Scripted Value Columns, Enhanced, Part III

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”
Scott Belsky

Last time, we played around with the Customer column in our new example data table, and today we will jump back over to the Labor Hours column and see if we can create that mouse-over breakdown of who put in the hours. The first thing that we will need to do is to gather up the data, so will need to add a groupBy to our GlideAggregate so that we can obtain the hours per technician.

var timeGA = new GlideAggregate('time_card');
timeGA.addQuery('task', item.sys_id);
timeGA.addAggregate('SUM', 'total');

Once we have the data, we will need to format it for display. There are a number of different ways that we can approach this, including straight CSS and many creative variations, but the easiest thing to do is to just use the title attribute of a span, which seems to accomplish the same thing.

Mouseover breakdown of labor hours

To create the text, we can establish some variables before we go into the while loop, and then inside the loop we can build up the text, one person’s hours at a time.

var hours = 0;
var tooltip = '';
var separator = '';
var timeGA = new GlideAggregate('time_card');
timeGA.addQuery('task', item.sys_id);
timeGA.addAggregate('SUM', 'total');
while ( {
	var total = timeGA.getAggregate('SUM', 'total') * 1;
	hours += total;
	tooltip += separator + timeGA.getDisplayValue('user') + ' - ' + total.toFixed(2);
	separator = '\n';

Once we accumulate the total hours and build up the tooltip text, we can then format the HTML we want, but only when there are hours charged to the task.

if (hours > 0) {
	response = '<span style="text-align: right; width: 100%;" title="' + tooltip + '">' + hours.toFixed(2) + '</span>';

Putting it all together, our new function to provide right-justified total hours with a mouseover breakdown looks like this:

getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var hours = 0;
	var tooltip = '';
	var separator = '';
	var timeGA = new GlideAggregate('time_card');
	timeGA.addQuery('task', item.sys_id);
	timeGA.addAggregate('SUM', 'total');
	while ( {
		var total = timeGA.getAggregate('SUM', 'total') * 1;
		hours += total;
		tooltip += separator + timeGA.getDisplayValue('user') + ' - ' + total.toFixed(2);
		separator = '\n';
	if (hours > 0) {
		response = '<span style="text-align: right; width: 100%;" title="' + tooltip + '">' + hours.toFixed(2) + '</span>';

	return response;

I think that is enough examples for folks to get the basic idea. Adding the ability to include HTML with a scripted value opens up a number of possibilities. We have just explored a couple of them here, but I am sure that specific requirements will drive many other variations from those willing to give it a try and see what they can do with it.

Here is an Update Set with the modifications, including this new example page. Feedback can be left here in the comments, or in the discussion area where it has been posted out on Share. If you have been able to utilize this feature for anything interesting, a screenshot would definitely be something in which folks would have an interest, so please let us all in on what you were able to accomplish.

Collaboration Store, Part LXXIV

“Mistakes should be examined, learned from, and discarded; not dwelled upon and stored.”
Tim Fargo

Last time, we attempted to solve the problem of the instance logo image not being captured during the initial set-up process. Although the modifications that we made resolved the problem for a Host instance set-up, there is still a problem with the Client instances, as there is still no code in the set-up process that sends the logo image over the Host during registration. The periodic instance sync process won’t resolve that issue, either, as that compares what the Host has with what the Clients have, and the Host was never sent the image. We need to add some additional logic to send over the image when the Client is first registered with the Host. Here is the relevant code from the set-up widget:

if (data.instance_type == 'host') {
} else {
	var resp = csu.registerWithHost(mbrGR);
	if (resp.status == '202') {
		mbrGR.instance = input.store_info.instance;
		mbrGR.accepted = input.store_info.accepted;
		mbrGR.description = input.store_info.description; =; =;
		mbrGR.token = input.store_info.sys_id; = true; = true;
	} else {
		var errMsg = resp.error_message;
		if (resp.obj && resp.obj.result && resp.obj.result.error) {
			errMsg = resp.obj.result.error.message + ': ' + resp.obj.result.error.detail;
		data.validationError = true;

All we are doing here is sending over the basic information about the Client for the instance record on the Host, and then creating a record in our own instance table for the Host instance. There is no attempt to send over the associated logo image. We should be able to add a little something right after we fix the REST API log records that were created before the Host instance record was built.

if (logoId) {
	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (attachmentGR.get(logoId)) {
		csu.pushImageAttachment(attachmentGR, mbrGR, 'x_11556_col_store_member_organization',;

There are a couple of issues with this code, however. The first problem is that we are reusing the instance GlideRecord for both the Client instance as well as the Host instance, so if we want the logo sys_id from the Client instance, we need to grab that and save it before we initialize the record and start building the record for the Host instance.

var logoId = mbrGR.getValue('logo');
mbrGR.instance = input.store_info.instance;
mbrGR.accepted = input.store_info.accepted;
mbrGR.description = input.store_info.description; =; =;
mbrGR.token = input.store_info.sys_id; = true; = true;
if (logoId) {
	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
	if (attachmentGR.get(logoId)) {
		csu.pushImageAttachment(attachmentGR, mbrGR, 'x_11556_col_store_member_organization',;

The other problem is that we need the sys_id of the Client instance record on the Host system, and the current registration process does not send back the sys_id of the instance record created during registration. We have to have that so that we can attach the logo image to that record, so we will need to go into the function that processes the registration request and add that data point to the response.

