull out the values for the Sys ID, Number, State, Caller, Assignment group, and Assigned to fields and return an object populated with those values.
getIncidentValues: function(incidentGR) {
var values = {};
values.sys_id = incidentGR.getValue('sys_id');
values.number = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('number');
if (!incidentGR.short_description.nil()) {
values.short_description = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('short_description');
if (!incidentGR.state.nil()) {
values.state = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('state');
if (!incidentGR.caller_id.nil()) {
values.caller = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('caller_id');
values.caller_id = incidentGR.getValue('caller_id');
if (!incidentGR.assignment_group.nil()) {
values.assignment_group = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('assignment_group');
values.assignment_group_id = incidentGR.getValue('assignment_group');
if (!incidentGR.assigned_to.nil()) {
values.assigned_to = incidentGR.getDisplayValue('assigned_to');
values.assigned_to_id = incidentGR.getValue('assigned_to');
return values;
Since my Business Rule could be fired by either an Update or an Insert, I had to allow for the possibility that there was no previous GlideRecord. I could arbitrarily call the above function for current, but I needed to check to make sure that there actually was a previous before making that call. I also wanted to add some additional data to the current object, including the name of the person making the changes. The field sys_updated_by contains the username of that person, so to get the actual name I had to use that in a query of the sys_user table to access that data.
buildSubflowInputs: function(currentGR, previousGR) {
var inputs = {};
inputs.current = this.getIncidentValues(currentGR);
if (currentGR.isNewRecord()) {
inputs.previous = {};
} else {
inputs.previous = this.getIncidentValues(previousGR);
inputs.current.operator = currentGR.getDisplayValue('sys_updated_by');
var userGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
if (userGR.get('user_name', inputs.current.operator)) {
inputs.current.operator = userGR.getDisplayValue('name');
return inputs;
One other thing that I wanted to track was any new comments or work_notes, and that turned out to be the most the most complicated code of all. If you try the normal getValue or getDisplayValue methods on any of these Journal Fields, you end up with all of the comments ever made. I just wanted the last one. I had to do a little searching around to find it, but there is a function called getJournalEntry that you can use on these fields, and if you pass it a 1 as an argument, it will return the most recent entry. However, it is not just the entry; it is also a collection of metadata about the entry, which I did not want either. To get rid of that, I had to find the first line feed and then pick off all of the text that followed that. Putting all of that together, you end up with the following code:
if (!currentGR.comments.nil()) {
var c = currentGR.comments.getJournalEntry(1);
inputs.current.comments = c.substring(c.indexOf('\n') + 1);
if (!currentGR.work_notes.nil()) {
var w = currentGR.work_notes.getJournalEntry(1);
inputs.current.work_notes = w.substring(w.indexOf('\n') + 1);
That’s pretty much all that there is to the new Business Rule and the needed additions to the Script Include. Now we need to start tackling the Subflow that will actually take these current and previous objects and do something with them. That’s a bit much to jump into at this point, so we’ll wrap things up here for now and save all of that for our next time out.
This project is quite interesting to me because it is basically an alternative approach to something that I had attempted to accomplish with the My Delegates Widget a while back. I’m always curious to see how other folks address things, so I downloaded it and checked it out. As you would assume from the 5 star rating, it’s pretty nice. In fact, it has a feature that I had not even considered back when I had put mine together: in addition to being able to manage your own delegates, you can also see who has delegated authority to you. I like that. In fact, I liked it so much that I decided to see if I could add that feature to my own slant on building this widget.
The first thing I did was to dust off my old widget, bring it up, and refresh my memory as to how it was that I put it together. This one has been out there for a while, so in addition to adding this new feature, I’m also going to have to clean it up a bit. For one thing, this was built before I read in one our HealthScans that using the name gr for variables that represent a GlideRecord is considered bad form. I think I originally copied that technique from some internal ServiceNow code, so I thought it was a little disingenuous for them to be complaining about that at the time. Still, I’ve stopped doing that ever since, and I’ve been fixing it whenever I come across it in my older stuff.
All that aside, it was a pretty simple addition. I copied the block of code that generated the list of delegates (once I cleaned it up a bit) to make a second one to build a list of the delegations of others. The modification to the query was basically to switch from searching for delegates where user is the current user to searching for users where the delegate is the current user. Also, since this data is not editable (delegation is controlled by the person doing the delegating), I decided to format it as plain English rather than put it in a data table. The final product turned out like this:
function fetchList2() {
var list = [];
var today = new Date();
var delegationGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user_delegate');
delegationGR.addQuery('delegate', data.userID);
while (delegationGR.next()) {
var stillActive = true;
var endDate = '';
if (delegationGR.getValue('ends')) {
endDate = new GlideDate();
endDate = endDate.getByFormat('M/d/yyyy');
if (today.after(new Date(endDate))) {
stillActive = false;
} else {
if (new Date(endDate).getFullYear() == 2100) {
endDate = '';
if (stillActive) {
var thisDelegation = {};
var delegations = [];
if (delegationGR.getValue('approvals') == 1) {
if (delegationGR.getValue('assignments') == 1) {
if (delegationGR.getValue('notifications') == 1) {
delegations.push('CC on Notifications');
if (delegationGR.getValue('invitations') == 1) {
delegations.push('Meeting Invitations');
if (delegations.length > 0) {
thisDelegation.sys_id = delegationGR.getValue('sys_id');
thisDelegation.id = delegationGR.getValue('user');
thisDelegation.user = delegationGR.getDisplayValue('user');
thisDelegation.ends = endDate;
thisDelegation.delegations = '';
var separator = '';
for (var i=0; i<delegations.length; i++) {
thisDelegation.delegations += separator;
thisDelegation.delegations += delegations[i];
if (delegations.length > 2) {
separator = ', ';
if (i == (delegations.length - 2)) {
separator = ', and ';
} else {
separator = ' and ';
return list;
I also built this widget before I created my Dynamic Service Portal Breadcrumbs widget, so at the time I was always hesitant to leave the page without having a way back. I added that widget to the top of my test page, and then I converted all of the user names on the page to links out to the User Profile page for that person, which adds another nice little feature. The final HTML that formatted the delegations turned out like this:
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px;" ng-show="data.list2Items.length>0">
<b>I am a Delegate for:</b>
<div ng-repeat="item in c.data.list2Items track by item.id | orderBy: 'user'" style="padding: 5px;">
<sn-avatar class="avatar-small-medium" primary="item.id" show-presence="true"/>
<a href="?id=user_profile&table=sys_user&sys_id={{item.id}}" title="{{item.user}}">{{item.user}}</a>
for {{item.delegations}}
<span ng-show="item.ends"> until {{item.ends}}</span>
All in all, putting this together was a fairly straightforward operation that added a nice new feature to the widget, and gave me a chance to do a little tidying up of some older code. Here’s what it ended up looking like in practice:
My Delegates widget with the addition of delegations of others
Much thanks to Fredrik Larsson for the work he did on his version of a Service Portal delegate widget, and for giving me the idea to make my own a little better. For those of you who like to play along at home, here is an Update Set with all of the latest parts and pieces.
