“No one has a problem with the first mile of a journey. Even an infant could do fine for a while. But it isn’t the start that matters. It’s the finish line.”
— Julien Smith
After our last installment in this series, our Events now spawn Incidents that are pretty much just what we would like to see. The only remaining challenge at this point is to create a meaningful Description field value. Although we have set things up to produce this Description in a Script Include function, I should point out right here at the outset that everything that we are about to do in our script could also be accomplished in the Flow Designer itself. In fact, it probably should be done using the Flow Designer if we are to fully embrace the whole no-code future towards which we all seem to be herded. I’m still an old coder at heart, though, so it seems easier to me to scratch out another quick function than it does to build out all of those action steps using input forms. Still, it would probably be a worthwhile exercise to replace this script with a subflow one day; today is just not that day. Today we code!
Although we are passing the Alert to our function as an argument, much of the data we need is actually in the Event that spawned the Alert, so the first thing that we are going to want to do is go out and get that guy. That’s pretty basic GlideRecord stuff.
// get initial Event
var eventGR = new GlideRecord('em_event');
eventGR.addQuery('alert', alertGR);
Since it is possible that there could be more than one Event associated with our Alert, we include an orderBy directive to ensure that we get the very first Event out of the bunch. Once we have our Event in hand, we will have access to the additional_info JSON string, which we will want to convert to a Javascript object so that we can reference all of the various component parts.
// get addition info from Event
var additionalInfo = {};
try {
additionalInfo = JSON.parse(eventGR.getValue('additional_info'));
} catch (e) {
gs.info('Unable to parse additonal_info from Event ' + eventGR.number);
We also have access to the Event resource, which in our case is a User’s user_name. We can use that to get the sys_user record for that user, much in the same way that we retrieved the Event record.
// get affected User record
var userGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
userGR.get('user_name', alertGR.getValue('resource'));
This assumes, of course, that the only place that we using our address validation capability is on the User Profile page. If we ever expand its use to other places — say on the Building or Location form — then we would need to have some way to know whether the resource was a User or a Location or a Building or some other entity with an address to validate. Based on that information, we might be retrieving a Building record or a Location record instead of a User record. For now, though, we can safely assume that the resource is a User.
Now that we have gathered up all of the data that we need, we can start building out our Description. To begin, let’s start out with something that will be universal to all of our Incidents, regardless of the problem being reported.
// format description
var alertDesc = alertGR.getDisplayValue('description');
var section = '\n========================================\n';
var subsection = '\n----------------------------------------\n';
desc += additionalInfo.user.name;
desc += ' attempted to update the address on the user profile for user ';
desc += userGR.getDisplayValue('name');
desc += ', but was unable to verify the address using the US Address Validation service due to the following error:\n\n';
desc += alertDesc;
desc += '\n\nIncident Details:';
desc += section;
Beyond this point, we are going to want to be a little more specific based on what actually happened to trigger the Event. We can do that by introducing some conditional code based on the known values found in the Alert’s description field.
if (alertDesc.startsWith('The response code')) {
// bad response code language will go here
} else if (alertDesc.startsWith('The response object')) {
// bad response object language will go here
} else if (alertDesc.startsWith('The response content')) {
// bad response content language will go here
} else {
// we should never get here, but just in case ...
Since most of the Events that we have triggered up to this point have been of the bad response code variety, let’s do those first.
if (!additionalInfo.response.code) {
desc += 'No response was received from the service, which could be an indication that the service is unavailable or unreachable. Check the status or the external service as well as the status of your connection to the Internet.';
} else if (additionalInfo.response.code == 401) {
desc += 'A Response Code of 401 indicates an authentication error of some kind. Verify that your account credentials are correct and that your account is in good standing with the service provider.';
} else {
desc += 'The service returned a Response Code of ';
desc += additionalInfo.response.code;
desc += '. Additional information on the meaning of this response may be found in the Response Body. Also, you can check with the service provider for further clarification on the appropriate handling of this response.';
desc += '\n\nDetailed information on the ';
desc += additionalInfo.response.code;
desc += ' Response Code can be found on the web at https://httpstatuses.com/';
desc += additionalInfo.response.code;
This gives us specialized language for no response code at all, and a response code of 401. Everything else is handled in a more generalized section that covers any other bad response code. As more knowledge of the potential response codes becomes available through experience with the service, more specialized language can be added that can be more specific to other known response codes.
Now let’s take a look at what we can do for bad response objects.
desc += 'The service returned a valid Response Code and a parsable response, but the response did not contain certain expected elements necessary to determine the validity of the address. Review the response received and check with the service provider to see if anything has changed with the API specifications.';
That one is about as simple as you can get; everyone gets the same language. For the bad response content issues, things are a little bit more sophisticated. Everyone still gets the same language, but there is a possibility for an exception with this group, so we include code to handle that as well.
desc += 'The service returned a valid Response Code, but the response was either empty or ill-formatted. Review the response received and check with the service provider to see if the service is experiencing problems, or if anything has changed with the API specifications.';
if (additionalInfo.exception) {
desc += '\n\nException Details:';
desc += subsection;
desc += ' Exception: ';
desc += additionalInfo.exception;
desc += '\n Stack Trace:\n';
desc += additionalInfo.stackTrace;
Once we complete all of the conditional logic, we wrap things up with some more universal code that applies to everyone. This just serves to include the user’s input and the service’s response at the end of the body of the Description field for reference.
desc += '\n\nAddress Details:';
desc += subsection;
desc += ' Street: ';
desc += additionalInfo.input.street;
desc += '\n City: ';
desc += additionalInfo.input.city;
desc += '\n State: ';
desc += additionalInfo.input.state;
desc += '\n Zip Code: ';
desc += additionalInfo.input.zip;
desc += '\n\nResponse Details:';
desc += subsection;
desc += ' Response Code: ';
desc += additionalInfo.response.code;
desc += '\n Response Body: ';
desc += additionalInfo.response.content;
if (additionalInfo.response.object) {
desc += '\n Response Object: ';
desc += JSON.stringify(additionalInfo.response.object, null, '\t');
There is still more helpful information that we could add, such as links to the service provider’s documentation, or in the case of the 401 error, the names of the system properties that contain the credentials, but this is good enough for a sample. Let’s just save what we have and then trigger another Event and see what comes out the other side.

Well, that’s much, much better than the description that the original Create Incident flow was producing. It’s not perfect, but I think it does provide the person receiving the Incident enough details about both what happened and what might be done about it that they can get to work on the ticket right away without a whole lot of research. Obviously, it can be fine-tuned over time, but this is a good foundation upon which to build for this particular use case.
That pretty much wraps up all that I had hoped to accomplish with this series. It took us 10 installments to get here, but much of that was due to the fact that we had to build out our own address validation infrastructure before we could use it to demonstrate applying Event Management tools and techniques to internal ServiceNow features and functions. For those of you who like to play along at home, I have bundled what I hope are all of the relevant parts and pieces into an Update Set that you are welcome to pull down and import into your own environment.