processRegistrationRequest: function(data) {
	var result = {body: {error: {}, status: 'failure'}};

	var mbrGR = new GlideRecord('x_11556_col_store_member_organization');
	if (mbrGR.get('instance', data.instance)) {
		result.status = 400;
		result.body.error.message = 'Duplicate registration error';
		result.body.error.detail = 'This instance has already been registered with this store.';
	} else {
		mbrGR.initialize(); =;
		mbrGR.instance = data.instance; =;
		mbrGR.description = data.description;
		mbrGR.token = data.sys_id; = true; = false;
		mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
		if (mbrGR.insert()) {
			result.status = 202;
			delete result.body.error; = {}; = 'Registration complete'; = 'This instance has been successfully registered with this store.'; = mbrGR.getUniqueValue();
			result.body.status = 'success';
			sn_fd.FlowAPI.startSubflow('New_Collaboration_Store_Instance', {new_instance: data.instance});
		} else {
			result.status = 500;
			result.body.error.message = 'Internal server error';
			result.body.error.detail = 'There was a problem processing this registration request.';

	return result;

That should do it. Now, not only are we able to capture the logo image during the initial set-up process, if the instance is a Client instance, we also send that logo image over to the Host so that it can be distributed to all of the other Client instances. Of course, now we need a new Update Set that includes all of these changes, so here you go:

Same rules apply as before; this is a drop-in replacement for any of the previous 0.7.x version. More information on previewing, committing, and testing can be found here and here and here. And as always, feedback of any kind in the comments section is welcome, encouraged, and very much appreciated. Any and all information on your experiences, positive, negative, or otherwise, would be very welcome, and will give us a little something to review next time out.

Note to testers: On this version, it might be worthwhile to delete all of the instance records on your Host instance and have all of your Client instances re-register using a logo image to make sure all of this works. If all goes well, the logo images for all instances and all apps should appear on all instances. If you run into any issues, please report them in the comments, and if everything works out, please let us know that as well — thanks!

Scripted Value Columns, Enhanced, Part II

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller

Last time, we tinkered with the Scripted Value Columns section of the SNH Data Table Widgets, and created an example Task list using an aggregation of labor hours as a demonstration of how you can include HTML with your returned value. Today we will have a look at another scripted column in that example, the Customer column.

There are quite a number of extensions to the core Task table in ServiceNow, all of which share the same core list of fields. One of those fields is called opened_by, and identifies the person who was signed on to the system when the task was initially opened. That person is not necessarily the customer, though. In the case of an Incident, for example, that is more likely to be a call center agent who took the call, not the person who is reporting the issue. There is no core table field to represent the customer. Each extension of the Task table has its own way of identifying the person awaiting the completion of the task. Using the scripted value column feature, though, you can create a “customer” column by looking at the type of task, and then grabbing the value of the field that is appropriate for that particular type.

getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var table = item.sys_class_name.value;
	var field = 'opened_by';
	if (table == 'incident') {
		field = 'caller_id';
	} else if (table == 'sc_request') {
		field = 'requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'sc_req_item') {
		field = 'request.requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'sc_task') {
		field = 'request_item.request.requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'change_request') {
		field = 'requested_by';
	var taskGR = new GlideRecord(table);
	if (taskGR.get(item.sys_id)) {
		if (taskGR.getValue(field) > '') {
			response = taskGR.getDisplayValue(field);

	return response;

This particular example handles incidents, catalog activity, and change requests, but could easily be modified to handle any number of other types of extensions to the core task table. This just returns the value, though. If you wanted to make the field a link to the user profile page, for example, you could do something like this.

getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var table = item.sys_class_name.value;
	var field = 'opened_by';
	if (table == 'incident') {
		field = 'caller_id';
	} else if (table == 'sc_request') {
		field = 'requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'sc_req_item') {
		field = 'request.requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'sc_task') {
		field = 'request_item.request.requested_for';
	} else if (table == 'change_request') {
		field = 'requested_by';
	var taskGR = new GlideRecord(table);
	if (taskGR.get(item.sys_id)) {
		if (taskGR.getValue(field) > '') {
			var sysId = taskGR.getValue(field);
			var name = taskGR.getDisplayValue(field);
			response += '<a href="?id=user_profile&table=sys_user&sys_id=';
			response += sysId;
			response += '" aria-label="${Click for more on }';
			response += name;
			response += '">';
			response += name;
			response += '</a>\n';

	return response;

That would provide an output such as this.

Customer column as link to user profile page

The one thing that the Customer column does not have that the Assigned to column, which is a standard SNH Data Table user reference, does have is the user avatar image. That’s easily done with the sn-avatar tag, but that tag is not simple HTML, and not processed using the ng-bind-html attribute. Theoretically, it can be processed using the sc-bind-html-compile attribute, but I have never had any luck in utilizing this component. I tried it, and couldn’t get it to work, so I gave up and went back to using the ng-bind-html attribute. So, there is no user avatar in this version. Maybe one day I will figure that out, but that day is not today.

Speaking of figuring things out one day, I still have not been able to get rid of that extra line that appears when there is an image available for the avatar. If you look at the example above, the lines with an avatar image are wider than the lines where that field is blank, or the initials are used in place of an image. This because there is an extra carriage return in there that expands the height of the line. Only when there is an actual image does this occur, but it shouldn’t occur at all. If there is some grand master CSS wizard out there who understands why this is happening and can explain it to me, or better yet, tell me what I can do to prevent it, I would be forever in your debt. I have not been able to figure that one out.

