“Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.”
— Robin Sharma
It has been quite some time since we last dealt with this project, but now that our little side trip with the SNH Data Table collection has finally wrapped up, it’s time to get back into it. One of the things that I have always felt was missing in the work thus far was the logo images, both for the participating instances and the shared applications. To address that problem, I added a field called logo of type image to both the Member Organization and Member Application tables.

When you add a value to an image field on a record, it creates a related record on the sys_attachment table to store the image. This record will then have to be moved from one instance to another as part of the instance registration, application publishing, and instance syncing processes. This will involve quite a bit of work, so let’s break it all down and make sure that we have covered everything before we start getting into the code.
The logo on the Member Organization record will be entered by the operator when the instance is defined. The logo on the Member Application record, on the other hand, will come from the logo associated with the Scoped Application. We will need to add logic to the application publishing process to snag the image from the Scoped Application record and add it to the application record. Once the images have been included in their respective records, we will then need to add logic to any process that moves those records from one instance to another. This includes Client instances sending artifacts over to the Host as well as Host instances sending artifacts out to the individual Clients. We already created a set of stock processes for moving individual artifacts from instance to instance when we built the periodic sync process, but we never went back and updated the original processes to use those new stock processes, so now would probably a good time to address that, since we will be working with that code anyway.
So, it would probably be a good idea to make a quick list of all of things that will need to be done to fully integrate the images into all of the various processes involved with the app. To help organize the list, let’s break it down by the major functions of the application:
Registration Process
The instance registration process is where you define your instance, so this process will need to include the ability to upload a logo to be associated with the instance. Additionally, once the image has been uploaded, the process that registers the instance with the Host will need to be modified to send the image over once the instance record has been established, and the process that shares the new instance with all of the other instances will need to do that as well.
Application Publishing Process
Publishing an application sends the application to the Host, which in turn sends it out to all of the other instances in the community. These processes will also have to be updated to send over the image associated with the app after the application record has been established on the target instance.
Application Installation Process
The installation process establishes the Scoped Application record on the installing instance, so this process will need to be modified to add the application’s logo image to that record once it has been created. This should be a fairly straightforward attachment copy, but making that copy needs to be part of the installation process.
Instance Sync Process
The instance sync process runs periodically to ensure that all of the Client instances are in sync with the Host instance, and it sends over any missing artifacts that are not already present on a Client. This process will need to be modified to send over an instance logo when it sends over an instance record and to send over an application logo whenever it sends over an application record.
None of these modifications should be too complicated or difficult, but the work still needs to be undertaken, completed, and tested. And, as mentioned earlier, this will also be an excellent opportunity to refactor the code to use the stock functions that were created when building the instance sync process, so that work will need to be completed as well. Even though there shouldn’t be anything here that should present much of challenge, there is still a lot to get done here, so let’s get right to it next time out.