Fun with Webhooks, Part II

“Well done is better than well said.”
Benjamin Franklin

Now that we have the idea fairly well formulated, it’s time to get to work. The first thing that we need to do is create our Scoped Application, which you can do by navigating to My Company Applications and then clicking on the Create new button in the upper right-hand corner. I still use the classic UI rather than the Studio, so you may approach this task a little differently, but the end result should be the same.

New Simple Webhook Application

At this point, I have just created the most basic of empty shells. There are no modules or tables or roles or any other artifacts … it’s basically just the bare application record itself. Creating the app does create a scope, and also puts you into that scope, so as long as you don’t change that, everything that you do from this point on will be built in that scope. The first thing that we will want to build is the database table for our registry, which we can do by navigating to System Definition -> Tables and clicking on the New button.

New Webhook Registry table

Once you give it a Label it will generate the appropriate name, and the next thing that you are going to want to do is to uncheck the Create module option, as we only want the table at this point and we don’t need all of those other artifacts generated. We want to give our registrations an ID using the platform’s built-in tools, so we will want to create a field labeled Number of type String and put the following in the Default value:


We have a number of other columns to define, but let’s save this for now and go set up our auto-numbering before we forget. To do that, navigate to System Definition -> Number Maintenance and click on the New button. Select our new table from the list and then let’s set the Prefix to WHR for Webhook Registry,

Setting up auto-numbering for our new Webhook Registry table

With that out of the way, we can go back to our table and add the rest of the fields. Here are the ones that I added to get things started:

  • Active – True/False, with default of True
  • Table – Table Name, with default of incident
  • Owner – Reference to the sys_user table
  • Type – String, with four initial choices (Single Item, Caller / Requester, Assignment Group, and Assignee)
  • URL – URL
  • Authentication – String, with two initial choices (None and Basic)
  • User Name – String
  • Password – Password
  • Document ID – Document ID
  • Person – Reference to the sys_user table
  • Group – Reference to the sys_user_group table

We may add a few more later on as we add new features, but this will get us by for now. Event though my intent is to focus solely on the Incident table for now, I went ahead and added the Table column and just defaulted it to Incident. That was mainly so that I could use as the Dependent field on the Document ID field. If you have never worked with Document ID fields before, you can just think of them as a special form of Reference field where you don’t have to specify the table that is being referenced. Instead, you point to another field on the record that contains the name of the table. This way, one of your records can reference one table and another record in that same table can reference a different table, all based on the table specified in the Dependent field. To set up the Dependent field, use the Dependent Field tab on the Dictionary Entry for the Document ID field.

Document ID Dependent field specification

After entering all of the fields, I used the Show form link at the bottom of the page to bring up the form for the new table. Using the Configure -> Form Layout option, I rearranged the fields on the screen to my liking, and then removed the Table field completely, as that will default to Incident for now and we don’t want anyone changing it to anything else at this point.

After getting everything laid out just right, the next thing that I did was to add a few UI Policies to control certain fields based on the value in other fields. For example, I hide the User Name and Password fields unless you set the Authentication to Basic. Similarly, the presence of the Document ID, Group, and Person fields are all dependent on the value of the Type field. Basically, this just hides fields that are not needed and reveals them when they are.

The other things that I wanted to do on this form was to give the user the ability to test their URL. That seemed like a good use for a new UI Action, but rather than putting all of the code for that process in the Action itself, I decided to start a Script Include to house these types of utilitarian functions. Putting all of that together seems like a good exercise for our next installment in this series, so this looks like a good stopping point for now.