Customizing the Data Table Widget, Part V

“Quality is not an act; it is a habit.”

In order to test my Data Table buttons and icons, I’m going to need a way to trigger both options, navigating to a new page and processing the global broadcast. Since my initial test page was configured to use the sys_user table, bouncing over to the User Profile page seems like easiest thing to do to demonstrate the first. But, to demonstrate the second, I’m going to have to create another widget, one that I will build just to prove that the other option works as well. Before we do that, though, let’s set up the button configuration JSON object to create one button and one icon, and have one implement the first option and the other implement the second. That will set things up for our testing.

      "hint":"Clicking this button should take you to the User Profile page"
      "hint":"Clicking this icon should open a modal pop-up"

We can enter that configuration using the Page Designer and clicking on the Edit icon (pencil) to bring up the options screen:

Entering the button configuration in the widget options panel

With that configured, we can actually test the button right away, as that one is configured to branch to another page (user_profile). We can’t test the icon, though, until we build a widget to listen for the broadcast.

So, I went over to the Service Portal Widgets list and clicked on the New button to create a net new widget to listen for the broadcast message. The only things this widget will do is listen and take action, so I didn’t need a Body HTML template and I didn’t need a Server script, so I just left those blank. For the Client controller, I just entered this:

function(spModal, $rootScope) {
	var c = this;
	$rootScope.$on('', function(e, parms) {{widget: 'user-profile', widgetInput: {sys_id: parms.record.sys_id}}).then(function() {

This was about a simple as I could think of and still test out the process. Unfortunately, when I tested it, it didn’t work. It turns out that the stock user-profile widget cannot accept a sys_id from input. Well, that’s easily enough fixed, but I had to clone the user-profile widget to add in the code, and then I had to have my new listener widget launch the cloned snh-user-profile widget instead of the original. Now, that worked.

Modal pop-up opened by example listener widget

The listener widget has no HTML body, so you can pretty much drag it anywhere on the page. Once it shares the page with the customized Data Table widget, it will be able to pick up the broadcast and do whatever it is that you want to do. My example just checks for a ‘button-click’ event, but if you have more than one button on your page, you may also what to check to see which button was clicked before you take any action. I’ll leave that to those of you who want to try all this out on your own.

One unfortunate bit of bad news, though: in the process of testing all of this out, I clicked on one of the column headings to sort the list and my buttons disappeared. That was deflating! That’s why we pull on all of the levers and twist all of the dials, though. It’s important to check everything out thoroughly. Still, I hate to be reminded that I don’t really know what I am doing. It will probably take me a while to dig around, find the source of the problem, and come up with a viable solution. Still, I did promise to publish an Update Set soon, so I think I am going to go ahead and do that, even though this version violates Rule #1. If you don’t mind playing around with something that is obviously broken, you can get the version 1.0 Update Set here. Just be aware that there is a flaw that has yet to be corrected. Speaking of which, I better get busy diagnosing and correcting that problem.