Scripted Value Columns, Part VIII

“Too many men work on parts of things. Doing a job to completion satisfies me.”
Richard Proenneke

Last time, we wanted to wrap up the modifications on the last two wrapper widgets and put out a new Update Set, but we discovered that we missed an important element in our list of things that would need to be modified, the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector widget. We need to take a look at that guy and see what needs to be done to accommodate scripted value columns, and then retest the third wrapper widget, which shares the page with this component.

A quick scan of the Server script for aggarray comes up empty, but in the Client script, we come across this:

s.aggregates = '';
if (tableInfo[state].aggarray && Array.isArray(tableInfo[state].aggarray) && tableInfo[state].aggarray.length > 0) {
	s.aggregates = JSON.stringify(tableInfo[state].aggarray);

Making a copy of that and doing a little string replacement here and there gives us an equivalent block of code for the new scripted value column configurations.

s.scripteds = '';
if (tableInfo[state].svcarray && Array.isArray(tableInfo[state].svcarray) && tableInfo[state].svcarray.length > 0) {
	s.scripteds = JSON.stringify(tableInfo[state].svcarray);

And that seems to be all there is to that. Now we can go back to our last test and run it again to see if that fixed our problem.

Successful test of the third wrapper widget

That’s better! Now we have a column for the Last Comment, and we even have a row with some data in it. Good deal. And just to check on the content selector widget, we can look at the URL that it built to see how the configuration options for the scripted value columns appeared in the URL.

/sp?id=my_things&table=incident&filter=caller_idDYNAMIC90d1921e5f510100a9ad2572f2b477fe^active%3Dtrue&fields=number,opened_by,opened_at,short_description&scripteds=[{"heading":"Last Comment","name":"last_comment","label":"Last Comment","script":"global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider"}]&aggregates=&buttons=&refpage={"sys_user":"user_profile"}&px=requester&sx=open&spa=1&p=1&o=opened_at&d=asc

Well, that’s the whole thing, but we can zoom in on the part in which we have an interest.

scripteds=[{"heading":"Last Comment","name":"last_comment","label":"Last Comment","script":"global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider"}]

So that is the last of the wrapper widgets, and unless we have left something else out, that’s the last of the work to be done to implement this new feature. Now all that is left is to bundle the whole thing up into a new Update Set and post it out on Share as a new version.

Here is the new Update Set, and here is where you can find it on Share. If you happen to use it, find it to be of value, or run into any issues, please let us all know in the comments below.