“There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third works.”
— Alan J. Perlis
Now that we have all of the Javascript functions needed to push a new application version out to all of the Client instances, we need to create an Action that will call the root function and then create a Subflow that will utilize the new Action. Since we already created a similar Action for the process that shares new Client instances with existing Client instances, the easiest thing to do will be to bring that guy up in the Flow Designer and make a copy. To make a copy, pull up the Action that you want to copy, and use the ellipses menu to select Copy from the drop-down menu.

Once we have our copy, we need to make the necessary changes to adapt it to our purpose. The publishNewVersion function that we just created takes three arguments (newVersion, targetInstance, and attachmentId), so we will need to modify the Action Inputs to bring in those values. The new Action Inputs now look like this:

Similarly, we will need to modify the Input Variables of the Script Step to pass along these values:

The last thing that we need to do is modify the script itself. The existing script in the cloned Action was pretty simple, as it was just a call to one of our Script Include functions:
(function execute(inputs, outputs) {
var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
csu.publishNewInstance(inputs.new_instance, inputs.target_instance);
})(inputs, outputs);
We also want to call a function, and it is in the very same Script Include, so our modification is just a matter of changing the name of the function along with the arguments passed.
(function execute(inputs, outputs) {
var csu = new CollaborationStoreUtils();
csu.publishNewVersion(inputs.new_version, inputs.target_instance, inputs.attachment_id);
})(inputs, outputs);
That’s it for the changes, so now all we have to do is Save and Publish the new Action and we are ready to utilize it in our new Subflow. Creating the Subflow will be another Copy operation, this time from our existing New_Collaboration_Store_Instance Subflow. We’ll call our copy Distribute_New_Application_Version, and once again, we will need to make some modifications to adapt it to our new purpose. The original Subflow had a single input, the New Instance. Instead of a new instance, we will be distributing a new application version, so we can replace the New Instance input with a New Version input that will contain the sys_id of the new version record. We will also need the sys_id of the Attachment record, so we will add an Attachment ID input as well.

The target instances for this process will be the same as those for the original Subflow: all instances in the community except for the Host instance and the instance from which the data was provided (which could also be the Host in this case, since Host instances can publish applications just like any other Client instance). To filter out the data providing instance, we will need to add a new step to use the passed version record sys_id to fetch the GlideRecord that will lead us to the instance that produced the application.

This gives us the information that we need to complete the filter on the query of the instance table so that we can gather up all of the instances except for the Host and the instance that produced the application.

Now all we need to do is to replace the original custom Action inside of the loop with the new Action that we just created.

This completes the changes needed to the cloned Subflow, so again, all we need to do is to Save and Publish and we are all ready to go. Now all we need to is to come up with a way to launch this Subflow whenever a new application version is sent over to the Host instance. We’ll take a look at that next time out, and hopefully release a new Update Set as well so that those of you that have been kind enough to participate in the testing can give this all a trial run.