“You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand new ending.”
— James R. Sherman
Now that we have dealt with the two Script Include functions that were referenced in the Save process, we can return to our widget and address the Set-up process. A number of things have to happen in the Set-up process, including saving the user’s input in the database, creating a service account in the User table for authenticated REST API activities, and in the case of a client instance, we need to register the client with the specified Host instance. We will need to build out the other side of that registration process as well, which will include sharing the new instance information with all of the existing instances as well as sharing all of the existing instances with the new client. That’s quite a bit of work, but we’ll take it all on one piece at a time.
One of the first things that we will want to do, regardless of which type of instance we are setting up, is to save the user’s input. That’s pretty basic GlideRecord stuff, but let’s lay it all out here just the same.
mbrGR.active = true;
mbrGR.instance = thisInstance;
mbrGR.name = data.instance_name;
mbrGR.email = data.email;
mbrGR.description = data.description;
mbrGR.name = data.instance_name;
if (data.instance_type == 'host') {
mbrGR.host = true;
mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
gs.setProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance', thisInstance);
} else {
mbrGR.host = false;
gs.setProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance', data.host_instance_id);
Most data fields are the same for both Host and Client instances, but a Host instance gets the host field set to true and the accepted date valued, while the Client instance gets the host field set to false and the accepted date is not valued until the registration process is successful.
Now that we have entered the user’s input into the database, we will want to perform additional actions depending on the type of instance. For a Client instance, we will want to register the Client with the Host, and for the purpose of this widget, we can just assume for now that there is a function in our Script Include that handles all of the heavy lifting for that operation.
var resp = csu.registerWithHost(mbrGR);
That simple function call represents a lot of work, but it’s code that we really don’t want cluttering up our widget, so we will stuff it all into the Script Include and worry about building it all out later. We will want to check on how it all came out though, because if it was successful, we will want to update the accepted date for the instance and add the Host instance to our database table as well. Again, this is all pretty standard GlideRecord stuff, so nothing really exciting to see here.
mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
mbrGR.instance = input.store_info.instance;
mbrGR.accepted = input.store_info.accepted;
mbrGR.description = input.store_info.description;
mbrGR.name = input.store_info.name;
mbrGR.email = input.store_info.email;
mbrGR.active = true;
mbrGR.host = true;
If the registration process was not successful though, we will want delete the record that we just created, inform the user of the error, and cycle the phase back to 1 to start all over again.
var errMsg = resp.error;
if (resp.body && resp.body.result && resp.body.result.error) {
errMsg = resp.body.result.error.message + ': ' + resp.body.result.error.detail;
data.validationError = true;
One of the things that will happen during the registration process in the Script Include will be to create the Service Account to be used for authenticated REST API calls to the instance. Since the registration process is only called for Client instances, we will need to handle that directly when setting up a Host instance. Once again, we can assume that there is a Script Include function that handles that process, which greatly simplifies the code in the widget.
Putting it all together, the entire server side Javascript code for the set-up process now looks like this:
function setupProcess() {
gs.setProperty('x_11556_col_store.store_name', data.store_name);
mbrGR.active = true;
mbrGR.instance = thisInstance;
mbrGR.name = data.instance_name;
mbrGR.email = data.email;
mbrGR.description = data.description;
mbrGR.name = data.instance_name;
if (data.instance_type == 'host') {
mbrGR.host = true;
mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
gs.setProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance', thisInstance);
} else {
mbrGR.host = false;
gs.setProperty('x_11556_col_store.host_instance', data.host_instance_id);
if (data.instance_type == 'host') {
} else {
var resp = csu.registerWithHost(mbrGR);
if (resp.responseCode == '202') {
mbrGR.accepted = new GlideDateTime();
mbrGR.instance = input.store_info.instance;
mbrGR.accepted = input.store_info.accepted;
mbrGR.description = input.store_info.description;
mbrGR.name = input.store_info.name;
mbrGR.email = input.store_info.email;
mbrGR.active = true;
mbrGR.host = true;
} else {
var errMsg = resp.error;
if (resp.body && resp.body.result && resp.body.result.error) {
errMsg = resp.body.result.error.message + ': ' + resp.body.result.error.detail;
data.validationError = true;
That’s it for the work on the widget itself. Of course, we still have a lot of work to do to both complete the referenced Script Include functions that do not yet exist, and to build out the registration process that one of those functions will be calling. There is a lot to choose from there for the subject of our next installment, but when the time comes, we will pick something and dive in.