One other thing that you may have noticed in that image is that I got rid of the 0.00 value for tasks that had no hours charged to them. I like that better, and that was a pretty simple thing to do. I still want to have some kind of mouse-over display of who logged the hours, so maybe we will take a look at that next time out.

Scripted Value Columns, Enhanced

“Never let an inventor run a company. You can never get him to stop tinkering and bring something to market.”
Ernst Friedrich Schumacher

Since I posted a new version of the SNH Data Table Widgets out on Share with the new Scripted Value Columns feature, I have been playing around with it for various purposes, and have decided to make a little tweak to the core Data Table widget to accommodate some additional capabilities. My interest was in having the value provider script have the ability to return HTML as part of the value, which I was able to do, but when I did that, the table would simply display the HTML as text rather than process it to format the value. So I dug into the HTML in the core SNH Data Table widget and changed this:

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.svcValue" role="cell" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">

… to this:

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.svcValue" role="cell" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
  <span ng-bind-html="obj.value"></span>

That sort of worked, but it still stripped out some portions of the HTML for safety reasons. To get around that problem, I had to change things to this:

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.svcValue" role="cell" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
  <span ng-bind-html="trustAsHtml(obj.value)"></span>

… and then add this new function to the Client script of the widget:

$scope.trustAsHtml = function(string) {
	return $sce.trustAsHtml(string);

That was better, but still not exactly what I wanted, because when I tried to right justify some numeric values, they still came out on the left. The data was on the right side of the span, but the span was only as wide as the data, so that really did not do what I wanted. I wanted the data to be on the right side of the table cell, not the span inside of the table cell. However, I was able to solve that problem with a little extra style magic, so now I had this.

<td ng-repeat="obj in item.svcValue" role="cell" class="sp-list-cell" ng-class="{selected: item.selected}" tabindex="0">
  <span ng-bind-html="trustAsHtml(obj.value)" style="display: flex;"></span>

Even better, but still not exactly what I wanted. With the display set to flex, the carriage returns above and below the span end up rendered in the cell along with the (finally!) right-justified value. To solve that problem, I ended up putting the td, the span, and the closing td tags all on one line with no white space of any kind in between. Now I finally had what I was after. I just needed to do a little trial and error to see what I could do with it.

I was working on a list of assigned Tasks for any given Assignment Group, and one of the columns that I wanted to include on the list was the number of hours spent on the tasks so far. To get the value, I used a GlideAggregate on the time_card table.

var hours = 0;
var timeGA = new GlideAggregate('time_card');
timeGA.addQuery('task', item.sys_id);
timeGA.addAggregate('SUM', 'total');
if ( {
	hours = timeGA.getAggregate('SUM', 'total');

That gave me the number of hours charged to the task from anyone from any group, whether or not the Time Card had been approved. I could have run a different query for a different number, but this was the data that I wanted to display on the table. Returning the hours value alone aligned the column on the left, though, and I wanted the values to be right justified. With the modifications made to core data table widget above, I was able to wrap the value with a right justified span and obtain the result that I wanted to see.

return '<span style="text-align: right; width: 100%;">' + (hours * 1).toFixed(2) + '</span>';

Things just look better with numbers lined up on the right.

Hours column lined up on the right

I like it, but there are still some things that we could do to make it better. It would be nice to know who put in these hours. Maybe a tooltip with a breakdown or a modal pop-up with the details would be nice. Also, it might be nice to have nothing at all in the column if the value is zero. That would make the rows with values stand out a little more. So many possibilities …

Oh, and we haven’t even begun to take a look at that Customer column just yet. Let’s play around with that and more next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXXIII

“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.”
Elbert Hubbard

Last time, we went over some of the remaining problems with this iteration of the software, and stopped short of providing a remedy for one of the issues, the fact that there is no capacity to include an instance logo image during the initial set-up process. Today we will take a look at correcting that design flaw.

Not one to create anything from scratch when someone else might have already put in all of that effort, I looked around for a portal page that had an image upload feature already in place. It turns out that the stock user_profile page, which uses the User Profile widget, has just the sort of thing that I was thinking of.

Stock User Profile page with existing image upload feature

Starting with the HTML, I dug into the code for the page and identified this section as pertaining to the image and upload button.

<div class="row">
  <div class="avatar-extra-large avatar-container" style="cursor:default;">
    <div class="avatar soloAvatar bottom">
      <div class="sub-avatar mia" ng-style="avatarPicture"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></div>
<div class="row">
  <button ng-if="::connectEnabled()" ng-click="openConnectConversation()" type="button"
          class="btn btn-primary send-message"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment pad-right"></span>${Message}</button>
  <!-- file upload -->
  <span ng-if="::data.isLoggedInUsersProfile">
    <input ng-show="false" type="file" accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/bmp,image/x-windows-bmp,image/gif,image/x-icon,image/svg+xml" ng-file-select="attachFiles({files: $files})" />
    <button ng-click="uploadNewProfilePicture($event)"
            ng-keypress="uploadNewProfilePicture($event)" type="button"
            class="btn btn-default send-message">${Upload Picture}</button>

It was all pretty close to what I wanted, but I did make a few little tweaks here and there and finally ended up with this.

<div class="row" style="padding: 15px;">
  <div class="avatar-extra-large avatar-container" style="cursor:default;">
    <div class="avatar soloAvatar bottom">
      <div class="sub-avatar mia" ng-style="instanceLogoImage"><i class="fa fa-image"></i></div>
<div class="row" style="padding: 15px;">
  <input ng-show="false" type="file" accept="image/jpeg,image/png,image/bmp,image/x-windows-bmp,image/gif,image/x-icon,image/svg+xml" ng-file-select="attachFiles({files: $files})" />
  <button ng-click="uploadInstanceLogoImage($event)"
          ng-keypress="uploadInstanceLogoImage($event)" type="button"
          class="btn btn-default send-message">${Upload Instance Logo Image}</button>

Without bothering to build out the referenced functions to make it all actually work, I could still pull the page up and see how it rendered out at this point, just to get an idea of how it was going to look.

New initial set-up page with added logo image feature

So that looks pretty good. Now we need to add the client-side code needed to make it work. As with the HTML, we will turn to the User Profile widget to find some code to start out with.

$scope.uploadNewProfilePicture = function($event) {
	if($event.keyCode === 9) {
	var $el = $element.find('input[type=file]');

$scope.attachFiles = function(files) {
	var file = files.files[0];

	var validImage = false;

	switch(file.type) {
		case 'image/jpeg':
		case 'image/png':
		case 'image/bmp':
		case 'image/x-windows-bmp':
		case 'image/gif':
		case 'image/x-icon':
		case 'image/svg+xml':
			validImage = true;

	if(!validImage) {
		alert( + " " + i18n.getMessage("isn't a recognized image file format"));

	snAttachmentHandler.create("live_profile", $, {
		sysparm_fieldname: "photo"
	}).then(function(response) {
		var obj = {};
		obj.newAvatarId = response.sys_id;
		$scope.avatarPicture = {
			'background-image': "url('" + response.sys_id + ".iix')",
			'color': 'transparent'
		$rootScope.$broadcast("sp.avatar_changed", obj);
		// timeout is required for screen reader to pick up the message once file upload prompt is dismissed
		$timeout(function() {
		   spAriaUtil.sendLiveMessage(i18n.getMessage('Profile picture updated successfully'));
		}, 500);

$scope.avatarPicture = "";

$http.get('/api/now/live/profiles/sys_user.' + $ (response) {
	if ( &&{
		var avatarPicture ="?t=small", "");
		$scope.avatarPicture = {
			'background-image': "url('" + avatarPicture + "')",
			'color': 'transparent'

Once again, I went through the code and made a few minimal modifications to make things work for our purpose and ended up with this.

$scope.uploadInstanceLogoImage = function($event) {
	if($event.keyCode === 9) {
	var $el = $element.find('input[type=file]');

$scope.attachFiles = function(files) {
	var file = files.files[0];

	var validImage = false;

	switch(file.type) {
		case 'image/jpeg':
		case 'image/png':
		case 'image/bmp':
		case 'image/x-windows-bmp':
		case 'image/gif':
		case 'image/x-icon':
		case 'image/svg+xml':
			validImage = true;

	if(!validImage) {
		alert( + " " + i18n.getMessage("isn't a recognized image file format"));

	snAttachmentHandler.create('x_11556_col_store_member_organization', $, {
		sysparm_fieldname: "logo"
	}).then(function(response) {
		$scope.instanceLogoImage = {
			'background-image': "url('" + response.sys_id + ".iix')",
			'color': 'transparent'

$scope.instanceLogoImage = "";

All of that would work great just as it is except for one thing: the snAttachmentHandler.create function wants to attach the file to an existing record, and the current design of the process doesn’t actually create the record in the database until after the Host instance accepts the registration request. We had that same problem with the Update Set XML file during the application publishing process, and I ended up attaching the file to the system application record, and then copying it over to the version record later, once the version record was created. Here, though, there really isn’t a record to which it could be attached temporarily, so in order for this to work, I am going to have to go ahead and create the record up front, and then do an update instead of an insert once the Host has granted access to the community. That took a little bit of re-engineering, but once that was done, everything seemed to work out OK. This is something that really needs to be tested thoroughly, though, but just from my cursory check-out it appears to be functioning as desired.

Image upload function in operation

With that up and running, it is time to release yet another Update Set for testing purposes. As with the 0.7.1 release, this should be a straight drop-in replacement for the 0.7/0.7.1 Update Set, and all of the other artifacts should be OK just as they are.

More information on previewing, committing, and testing can be found here and here and here. As always, feedback of any kind in the comments section is welcome, encouraged, and very much appreciated. Any information on your experiences is always a treat, and will give us a little something to review next time out.

Collaboration Store, Part LXXII

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.”
Steve Jobs

Last time, we put out a new version of the Scoped Application Update Set that addressed a few of the reported issues. There are still a few unresolved issues, however, and some that have not even been discussed as yet. One that was reported last time, which I have been able to replicate, is a Commit failure of an attempted insert on the sys_scope_privilege table.