While the concept of delegation is an out-of-the-box feature, the widget is a custom component that I built to allow Service Portal users to manage their delegates. It’s really just a portalized version of the same functionality available inside the UI, but there was no way to do that within the Service Portal itself, so I threw together a simple widget to do so. Here is the HTML:
<snh-panel rect="rect" title="'${My Delegates}'">
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px;">
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
<th style="text-align: center;">Delegate</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Approvals</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Assignments</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">CC notifications</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Meeting invitations</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Remove</th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in c.data.listItems track by item.id | orderBy: 'delegate'" ng-hide="item.removed">
<td data-th="Delegate">
<sn-avatar class="avatar-small-medium" primary="item.id" show-presence="true"/>
<td data-th="Approvals" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.approvals"/></td>
<td data-th="Assignments" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.assignments"/></td>
<td data-th="CC notifications" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.notifications"/></td>
<td data-th="Meeting invitations" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.invitations"/></td>
<td data-th="Remove" style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/delete_row.gif" ng-click="removePerson($index)" alt="Click here to remove this person as a delegate" title="Click here to remove this person from the list" style="cursor: pointer;"/></td>
<p>To add a delegate to the list, select a person from below:</p>
<sn-record-picker id="snrp" field="data.personToAdd" ng-change="addSelected()" table="'sys_user'" display-field="'name'" display-fields="'title,department,location,email'" value-field="'sys_id'" search-fields="'name'" page-size="20"></sn-record-picker>
<p>To remove a delegate from the list, click on the Remove icon.</p>
<div style="width: 100%; padding: 5px 50px; text-align: center;">
<button ng-click="saveDelegates()" class="btn btn-primary ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to save your changes">Save</button>
<button ng-click="returnToProfile()" class="btn ng-binding ng-scope" role="button" title="Click here to cancel your changes">Cancel</button>
Basically, it is just a table of delegates followed by an sn-record-picker from which you can choose additional people to add to the list. The source of the data is the same as that used by the internal delegate maintenance form, which you can see gathered up in server-side script here:
(function() {
data.userID = gs.getUser().getID();
if (input) {
data.listItems = input.listItems || fetchList();
if (input.personToAdd && input.personToAdd.value > '') {
if (input.button == 'save') {
} else {
if (!data.listItems) {
data.listItems = fetchList();
function fetchList() {
var list = [];
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_delegate');
gr.addQuery('user', data.userID);
while (gr.next()) {
var thisDelegate = {};
thisDelegate.sys_id = gr.getValue('sys_id');
thisDelegate.id = gr.getValue('delegate');
thisDelegate.delegate = gr.getDisplayValue('delegate');
thisDelegate.approvals = (gr.getValue('approvals') == 1);
thisDelegate.assignments = (gr.getValue('assignments') == 1);
thisDelegate.notifications = (gr.getValue('notifications') == 1);
thisDelegate.invitations = (gr.getValue('invitations') == 1);
return list;
function saveList() {
for (var i=0; i<data.listItems.length; i++) {
var thisDelegate = data.listItems[i];
if (thisDelegate.removed) {
if (thisDelegate.sys_id != 'new') {
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_delegate');
} else {
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user_delegate');
if (thisDelegate.sys_id != 'new') {
} else {
gr.user = data.userID;
gr.delegate = thisDelegate.id;
gr.starts = new Date();
gr.approvals = thisDelegate.approvals;
gr.assignments = thisDelegate.assignments;
gr.notifications = thisDelegate.notifications;
gr.invitations = thisDelegate.invitations;
gs.addInfoMessage('Your Delegate information has been updated.');
function addPersonToList(selected) {
var existing = -1;
for (var i=0; i<data.listItems.length && existing == -1; i++) {
if (data.listItems[i].id == selected) {
existing = i;
if (existing == -1) {
var thisDelegate = {};
thisDelegate.sys_id = 'new';
thisDelegate.id = selected;
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
thisDelegate.delegate = gr.getDisplayValue('name');
thisDelegate.approvals = true;
thisDelegate.assignments = true;
thisDelegate.notifications = true;
thisDelegate.invitations = true;
} else {
data.listItems[existing].removed = false;
input.personToAdd = {};
All of the changes are held in the session until you decide to Save or Cancel, and if you elect to save, then things are updated on the database at that time. On the client side of things, we just have functions to add and remove people from the list, and to handle the two buttons: