“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘Now that’s funny …'”
— Isaac Asimov
Even though we are not quite finished building out our new Subflow just yet, we have enough elements in place that we can try out what we have so far, and see if it actually works. The simplest way to do that would be to create a Webhook Registry that watches a single Incident, and then go make a qualifying change to that Incident and see what happens. Let’s go find an open Incident and then we can set up our registry.
In my instance, INC0000002 seemed like a likely candidate, so I pulled up the list of Webhook Registrations, clicked on the New button, and created the following new Webhook Registry entry to track changes to that specific Incident.
For the URL, I used that same webhook.site address that I had used before so that I could see the result on the other end of the transaction. Once I had saved my new Webhook Registry entry, all I needed to do in order to test it out was to make a change to the Incident. For my first test, I simply changed the Assignment Group from Network to Hardware, which also then removed the Assigned to field value, since the original person specified in that field was not a member of the new Assignment Group. After making the change, I went over to webhook.site to see if anything showed up as a result of that modification. Sure, enough, a new POST had just been received by that site shortly after I saved the record.
Although that proves that the process does indeed work as intended, I did notice one thing that is going to require a little bit of rework. Take a look at the second line of the message property:
Assigned To changed from Howard Johnson to on INC0000002.
The Assigned to field changed from having a value to not having a value. The code that we have in our buildPayload function doesn’t really handle that circumstance in a way that produces the appropriate text to explain that in plain English. Here is the logic that creates that portion of the message:
if (current.assigned_to != previous.assigned_to) {
payload.assigned_to = current.assigned_to;
if (previous.assigned_to) {
payload.message += separator + 'Assigned To changed from ' + previous.assigned_to + ' to ' + current.assigned_to + ' on ' + payload.id + '.';
} else {
payload.message += separator + 'Assigned To set to ' + current.assigned_to + ' on ' + payload.id + '.';
separator = '\n\n';
There is a check to see if the previous value was blank, but there is no check to see if the new value is blank. It wouldn’t take much to throw that in there, though, so let’s go ahead and do that now while we are thinking about it.
if (current.assigned_to != previous.assigned_to) {
payload.assigned_to = current.assigned_to;
if (previous.assigned_to) {
if (current.assigned_to) {
payload.message += separator + 'Assigned To changed from ' + previous.assigned_to + ' to ' + current.assigned_to + ' on ' + payload.id + '.';
} else {
payload.message += separator + 'Assigned To ' + previous.assigned_to + ' removed.';
} else {
payload.message += separator + 'Assigned To set to ' + current.assigned_to + ' on ' + payload.id + '.';
separator = '\n\n';
That’s better. While we are at it, we might as well make the same change to the code for the Assignment group, as that is pretty much a line for line copy of the code for the Assigned to field. Everything else looks to be OK. The State is mandatory, so it will never have a new blank value, and the Comments and Work Notes fields are based on new entries and not on changes to existing entries, so if either of those are ever blank, we won’t be doing anything with them at all.
Still, other than that one little annoying language problem, the test was actually quite successful. Our Business Rule fired, the change was detected, our new Subflow was launched, our payload was generated, and the payload was successfully POSTed to the appropriate URL. All in all, I would have to say that that was a pretty good first test of the process. Obviously, we need to do a lot more testing, but this was a great start.
At this point, all I really wanted to do was to make sure that everything was working so far, which I think we accomplished. Before we do too much more testing, though, I think we need to go back and finish up the rest of the Subflow. We still have to add in the step that logs the activity, and we also have to add any error handling for when things don’t go as planned. Once we build all of that out, then we can do a lot more testing to validate the entire process from end to end. It was good to take a quick break and make sure that everything was working up to this point, but now that we know that it is, we need to get back to work on finishing up our development efforts.