Duplicate entry ‘5b9c19242f6030104425fcecf699b6ec-global-sys_app_module-sys_db…’ for key ‘source_scope_2’

This causes the Update Set commit to be reported as a failure, even though everything else was installed without issue and everything works just fine despite this particular problem. I searched through the Update Set hoping to find an update that was in there twice for this item, but it only appears once, so I am not sure why we would be getting a duplicate entry error. The entry says ‘INSERT OR UPDATE’, so you would think that it would know if it was already there and do an UPDATE instead of an INSERT, but that’s obviously not what is happening. I’m going to have to do a little more research to see if I can find the cause of this one. Even though it doesn’t seem to hurt anything, I don’t like it and I would like to figure out how to prevent that from happening.

The other thing that seems to happen to folks during the Preview phase is that they run into a number of issues that need to be addressed and the Preview never runs clean. Up to this point, my recommendation has been to just accept all remote updates and then do the Commit. There are two areas, though, where I now believe that it would be better to skip the updates rather than accept them. One is any update related to System Properties and the other is any update related to the left navigation menu items. Once you have gone through the set-up process, the property values have all been establish based on the information entered during set-up. You do not want to overlay those with an Update Set or you will have to go through the set-up process all over again. Also, once you complete the set-up process, the set-up menu item is deactivated and all of the other menu items are revealed. You don’t want that to be reverted either, so if you are installing an update over an existing installation that has already been set up, you should skip any update related to these two items. All of the rest, you should still go ahead and accept. I don’t like having to have these kinds of specialized instructions, though, so I am going to be looking at ways to restructure things so that this is not an issue. The goal would be to always have a clean Preview and a clean Commit, regardless of whether it was a fresh install or an update of an existing install.

One issue that I did attempt to correct in the most recent version was the attachment copy problem, a problem that resulted in the attachment of the wrong file to the version record. It turns out that this bad code was replicated a number of times and was only fixed in one place. To correct that problem, and to make future maintenance a little easier, I built a common attachment copy function that contained the corrected code, and then called that function from every place that previously had a copy of the incorrect logic.

copyAttachment: function(fromTable, fromId, toTable, toId, attachmentId) {
	var response = {success: false};

	var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
	var values = gsa.copy(fromTable, fromId, toId, toId);
	if (values.length > 0) {
		for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
			var ids = values[i].split(',');
			if (ids[0] == attachmentId) {
				response.success = true;
				response.newId = ids[1];
			} else {
	} else {
		response.error = 'Unrecognized response from attachment copy: ' +  JSON.stringify(values) + '\nFrom table: ' + fromTable +'; From ID: ' + fromId + '; To table: ' + toTable +'; To ID: ' + toId + '; Sys ID: ' + attachmentId;

	return response;

Once that was in place, I updated the functions that previously included that code to just call that function and evaluate the results.

processPhase4: function(answer) {
	var response = this.CSU.copyAttachment('sys_app', answer.appSysId, 'x_11556_col_store_member_application_version', answer.versionId, answer.attachmentId);
	if (response.success) {
		answer.attachmentId = response.newId;
	} else {
		answer = this.processError(answer, 'Copy of Update Set XML file failed - ' + response.error);

	return answer;

This code works for both Update Set XML files as well as logo image files.

copyLogoImage: function(sysAppGR, applicationGR) {
	var logoId = '';

	var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
	var response = csu.copyAttachment('ZZ_YYx_11556_col_store_member_application', applicationGR.getUniqueValue(), 'ZZ_YYsys_app', sysAppGR.getUniqueValue(), applicationGR.getValue('logo'));
	if (response.success) {
		logoId = response.newId;
	} else {
		gs.error('Copy of application logo image failed - ' + response.error);

	return logoId;

Speaking of logo image files, when I updated everything to include logo images for each instance, I neglected to add an image upload function to the initial set-up process. Since the Host’s data for each Client instance is collected during the set-up process, no Client instances will have logo images on the Host, which means no logo images will ever be shared with other Clients. I need to fix that, and then release yet another bug-fix Update Set that will address as many of these issues as possible. Adding the image upload to the set-up process may get a little involved, so let’s save that for our next installment.

Scripted Value Columns, Part VIII

“Too many men work on parts of things. Doing a job to completion satisfies me.”
Richard Proenneke

Last time, we wanted to wrap up the modifications on the last two wrapper widgets and put out a new Update Set, but we discovered that we missed an important element in our list of things that would need to be modified, the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector widget. We need to take a look at that guy and see what needs to be done to accommodate scripted value columns, and then retest the third wrapper widget, which shares the page with this component.

A quick scan of the Server script for aggarray comes up empty, but in the Client script, we come across this:

s.aggregates = '';
if (tableInfo[state].aggarray && Array.isArray(tableInfo[state].aggarray) && tableInfo[state].aggarray.length > 0) {
	s.aggregates = JSON.stringify(tableInfo[state].aggarray);

Making a copy of that and doing a little string replacement here and there gives us an equivalent block of code for the new scripted value column configurations.

s.scripteds = '';
if (tableInfo[state].svcarray && Array.isArray(tableInfo[state].svcarray) && tableInfo[state].svcarray.length > 0) {
	s.scripteds = JSON.stringify(tableInfo[state].svcarray);

And that seems to be all there is to that. Now we can go back to our last test and run it again to see if that fixed our problem.

Successful test of the third wrapper widget

That’s better! Now we have a column for the Last Comment, and we even have a row with some data in it. Good deal. And just to check on the content selector widget, we can look at the URL that it built to see how the configuration options for the scripted value columns appeared in the URL.

/sp?id=my_things&amp;table=incident&amp;filter=caller_idDYNAMIC90d1921e5f510100a9ad2572f2b477fe^active%3Dtrue&amp;fields=number,opened_by,opened_at,short_description&amp;scripteds=[{"heading":"Last Comment","name":"last_comment","label":"Last Comment","script":"global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider"}]&amp;aggregates=&amp;buttons=&amp;refpage={"sys_user":"user_profile"}&amp;px=requester&amp;sx=open&amp;spa=1&amp;p=1&amp;o=opened_at&amp;d=asc

Well, that’s the whole thing, but we can zoom in on the part in which we have an interest.

scripteds=[{"heading":"Last Comment","name":"last_comment","label":"Last Comment","script":"global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider"}]

So that is the last of the wrapper widgets, and unless we have left something else out, that’s the last of the work to be done to implement this new feature. Now all that is left is to bundle the whole thing up into a new Update Set and post it out on Share as a new version.

Here is the new Update Set, and here is where you can find it on Share. If you happen to use it, find it to be of value, or run into any issues, please let us all know in the comments below.

Collaboration Store, Part LXXI

“Continuous delivery without continuous feedback is very, very dangerous.”
Colin Humphreys

Last time, we started to tackle some of the issues that were reported with the last set of Update Sets released for this project. Today we need to attempt to address a couple more things and then put out another version with all of the latest corrections. One of the issues that was reported was that the application publishing failed because the Host instance was unavailable. While technically not a problem with the software, it seems rather rude to allow the user to go through half of the process only to find out right in the middle that things cannot proceed. A better approach would be check on the Host first, and then only proceed if the Host is up and running.

We already have a function to contact the Host and obtain its information. We should be able to leverage that existing function in a new client-callable function in our ApplicationPublisher Script Include.

verifyHost: function() {
	var hostAvailable = 'false';
	if (gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance') == gs.getProperty('instance_name')) {
		hostAvailable = 'true';
	} else {
		var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
		var resp = csu.getStoreInfo(gs.getProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance'));
		if (resp.status == '200' && > '') {
			hostAvailable = 'true';

	return hostAvailable;

First we check to see if this is the Host instance, and if not, then we attempt to contact the Host instance to verify that it is currently online. To invoke this new function, we modify the UI Action that launches the application publishing process and add a new function ahead of the existing function that kicks off the process.

function verifyHost() {
	var ga = new GlideAjax('ApplicationPublisher');
	ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'verifyHost');
	ga.getXMLAnswer(function (answer) {
		if (answer == 'true') {
		} else {
			g_form.addErrorMessage('This application cannot be published at this time because the Collaboration Store Host is offline.');

With this code in place, if you attempt to publish a new version of the application and the Host is unreachable, the publication process will not start, and you will be notified that the Host is down.

Error message when Host instance is not available for accepting new versions

That’s a little nicer than just throwing an error half way through the process. This way, if the Host is out of service for any reason, the publishing process will not even begin.

I still do not have a solution for the application logo image that would not copy, but these other issues that have been resolved should be tested out, so I think it is time for a new Update Set for those folks kind enough to try things out and provide feedback. There were no changes to any of the globals, so v0.7 of those artifacts should still be good, but the Scoped Application contains a number of corrections, so here is a replacement for the earlier v0.7 that folks have been testing out.

If you have already been testing, this should just drop in on top of the old; however, if this is your first time, or you are trying to install this on a fresh instance, you will want to follow the installation instructions found here, and just replace the main Update Set with the one above. Thanks once again to all of you who have provided (or are about to provide!) feedback. It is always welcome and very much appreciated. Hopefully, this version will resolve some of those earlier issues and we can move on to discovering new issues that have yet to be detected. If we get any additional feedback, we will take a look at that next time out.

Scripted Value Columns, Part VII

“Unplanned occurrences are reminders to check your tendency to think that you’re the one in control.”
James Martin

Last time, we created another example of how one might utilize the new scripted value column feature, this time with catalog item variables instead of Incident journal entries. There are a number of other things that we could try, but two examples should be enough to get the point across, and I’ll leave it to others to come up with additional examples of their own.

We still have two more wrapper widgets to update, though, and we still have that annoying misalignment between the original columns and the new. Here is the way things come out right now:

Misalignment of original columns and new columns

… and here is the way that it should look:

Correct alignment of original columns and new columns

I was able to capture that second image because I found and fixed the problem. I had to replace this HTML:

<sn-avatar ng-if="item[field].value && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].table == 'sys_user'" primary="item[field].value" class="avatar-small" show-presence="true" enable-context-menu="false"></sn-avatar>
<a ng-if="$first" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="go(item.targetTable, item)" aria-label="${Open record}: {{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
<a ng-if="!$first && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].value" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="referenceClick(field, item)" aria-label="${Click for more on }{{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
<span ng-if="!$first && item[field].type != 'reference'">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</span>   

… with this:

<span style="display: inline-flex;">
  <span style="display: inline-flex;" ng-if="item[field].value && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].table == 'sys_user'">
    <sn-avatar primary="item[field].value" class="avatar-small" show-presence="true" enable-context-menu="false"></sn-avatar>
  <a ng-if="$first" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="go(item.targetTable, item)" aria-label="${Open record}: {{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
  <a ng-if="!$first && item[field].type == 'reference' && item[field].value" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="referenceClick(field, item)" aria-label="${Click for more on }{{::item[field].display_value}}">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</a>
  <span ng-if="!$first && item[field].type != 'reference'">{{::item[field].display_value | limitTo : item[field].limit}}{{::item[field].display_value.length > item[field].limit ? '...' : ''}}</span>

