“I dream of men who take the next step instead of worrying about the next thousand steps.”
— Theodore Roosevelt
Last time, we did a little bit of work on the list and form for our new table, and now we need to try it out and make sure that everything works as intended. As we mentioned earlier, we will be using our recent Service Account Management demonstration app as the test case for this project, so let’s pull up the form and start entering some data.

The first thing that we will want to do is to select our Service Account table from the list of tables. Once that has been established, all of the table field drop-down choices will be fields from that table. Now we can select the columns to be used for each of the configuration values that are fields from the specified table.

Here, we run into a little bit of a problem. The fields we need for the Short Description, Description, and Recipient columns are all values from the base table. For the Escalation recipient column, however, what we would really like to specify there is the Manager of the Owner, which is a reference field on the sys_user table called manager. We would normally write that as a dot-walked field name using the value owner.manager. Since this is a drop-down, though, we don’t have that option. We’ll have to do a little research to see if there is a way around that limitation.
Those are the only required fields, so we can save the record at this point, just to establish our new configuration. Once we do that, though, we will want to bring the record back up again, as we need to test out the Test Filter button that we added to the form to make sure that it works. For now, let’s just use active=true as our test filter and see what happens.

Once we save the configuration record with the new filter, we can click on the Test Filter button as see where we land.

Well, there is good news and bad news here. The good news is that we ended up on the Service Account table’s list page, which is where we wanted to be. The bad news is that there are no records being displayed. Fortunately, the reason for that is that I cleared out all of my sample test cases on the instance once that project was complete, so the problem is not because of any flaw in the UI Action. Still, if I want to use the Service Account Management app for testing, I am going to need to recreate some of those test cases before we get too far. Anyway, you can look at the filter display on the list and see that the filter that we entered on the configuration is accurately represented in the resulting list. So that looks good.
There are a lot more fields to enter, but some of them, such as the Resolution Script or the Resolution Subflow will have to wait until we actually build a Script Include or a Subflow. For now, I think we have done enough to check out all of the form customizations, so now it is time to get back to building tables. Next time, we will jump into creating the table that we will use to store the execution information each time the process runs. That one should be pretty straightforward, so maybe we may even get a chance to tackle another one after that.