Now, without getting into too much detail that no one really cares about, the source of the problem was the sn-avatar tag, which I added a while back so that user columns would have the avatar in front of the name. For some reason, the tag renders out a carriage return and a handful of spaces just before the avatar image. With the ng-if attribute set to false, this collection of white space is still rendered on the page, even when the avatar itself is not. I solved that problem by wrapping the avatar tag with a span and putting the ng-if attribute on the outer span rather than on the sn-avatar tag. That took care of things for columns where there was no avatar, but the user columns, which show the avatar, were still out of alignment with the rest of the columns. Adding style=”display: inline-flex; took care of that problem with the avatar, but then the user name ended up underneath the avatar instead of next to it. To solve that problem, I wrapped the whole thing in another span with the same style attribute. Now everything lines up the way that it should.

Now that that is out of the way, we still have two more wrapper widgets to update. Let’s jump into the SNH Data Table from Instance Definition and do the same kind of searching we did before, looking for some code that might need to be copied and modified. On this particular widget, such a search turns up nothing at all in either the Server script or the Client script, so the only thing that we really need to do is to add another entry to the Option schema for our new scripted value column specification.

{"hint":"A JSON object containing the specifications for scripted value columns",
"label":"Scripted Value Column Specifications (JSON)",

To test this, we can modify our scripted_value_test_2 page to use this widget instead of the SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget, and then transfer our configuration options from the Script Include to the widget options.

Widget configuration options for the modified wrapper widget

Now all we need to do is to save it and then run out to the Service Portal and take a quick peek.

Testing the modified SNH Data Table from JSON Configuration widget

So that all looks good. And much, much better now that the column data all lines up as it should! It’s nice to finally have that fixed. That takes care of wrapper widget #2. Now let’s take a look at that last one, the SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget. The only line that appears to require modification is this one:

copyParameters(data, ['aggregates', 'buttons', 'refpage', 'bulkactions']);

… which we can convert to this to pick up our new configuration option:

copyParameters(data, ['scripteds', 'aggregates', 'buttons', 'refpage', 'bulkactions']);

Now we need to test it, so we will need to find or create a page that use this widget. Let’s take a look at the ones that are already out there by checking out the Related List down at the bottom of the form.

Pages that use the SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget

The page my_things looks like a good candidate, so we can take a look at the configuration script that it uses and then edit it to add one or more scripted value columns. One of the tables utilized on that page is the Incident table, so let’s go ahead and use our existing value provider script to add a journal entry column to one of those.

name: 'incident',
displayName: 'Incident',
open: {
	filter: 'caller_idDYNAMIC90d1921e5f510100a9ad2572f2b477fe^active=true',
	fields: 'number,opened_by,opened_at,short_description',
	svcarray: [{
		name: 'last_comment',
		label: 'Last Comment',
		heading: 'Last Comment',
		script: 'global.ScriptedJournalValueProvider'
	aggarray: [],
	btnarray: [],
	refmap: {
		sys_user: 'user_profile'
	actarray: []

Now let’s take a look.

First test of the modified SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget

Well, that didn’t work! It’s always something. Even if there were no comments on any of these Incidents, we should still have a column heading for our new scripted value column. I don’t think this problem is in the widget that we just modified, however. This widget shares the page with the Configurable Data Table Widget Content Selector widget, and that is a widget that we have not even touched. That is going to have to be modified to accommodate our new feature as well, as it builds the URL that the SNH Data Table from URL Definition widget turns to for its configuration information. This was not on our list of things to do for this feature, but it definitely needs to be done.

I was hoping to wrap things up with this installment, but now we have a new widget to modify and more testing to do, so I think we will just save all of that, plus the Update Set creation, for our next time out.

Scripted Value Columns, Part VI

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last time, we used the new scripted value columns feature to create columns from the comments and work notes of an Incident. Today we are going to do something similar, but instead of working with journal entries, we will try something with the optional variables that can be associated with Service Catalog items. For our demonstration, we will use the Executive Desktop catalog item, which has a number of defined ordering options.

Executive Desktop catalog item

Let’s see if we can’t create a list of all orders for this item, and include some of the catalog item variables on the list. To begin, let’s make another copy of our example scripted value provider and call it ScriptedCatalogValueProvider.

var ScriptedCatalogValueProvider = Class.create();
ScriptedCatalogValueProvider.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '';

	type: 'ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'

Let’s also make a copy of our last configuration script and change things over from the Incident table to the Requested Item table, and define some scripted value columns for some of the catalog item variables associated with this item.

var ScriptedValueConfig2 = Class.create();
ScriptedValueConfig2.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ContentSelectorConfig, {
	initialize: function() {

	perspective: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'all',
		roles: ''

	state: [{
		name: 'all',
		label: 'All'

	table: {
		all: [{
			name: 'sc_req_item',
			displayName: 'Requested Item',
			all: {
				filter: 'cat_item=e46305bdc0a8010a00645e608031eb0f',
				fields: 'number,request,requested_for',
				svcarray: [{
					name: 'cpu',
					label: 'CPU Speed',
					heading: 'CPU Speed',
					script: 'global.ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'
					name: 'memory',
					label: 'Memory',
					heading: 'Memory',
					script: 'global.ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'
					name: 'drive',
					label: 'Hard Drive',
					heading: 'Hard Drive',
					script: 'global.ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'
					name: 'os',
					label: 'Operating System',
					heading: 'Operating System',
					script: 'global.ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'
				aggarray: [],
				btnarray: [],
				refmap: {},
				actarray: []

	type: 'ScriptedValueConfig2'

Finally, let’s make a copy of our last test page and call it scripted_value_test_2, and then edit the widget options to use our new configuration file. Now let’s jump out to the Service Portal and pull up the page and see what we have so far.

First test of our new portal page

So far, so good. Everything seems to work, but of course all we have in our new columns is the random numbers that we threw in there for demonstration purposes earlier. But that just means that all we have left to do now is to figure out what kind of script we need to pull out the actual variable values that are associated with each catalog item order. To begin, let’s map our variable names, which are also our column names, to their catalog item variable (question) sys_ids.

questionMap: {
	cpu: 'e46305fbc0a8010a01f7d51642fd6737',
	memory: 'e463064ac0a8010a01f7d516207cd5ab',
	drive: 'e4630669c0a8010a01f7d51690673603',
	os: 'e4630688c0a8010a01f7d516f68c1504'

This will allow us to use some common code for all of the columns by passing in the correct sys_id for the catalog item variable associated with that column.

getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
	var response = '';

	var column =;
	if (this.questionMap[column]) {
		response = this.getVariableValue(this.questionMap[column], item.sys_id);

	return response;

Now we need to build the getVariableValue function, which takes the sys_id of the question and the sys_id of the requested item as arguments. To locate the value selected for this question for this order, we use the sc_item_option_mtom table, which maps requested items to individual question responses.

getVariableValue: function(questionId, itemId) {
	var response = '';

	var mtomGR = new GlideRecord('sc_item_option_mtom');
	mtomGR.addQuery('request_item', itemId);
	mtomGR.addQuery('sc_item_option.item_option_new', questionId);
	if ( {
		response = mtomGR.getDisplayValue('sc_item_option.value');

	return response;

Now let’s save that and give the page another look.

Second test of our new portal page

Well, that’s better, but it is still not exactly what we want. The values that appear in the columns are the raw values for the variables, but what we would really like to see is the display value. To get that, we have to go all the way back to the original question choices and find the choice record that matches both the question and the answer. For that, you need the sys_id of the question and the value of the answer.

getDisplayValue: function(questionId, value) {
	var response = '';

	var choiceGR = new GlideRecord('question_choice');
	choiceGR.addQuery('question', questionId);
	choiceGR.addQuery('value', value);
	if ( {
		response = choiceGR.getDisplayValue('text');

	return response;

To utilize this new function, we have to tweak our getVariableValue function just a little bit to make the call.

getVariableValue: function(questionId, itemId) {
	var response = '';

	var mtomGR = new GlideRecord('sc_item_option_mtom');
	mtomGR.addQuery('request_item', itemId);
	mtomGR.addQuery('sc_item_option.item_option_new', questionId);
	if ( {
		var value = mtomGR.getDisplayValue('sc_item_option.value');
		if (value) {
			response = this.getDisplayValue(questionId, value);

	return response;

Now let’s take one more look at that page now that we have made these modifications.

Third and final test of our new portal page

That’s better! Now we have the same text in our columns that the user saw when placing the order, and that’s what we really want to see here. Or at least, that’s what I wanted to see. You may be interested in something completely different, but that’s the whole point of this approach. You can basically script whatever you want to put whatever you want to put in whatever column or columns you would like to define. These are just a couple of examples, but there really is no limit to what you might be able to do with a little imagination and some Javascript.

So here is the final version of our second close-to-real-world example value provider script:

var ScriptedCatalogValueProvider = Class.create();
ScriptedCatalogValueProvider.prototype = {
	initialize: function() {

	questionMap: {
		cpu: 'e46305fbc0a8010a01f7d51642fd6737',
		memory: 'e463064ac0a8010a01f7d516207cd5ab',
		drive: 'e4630669c0a8010a01f7d51690673603',
		os: 'e4630688c0a8010a01f7d516f68c1504'

	getScriptedValue: function(item, config) {
		var response = '';

		var column =;
		if (this.questionMap[column]) {
			response = this.getVariableValue(this.questionMap[column], item.sys_id);

		return response;

	getVariableValue: function(questionId, itemId) {
		var response = '';

		var mtomGR = new GlideRecord('sc_item_option_mtom');
		mtomGR.addQuery('request_item', itemId);
		mtomGR.addQuery('sc_item_option.item_option_new', questionId);
		if ( {
			var value = mtomGR.getDisplayValue('sc_item_option.value');
			if (value) {
				response = this.getDisplayValue(questionId, value);

		return response;

	getDisplayValue: function(questionId, value) {
		var response = '';

		var choiceGR = new GlideRecord('question_choice');
		choiceGR.addQuery('question', questionId);
		choiceGR.addQuery('value', value);
		if ( {
			response = choiceGR.getDisplayValue('text');

		return response;

	type: 'ScriptedCatalogValueProvider'

The added columns still do not align with the original columns, which I would like to fix before I build a new Update Set, and we still have a couple more wrapper widgets to address, but I think we are getting close. Maybe we can wrap this whole thing up in our next installment.